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Netuno -----

Expansive Punishment Plugin

  • Changed the /punish command to now accept up to two arguments: /punish (player) [punishment_tag]. The player argument is required, but the punishment_tag argument is optional. You can use this argument to select a punishment without having to go through the GUI.
    • You can change the punishment_tag for each punishment in the config section of each punishment GUI
----------, May 3, 2024

Fixed an error that occurs on server startup when you are using SQLite.
----------, Apr 2, 2024

Hi y'all! I am aware that it has been almost 2 years (woah, has it really been that long? I am so sorry y'all) since the last update, but I am ready to publish what I have been working on! While me working on this has been... inconsistent, I have been able to get a lot done and I am very proud of what Netuno looks like now.

Here's the main things that have been done:
- Overhaul of code, allowing for (hopefully!) more features in the future and less lag
- Overhauled the alts system
- Now comes with an API for other developers, NetunoAPI
- Punishment GUI configurations were removed from the main config.yml file and are now in their own config files

A somewhat comprehensive list of most of the updates and bug fixes can be found further below.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This version of Netuno is not compatible with any previously generated databases from Netuno versions below 1.5.0. This means that you must reset your database. If you are using SQLite, this is easy to do: just delete the database.db file in Netuno's plugin folder. If you have an SQL server and need help with resetting, feel free to join our discord and ask for help there. I do apologize for this, but I felt it was for the best, as I was unexperienced with SQL before this, and while I have grown and I do think this iteration is better, I understand that I am not perfect.

Thanks so much for bearing with me while I worked on this, and I want to thank everyone who either suggested new ideas, reported bugs, or supported me in developing this. If you find any issues, need help, want to give suggestions/feedback, or just chat, join our discord server!

New Features: (unfortunately I did not write down everything, but this should include most of it)
- Added the /watchlist command
- In any config file, your primary color can be referenced with " &p" and your secondary color can be referenced with " &s"
- Added the variable " [ACCOUNTS]" for use in some sections of configuration files, which yields all known accounts of the player, including themself
- Added support for silent punishments in the /punish GUI
- Added variables " [HIGHEST_MUTED_ALT]" and " [HIGHEST_BANNED_ALT]" for use in some sections of configuration files, which yield the alt account who has the highest remaining mute or ban, respectively
- Prevented staff from accidentally punishing a player for the same offense by only allowing one staff member to be in a punish GUI for a player at a time
- Added a new config for bans that allows a max length of time for a staff member to use, provided they do not have a bypass permission
- Added a config option for a sound to play to staff whenever a player with a punished alt account joins
- Added customizable sounds to be broadcasted to staff, players, and the target whenever the target is punished
- Revamped the help command so that it (a) actually works and (b) looks nice

Issues Fixed: (that I can remember, once again, I did not write it all down)
- Fixed some issues with punishment autoscaling
- Fixed issues with IP punishments not fully working
- Fixed issue where alt notifications were sent for players who only had one known account, themselves
- Fixed issues where people could access GUIs that they were not supposed to
----------, Feb 28, 2024

- History list update! Gunpowder now represents unpunishments such as unbans, unmutes, etc.
- Added /p as an alias to /punish
- Fixed some bugs and made some optimizations
- IMPORTANT: You should only edit the config.yml file when making edits, not the config_default.yml file!
----------, Jul 24, 2022

- Added support for 1.8 servers! This is HIGHLY experimental, and should be used at your own risk. Please let me know if you find any bugs!
- Fixed issue where the "next page" item in GUIs would show up, even though there wasn't supposed to be a next page
- If you click on a player within the Report GUI, it now brings up the clicked player's individual reports (same GUI as if you do /reports (player))

To download this, click here and select which version you would like.
----------, Dec 29, 2021

Added support for SQL servers to be used instead of the provided SQLite server.
----------, Dec 23, 2021

  • Fixed an issue where if it is a player's first time joining you can't check their alt accounts using /ipinfo
  • Made it so that when you click on a punished alt account in the /ipinfo GUI, you visit their history.
----------, Dec 22, 2021

