(MC 1.17-1.20) Version 1.5.0 provides an entirely new codebase, including sweeping optimizations.
Auto-Updating Config: A new auto-updating config intelligently adjusts to missing config options while preserving old settings, including comments and descriptions. Additionally, text placeholders were added for additional config customization.
New Config Options: "PeriodicReminders"allows players to recieve custom reminders of their passive state on a custom interval.
New Commands: /passive toggle <player>allows admins to forcefully alter a player's passive state assuming they have the permission passivemode.toggleothers. /passive reload has been fixed and allows server owners to reload config settings while the server's running!
Version 1.5.0 provides an entirely new codebase, including sweeping optimizations.
Auto-Updating Config: A new auto-updating config intelligently adjusts to missing config options while preserving old settings, including comments and descriptions. Additionally, text placeholders were added for additional config customization.
New Config Options: "PeriodicReminders"allows players to recieve custom reminders of their passive state on a custom interval.
New Commands: /passive toggle <player>allows admins to forcefully alter a player's passive state assuming they have the permission passivemode.toggleothers. /passive reload has been fixed and allows server owners to reload config settings while the server's running!
Version 1.4.0 re-organizes and optimizes the entire plugin, remodels the config in addition to adding the new "PassiveByDefault" option, and accounts for trident attacks.
A player can no longer attack a player in passive mode using a trident nor can a player in passive mode attack a player with a trident.
"PassiveByDefault" allows admins to set whether a user should be passive by default when they log in.
Although updating the config.yml is recommended, any new config options will be added automatically, albeit without comments or descriptions.
Update 1.2.0 adds a new feature which, if you have
EssentialsX installed, automatically sets a player to passive mode when they are
AFK. This feature was suggested by the community. Thank you!