Automatic config updates! No more having to redo the entire config or punish GUI config when Netuno updates. The config files now automatically updates itself whenever the plugin is updated.
Speaking of the config file, the config.yml file has been reorganized! The original version of this file was messy and hard to find things, so this should hopefully help you find options quickly.
You can now change the colors of Netuno! Using the primary-color and secondary-color options in the config.yml, you can change the entire looks of Netuno (messages defined in the config do not apply to this!)
Added the /chatslow command! With this command, your staff can update the chat delay in real time. To update the chatslow, use /chatslow set (amount), and to get the current delay use /chatslow get.
Fixed a bug where players who ipmutes/mutes expired still couldn't use signs.