PassiveMode VERSION 1.5.0 | NEW UPDATE PassiveModeadds the command/passive, which allows players to toggle between pvp and non-pvp with ease!
This requires no configuration although offers optional cooldown and customized messages to fit the plugin to your server. Your mode persists through restarts as well, making this a very simple and lag free to integrate into YOUR server! This would likely be used in a semi vanilla, towny, or faction server allowing aggressive and passive players to co-exist peacefully.
Simply install the jar, add it into your plugins folder, and when the server is ran, it will create a folder "PassiveMode" which includes the configuration "config.yml" and a file that stores whether players are in Passive Mode; "passive.yml".
- Permission to use /passive: passivemode.passive - Permission to use /passive toggle <player>: passivemode.toggleothers - Permission to bypass cooldown: passivemode.cooldownbypass - Permission to use /passive reload: passive.reload
ConfigVersion: "1.2"
General Options
#These are all the options involving cooldown.
# This determines whether the player must wait to enter or leave passive mode. (The server must restart/reload for this change to take effect)
CooldownActive: true
# If CooldownActive is true, then this determines the cooldown length in seconds.
CooldownTime: 5
# This determines the message you get when requesting to enter PassiveMode (Dependent on CooldownActive) #Note: Use %seconds% as a placeholder for the cooldown expiration time in game.
CooldownEnterMessage: '&6[&4PassiveMode&6]&e You will enter &6passive mode &ein &4%seconds% seconds.'
# This determines the message you get when requesting to leave PassiveMode (Dependent on CooldownActive) #Note: Use %seconds% as a placeholder for the cooldown expiration time in game.
CooldownExitMessage: '&6[&4PassiveMode&6]&e You will exit &6passive mode &ein &4%seconds% seconds.'
# This determines whether you can move during the passive command cooldown. (The server must restart/reload for this change to take effect)
#This determines how long (in seconds) it will take for a player to enter passive mode once afk.
CooldownPassiveAfterAfkDelay: 5
#This determines whether a new player is passive by default:
PassiveByDefault: false
Message Options
#This determines the message you recieve when you actually enter and leave passive mode (Always applicable)
PassiveEnterMessage: '&6[&4PassiveMode&6]&e You have entered &6passive mode!' PassiveLeaveMessage: '&6[&4PassiveMode&6]&e You have left &6passive mode!'
#This is the message players will recieve when they try to attack someone in passive mode.
AttackPassiveMessage: '&6[&4PassiveMode&6]&e This player is in &6passive mode!'
#This is the message players will recieve when they attempt to attack someone WHILE in passive mode.
AttackWhilePassiveMessage: "&6[&4PassiveMode&6]&e You cannot attack while in &6passive mode!"
PVP Cooldown Options
#This determines whether a player can toggle passive mode while engaged in pvp.
PVPCooldown: true #This determines the message you get when a player is still waiting for the pvp cooldown:
PVPCooldownMessage: '&4You cannot use /passive during pvp! Please wait %seconds% more seconds.'
#This decides the length of time (in seconds) a player must wait between hitting a player and using the /passive command:
PVPCooldownLength: 5
Passive Mode Reminders
#This determines whether player recieve a message when they join your server and are still in passivemode.
RecievePassiveJoinMessage: true
#This determines the message players recieve when they join your server and are still in passive mode.
JoinWhenPassiveMessage: "&a&lYou are still in &6&lpassive mode&a&l. Type &6&l/passive &a<o leave."
#Determines whether players recieve periodic reminders that they are in passive mode (sent via an action bar).
PeriodicReminders: true
#Determines how often players recieve their reminder (seconds). #Note: Setting this to below 3 will essentially leave a constant reminder.
PeriodicRemindersPeriod: 15
#Determines how often players recieve their reminder (seconds).
PeriodicRemindersMessage: "&a&lYou are still in &6&lpassive mode&a&l. Type &6&l/passive &a<o leave."
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