Welcome to the new Parties 2.0.2!
There are a lot of changes! Firstly I wanna thanks everyone that believe in my plugin.
Someone asked me to implement Bungeechat, PvPManager or MythicMobs support, this is the answer:
Parties 2.0.2:
- Fixed spy system
- Correctly formatted
- Data save on file fixed
- Fixed kick command
- Now you can kick an offline player
Parties 2.0.1:
- Improved updater system
- Checks for updates every 24 hours
- Fixed accept command
- Fixed key size on SQL database
- Now you can set the size of varchars
- Same for the log table
- Fixed messages printed two times
Parties 2.0.0:
- New API for developers!
- Removed old methods
- New methods
- Added support for events handling
- New kick system
- Now you can kick unknown players
- You can choose who kick when there are homonyms
- Display last login date, last name used on the server or the new MC username
- New SQL system
- Better performance
- A correct approach to the database
- Implemented a system to easily update the database (same for the normal database)
- Added a new command: teleport
- Teleport your partymates to you
- New Permission: parties.teleport
- Added tab support
- Now you can tab to write party commands
- Permission based
- Added cooldown to chat
- Set a cooldown to send a party message
- Rank bypass allowed
- Added login & logout notifications
- Added a permission to bypass rank restrictions:
- New permission: parties.admin.rankbypass
- Now you can edit other parties (like fixed ones)
- Added an option to speak colored into the party chat
- Removed PEX & GroupManager support
- LuckPerms is better

- Useless to handle, you can get the same placeholders via PlaceholderAPI
- Use: %vault_rank% instead of %group%
- Removed DeluxeChat support
- Useless because Parties already hook into PlaceholderAPI
- Improved player handler system
- Greatly improved performances
- Unload players and parties upon leave
- Improved log system
- Better console integration
- Better SQL support
- New option to print messages on the console
- Improved rename command
- Now the leader can rename his party (party rank based)
- Admins can still use rename command for other parties
- Greatly improved performance
- Improved none database
- Reworked, everything should works now
- Improved spy system
- Improved performance
- Fixed colors bug
- Spy messages doesn't appear anymore into the console (printing 2 times the same thing)
- New format
- Improved addons handler
- Now you can see if Parties fails to hook into a plugin
- Improved Vault integration (removed Vault chat)
- Removed Vault chat integration, you can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders
- Now you can correctly use every placeholder of Vault (thanks to PlaceholderAPI)
- Improved price system
- New commands supported: join, teleport, claim
- Improved list command
- Improved performance
- Now it loads offline parties
- You can see every party that exists
- Improved password system
- You can't see anymore the password through the console
- Commands join and password are hidden
- Improved updater system
- It starts when the server finishes to load (better performance, no impact to the server boot time)
- Now it works with strange versions (developments builds)
- Doesn't alert anymore when it finds an older version
- Improved bStats statistics
- Added new charts: exp, vault, tag, api
- Improved censor system
- Improved help page system
- Improved GriefPrevention support
- Improved config.yml and messages.yml
- Improved Parties code, tons of code cleanup
- Fixed option to change database file name
- Fixed player cannot damage himself due to friendly fire
- Fixed Dynmap errors if it isn't hooked
- Fixed command reload that doesn't reload ranks