Neon, A Core For Event Purposes icon

Neon, A Core For Event Purposes -----

A core for event purposes that is made with Skript

This page hasn't been updated yet, so some commands/features might be missing.

Neon Commands

- /hunger
- /pvp (players who have the permission " neon.admin" or " neon.pvp" can hit players even when PvP is off!)
- /break
- /build
- /timer (time/cancel) (seconds/minutes) (optional command)
- /giverank (player) - /removerank (player) (only works with luckperms!)
- /revive (player)
- /reviveall slow - fast
- /unrevive (player) - /unalive (player)
- /tpalive slow - fast
- /tpdead slow - fast
- /tpall slow - fast
- /token (player) accept - deny
- /kill (player)
- /hide - /hide all - /hide host (only usable by staff members) - /hide staff
- /flow
- /reviverecent
- /giverevive (player) (amount)
- /userevive
- /tokenusage
- /tokens (player)
- /alive - /alive detailed
- /dead - /dead detailed
- /listclear (if your alive list is bugged, use this command!)
- /mutechat
- /rankchat - when this is enabled, players with the "" permission can talk along with the staff
- /staffchat - /sc - /staff
- /event (text) (changes the event name in scoreboard)
- /falldamage
- /setspawnlocation
- /spawn (all) (you can't use this if you're alive)
- /clearrevive (player) (removes all of the players tokens)
- /removerevive (player) (amount)
- /core
- /revival
- /ad (discord/stream/store)
Neon Permissions
- neon.admin (grants access to every Neon command)
- (allows the player to talk even if the chat is muted)
- neon.pvp (allows the player to hit others even when PvP is off)

Pretty cool, right?
36 commands in total so far!
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,554
First Release: Jan 4, 2024
Last Update: Oct 6, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
1 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings