NoAltsExploits️  | Alt Account Manager | Protection | Velocity & BungeeCord Support icon

NoAltsExploits️ | Alt Account Manager | Protection | Velocity & BungeeCord Support -----

Prevent abuse and exploits of alt accounts & bungee support! Accurate Geolocation data of any player

- Organized code for better maintanability for Velocity.
- Improved the performance of Velocity version by moving a few operations to be async.

Please consider leaving a good review for the plugin.
Discord Support
----------, Mar 1, 2025

- Decoupled operations to make sure writes are async and reads are sync it wasn't as clear before leading to slight degraded performance.
- Organized code into packages.
- Removed unused API.

Please consider leaving a good review for the plugin.
Discord Support
----------, Feb 25, 2025

- Hotfix from the previous upload that caused the whitelist and blacklist not working.

- Allow end users to put a command in both the whitelist or blacklist section and on the cooldown section.
- Cooldown won't be applied to commands that are cancelled for other reasons or other plugins.
- Added an advanced-detection setting that will allow the search of
commands that might be aliases of other commands.
- Added the ignore-executor setting that when enabled it will apply the cooldown only on the alt accounts of that player but not on them.

Update your commands-per-ip section to look like this:

Code (YAML):
# This section allows you to specify cooldowns (in minutes) for specific commands, based on the player's IP address.
# The number 5 after the command means a 5 minutes cooldown.
  # It will check the whole command and not just the exact match, so things like /pay PLAYER AMOUNT will be detected.
  # Do not enabled it if you don't have a use for it.
: false
  # It will ignore the player running the command from the cooldowns but it will effect their alt accounts.
  # If you enable this setting then you should also enable advanced-detection.
: false
: 5
  "test two"
: 10
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Discord Support
----------, Feb 9, 2025

- Allow end users to put a command in both the whitelist or blacklist section and on the cooldown section.
- Cooldown won't be applied to commands that are cancelled for other reasons or other plugins.
- Added an advanced-detection setting that will allow the search of
commands that might be aliases of other commands.
- Added the ignore-executor setting that when enabled it will apply the cooldown only on the alt accounts of that player but not on them.

Update your commands-per-ip section to look like this:

Code (YAML):
# This section allows you to specify cooldowns (in minutes) for specific commands, based on the player's IP address.
# The number 5 after the command means a 5 minutes cooldown.
  # It will check the whole command and not just the exact match, so things like /pay PLAYER AMOUNT will be detected.
  # Do not enabled it if you don't have a use for it.
: false
  # It will ignore the player running the command from the cooldowns but it will effect their alt accounts.
  # If you enable this setting then you should also enable advanced-detection.
: false
: 5
  "test two"
: 10
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Discord Support
----------, Feb 8, 2025

- For the backend version in the commands-per-ip section made sure that the cooldowns will not be enforced if they don't target the same IP. The trigger is the same.

- Added a blacklisted-commands section for those that prefer that approach.

Add this in your backend config.yml

Code (YAML):
# This section contains a list of commands that are blacklisted.
# If enabled, ONLY these commands are checked by the plugin.
# The whitelisted-commands section is ignored when this is enabled.
: false
   - "pay"
    - "money"
    - "trust"
    - "give"
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Discord Support
----------, Feb 7, 2025

- Added a new config option for velocity, you can set the number of days you want the IP history of an inactive player to be forgotten.

Add this in your velocity config.yml

Code (YAML):

# Maximum number of accounts a player can have per IP.
: 3
: false # Set to true if you want to enable this feature.
: -1 # Removes the IP history of any players that haven't joined in number of days, set to -1 to disable this feature.
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Discord Support
----------, Feb 5, 2025

- Added a new config option for velocity, you can set the number of days you want the IP history of a player to be forgotten.

Add this in your velocity config.yml

Code (YAML):
  # Maximum number of accounts a player can have per IP.
: 3
: false # Set to true if you want to enable this feature.
: -1 # Removes the IP history in number of days, set to -1 to disable this feature.
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Discord Support
----------, Feb 5, 2025

- Fixed previous MySQL update not initializing on velocity.
- Added more info when plugin loads on server startup.

Do not forget to update your velocity version configs for the previous update!

Code (YAML):
: "SQLITE"       # "SQLITE" or "MYSQL"
: "localhost"
: 3306
: "noaltsexploits"
: "root"
: "supersecret"

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Discord Support
----------, Jan 20, 2025

- Added MySQL support for Velocity for people that want to sync data between proxies.
- Login notification messages are only send if a player has alts to avoid spam.

Add this in your config.
Code (YAML):
: "SQLITE"       # "SQLITE" or "MYSQL"
: "localhost"
: 3306
: "noaltsexploits"
: "root"
: "supersecret"

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Discord Support
----------, Jan 20, 2025

- Bump the SQLite library version for Velocity.
- Added a customizable notification message send to players with the permission "noaltsexploits.admin.notify" that will tell them the alts the player that joined has.

Add this section under settings:
Code (YAML):
  # Notification message when a player joins, visible to players with noaltsexploits.admin.notify permission
  # Use %player% for the player's name and %alts% for their alternate accounts.
: "&7[&a+&7] %player% [&f%alts%&7]"
Please consider leaving a good review for the plugin.
Discord Support
----------, Jan 17, 2025

- This version improves the autocomplete feature of player names, especially after the sub commands info and iphistory.

Please consider leaving a good review for the plugin.
Discord Support
----------, Nov 16, 2024

- Velocity fixed issue where a player could join once above the account limit and then be met with the max account limit message.

- Permission for velocity to bypass these restrictions is "

- Added support for 1.17+ minecraft versions.

Please consider leaving a good review for the plugin.
Discord Support
----------, Aug 21, 2024

- Improved the performance on backend servers during the login and logout events.
- Other various small fixes here and there.

Please consider leaving a good review for the plugin.
Discord Support
----------, Jun 25, 2024

- Updated drivers.
- Updated dependecies.
- Optimized file imports.
- Added an update checker.

Please consider leaving a good review for the plugin.
Discord Support
----------, Apr 15, 2024

- Fix velocity commands no checking for the noaltsexploitsvelocity.admin permission before executing some commands.

- Fix velocity max accounts setting sorting accounts alphabetically instead of chronologically.

- Finished the velocity /naev iphistory "name" command , it will now return the login history of an account with a proper login timestamp.

- Fixed IP History and other basic functions completely breaking in the bukkit version of the plugin.

Please consider leaving a good review for the plugin.
Discord Support
----------, Dec 2, 2023

- Made sure that the IP history is not update if a player is prevented from joining the server.

- An account will not be associated with an IP if it has been prevented from joining, this will prevent the accumulation of alts with no reason.

Please consider leaving a good review for the plugin.
Discord Support
----------, Nov 28, 2023

- Fixed an error when the plugin and server closes, caused by async database operations.

Please consider leaving a good review for the plugin.
Discord Support
----------, Nov 2, 2023

- Added the max-accounts setting along with the /nae removeaccount <name> <ip> command from the proxy versions of the plugin to the backend version.
Add these to your config.yml or regenerate it
Code (YAML):
settings :
  # Maximum number of accounts a player can have per IP.
: 3
: false # Set to true if you want to enable this feature.

  # The message that is displayed to players when they are kicked for exceeding the maximum number of players with the same IP.
: "&cYou have reached the maximum number of accounts for this IP. \n &cAccounts:&7 <ACCOUNTS>"
Please consider leaving a good review for the plugin.
Discord Support
----------, Nov 1, 2023

- Fixed some values returning null from the config.yml in velocity.

Please consider leaving a good review for the plugin.
Discord Support
----------, Oct 31, 2023

- Added support for Velocity.
- Bungeecord databases of the plugin can be transfered to Velocity without issues, but I would suggest you regenerate your configs.
- New command added for velocity " /naev iphistory <name>" , bukkit already had this command.

I will be focusing the development on velocity and bukkit versions of the plugin and I would suggest that you switch from bungee or waterfall to velocity.

Please consider leaving a good review for the plugin.
Discord Support
----------, Oct 30, 2023

Please Read

- Database system has been switched to SQLite instead of flat json files, the benefits are better performance, better security, better scalability and overall it would make the plugin more efficient! However the drawback is that the existing .json databases will now be useless and the data will need to be collected again, I am sorry about that but it is for the best and it needed to be done. Please delete the leftover json databases they are no longer needed.

Please consider leaving a good review for the plugin.
Discord Support
----------, Oct 26, 2023

Small fix by using a lower build API to make sure the plugins load on older server versions.

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Discord Support
----------, Oct 23, 2023

- The command /noaltsexploits or /nae will auto complete sub commands and the current online players.

- Iphistory didn't work for players with the bypass permission, this has been fixed so that all players will have an IP history regardless of permissions.

- Added a new /nae info <player> command with some basic info (more will be added).

Please consider leaving a good review for the plugin.
Discord Support
----------, Oct 23, 2023

This update will allow the /geolocate command to work on offline players aswell, it will also work on player names and on IPs.

Updated the build API.
----------, Oct 16, 2023

Updated a few build requirements.
Removed a few comments.

Please consider leaving a good review for the plugin.
Discord Support
----------, Oct 10, 2023

Changelog: Plugin Update - Version 1.8

Bungee Version Changes

- The noaltsexploitsbungee.bypass permission wasn't correctly bypassing the max-ips-online setting, it's now fixed.

Please consider leaving a good review for the plugin.
Discord Support
----------, Sep 27, 2023

Changelog: Plugin Update - Version 1.7

Bungee Version Changes

- The max-accounts setting is now fully fledged so the experimental tag in the config has been removed.

- When the max-accounts limit is reached it will only prevent new accounts with the same IP from joining but it will still allow older accounts to join if they joined before the max-accounts limit was reached.

- New command was added so that admins can remove any account they want from being associeted with an IP
/noaltsexploitsbungee removeaccount <name> <ip>
/naeb removeaccount <name> <ip>

- Updated the default config with the experimental lebel and added more whitelisted bungee commands.

Please consider leaving a good review for the plugin.
Discord Support
----------, Sep 13, 2023

Changelog: Plugin Update - Version 1.6

- A bit of clean up and organizing.
- Bumb plugin.yml with the 1.20 api.
You don't have to download if you have the previous version.

Please consider leaving a good review for the plugin.
Discord Support
----------, Sep 8, 2023

Changelog: Plugin Update - Version 1.5 (Reupload)

- New version of the plugin has been created NoAltsExploitsBungee for Bungee servers! The bungee version of the plugin has most of the features of the bukkit version.

It prevents the use of bungee commands that target players with the same IP (unless the command is whitelisted or the player has the bypass permission).

It has the cooldown per IP system for bungee commands.

A check for setting how many players with the same IP can be online at the same time.

A new experimental setting and check has been added aswell!
It adds the ability to set the maximum number of accounts each IP can have!

Screenshot 2023-08-18 144417.png

- Added a short version of the /noaltsexploits command /nae and /naeb for bungee.

- Made sure that the subcommand for the sameIP command (online , offline) are autocompleted.

- Code cleanup and organizing.

Please consider leaving a good review for the plugin.
Discord Support
----------, Aug 18, 2023

Changelog: Plugin Update - Version 1.5

- New version of the plugin has been created NoAltsExploitsBungee for Bungee servers! The bungee version of the plugin has most of the features of the bukkit version.

It prevents the use of bungee commands that target players with the same IP (unless the command is whitelisted or the player has the bypass permission).

It has the cooldown per IP system for bungee commands.

A check for setting how many players with the same IP can be online at the same time.

A new experimental setting and check has been added aswell!
It adds the ability to set the maximum number of accounts each IP can have!

Screenshot 2023-08-18 144417.png

- Added a short version of the /noaltsexploits command /nae and /naeb for bungee.

- Made sure that the subcommand for the sameIP command (online , offline) are autocompleted.

- Code cleanup and organizing.
----------, Aug 18, 2023

Changelog: Plugin Update - Version 1.4

- New command added "/noaltsexploits iphistory PLAYER [page number]"

- New config section, please add it under settings or regenerate your configs.
Code (YAML):
  # The number of days after which IP history data is purged.
: 7
- Fixed an error when entering the command /noaltsexploits on its own.

Please consider leaving a good review for the plugin.

Discord Support
----------, Aug 16, 2023

Changelog: Plugin Update - Version 1.3

- Cleaned the config.yml a bit for new users.
- Separated the command "/noaltsexploits sameip" into "/noaltsexploits sameip online" and "/noaltsexploits sameip offline". This should help users to see only the info the want to see.
----------, Aug 7, 2023

Changelog: Plugin Update - Version 1.2

New Config Option:

Added an option that enables or disables one of the main functions of the plugin, the prevention of targeting the same IP accounts with commands.
Please regenerate your config.yml or add this part under the settings section.

Code (YAML):
  # If you have this on true then it will prevent players from targeting same IP players.
  # You will need to use the whitelisted-commands section if on true to define commands you don't want effected by this setting.
: true

This suggestion was made on Discord.
----------, Aug 1, 2023

Changelog: Plugin Update - Version 1.1

New Command: /noaltsexploits sameip
  • Description: This new command allows administrators to print out a list of players with the same IP, whether they are currently online or offline. I recommend using this command from the server console for optimal results. All sub-commands will now auto-complete for added convenience.
Updated Geolocation
  • Description: The geolocation functionality has been enhanced to handle local connections without errors, providing a smoother experience for players connecting from the same network.
Geolocation Backoff Method
  • Description: To prevent performance issues and network strain caused by failed API calls, I have implemented a backoff method for geolocation. In the event that API calls are exceeded, this feature will ensure that the server's performance and network integrity remain unaffected.
I hope these updates improve your server's functionality and enhance the overall user experience. If you encounter any issues or have any feedback, please don't hesitate to contact me on Discord.
----------, Aug 1, 2023

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 47
First Release: Jul 31, 2023
Last Update: Mar 1, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
6 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings