- Allow end users to put a command in both the whitelist or blacklist section and on the cooldown section.
- Cooldown won't be applied to commands that are cancelled for other reasons or other plugins.
- Added an
advanced-detection setting that will allow the search of
commands that might be aliases of other commands.
- Added the
ignore-executor setting that when enabled it will apply the cooldown only on the alt accounts of that player but not on them.
Update your commands-per-ip section to look like this:
Code (YAML):
# This section allows you to specify cooldowns (in minutes) for specific commands, based on the player's IP address.
# The number 5 after the command means a 5 minutes cooldown.
# It will check the whole command and not just the exact match, so things like /pay PLAYER AMOUNT will be detected.
# Do not enabled it if you don't have a use for it.
: false
# It will ignore the player running the command from the cooldowns but it will effect their alt accounts.
# If you enable this setting then you should also enable advanced-detection.
: false
: 5
"test two"
: 10
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