Parties - An advanced parties manager icon

Parties - An advanced parties manager -----

Parties is an advanced parties manager for your Bukkit/Spigot, BungeeCord and Velocity

Read the full changelog here.

Parties 3.2.0:
What is changed?

There are a lot of API changes, most important ones are Velocity API and methods for new features.

Finally Velocity proxy and Redis are now supported, report any issue on Discord and I will fix it asap.

The experience system has been reworked, removed drop system for an upcoming addon that improves it. It wasn't used anymore. Experience can be handled via API.
----------, Nov 8, 2024

Read the full changelog here.

Parties 3.2.0:
What is changed?

There are a lot of API changes, most important ones are Velocity API and methods for new features.

Finally Velocity proxy and Redis are now supported, report any issue on Discord and I will fix it asap.

The experience system has been reworked, removed drop system for an upcoming addon that improves it. It wasn't used anymore. Experience can be handled via API.
----------, Dec 20, 2023

Read the full changelog here.

If you are using 3.2.15, please return to use 3.2.14.

Parties 3.2.0:
What is changed?

There are a lot of API changes, most important ones are Velocity API and methods for new features.

Finally Velocity proxy and Redis are now supported, report any issue on Discord and I will fix it asap.

The experience system has been reworked, removed drop system for an upcoming addon that improves it. It wasn't used anymore. Experience can be handled via API.
----------, Dec 4, 2023

Read the full changelog here.

Parties 3.2.0:
What is changed?

There are a lot of API changes, most important ones are Velocity API and methods for new features.

Finally Velocity proxy and Redis are now supported, report any issue on Discord and I will fix it asap.

The experience system has been reworked, removed drop system for an upcoming addon that improves it. It wasn't used anymore. Experience can be handled via API.
----------, Dec 2, 2023

Read the full changelog here.

Parties 3.2.0:
What is changed?

There are a lot of API changes, most important ones are Velocity API and methods for new features.

Finally Velocity proxy and Redis are now supported, report any issue on Discord and I will fix it asap.

The experience system has been reworked, removed drop system for an upcoming addon that improves it. It wasn't used anymore. Experience can be handled via API.
----------, Oct 18, 2023

Read the full changelog here.

Parties 3.2.0:
What is changed?

There are a lot of API changes, most important ones are Velocity API and methods for new features.

Finally Velocity proxy and Redis are now supported, report any issue on Discord and I will fix it asap.

The experience system has been reworked, removed drop system for an upcoming addon that improves it. It wasn't used anymore. Experience can be handled via API.
----------, Sep 27, 2023

Read the full changelog here.

Parties 3.2.0:
What is changed?

There are a lot of API changes, most important ones are Velocity API and methods for new features.

Finally Velocity proxy and Redis are now supported, report any issue on Discord and I will fix it asap.

The experience system has been reworked, removed drop system for an upcoming addon that improves it. It wasn't used anymore. Experience can be handled via API.
----------, Aug 10, 2023

Read the full changelog here.

Parties 3.2.0:
What is changed?

There are a lot of API changes, most important ones are Velocity API and methods for new features.

Finally Velocity proxy and Redis are now supported, report any issue on Discord and I will fix it asap.

The experience system has been reworked, removed drop system for an upcoming addon that improves it. It wasn't used anymore. Experience can be handled via API.
----------, Aug 6, 2023

Read the full changelog here.

Parties 3.2.0:
What is changed?

There are a lot of API changes, most important ones are Velocity API and methods for new features.

Finally Velocity proxy and Redis are now supported, report any issue on Discord and I will fix it asap.

The experience system has been reworked, removed drop system for an upcoming addon that improves it. It wasn't used anymore. Experience can be handled via API.
----------, Aug 4, 2023

Read the full changelog here.

Parties 3.2.0:
What is changed?

There are a lot of API changes, most important ones are Velocity API and methods for new features.

Finally Velocity proxy and Redis are now supported, report any issue on Discord and I will fix it asap.

The experience system has been reworked, removed drop system for an upcoming addon that improves it. It wasn't used anymore. Experience can be handled via API.
----------, Jan 6, 2023

Read the full changelog here.

Parties 3.2.0:
What is changed?

There are a lot of API changes, most important ones are Velocity API and methods for new features.

Finally Velocity proxy and Redis are now supported, report any issue on Discord and I will fix it asap.

The experience system has been reworked, removed drop system for an upcoming addon that improves it. It wasn't used anymore. Experience can be handled via API.
----------, Jan 2, 2023

Read the full changelog here.

Parties 3.2.0:
What is changed?

There are a lot of API changes, most important ones are Velocity API and methods for new features.

Finally Velocity proxy and Redis are now supported, report any issue on Discord and I will fix it asap.

The experience system has been reworked, removed drop system for an upcoming addon that improves it. It wasn't used anymore. Experience can be handled via API.
----------, Dec 23, 2022

Read the full changelog here.

Parties 3.2.0:
What is changed?

There are a lot of API changes, most important ones are Velocity API and methods for new features.

Finally Velocity proxy and Redis are now supported, report any issue on Discord and I will fix it asap.

The experience system has been reworked, removed drop system for an upcoming addon that improves it. It wasn't used anymore. Experience can be handled via API.
----------, Jun 17, 2022

Read the full changelog here.

Parties 3.2.0:
What is changed?

There are a lot of API changes, most important ones are Velocity API and methods for new features.

Finally Velocity proxy and Redis are now supported, report any issue on Discord and I will fix it asap.

The experience system has been reworked, removed drop system for an upcoming addon that improves it. It wasn't used anymore. Experience can be handled via API.
----------, May 9, 2022

Read the full changelog here.

Parties 3.2.0:
What is changed?

There are a lot of API changes, most important ones are Velocity API and methods for new features.

Finally Velocity proxy and Redis are now supported, report any issue on Discord and I will fix it asap.

The experience system has been reworked, removed drop system for an upcoming addon that improves it. It wasn't used anymore. Experience can be handled via API.
----------, Apr 7, 2022

Read the full changelog here.

Parties 3.2.0:
What is changed?

There are a lot of API changes, most important ones are Velocity API and methods for new features.

Finally Velocity proxy and Redis are now supported, report any issue on Discord and I will fix it asap.

The experience system has been reworked, removed drop system for an upcoming addon that improves it. It wasn't used anymore. Experience can be handled via API.
----------, Mar 24, 2022

Read the full changelog here.

Parties 3.2.0:
What is changed?

There are a lot of API changes, most important ones are Velocity API and methods for new features.

Finally Velocity proxy and Redis are now supported, report any issue on Discord and I will fix it asap.

The experience system has been reworked, removed drop system for an upcoming addon that improves it. It wasn't used anymore. Experience can be handled via API.
----------, Mar 20, 2022

Read the full changelog here.

Parties 3.2.0:
What is changed?

There are a lot of API changes, most important ones are Velocity API and methods for new features.

Finally Velocity proxy and Redis are now supported, report any issue on Discord and I will fix it asap.

The experience system has been reworked, removed drop system for an upcoming addon that improves it. It wasn't used anymore. Experience can be handled via API.
----------, Mar 18, 2022

This update contains database changes, backup before update.

What is changed?

There are a lot of API changes, most important ones are Velocity API and methods for new features.

Finally Velocity proxy and Redis are now supported, report any issue on Discord and I will fix it asap.

The experience system has been reworked, removed drop system for an upcoming addon that improves it. It wasn't used anymore. Experience can be handled via API.

Read the full changelog here.
----------, Mar 17, 2022

Read the full changelog here.

Parties 3.1.0:
What is changed?

The command system has been improved with a new configuration and aliases! Support for GriefDefender and some changes/fixes.
----------, Dec 9, 2021

Read the full changelog here.

Parties 3.1.0:
What is changed?

The command system has been improved with a new configuration and aliases! Support for GriefDefender and some changes/fixes.
----------, Nov 30, 2021

Read the full changelog here.

Parties 3.1.0:
What is changed?

The command system has been improved with a new configuration and aliases! Support for GriefDefender and some changes/fixes.
----------, Nov 30, 2021

Warning: Some placeholders are changed, check the changelog!

Read the full changelog here.

Parties 3.1.0:
What is changed?

The command system has been improved with a new configuration and aliases! Support for GriefDefender and some changes/fixes.
----------, Sep 29, 2021

Read the full changelog here.

Parties 3.1.0:
What is changed?

The command system has been improved with a new configuration and aliases! Support for GriefDefender and some changes/fixes.
----------, Sep 9, 2021

Read the full changelog here.

Parties 3.1.0:
What is changed?

The command system has been improved with a new configuration and aliases! Support for GriefDefender and some changes/fixes.
----------, Aug 21, 2021

Warning: Some placeholders are changed, take a look to the changelog!

Read the full changelog here.

Parties 3.1.0:
What is changed?

The command system has been improved with a new configuration and aliases! Support for GriefDefender and some changes/fixes.
----------, Aug 4, 2021

Now the plugin have only 1 jar (like before) for Java 8 to 16 ;)
Delete the folder plugins/Parties/libraries before updating!

Read the full changelog here.

Parties 3.1.0:
What is changed?

The command system has been improved with a new configuration and aliases! Support for GriefDefender and some changes/fixes.
----------, Jul 2, 2021

Now the plugin have only 1 jar (like before) for Java 8 to 16 ;)
Delete the folder plugins/Parties/libraries before updating!

Read the full changelog here.

Parties 3.1.0:
What is changed?

The command system has been improved with a new configuration and aliases! Support for GriefDefender and some changes/fixes.
----------, Jul 1, 2021

Java 16 (and 1.17) is now supported!
There are 2 jars now, use the second (newer) only if you are using latest 1.16 or 1.17 with Java 16!

Read the full changelog here.

Parties 3.1.0:
What is changed?

The command system has been improved with a new configuration and aliases! Support for GriefDefender and some changes/fixes.
----------, Jun 16, 2021

Java 16 (and 1.17) is now supported!
There are 2 jars now, use the second (newer) only if you are using latest 1.16 or 1.17 with Java 16!

Read the full changelog here.

Parties 3.1.0:
What is changed?

The command system has been improved with a new configuration and aliases! Support for GriefDefender and some changes/fixes.
----------, Jun 15, 2021

Java 16 (and 1.17) is now supported!
There are 2 jars now, use the second (newer) only if you are using latest 1.16 or 1.17 with Java 16!

Read the full changelog here.

Parties 3.1.0:
What is changed?

The command system has been improved with a new configuration and aliases! Support for GriefDefender and some changes/fixes.
----------, Jun 15, 2021

Java 16 (and 1.17) is now supported!
There are 2 jars now, use the second (newer) only if you are using latest 1.16 or 1.17 with Java 16!

Read the full changelog here.

Parties 3.1.0:
What is changed?

The command system has been improved with a new configuration and aliases! Support for GriefDefender and some changes/fixes.
----------, Jun 15, 2021

Read the full changelog here.

Parties 3.1.0:
What is changed?

The command system has been improved with a new configuration and aliases! Support for GriefDefender and some changes/fixes.
----------, Jun 4, 2021

Read the full changelog here.

Parties 3.1.0:
What is changed?

The command system has been improved with a new configuration and aliases! Support for GriefDefender and some changes/fixes.
----------, May 31, 2021

What is changed?
The command system has been improved with a new configuration and aliases! Support for GriefDefender and some changes/fixes.

Read the full changelog here.
----------, May 22, 2021

This is the official release update of 3.0.4. Below the full changelog and the update message of the first release candidate.

Always backup the old data before any update.

Read the full changelog here.

Parties 3.0.0-rc.1:
Firstly, happy new year to everyone. I finally release the new update of Parties.

Before looking into new changes, this is a release candidate version, expect some bugs and always backup your old data before any update. The folder /plugins/Parties/lib must be deleted before upgrade.

I wanna thank you everyone who helped me to test out the beta version and invite you all to join my Discord server and report any bug there!

What is changed?
Nearly everything, again... I am really into studying Java and I always try to improve my applications to make them more and more closer to the perfection.

Below some little previews of what I changed:
Finally a really good system that allows you to use Parties in both Spigot and BungeeCord server, so you can use every feature that the platform has to offer.

New website
I updated my website and my documentation so you can navigate it more clearly and even more mobile friendly!

New API for developers
A lot of changes for devs, new methods and events that you can hook into and handle Parties data as you prefer, for real, now you can hook into it via Bungee or Bukkit and the data will be always up to date and sync!

New databases (H2, MariaDB, PostgreSQL)! Finally Parties switch to H2 as default database. Why? Because its a way better to handle and faster!

This was the only plugin required to run Parties, now you do not need it anymore, but, if you wanna handle offline players, you have to install it!

Me and PikaMug worked very hard to make the new Parties and Quests again compatible. Quests 4 supports Parties 3!

Well, these are just some of the bigger changes, this update took me months of development ( more than 30,000 changes).
The changelog is long 90 lines! If you already used Parties, you should carefully read it so you know what changed.

Other new things worth to mention are: Paper support, tag, ask, titles, sounds, hex colors, exp, mute, commands, skript, cooldown...

Read the full changelog here.
----------, Apr 23, 2021

This is the official release update of 3.0.3. Below the full changelog and the update message of the first release candidate.

Always backup the old data before any update.

Read the full changelog here.

Parties 3.0.0-rc.1:
Firstly, happy new year to everyone. I finally release the new update of Parties.

Before looking into new changes, this is a release candidate version, expect some bugs and always backup your old data before any update. The folder /plugins/Parties/lib must be deleted before upgrade.

I wanna thank you everyone who helped me to test out the beta version and invite you all to join my Discord server and report any bug there!

What is changed?
Nearly everything, again... I am really into studying Java and I always try to improve my applications to make them more and more closer to the perfection.

Below some little previews of what I changed:
Finally a really good system that allows you to use Parties in both Spigot and BungeeCord server, so you can use every feature that the platform has to offer.

New website
I updated my website and my documentation so you can navigate it more clearly and even more mobile friendly!

New API for developers
A lot of changes for devs, new methods and events that you can hook into and handle Parties data as you prefer, for real, now you can hook into it via Bungee or Bukkit and the data will be always up to date and sync!

New databases (H2, MariaDB, PostgreSQL)! Finally Parties switch to H2 as default database. Why? Because its a way better to handle and faster!

This was the only plugin required to run Parties, now you do not need it anymore, but, if you wanna handle offline players, you have to install it!

Me and PikaMug worked very hard to make the new Parties and Quests again compatible. Quests 4 supports Parties 3!

Well, these are just some of the bigger changes, this update took me months of development ( more than 30,000 changes).
The changelog is long 90 lines! If you already used Parties, you should carefully read it so you know what changed.

Other new things worth to mention are: Paper support, tag, ask, titles, sounds, hex colors, exp, mute, commands, skript, cooldown...

Read the full changelog here.
----------, Apr 23, 2021

This is the official release update of 3.0.2. Below the full changelog and the update message of the first release candidate.

Always backup the old data before any update.

Read the full changelog here.

Parties 3.0.0-rc.1:
Firstly, happy new year to everyone. I finally release the new update of Parties.

Before looking into new changes, this is a release candidate version, expect some bugs and always backup your old data before any update. The folder /plugins/Parties/lib must be deleted before upgrade.

I wanna thank you everyone who helped me to test out the beta version and invite you all to join my Discord server and report any bug there!

What is changed?
Nearly everything, again... I am really into studying Java and I always try to improve my applications to make them more and more closer to the perfection.

Below some little previews of what I changed:
Finally a really good system that allows you to use Parties in both Spigot and BungeeCord server, so you can use every feature that the platform has to offer.

New website
I updated my website and my documentation so you can navigate it more clearly and even more mobile friendly!

New API for developers
A lot of changes for devs, new methods and events that you can hook into and handle Parties data as you prefer, for real, now you can hook into it via Bungee or Bukkit and the data will be always up to date and sync!

New databases (H2, MariaDB, PostgreSQL)! Finally Parties switch to H2 as default database. Why? Because its a way better to handle and faster!

This was the only plugin required to run Parties, now you do not need it anymore, but, if you wanna handle offline players, you have to install it!

Me and PikaMug worked very hard to make the new Parties and Quests again compatible. Quests 4 supports Parties 3!

Well, these are just some of the bigger changes, this update took me months of development ( more than 30,000 changes).
The changelog is long 90 lines! If you already used Parties, you should carefully read it so you know what changed.

Other new things worth to mention are: Paper support, tag, ask, titles, sounds, hex colors, exp, mute, commands, skript, cooldown...

Read the full changelog here.
----------, Mar 9, 2021

This is the official release update of 3.0.1. Below the full changelog and the update message of the first release candidate.

Always backup the old data before any update.

Read the full changelog here.

Parties 3.0.0-rc.1:
Firstly, happy new year to everyone. I finally release the new update of Parties.

Before looking into new changes, this is a release candidate version, expect some bugs and always backup your old data before any update. The folder /plugins/Parties/lib must be deleted before upgrade.

I wanna thank you everyone who helped me to test out the beta version and invite you all to join my Discord server and report any bug there!

What is changed?
Nearly everything, again... I am really into studying Java and I always try to improve my applications to make them more and more closer to the perfection.

Below some little previews of what I changed:
Finally a really good system that allows you to use Parties in both Spigot and BungeeCord server, so you can use every feature that the platform has to offer.

New website
I updated my website and my documentation so you can navigate it more clearly and even more mobile friendly!

New API for developers
A lot of changes for devs, new methods and events that you can hook into and handle Parties data as you prefer, for real, now you can hook into it via Bungee or Bukkit and the data will be always up to date and sync!

New databases (H2, MariaDB, PostgreSQL)! Finally Parties switch to H2 as default database. Why? Because its a way better to handle and faster!

This was the only plugin required to run Parties, now you do not need it anymore, but, if you wanna handle offline players, you have to install it!

Me and PikaMug worked very hard to make the new Parties and Quests again compatible. Quests 4 supports Parties 3!

Well, these are just some of the bigger changes, this update took me months of development ( more than 30,000 changes).
The changelog is long 90 lines! If you already used Parties, you should carefully read it so you know what changed.

Other new things worth to mention are: Paper support, tag, ask, titles, sounds, hex colors, exp, mute, commands, skript, cooldown...

Read the full changelog here.
----------, Mar 3, 2021

This is the official release update of 3.0.0. Below the full changelog and the update message of the first release candidate.

Always backup the old data before any update.

Read the full changelog here.

Parties 3.0.0-rc.1:
Firstly, happy new year to everyone. I finally release the new update of Parties.

Before looking into new changes, this is a release candidate version, expect some bugs and always backup your old data before any update. The folder /plugins/Parties/lib must be deleted before upgrade.

I wanna thank you everyone who helped me to test out the beta version and invite you all to join my Discord server and report any bug there!

What is changed?
Nearly everything, again... I am really into studying Java and I always try to improve my applications to make them more and more closer to the perfection.

Below some little previews of what I changed:
Finally a really good system that allows you to use Parties in both Spigot and BungeeCord server, so you can use every feature that the platform has to offer.

New website
I updated my website and my documentation so you can navigate it more clearly and even more mobile friendly!

New API for developers
A lot of changes for devs, new methods and events that you can hook into and handle Parties data as you prefer, for real, now you can hook into it via Bungee or Bukkit and the data will be always up to date and sync!

New databases (H2, MariaDB, PostgreSQL)! Finally Parties switch to H2 as default database. Why? Because its a way better to handle and faster!

This was the only plugin required to run Parties, now you do not need it anymore, but, if you wanna handle offline players, you have to install it!

Me and PikaMug worked very hard to make the new Parties and Quests again compatible. Quests 4 supports Parties 3!

Well, these are just some of the bigger changes, this update took me months of development ( more than 30,000 changes).
The changelog is long 90 lines! If you already used Parties, you should carefully read it so you know what changed.

Other new things worth to mention are: Paper support, tag, ask, titles, sounds, hex colors, exp, mute, commands, skript, cooldown...

Read the full changelog here.
----------, Feb 27, 2021

This update contains a lot of improvements and new features.

Read the full changelog here.

Parties 3.0.0-rc.1:
Firstly, happy new year to everyone. I finally release the new update of Parties.

Before looking into new changes, this is a release candidate version, expect some bugs and always backup your old data before any update. The folder /plugins/Parties/lib must be deleted before upgrade.

I wanna thank you everyone who helped me to test out the beta version and invite you all to join my Discord server and report any bug there!

What is changed?
Nearly everything, again... I am really into studying Java and I always try to improve my applications to make them more and more closer to the perfection.

Below some little previews of what I changed:
Finally a really good system that allows you to use Parties in both Spigot and BungeeCord server, so you can use every feature that the platform has to offer.

New website
I updated my website and my documentation so you can navigate it more clearly and even more mobile friendly!

New API for developers
A lot of changes for devs, new methods and events that you can hook into and handle Parties data as you prefer, for real, now you can hook into it via Bungee or Bukkit and the data will be always up to date and sync!

New databases (H2, MariaDB, PostgreSQL)! Finally Parties switch to H2 as default database. Why? Because its a way better to handle and faster!

This was the only plugin required to run Parties, now you do not need it anymore, but, if you wanna handle offline players, you have to install it!

Me and PikaMug worked very hard to make the new Parties and Quests again compatible. Quests 4 supports Parties 3!

Well, these are just some of the bigger changes, this update took me months of development ( more than 30,000 changes).
The changelog is long 90 lines! If you already used Parties, you should carefully read it so you know what changed.

Other new things worth to mention are: Paper support, tag, ask, titles, sounds, hex colors, exp, mute, commands, skript, cooldown...

Read the full changelog here.
----------, Feb 12, 2021

Read the full changelog here.

Parties 3.0.0-rc.1:

Firstly, happy new year to everyone. I finally release the new update of Parties.

Before looking into new changes, this is a release candidate version, expect some bugs and always backup your old data before any update. The folder /plugins/Parties/lib must be deleted before upgrade.

I wanna thank you everyone who helped me to test out the beta version and invite you all to join my Discord server and report any bug there!

What is changed?
Nearly everything, again... I am really into studying Java and I always try to improve my applications to make them more and more closer to the perfection.

Below some little previews of what I changed:
Finally a really good system that allows you to use Parties in both Spigot and BungeeCord server, so you can use every feature that the platform has to offer.

New website
I updated my website and my documentation so you can navigate it more clearly and even more mobile friendly!

New API for developers
A lot of changes for devs, new methods and events that you can hook into and handle Parties data as you prefer, for real, now you can hook into it via Bungee or Bukkit and the data will be always up to date and sync!

New databases (H2, MariaDB, PostgreSQL)! Finally Parties switch to H2 as default database. Why? Because its a way better to handle and faster!

This was the only plugin required to run Parties, now you do not need it anymore, but, if you wanna handle offline players, you have to install it!

Me and PikaMug worked very hard to make the new Parties and Quests again compatible. Quests 4 supports Parties 3!

Well, these are just some of the bigger changes, this update took me months of development ( more than 30,000 changes).
The changelog is long 90 lines! If you already used Parties, you should carefully read it so you know what changed.

Other new things worth to mention are: Paper support, tag, ask, titles, sounds, hex colors, exp, mute, commands, skript, cooldown...

Read the full changelog here.
----------, Jan 21, 2021

This versions contains important fixes for YAML upgrades (from 2.6 to 3.0) and further fixes!

Read the full changelog here.

Parties 3.0.0-rc.1:

Firstly, happy new year to everyone. I finally release the new update of Parties.

Before looking into new changes, this is a release candidate version, expect some bugs and always backup your old data before any update. The folder /plugins/Parties/lib must be deleted before upgrade.

I wanna thank you everyone who helped me to test out the beta version and invite you all to join my Discord server and report any bug there!

What is changed?
Nearly everything, again... I am really into studying Java and I always try to improve my applications to make them more and more closer to the perfection.

Below some little previews of what I changed:
Finally a really good system that allows you to use Parties in both Spigot and BungeeCord server, so you can use every feature that the platform has to offer.

New website
I updated my website and my documentation so you can navigate it more clearly and even more mobile friendly!

New API for developers
A lot of changes for devs, new methods and events that you can hook into and handle Parties data as you prefer, for real, now you can hook into it via Bungee or Bukkit and the data will be always up to date and sync!

New databases (H2, MariaDB, PostgreSQL)! Finally Parties switch to H2 as default database. Why? Because its a way better to handle and faster!

This was the only plugin required to run Parties, now you do not need it anymore, but, if you wanna handle offline players, you have to install it!

Me and PikaMug worked very hard to make the new Parties and Quests again compatible. Quests 4 supports Parties 3!

Well, these are just some of the bigger changes, this update took me months of development ( more than 30,000 changes).
The changelog is long 90 lines! If you already used Parties, you should carefully read it so you know what changed.

Other new things worth to mention are: Paper support, tag, ask, titles, sounds, hex colors, exp, mute, commands, skript, cooldown...

Read the full changelog here.
----------, Jan 15, 2021

Firstly, happy new year to everyone. I finally release the new update of Parties.

Before looking into new changes, this is a release candidate version, expect some bugs and always backup your old data before any update. The folder /plugins/Parties/lib must be deleted before upgrade.

I wanna thank you everyone who helped me to test out the beta version and invite you all to join my Discord server and report any bug there!

What is changed?
Nearly everything, again... I am really into studying Java and I always try to improve my applications to make them more and more closer to the perfection.

Below some little previews of what I changed:
Finally a really good system that allows you to use Parties in both Spigot and BungeeCord server, so you can use every feature that the platform has to offer.

New website
I updated my website and my documentation so you can navigate it more clearly and even more mobile friendly!

New API for developers
A lot of changes for devs, new methods and events that you can hook into and handle Parties data as you prefer, for real, now you can hook into it via Bungee or Bukkit and the data will be always up to date and sync!

New databases (H2, MariaDB, PostgreSQL)! Finally Parties switch to H2 as default database. Why? Because its a way better to handle and faster!

This was the only plugin required to run Parties, now you do not need it anymore, but, if you wanna handle offline players, you have to install it!

Me and @PikaMug worked very hard to make the new Parties and Quests again compatible. Quests 4 supports Parties 3!

Well, these are just some of the bigger changes, this update took me months of development ( more than 30,000 changes).
The changelog is long 90 lines! If you already used Parties, you should carefully read it so you know what changed.

Other new things worth to mention are: Paper support, tag, ask, titles, sounds, hex colors, exp, mute, commands, skript, cooldown...

Read the full changelog here.
----------, Jan 10, 2021

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.6.0:
Parties now REQUIRES LastLoginAPI
, a plugin that helps Parties to handle offline players. Maybe I will soft-require it in future versions.

Important changes:
  • Support 1.14
  • API rewritten (read carefully if you are a developer)
----------, Aug 2, 2020

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.6.0:
Parties now REQUIRES LastLoginAPI
, a plugin that helps Parties to handle offline players. Maybe I will soft-require it in future versions.

Important changes:
  • Support 1.14
  • API rewritten (read carefully if you are a developer)
----------, Jul 21, 2020

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.6.0:
Parties now REQUIRES LastLoginAPI
, a plugin that helps Parties to handle offline players. Maybe I will soft-require it in future versions.

Important changes:
  • Support 1.14
  • API rewritten (read carefully if you are a developer)
----------, Jan 17, 2020

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.6.0:
Parties now REQUIRES LastLoginAPI
, a plugin that helps Parties to handle offline players. Maybe I will soft-require it in future versions.

Important changes:
  • Support 1.14
  • API rewritten (read carefully if you are a developer)
----------, Dec 29, 2019

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.6.0:
Parties now REQUIRES LastLoginAPI
, a plugin that helps Parties to handle offline players. Maybe I will soft-require it in future versions.

Important changes:
  • Support 1.14
  • API rewritten (read carefully if you are a developer)
----------, Dec 4, 2019

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.6.0:
Parties now REQUIRES LastLoginAPI
, a plugin that helps Parties to handle offline players. Maybe I will soft-require it in future versions.

Important changes:
  • Support 1.14
  • API rewritten (read carefully if you are a developer)
----------, Dec 4, 2019

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.6.0:
Parties now REQUIRES LastLoginAPI
, a plugin that helps Parties to handle offline players. Maybe I will soft-require it in future versions.

Important changes:
  • Support 1.14
  • API rewritten (read carefully if you are a developer)
----------, Dec 1, 2019

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.6.0:
Parties now REQUIRES LastLoginAPI
, a plugin that helps Parties to handle offline players. Maybe I will soft-require it in future versions.

Important changes:
  • Support 1.14
  • API rewritten (read carefully if you are a developer)
----------, Nov 27, 2019

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.6.0:
Parties now REQUIRES LastLoginAPI
, a plugin that helps Parties to handle offline players. Maybe I will soft-require it in future versions.

Important changes:
  • Support 1.14
  • API rewritten (read carefully if you are a developer)
----------, Oct 23, 2019

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.6.0:
Parties now REQUIRES LastLoginAPI
, a plugin that helps Parties to handle offline players. Maybe I will soft-require it in future versions.

Important changes:
  • Support 1.14
  • API rewritten (read carefully if you are a developer)
----------, Oct 20, 2019

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.6.0:
Parties now REQUIRES LastLoginAPI
, a plugin that helps Parties to handle offline players. Maybe I will soft-require it in future versions.

Important changes:
  • Support 1.14
  • API rewritten (read carefully if you are a developer)
----------, Oct 9, 2019

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.6.0:
Parties now REQUIRES LastLoginAPI
, a plugin that helps Parties to handle offline players. Maybe I will soft-require it in future versions.

Important changes:
  • Support 1.14
  • API rewritten (read carefully if you are a developer)
----------, Oct 6, 2019

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.6.0:
Parties now REQUIRES LastLoginAPI
, a plugin that helps Parties to handle offline players. Maybe I will soft-require it in future versions.

Important changes:
  • Support 1.14
  • API rewritten (read carefully if you are a developer)
----------, Oct 5, 2019

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.6.0:
Parties now REQUIRES LastLoginAPI
, a plugin that helps Parties to handle offline players. Maybe I will soft-require it in future versions.

Important changes:
  • Support 1.14
  • API rewritten (read carefully if you are a developer)
----------, Sep 2, 2019

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.6.0:
Parties now REQUIRES LastLoginAPI
, a plugin that helps Parties to handle offline players. Maybe I will soft-require it in future versions.

Important changes:
  • Support 1.14
  • API rewritten (read carefully if you are a developer)
----------, Aug 25, 2019

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.6.0:
Parties now REQUIRES LastLoginAPI
, a plugin that helps Parties to handle offline players. Maybe I will soft-require it in future versions.

Important changes:
  • Support 1.14
  • API rewritten (read carefully if you are a developer)
----------, Aug 9, 2019

Finally, 1.14 support is here! :)

Parties now REQUIRES LastLoginAPI, a plugin that helps Parties to handle offline players. Maybe I will soft-require it in future versions.

This is a beta release, do a backup of Parties data if you are going to use it. I have already tested some database upgrade but anything can happen so DO BACKUPS.

Beta will last 1-2 weeks, to be sure that there is any bug. If you heavily use Parties in your server, test it on another server before.

Report ANY bug/error that you find on Discord/GitHub issue!

Read full changelog here.

Important changes:
  • Support 1.14
  • API rewritten (read carefully if you are a developer)
----------, Jul 27, 2019

You can read the full changelog here.

This update is concentrated to commands system and overall improvements of other features.

Any question, any idea, just poke me on my Discord ;)

Important changes:
  • API changes
  • Reworked commands system
----------, Jan 26, 2019

You can read the full changelog here.

This update is concentrated to commands system and overall improvements of other features.

Any question, any idea, just poke me on my Discord ;)

Important changes:
  • API changes
  • Reworked commands system
----------, Jan 24, 2019

You can read the full changelog here.

This update is concentrated to commands system and overall improvements of other features.

Any question, any idea, just poke me on my Discord ;)

Important changes:
  • API changes
  • Reworked commands system
----------, Jan 23, 2019

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.4.0:
Here comes some new features for BungeeCord networks!

Any question, any idea, just poke me on my Discord ;)

Important changes:
  • API Changes
  • Spigot/Bukkit sync
  • Follow party for BungeeCord
  • Custom placeholders
----------, Jan 14, 2019

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.4.0:
Here comes some new features for BungeeCord networks!

Any question, any idea, just poke me on my Discord ;)

Important changes:
  • API Changes
  • Spigot/Bukkit sync
  • Follow party for BungeeCord
  • Custom placeholders
----------, Dec 14, 2018

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.4.0:
Here comes some new features for BungeeCord networks!

Any question, any idea, just poke me on my Discord ;)

Important changes:
  • API Changes
  • Spigot/Bukkit sync
  • Follow party for BungeeCord
  • Custom placeholders
----------, Nov 14, 2018

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.4.0:
Here comes some new features for BungeeCord networks!

Any question, any idea, just poke me on my Discord ;)

Important changes:
  • API Changes
  • Spigot/Bukkit sync
  • Follow party for BungeeCord
  • Custom placeholders
----------, Oct 8, 2018

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.4.0:
Here comes some new features for BungeeCord networks!

Any question, any idea, just poke me on my Discord ;)

Important changes:
  • API Changes
  • Spigot/Bukkit sync
  • Follow party for BungeeCord
  • Custom placeholders
----------, Oct 3, 2018

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.4.0:
Here comes some new features for BungeeCord networks!

Any question, any idea, just poke me on my Discord ;)

Important changes:
  • API Changes
  • Spigot/Bukkit sync
  • Follow party for BungeeCord
  • Custom placeholders
----------, Sep 30, 2018

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.4.0:
Here comes some new features for BungeeCord networks!

Any question, any idea, just poke me on my Discord ;)

Important changes:
  • API Changes
  • Spigot/Bukkit sync
  • Follow party for BungeeCord
  • Custom placeholders
----------, Sep 30, 2018

You can read the full changelog here.

Here comes some new features for BungeeCord networks!

Any question, any idea, just poke me on my Discord ;)

Important changes:
  • API Changes
  • Spigot/Bukkit sync
  • Follow party for BungeeCord
  • Custom placeholders
----------, Sep 29, 2018

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.3.8:
There is an important database change! If your database contains party names like 'aaa', 'Aaa', 'AAA'. Be sure that you rename them before update the plugin!

Any question, any idea, just poke me on my Discord ;)
----------, Sep 22, 2018

You can read the full changelog here.

There is an important database change! If your database contains party names like 'aaa', 'Aaa', 'AAA'. Be sure that you rename them before update the plugin!

Any question, any idea, just poke me on my Discord ;)
----------, Sep 9, 2018

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.3.3:
This is a big update! Finally EXP system comes back stronger than before!
Any question, any idea, just poke me on my Discord ;)
Important changes:

  • New exp system
  • New friendly fire system
  • API changes
  • Database changes
----------, Sep 8, 2018

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.3.3:
This is a big update! Finally EXP system comes back stronger than before!
Any question, any idea, just poke me on my Discord ;)
Important changes:

  • New exp system
  • New friendly fire system
  • API changes
  • Database changes
----------, Sep 8, 2018

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.3.3:
This is a big update! Finally EXP system comes back stronger than before!
Any question, any idea, just poke me on my Discord ;)
Important changes:

  • New exp system
  • New friendly fire system
  • API changes
  • Database changes
----------, Aug 29, 2018

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.3.3:
This is a big update! Finally EXP system comes back stronger than before!
Any question, any idea, just poke me on my Discord ;)
Important changes:

  • New exp system
  • New friendly fire system
  • API changes
  • Database changes
----------, Aug 22, 2018

You can read the full changelog here.

This is a big update! Finally EXP system comes back stronger than before!

Any question, any idea, just poke me on my Discord ;)
Important changes:

  • New exp system
  • New friendly fire system
  • API changes
  • Database changes
----------, Aug 21, 2018

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.3.0:

Finally Parties 2.3.0 is arrived!
This update contains a lot of changes to the project structure, in fact some features has been temporary disabled (tag and exp system). Due to release of 1.13 spigot server, I decided to release the update earlier.

With future versions, 2.3.X, I will re-implement/rework exp system and tag system (and so much more..).

Any question, any idea, just poke me on my Discord ;)

Important changes:
  • Supports Minecraft 1.13
  • Parties now fully supports BungeeCord
  • JSON support
  • Temporary removed Tag and EXP system
  • API changes
  • Direct message feature
----------, Aug 7, 2018

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.3.0:

Finally Parties 2.3.0 is arrived!
This update contains a lot of changes to the project structure, in fact some features has been temporary disabled (tag and exp system). Due to release of 1.13 spigot server, I decided to release the update earlier.

With future versions, 2.3.X, I will re-implement/rework exp system and tag system (and so much more..).

Any question, any idea, just poke me on my Discord ;)

Important changes:
  • Supports Minecraft 1.13
  • Parties now fully supports BungeeCord
  • JSON support
  • Temporary removed Tag and EXP system
  • API changes
  • Direct message feature
----------, Jul 30, 2018

You can read the full changelog here.

Finally Parties 2.3.0 is arrived!
This update contains a lot of changes to the project structure, in fact some features has been temporary disabled (tag and exp system). Due to release of 1.13 spigot server, I decided to release the update earlier.

With future versions, 2.3.X, I will re-implement/rework exp system and tag system (and so much more..).

Any question, any idea, just poke me on my Discord ;)

Important changes:
  • Supports Minecraft 1.13
  • Parties now fully supports BungeeCord
  • JSON support
  • Temporary removed Tag and EXP system
  • API changes
  • Direct message feature
----------, Jul 30, 2018

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.2.0:
Parties becomes async! Now it won't impact on server performance ;)

There are a TONS of little things that aren't listed into the changelog and I cannot list them all! I invite you all to read line by line the new configuration and see every new feature ;)
Enjoy the new wiki of Parties here!

I've improved the APIs and I invite you all to update your plugins. I've deprecated methods that I will remove with future updates ;)

Sorry for who asked the MythicMobs support but again:
I cannot support it yet. Everything is already developed but I cannot release it and MM staff are not replying to me (ignoring me :D). I sincerely hope they will change the way that they behave towards people that is trying to implement THEIR plugin, for free.

Important changes:
  • Async Parties
  • Parties requires Java!
  • A lot of changes to APIs
  • New configuration system
  • SQLite support
----------, Apr 13, 2018

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.2.0:
Parties becomes async! Now it won't impact on server performance ;)

There are a TONS of little things that aren't listed into the changelog and I cannot list them all! I invite you all to read line by line the new configuration and see every new feature ;)
Enjoy the new wiki of Parties here!

I've improved the APIs and I invite you all to update your plugins. I've deprecated methods that I will remove with future updates ;)

Sorry for who asked the MythicMobs support but again:
I cannot support it yet. Everything is already developed but I cannot release it and MM staff are not replying to me (ignoring me :D). I sincerely hope they will change the way that they behave towards people that is trying to implement THEIR plugin, for free.

Important changes:
  • Async Parties
  • Parties requires Java!
  • A lot of changes to APIs
  • New configuration system
  • SQLite support
----------, Apr 11, 2018

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.2.0:
Parties becomes async! Now it won't impact on server performance ;)

There are a TONS of little things that aren't listed into the changelog and I cannot list them all! I invite you all to read line by line the new configuration and see every new feature ;)
Enjoy the new wiki of Parties here!

I've improved the APIs and I invite you all to update your plugins. I've deprecated methods that I will remove with future updates ;)

Sorry for who asked the MythicMobs support but again:
I cannot support it yet. Everything is already developed but I cannot release it and MM staff are not replying to me (ignoring me :D). I sincerely hope they will change the way that they behave towards people that is trying to implement THEIR plugin, for free.

Important changes:
  • Async Parties
  • Parties requires Java!
  • A lot of changes to APIs
  • New configuration system
  • SQLite support
----------, Apr 5, 2018

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.2.0:
Parties becomes async! Now it won't impact on server performance ;)

There are a TONS of little things that aren't listed into the changelog and I cannot list them all! I invite you all to read line by line the new configuration and see every new feature ;)
Enjoy the new wiki of Parties here!

I've improved the APIs and I invite you all to update your plugins. I've deprecated methods that I will remove with future updates ;)

Sorry for who asked the MythicMobs support but again:
I cannot support it yet. Everything is already developed but I cannot release it and MM staff are not replying to me (ignoring me :D). I sincerely hope they will change the way that they behave towards people that is trying to implement THEIR plugin, for free.

Important changes:
  • Async Parties
  • Parties requires Java!
  • A lot of changes to APIs
  • New configuration system
  • SQLite support
----------, Apr 4, 2018

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.2.0:
Parties becomes async! Now it won't impact on server performance ;)

There are a TONS of little things that aren't listed into the changelog and I cannot list them all! I invite you all to read line by line the new configuration and see every new feature ;)
Enjoy the new wiki of Parties here!

I've improved the APIs and I invite you all to update your plugins. I've deprecated methods that I will remove with future updates ;)

Sorry for who asked the MythicMobs support but again:
I cannot support it yet. Everything is already developed but I cannot release it and MM staff are not replying to me (ignoring me :D). I sincerely hope they will change the way that they behave towards people that is trying to implement THEIR plugin, for free.

Important changes:
  • Async Parties
  • Parties requires Java!
  • A lot of changes to APIs
  • New configuration system
  • SQLite support
----------, Mar 21, 2018

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.2.0:
Parties becomes async! Now it won't impact on server performance ;)

There are a TONS of little things that aren't listed into the changelog and I cannot list them all! I invite you all to read line by line the new configuration and see every new feature ;)
Enjoy the new wiki of Parties here!

I've improved the APIs and I invite you all to update your plugins. I've deprecated methods that I will remove with future updates ;)

Sorry for who asked the MythicMobs support but again:
I cannot support it yet. Everything is already developed but I cannot release it and MM staff are not replying to me (ignoring me :D). I sincerely hope they will change the way that they behave towards people that is trying to implement THEIR plugin, for free.

Important changes:
  • Async Parties
  • Parties requires Java!
  • A lot of changes to APIs
  • New configuration system
  • SQLite support
----------, Mar 20, 2018

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.2.0:
Parties becomes async! Now it won't impact on server performance ;)

There are a TONS of little things that aren't listed into the changelog and I cannot list them all! I invite you all to read line by line the new configuration and see every new feature ;)
Enjoy the new wiki of Parties here!

I've improved the APIs and I invite you all to update your plugins. I've deprecated methods that I will remove with future updates ;)

Sorry for who asked the MythicMobs support but again:
I cannot support it yet. Everything is already developed but I cannot release it and MM staff are not replying to me (ignoring me :D). I sincerely hope they will change the way that they behave towards people that is trying to implement THEIR plugin, for free.

Important changes:
  • Async Parties
  • Parties requires Java!
  • A lot of changes to APIs
  • New configuration system
  • SQLite support
----------, Mar 18, 2018

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.2.0:
Parties becomes async! Now it won't impact on server performance ;)

There are a TONS of little things that aren't listed into the changelog and I cannot list them all! I invite you all to read line by line the new configuration and see every new feature ;)
Enjoy the new wiki of Parties here!

I've improved the APIs and I invite you all to update your plugins. I've deprecated methods that I will remove with future updates ;)

Sorry for who asked the MythicMobs support but again:
I cannot support it yet. Everything is already developed but I cannot release it and MM staff are not replying to me (ignoring me :D). I sincerely hope they will change the way that they behave towards people that is trying to implement THEIR plugin, for free.

Important changes:
  • Async Parties
  • Parties requires Java!
  • A lot of changes to APIs
  • New configuration system
  • SQLite support
----------, Mar 17, 2018

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.2.0:
Parties becomes async! Now it won't impact on server performance ;)

There are a TONS of little things that aren't listed into the changelog and I cannot list them all! I invite you all to read line by line the new configuration and see every new feature ;)
Enjoy the new wiki of Parties here!

I've improved the APIs and I invite you all to update your plugins. I've deprecated methods that I will remove with future updates ;)

Sorry for who asked the MythicMobs support but again:
I cannot support it yet. Everything is already developed but I cannot release it and MM staff are not replying to me (ignoring me :D). I sincerely hope they will change the way that they behave towards people that is trying to implement THEIR plugin, for free.

Important changes:
  • Async Parties
  • Parties requires Java!
  • A lot of changes to APIs
  • New configuration system
  • SQLite support
----------, Mar 11, 2018

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.2.0:
Parties becomes async! Now it won't impact on server performance ;)

There are a TONS of little things that aren't listed into the changelog and I cannot list them all! I invite you all to read line by line the new configuration and see every new feature ;)
Enjoy the new wiki of Parties here!

I've improved the APIs and I invite you all to update your plugins. I've deprecated methods that I will remove with future updates ;)

Sorry for who asked the MythicMobs support but again:
I cannot support it yet. Everything is already developed but I cannot release it and MM staff are not replying to me (ignoring me :D). I sincerely hope they will change the way that they behave towards people that is trying to implement THEIR plugin, for free.

Important changes:
  • Async Parties
  • Parties requires Java!
  • A lot of changes to APIs
  • New configuration system
  • SQLite support
----------, Mar 7, 2018

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.2.0:
Parties becomes async! Now it won't impact on server performance ;)

There are a TONS of little things that aren't listed into the changelog and I cannot list them all! I invite you all to read line by line the new configuration and see every new feature ;)
Enjoy the new wiki of Parties here!

I've improved the APIs and I invite you all to update your plugins. I've deprecated methods that I will remove with future updates ;)

Sorry for who asked the MythicMobs support but again:
I cannot support it yet. Everything is already developed but I cannot release it and MM staff are not replying to me (ignoring me :D). I sincerely hope they will change the way that they behave towards people that is trying to implement THEIR plugin, for free.

Important changes:
  • Async Parties
  • Parties requires Java!
  • A lot of changes to APIs
  • New configuration system
  • SQLite support
----------, Mar 7, 2018

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.2.0:
Parties becomes async! Now it won't impact on server performance ;)

There are a TONS of little things that aren't listed into the changelog and I cannot list them all! I invite you all to read line by line the new configuration and see every new feature ;)
Enjoy the new wiki of Parties here!

I've improved the APIs and I invite you all to update your plugins. I've deprecated methods that I will remove with future updates ;)

Sorry for who asked the MythicMobs support but again:
I cannot support it yet. Everything is already developed but I cannot release it and MM staff are not replying to me (ignoring me :D). I sincerely hope they will change the way that they behave towards people that is trying to implement THEIR plugin, for free.

Important changes:
  • Async Parties
  • Parties requires Java!
  • A lot of changes to APIs
  • New configuration system
  • SQLite support
----------, Mar 3, 2018

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.2.0:
Parties becomes async! Now it won't impact on server performance ;)

There are a TONS of little things that aren't listed into the changelog and I cannot list them all! I invite you all to read line by line the new configuration and see every new feature ;)
Enjoy the new wiki of Parties here!

I've improved the APIs and I invite you all to update your plugins. I've deprecated methods that I will remove with future updates ;)

Sorry for who asked the MythicMobs support but again:
I cannot support it yet. Everything is already developed but I cannot release it and MM staff are not replying to me (ignoring me :D). I sincerely hope they will change the way that they behave towards people that is trying to implement THEIR plugin, for free.

Important changes:
  • Async Parties
  • Parties requires Java!
  • A lot of changes to APIs
  • New configuration system
  • SQLite support
----------, Mar 2, 2018

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.2.0:
Parties becomes async! Now it won't impact on server performance ;)

There are a TONS of little things that aren't listed into the changelog and I cannot list them all! I invite you all to read line by line the new configuration and see every new feature ;)
Enjoy the new wiki of Parties here!

I've improved the APIs and I invite you all to update your plugins. I've deprecated methods that I will remove with future updates ;)

Sorry for who asked the MythicMobs support but again:
I cannot support it yet. Everything is already developed but I cannot release it and MM staff are not replying to me (ignoring me :D). I sincerely hope they will change the way that they behave towards people that is trying to implement THEIR plugin, for free.

Important changes:
  • Async Parties
  • Parties requires Java!
  • A lot of changes to APIs
  • New configuration system
  • SQLite support
----------, Mar 2, 2018

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.2.0:
Parties becomes async! Now it won't impact on server performance ;)

There are a TONS of little things that aren't listed into the changelog and I cannot list them all! I invite you all to read line by line the new configuration and see every new feature ;)
Enjoy the new wiki of Parties here!

I've improved the APIs and I invite you all to update your plugins. I've deprecated methods that I will remove with future updates ;)

Sorry for who asked the MythicMobs support but again:
I cannot support it yet. Everything is already developed but I cannot release it and MM staff are not replying to me (ignoring me :D). I sincerely hope they will change the way that they behave towards people that is trying to implement THEIR plugin, for free.

Important changes:
  • Async Parties
  • Parties requires Java!
  • A lot of changes to APIs
  • New configuration system
  • SQLite support
----------, Feb 25, 2018

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.2.0:
Parties becomes async! Now it won't impact on server performance ;)

There are a TONS of little things that aren't listed into the changelog and I cannot list them all! I invite you all to read line by line the new configuration and see every new feature ;)
Enjoy the new wiki of Parties here!

I've improved the APIs and I invite you all to update your plugins. I've deprecated methods that I will remove with future updates ;)

Sorry for who asked the MythicMobs support but again:
I cannot support it yet. Everything is already developed but I cannot release it and MM staff are not replying to me (ignoring me :D). I sincerely hope they will change the way that they behave towards people that is trying to implement THEIR plugin, for free.

Important changes:
  • Async Parties
  • Parties requires Java!
  • A lot of changes to APIs
  • New configuration system
  • SQLite support
----------, Feb 23, 2018

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.2.0:
Parties becomes async! Now it won't impact on server performance ;)

There are a TONS of little things that aren't listed into the changelog and I cannot list them all! I invite you all to read line by line the new configuration and see every new feature ;)
Enjoy the new wiki of Parties here!

I've improved the APIs and I invite you all to update your plugins. I've deprecated methods that I will remove with future updates ;)

Sorry for who asked the MythicMobs support but again:
I cannot support it yet. Everything is already developed but I cannot release it and MM staff are not replying to me (ignoring me :D). I sincerely hope they will change the way that they behave towards people that is trying to implement THEIR plugin, for free.

Important changes:
  • Async Parties
  • Parties requires Java!
  • A lot of changes to APIs
  • New configuration system
  • SQLite support
----------, Feb 22, 2018

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.2.0:
Parties becomes async! Now it won't impact on server performance ;)

There are a TONS of little things that aren't listed into the changelog and I cannot list them all! I invite you all to read line by line the new configuration and see every new feature ;)
Enjoy the new wiki of Parties here!

I've improved the APIs and I invite you all to update your plugins. I've deprecated methods that I will remove with future updates ;)

Sorry for who asked the MythicMobs support but again:
I cannot support it yet. Everything is already developed but I cannot release it and MM staff are not replying to me (ignoring me :D). I sincerely hope they will change the way that they behave towards people that is trying to implement THEIR plugin, for free.

Important changes:
  • Async Parties
  • Parties requires Java!
  • A lot of changes to APIs
  • New configuration system
  • SQLite support
----------, Feb 22, 2018

You can read the full changelog here.
Important changes of 2.2.3:

  • Fixed SQLite database
  • New options and table for SQL databases
  • Changed database upgrade system
Parties 2.2.0:
Parties becomes async! Now it won't impact on server performance ;)

There are a TONS of little things that aren't listed into the changelog and I cannot list them all! I invite you all to read line by line the new configuration and see every new feature ;)
Enjoy the new wiki of Parties here!

I've improved the APIs and I invite you all to update your plugins. I've deprecated methods that I will remove with future updates ;)

Sorry for who asked the MythicMobs support but again:
I cannot support it yet. Everything is already developed but I cannot release it and MM staff are not replying to me (ignoring me :D). I sincerely hope they will change the way that they behave towards people that is trying to implement THEIR plugin, for free.

Important changes:
  • Async Parties
  • Parties requires Java!
  • A lot of changes to APIs
  • New configuration system
  • SQLite support
----------, Feb 22, 2018

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.2.0:
Parties becomes async! Now it won't impact on server performance ;)

There are a TONS of little things that aren't listed into the changelog and I cannot list them all! I invite you all to read line by line the new configuration and see every new feature ;)
Enjoy the new wiki of Parties here!

I've improved the APIs and I invite you all to update your plugins. I've deprecated methods that I will remove with future updates ;)

Sorry for who asked the MythicMobs support but again:
I cannot support it yet. Everything is already developed but I cannot release it and MM staff are not replying to me (ignoring me :D). I sincerely hope they will change the way that they behave towards people that is trying to implement THEIR plugin, for free.

Important changes:
  • Async Parties
  • Parties requires Java!
  • A lot of changes to APIs
  • New configuration system
  • SQLite support
----------, Feb 20, 2018

You can read the full changelog here.

Parties 2.2.0:
Parties becomes async! Now it won't impact on server performance ;)

There are a TONS of little things that aren't listed into the changelog and I cannot list them all! I invite you all to read line by line the new configuration and see every new feature ;)
Enjoy the new wiki of Parties here!

I've improved the APIs and I invite you all to update your plugins. I've deprecated methods that I will remove with future updates ;)

Sorry for who asked the MythicMobs support but again:
I cannot support it yet. Everything is already developed but I cannot release it and MM staff are not replying to me (ignoring me :D). I sincerely hope they will change the way that they behave towards people that is trying to implement THEIR plugin, for free.

Important changes:
  • Async Parties
  • Parties requires Java!
  • A lot of changes to APIs
  • New configuration system
  • SQLite support
----------, Feb 20, 2018

You can read the full changelog here.
Parties becomes async! Now it won't impact on server performance ;)

There are a TONS of little things that aren't listed into the changelog and I cannot list them all! I invite you all to read line by line the new configuration and see every new feature ;)

Enjoy the new wiki of Parties here!

I've improved the APIs and I invite you all to update your plugins. I've deprecated methods that I will remove with future updates ;)

Sorry for who asked the MythicMobs support but again:
I cannot support it yet. Everything is already developed but I cannot release it and MM staff are not replying to me (ignoring me :D). I sincerely hope they will change the way that they behave towards people that is trying to implement THEIR plugin, for free.

Important changes:
  • Async Parties
  • Parties requires Java!
  • A lot of changes to APIs
  • New configuration system
  • SQLite support
----------, Feb 19, 2018

Parties 2.1.6:
  • Fixed updater scheduling
  • Fixed updater async

Parties 2.1.5:

  • Fixed rank command error on offline/non-existent players

Parties 2.1.4:

  • Fixed home command
  • Fixed null players in members and info commands
  • Fixed log to file

Parties 2.1.3:

  • Fixed list limit bug

Parties 2.1.2:

  • New APIs
    • Added getColor, setColor & getColorList
  • Improved color system
    • Added dynamic color support
    • Now you can add a specific color if your party reaches X members/kills
  • Improved placeholder system
    • Removed %rank%
    • Added %rank_name% & %rank_chat%
    • Every placeholder is now configurable via config.yml
  • Improved list command
    • Added limit parties option
    • Added option to enable/disable list command
  • Improved configuration system
  • Improved rank system
  • Fixed color save on YAML database
  • Fixed kills placeholder (%kills >>> %kills%)

Parties 2.1.1:

  • Fixed help page
    • Added color command

Parties 2.1.0:

  • New storage system
    • Incoming supports for new storage types
    • Currently supports: YAML and MySQL
    • Improved MySQL, supports connection pool
    • Same storage for log and database
    • Completely customizable
  • Added color system
    • New command: /party color
    • Now you can set a color for your party
    • Disabled by default
    • 3 new placeholders
    • Completely customizable
  • Added a general sub-command: remove
  • Improved list messages
  • Improved PlaceholderAPI system
  • Fixed exp system giving SkillAPI exp even if disabled
----------, Jan 23, 2018

Parties 2.1.5:
  • Fixed rank command error on offline/non-existent players

Parties 2.1.4:

  • Fixed home command
  • Fixed null players in members and info commands
  • Fixed log to file

Parties 2.1.3:

  • Fixed list limit bug

Parties 2.1.2:

  • New APIs
    • Added getColor, setColor & getColorList
  • Improved color system
    • Added dynamic color support
    • Now you can add a specific color if your party reaches X members/kills
  • Improved placeholder system
    • Removed %rank%
    • Added %rank_name% & %rank_chat%
    • Every placeholder is now configurable via config.yml
  • Improved list command
    • Added limit parties option
    • Added option to enable/disable list command
  • Improved configuration system
  • Improved rank system
  • Fixed color save on YAML database
  • Fixed kills placeholder (%kills >>> %kills%)

Parties 2.1.1:

  • Fixed help page
    • Added color command

Parties 2.1.0:

  • New storage system
    • Incoming supports for new storage types
    • Currently supports: YAML and MySQL
    • Improved MySQL, supports connection pool
    • Same storage for log and database
    • Completely customizable
  • Added color system
    • New command: /party color
    • Now you can set a color for your party
    • Disabled by default
    • 3 new placeholders
    • Completely customizable
  • Added a general sub-command: remove
  • Improved list messages
  • Improved PlaceholderAPI system
  • Fixed exp system giving SkillAPI exp even if disabled
----------, Jan 10, 2018

Parties 2.1.4:
  • Fixed home command
  • Fixed null players in members and info commands
  • Fixed log to file

Parties 2.1.3:

  • Fixed list limit bug

Parties 2.1.2:

  • New APIs
    • Added getColor, setColor & getColorList
  • Improved color system
    • Added dynamic color support
    • Now you can add a specific color if your party reaches X members/kills
  • Improved placeholder system
    • Removed %rank%
    • Added %rank_name% & %rank_chat%
    • Every placeholder is now configurable via config.yml
  • Improved list command
    • Added limit parties option
    • Added option to enable/disable list command
  • Improved configuration system
  • Improved rank system
  • Fixed color save on YAML database
  • Fixed kills placeholder (%kills >>> %kills%)

Parties 2.1.1:

  • Fixed help page
    • Added color command

Parties 2.1.0:

  • New storage system
    • Incoming supports for new storage types
    • Currently supports: YAML and MySQL
    • Improved MySQL, supports connection pool
    • Same storage for log and database
    • Completely customizable
  • Added color system
    • New command: /party color
    • Now you can set a color for your party
    • Disabled by default
    • 3 new placeholders
    • Completely customizable
  • Added a general sub-command: remove
  • Improved list messages
  • Improved PlaceholderAPI system
  • Fixed exp system giving SkillAPI exp even if disabled
----------, Jan 3, 2018

Parties 2.1.3:
  • Fixed list limit bug

Parties 2.1.2:

  • New APIs
    • Added getColor, setColor & getColorList
  • Improved color system
    • Added dynamic color support
    • Now you can add a specific color if your party reaches X members/kills
  • Improved placeholder system
    • Removed %rank%
    • Added %rank_name% & %rank_chat%
    • Every placeholder is now configurable via config.yml
  • Improved list command
    • Added limit parties option
    • Added option to enable/disable list command
  • Improved configuration system
  • Improved rank system
  • Fixed color save on YAML database
  • Fixed kills placeholder (%kills >>> %kills%)

Parties 2.1.1:

  • Fixed help page
    • Added color command

Parties 2.1.0:

  • New storage system
    • Incoming supports for new storage types
    • Currently supports: YAML and MySQL
    • Improved MySQL, supports connection pool
    • Same storage for log and database
    • Completely customizable
  • Added color system
    • New command: /party color
    • Now you can set a color for your party
    • Disabled by default
    • 3 new placeholders
    • Completely customizable
  • Added a general sub-command: remove
  • Improved list messages
  • Improved PlaceholderAPI system
  • Fixed exp system giving SkillAPI exp even if disabled
----------, Dec 7, 2017

Parties 2.1.2:
  • New APIs
    • Added getColor, setColor & getColorList
  • Improved color system
    • Added dynamic color support
    • Now you can add a specific color if your party reaches X members/kills
  • Improved placeholder system
    • Removed %rank%
    • Added %rank_name% & %rank_chat%
    • Every placeholder is now configurable via config.yml
  • Improved list command
    • Added limit parties option
    • Added option to enable/disable list command
  • Improved configuration system
  • Improved rank system
  • Fixed color save on YAML database
  • Fixed kills placeholder (%kills >>> %kills%)

Parties 2.1.1:

  • Fixed help page
    • Added color command

Parties 2.1.0:

  • New storage system
    • Incoming supports for new storage types
    • Currently supports: YAML and MySQL
    • Improved MySQL, supports connection pool
    • Same storage for log and database
    • Completely customizable
  • Added color system
    • New command: /party color
    • Now you can set a color for your party
    • Disabled by default
    • 3 new placeholders
    • Completely customizable
  • Added a general sub-command: remove
  • Improved list messages
  • Improved PlaceholderAPI system
  • Fixed exp system giving SkillAPI exp even if disabled
----------, Dec 6, 2017

Parties 2.1.1:
  • Fixed help page
    • Added color command

Parties 2.1.0:

  • New storage system
    • Incoming supports for new storage types
    • Currently supports: YAML and MySQL
    • Improved MySQL, supports connection pool
    • Same storage for log and database
    • Completely customizable
  • Added color system
    • New command: /party color
    • Now you can set a color for your party
    • Disabled by default
    • 3 new placeholders
    • Completely customizable
  • Added a general sub-command: remove
  • Improved list messages
  • Improved PlaceholderAPI system
  • Fixed exp system giving SkillAPI exp even if disabled
----------, Dec 5, 2017

Parties 2.1.0:
  • New storage system
    • Incoming supports for new storage types
    • Currently supports: YAML and MySQL
    • Improved MySQL, supports connection pool
    • Same storage for log and database
    • Completely customizable
  • Added color system
    • New command: /party color
    • Now you can set a color for your party
    • Disabled by default
    • 3 new placeholders
    • Completely customizable
  • Added a general sub-command: remove
  • Improved list messages
  • Improved PlaceholderAPI system
  • Fixed exp system giving SkillAPI exp even if disabled
----------, Dec 3, 2017

Welcome to the new Parties 2.0.4!
There are a lot of changes! Firstly I wanna thanks everyone that believe in my plugin.

Someone asked me to implement Bungeechat, PvPManager or MythicMobs support, this is the answer:

Parties 2.0.4:
  • Fixed EssentialsChat placeholders colors
  • Debug: improved database debug calls

Parties 2.0.3:

  • Fixed API
    • Method: createParty

Parties 2.0.2:
  • Fixed spy system
    • Correctly formatted
    • Data save on file fixed
  • Fixed kick command
    • Now you can kick an offline player

Parties 2.0.1:
  • Improved updater system
    • Checks for updates every 24 hours
  • Fixed accept command
  • Fixed key size on SQL database
    • Now you can set the size of varchars
    • Same for the log table
  • Fixed messages printed two times

Parties 2.0.0:
  • New API for developers!
    • Removed old methods
    • New methods
    • Added support for events handling
  • New kick system
    • Now you can kick unknown players
    • You can choose who kick when there are homonyms
    • Display last login date, last name used on the server or the new MC username
  • New SQL system
    • Better performance
    • A correct approach to the database
    • Implemented a system to easily update the database (same for the normal database)
  • Added a new command: teleport
    • Teleport your partymates to you
    • New Permission: parties.teleport
  • Added tab support
    • Now you can tab to write party commands
    • Permission based
  • Added cooldown to chat
    • Set a cooldown to send a party message
    • Rank bypass allowed
  • Added login & logout notifications
  • Added a permission to bypass rank restrictions:
    • New permission: parties.admin.rankbypass
    • Now you can edit other parties (like fixed ones)
  • Added an option to speak colored into the party chat
  • Removed PEX & GroupManager support
    • LuckPerms is better ;)
    • Useless to handle, you can get the same placeholders via PlaceholderAPI
    • Use: %vault_rank% instead of %group%
  • Removed DeluxeChat support
    • Useless because Parties already hook into PlaceholderAPI
  • Improved player handler system
    • Greatly improved performances
    • Unload players and parties upon leave
  • Improved log system
    • Better console integration
    • Better SQL support
    • New option to print messages on the console
  • Improved rename command
    • Now the leader can rename his party (party rank based)
    • Admins can still use rename command for other parties
    • Greatly improved performance
  • Improved none database
    • Reworked, everything should works now
  • Improved spy system
    • Improved performance
    • Fixed colors bug
    • Spy messages doesn't appear anymore into the console (printing 2 times the same thing)
    • New format
  • Improved addons handler
    • Now you can see if Parties fails to hook into a plugin
  • Improved Vault integration (removed Vault chat)
    • Removed Vault chat integration, you can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders
    • Now you can correctly use every placeholder of Vault (thanks to PlaceholderAPI)
    • Improved price system
    • New commands supported: join, teleport, claim
  • Improved list command
    • Improved performance
    • Now it loads offline parties
    • You can see every party that exists
  • Improved password system
    • You can't see anymore the password through the console
    • Commands join and password are hidden
  • Improved updater system
    • It starts when the server finishes to load (better performance, no impact to the server boot time)
    • Now it works with strange versions (developments builds)
    • Doesn't alert anymore when it finds an older version
  • Improved bStats statistics
    • Added new charts: exp, vault, tag, api
  • Improved censor system
  • Improved help page system
  • Improved GriefPrevention support
  • Improved config.yml and messages.yml
  • Improved Parties code, tons of code cleanup
  • Fixed option to change database file name
  • Fixed player cannot damage himself due to friendly fire
  • Fixed Dynmap errors if it isn't hooked
  • Fixed command reload that doesn't reload ranks
----------, Nov 25, 2017

Welcome to the new Parties 2.0.3!
There are a lot of changes! Firstly I wanna thanks everyone that believe in my plugin.

Someone asked me to implement Bungeechat, PvPManager or MythicMobs support, this is the answer:

Parties 2.0.3:
  • Fixed API
    • Method: createParty

Parties 2.0.2:
  • Fixed spy system
    • Correctly formatted
    • Data save on file fixed
  • Fixed kick command
    • Now you can kick an offline player

Parties 2.0.1:
  • Improved updater system
    • Checks for updates every 24 hours
  • Fixed accept command
  • Fixed key size on SQL database
    • Now you can set the size of varchars
    • Same for the log table
  • Fixed messages printed two times

Parties 2.0.0:
  • New API for developers!
    • Removed old methods
    • New methods
    • Added support for events handling
  • New kick system
    • Now you can kick unknown players
    • You can choose who kick when there are homonyms
    • Display last login date, last name used on the server or the new MC username
  • New SQL system
    • Better performance
    • A correct approach to the database
    • Implemented a system to easily update the database (same for the normal database)
  • Added a new command: teleport
    • Teleport your partymates to you
    • New Permission: parties.teleport
  • Added tab support
    • Now you can tab to write party commands
    • Permission based
  • Added cooldown to chat
    • Set a cooldown to send a party message
    • Rank bypass allowed
  • Added login & logout notifications
  • Added a permission to bypass rank restrictions:
    • New permission: parties.admin.rankbypass
    • Now you can edit other parties (like fixed ones)
  • Added an option to speak colored into the party chat
  • Removed PEX & GroupManager support
    • LuckPerms is better ;)
    • Useless to handle, you can get the same placeholders via PlaceholderAPI
    • Use: %vault_rank% instead of %group%
  • Removed DeluxeChat support
    • Useless because Parties already hook into PlaceholderAPI
  • Improved player handler system
    • Greatly improved performances
    • Unload players and parties upon leave
  • Improved log system
    • Better console integration
    • Better SQL support
    • New option to print messages on the console
  • Improved rename command
    • Now the leader can rename his party (party rank based)
    • Admins can still use rename command for other parties
    • Greatly improved performance
  • Improved none database
    • Reworked, everything should works now
  • Improved spy system
    • Improved performance
    • Fixed colors bug
    • Spy messages doesn't appear anymore into the console (printing 2 times the same thing)
    • New format
  • Improved addons handler
    • Now you can see if Parties fails to hook into a plugin
  • Improved Vault integration (removed Vault chat)
    • Removed Vault chat integration, you can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders
    • Now you can correctly use every placeholder of Vault (thanks to PlaceholderAPI)
    • Improved price system
    • New commands supported: join, teleport, claim
  • Improved list command
    • Improved performance
    • Now it loads offline parties
    • You can see every party that exists
  • Improved password system
    • You can't see anymore the password through the console
    • Commands join and password are hidden
  • Improved updater system
    • It starts when the server finishes to load (better performance, no impact to the server boot time)
    • Now it works with strange versions (developments builds)
    • Doesn't alert anymore when it finds an older version
  • Improved bStats statistics
    • Added new charts: exp, vault, tag, api
  • Improved censor system
  • Improved help page system
  • Improved GriefPrevention support
  • Improved config.yml and messages.yml
  • Improved Parties code, tons of code cleanup
  • Fixed option to change database file name
  • Fixed player cannot damage himself due to friendly fire
  • Fixed Dynmap errors if it isn't hooked
  • Fixed command reload that doesn't reload ranks
----------, Nov 24, 2017

Welcome to the new Parties 2.0.2!
There are a lot of changes! Firstly I wanna thanks everyone that believe in my plugin.

Someone asked me to implement Bungeechat, PvPManager or MythicMobs support, this is the answer:

Parties 2.0.2:
  • Fixed spy system
    • Correctly formatted
    • Data save on file fixed
  • Fixed kick command
    • Now you can kick an offline player

Parties 2.0.1:
  • Improved updater system
    • Checks for updates every 24 hours
  • Fixed accept command
  • Fixed key size on SQL database
    • Now you can set the size of varchars
    • Same for the log table
  • Fixed messages printed two times

Parties 2.0.0:
  • New API for developers!
    • Removed old methods
    • New methods
    • Added support for events handling
  • New kick system
    • Now you can kick unknown players
    • You can choose who kick when there are homonyms
    • Display last login date, last name used on the server or the new MC username
  • New SQL system
    • Better performance
    • A correct approach to the database
    • Implemented a system to easily update the database (same for the normal database)
  • Added a new command: teleport
    • Teleport your partymates to you
    • New Permission: parties.teleport
  • Added tab support
    • Now you can tab to write party commands
    • Permission based
  • Added cooldown to chat
    • Set a cooldown to send a party message
    • Rank bypass allowed
  • Added login & logout notifications
  • Added a permission to bypass rank restrictions:
    • New permission: parties.admin.rankbypass
    • Now you can edit other parties (like fixed ones)
  • Added an option to speak colored into the party chat
  • Removed PEX & GroupManager support
    • LuckPerms is better ;)
    • Useless to handle, you can get the same placeholders via PlaceholderAPI
    • Use: %vault_rank% instead of %group%
  • Removed DeluxeChat support
    • Useless because Parties already hook into PlaceholderAPI
  • Improved player handler system
    • Greatly improved performances
    • Unload players and parties upon leave
  • Improved log system
    • Better console integration
    • Better SQL support
    • New option to print messages on the console
  • Improved rename command
    • Now the leader can rename his party (party rank based)
    • Admins can still use rename command for other parties
    • Greatly improved performance
  • Improved none database
    • Reworked, everything should works now
  • Improved spy system
    • Improved performance
    • Fixed colors bug
    • Spy messages doesn't appear anymore into the console (printing 2 times the same thing)
    • New format
  • Improved addons handler
    • Now you can see if Parties fails to hook into a plugin
  • Improved Vault integration (removed Vault chat)
    • Removed Vault chat integration, you can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders
    • Now you can correctly use every placeholder of Vault (thanks to PlaceholderAPI)
    • Improved price system
    • New commands supported: join, teleport, claim
  • Improved list command
    • Improved performance
    • Now it loads offline parties
    • You can see every party that exists
  • Improved password system
    • You can't see anymore the password through the console
    • Commands join and password are hidden
  • Improved updater system
    • It starts when the server finishes to load (better performance, no impact to the server boot time)
    • Now it works with strange versions (developments builds)
    • Doesn't alert anymore when it finds an older version
  • Improved bStats statistics
    • Added new charts: exp, vault, tag, api
  • Improved censor system
  • Improved help page system
  • Improved GriefPrevention support
  • Improved config.yml and messages.yml
  • Improved Parties code, tons of code cleanup
  • Fixed option to change database file name
  • Fixed player cannot damage himself due to friendly fire
  • Fixed Dynmap errors if it isn't hooked
  • Fixed command reload that doesn't reload ranks
----------, Nov 22, 2017

Welcome to the new Parties 2.0.1!
There are a lot of changes! Firstly I wanna thanks everyone that believe in my plugin.

Someone asked me to implement Bungeechat, PvPManager or MythicMobs support, this is the answer:

Parties 2.0.1:
  • Improved updater system
    • Checks for updates every 24 hours
  • Fixed accept command
  • Fixed key size on SQL database
    • Now you can set the size of varchars
    • Same for the log table
  • Fixed messages printed two times

Parties 2.0.0:
  • New API for developers!
    • Removed old methods
    • New methods
    • Added support for events handling
  • New kick system
    • Now you can kick unknown players
    • You can choose who kick when there are homonyms
    • Display last login date, last name used on the server or the new MC username
  • New SQL system
    • Better performance
    • A correct approach to the database
    • Implemented a system to easily update the database (same for the normal database)
  • Added a new command: teleport
    • Teleport your partymates to you
    • New Permission: parties.teleport
  • Added tab support
    • Now you can tab to write party commands
    • Permission based
  • Added cooldown to chat
    • Set a cooldown to send a party message
    • Rank bypass allowed
  • Added login & logout notifications
  • Added a permission to bypass rank restrictions:
    • New permission: parties.admin.rankbypass
    • Now you can edit other parties (like fixed ones)
  • Added an option to speak colored into the party chat
  • Removed PEX & GroupManager support
    • LuckPerms is better ;)
    • Useless to handle, you can get the same placeholders via PlaceholderAPI
    • Use: %vault_rank% instead of %group%
  • Removed DeluxeChat support
    • Useless because Parties already hook into PlaceholderAPI
  • Improved player handler system
    • Greatly improved performances
    • Unload players and parties upon leave
  • Improved log system
    • Better console integration
    • Better SQL support
    • New option to print messages on the console
  • Improved rename command
    • Now the leader can rename his party (party rank based)
    • Admins can still use rename command for other parties
    • Greatly improved performance
  • Improved none database
    • Reworked, everything should works now
  • Improved spy system
    • Improved performance
    • Fixed colors bug
    • Spy messages doesn't appear anymore into the console (printing 2 times the same thing)
    • New format
  • Improved addons handler
    • Now you can see if Parties fails to hook into a plugin
  • Improved Vault integration (removed Vault chat)
    • Removed Vault chat integration, you can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders
    • Now you can correctly use every placeholder of Vault (thanks to PlaceholderAPI)
    • Improved price system
    • New commands supported: join, teleport, claim
  • Improved list command
    • Improved performance
    • Now it loads offline parties
    • You can see every party that exists
  • Improved password system
    • You can't see anymore the password through the console
    • Commands join and password are hidden
  • Improved updater system
    • It starts when the server finishes to load (better performance, no impact to the server boot time)
    • Now it works with strange versions (developments builds)
    • Doesn't alert anymore when it finds an older version
  • Improved bStats statistics
    • Added new charts: exp, vault, tag, api
  • Improved censor system
  • Improved help page system
  • Improved GriefPrevention support
  • Improved config.yml and messages.yml
  • Improved Parties code, tons of code cleanup
  • Fixed option to change database file name
  • Fixed player cannot damage himself due to friendly fire
  • Fixed Dynmap errors if it isn't hooked
  • Fixed command reload that doesn't reload ranks
----------, Nov 21, 2017

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 81,464
First Release: Feb 3, 2015
Last Update: Nov 8, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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