Added an option to prevent staff from banning for longer than certain amount of time. This can be found in the ban section of the `config.yml` file. Server admins need to enable this, as it is by default disabled. There is a bypass permission, also found in the ban section of the `config.yml`.
----------, Dec 22, 2021

Fixed/Added the following things:
  • Fixed a bug where the plugin wouldn't load if Skript wasn't installed
  • Fixed an issue with saving the config.yml file
  • Optimized some back end usage for all of the commands. This should fix a bug with tab complete suggestions not working correctly at times.
  • Fixed an issue with IP bans not working for any alt accounts. Only the main account was banned
  • Fixed an issue with IP mutes that was similar to the above
  • Optimized sorting through bans/ipbans when a player joins
  • Optimized sorting through mutes/ipmutes when a player joins
  • IMPORTANT The punishgui.yml has been removed and has been added to the end of the config.yml file. This means that your punish GUI settings in game will be reset when you first load this plugin. You cannot copy and paste it because of the next change on this list:
  • Added an option in the punish GUI settings for a punishment to autoscale. Enabling this makes the length of the punishment time autoscale, for example: 30m -> 1h -> 2h -> 4h. Setting this to false makes the length of a punishment not autoscale, for example 30m -> 30m ->30m -> 30m.
----------, Dec 22, 2021

Fixed a bug where the punishments after the warns (mutes, etc) in the punish GUI where scaled by one punishment less then what it should have been
----------, Dec 16, 2021

The following commands now have the corresponding aliases:
- /ipinfo now has /ipi, /ipc, /ipcheck, and /alts as aliases
- /unipmute now has /unmuteip as an alias
- /unipban now has /unbanip as an alias
- /punish now has /pun as an alias
- /chatslow now has /slowchat as an alias

In addition to this, a bug was fixed where if players joined while banned/ipbanned, the join and leave messages would still show. This should no longer happen.
----------, Dec 15, 2021

  • Added sounds to all GUIs when you click on different items! Hopefully this makes your experience throughout the GUIs much more nice and user friendly!
  • Optimized some back end code
  • Fixed bug with the History List GUI where if you clicked on a punishment it didn't bring up a History Edit GUI
----------, Dec 6, 2021

Instead of using signs, the `/history list (player)` GUI has migrated to using emeralds and redstone dusts to indicate if a punishment is active or not. If it is an emerald, then the punishment is active, and is not active if it is a redstone dust.
----------, Dec 4, 2021

  • You can now make commands silent! Add -s anywhere in the reason of a punishment command and it will become silent.
  • Backend optimizations
----------, Dec 4, 2021

Minor bug fixes
----------, Nov 25, 2021

Netuno now has syntax for Skript as an addon! You can use Skript in addition to Netuno, but you do not have to. All syntax can be found in the of the github repository. The syntax is currently limited, but more is to come in the future!
----------, Nov 25, 2021

Fixed a bug with the punishgui.yml file where instead of saving the default punishgui.yml it saved the default config.yml. You may need to delete the original punishgui.yml file in order for this update to take affect.
----------, Nov 17, 2021

  • Automatic config updates! No more having to redo the entire config or punish GUI config when Netuno updates. The config files now automatically updates itself whenever the plugin is updated.
  • Speaking of the config file, the config.yml file has been reorganized! The original version of this file was messy and hard to find things, so this should hopefully help you find options quickly.
  • You can now change the colors of Netuno! Using the primary-color and secondary-color options in the config.yml, you can change the entire looks of Netuno (messages defined in the config do not apply to this!)
  • Added the /chatslow command! With this command, your staff can update the chat delay in real time. To update the chatslow, use /chatslow set (amount), and to get the current delay use /chatslow get.
  • Fixed a bug where players who ipmutes/mutes expired still couldn't use signs.
----------, Aug 8, 2021

Added the following bug fix:
  • Whenever you are editing a punishment in the history edit GUI, it may sometimes spam you with the edit message in chat
----------, Aug 5, 2021

Fixed a bug where the leave message would send if a user was IP Banned.
----------, Aug 5, 2021

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 680
First Release: Aug 1, 2021
Last Update: May 3, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
6 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings