There are some small differences in NBT data between 1.20 and 1.21.
Most notably, any kits which use the old NBT will have errors in them. Duels now automatically detects these issues and warns you to fix them, however it cannot (yet?) automatically fix them.
- Kits are now serialized using the NBT API - this will fix a bug where some metadata was lost in kits (you should now be able to use MMOItems, MythicItems, etc).
- To upgrade to Duels v4.x.x from v3.x.x, you'll need to delete the "Kits" section in your config.
New Placeholders:
- %duels_your_kills% - Displays the kills of the player looking at it
- %duels_your_wins% - Displays the wins of the player looking at it
Bug Fix:
- Having an arena in a non-vanilla world would sometimes cause Duels to have errors.
Note: This fix
only applies to Multiverse-Core. It is possible that other multiworld plugins will still cause this issue. Furthermore, only
some users have reported this bug. It's possible that this fix won't actually work, as I've not experienced it and cannot test it.
Bug Fix:
- Potions in Duels kits did not preserve their effects after restarts.
New Features
Adds the following Placeholders (with PlaceholderAPI):
- %duels_top_wins_#% - Shows name and win amount of the player in #th on the wins leaderboard (e.g.
Dartanman (5 wins))
- %duels_top_kills_#% - Shows name and win amount of the player in #th on the kills leaderboard (e.g.
Dartanman (5 kills))
Note: It only supports the
top ten players of each leaderboard.
One example usage would be to have a leaderboard made with a holograms that support PlaceholderAPI and make them look like this:
Wins Leaderboard
1. %duels_top_wins_1%
2. %duels_top_wins_2%
3. %duels_top_wins_3%
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug that allowed players to join multiple duels at the same time or be their own opponent.
New Features:
+ Statistics can now be stored in a SQL Database (Tested with MySQL)
+ New Command: /duels filetosql - Loads statistics from statistics.yml into the database (requires permission duels.admin)
I see that about
35% of you are still using version 3.0.9 -- this version has a pretty major bug that allows players to dupe items. If you are on Minecraft 1.17 or 1.18, it is
critical that you update to
version 3.1.3.
If you are on 1.19 or 1.20, you should update to the
latest version (3.2.0 at the time of this announcement).
Still the same plugin, but it should be a bit faster and more intuitive. It's also better designed and should be easier to update. A few commands and permissions are a little bit different now, though, so make sure to read the Overview!
Also now runs on Minecraft 1.19 and 1.20.
A relatively stable development build for MC 1.19 has been released on GitHub. You can download it here:
It has several changes, and is still missing a leaderboard and tab-completion so please read the post that is also available at that link.
Duels has hex codes now. Use #xxxxxx
I see that about 65% of you are still using version 3.0.9 -- this version has a pretty major bug that allows players to dupe items. It is
critical that you update to version 3.1.1 if at all possible.
Critical Bug Fix
- Players could dupe items from kits
1.17 Support
1.17 is now supported (not just 1.18). Woohoo!
Critical Bug Fix
Due to a typo in the most recent version, the plugin would not enable. This is fixed now.
You won't see anything different this update - I just changed a few Maven settings and renamed my packages.
New Features:
+ Official 1.18 support
- I know, I'm a bit late - I just engaged and my life is super busy right now.
One note:
Bug Fix:
- Threw a NullPointerException when a player who did not just finish a duel respawned.
New Command:
+ /duel leave - Leaves the queue for a duel if you are in queue but the duel has not started yet. (
Permission: duel.leave)
New Config Options:
+ Various messages to do with leaving duels
New Feature:
+ Configurable option to force players to have 10 hearts in duels. Their health will be returned to how it was previously after the duel.
New Feature:
+ Players can now do
/duel join <arena> to join a specific arena (if it is available)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where Players could be in two duels at the same time
- Fixed a bug where Players could duel themselves
- Fixed a bug where, occasionally, Arenas would disallow Players from joining when they should have been able to.
New Features:
+ Tab Completion for /duels
(A bit of a W.I.P. but we're getting there)
+ Most messages are now configurable
Bug Fixes:
- Minor text fix
New Features:
+ Added bStats to take Metrics
New Feature:
+ Duels now has a leaderboard! Do "/duels leaderboard" to see it!
That's right, folks... after like two years of putting it off, I've finally updated Duels. It has been recoded to better reflect actual Object-Oriented understanding and is a much more powerful plugin now.
New Command:
+ Added /duels version
New Features:
+ Duels now tracks your win count!
+ New command:
/duels top to show the players with the Top Ten Win Count!
Bug Fix:
- Duels no longer displays an error message when accepting a duel request.
New Command:
+ /duel deletekit <kitname> - Deletes a kit.
New Features:
+ Prefix is now completely customizable. It doesn't have to say "[Duels]" in the colors I choose, it can be whatever you want, in whatever colors you want!
Bug Fix:
- If you had a kit called "example" then doing
/duels kit ExAMplE wouldn't give you the kit. Now, it works fine.
Today, Duels comes back with a huge update! Previously, everyone was required to have the exact same kit, but now, you can make as many kits as you want!
New Commands:
+ /duels createkit <kitname> - Creates a kit with your current inventory.
+ /duel kits - Lists all kits.
+ /duel kit <kitname> - Equips <kitname> for your next duel.
New Features:
- Added the ability to challenge players to a duel by doing
/duel challenge <player> and you can accept the challenge by doing
/duel accept
New Feature:
+ Added bStats support (you can disable this in the bStats folder)
New Features:
+ You can now choose what items the players fight with in the config.yml
Bug Fix:
- When a Player disconnects, they now lose the Duel.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed all players still being in Adventure Mode after the Duel as pointed out by
- Fixed [Duels] not being colored in one message.
I forgot to fix the version in the plugin.yml.
It is fixed now.
Duels is basically a new plugin.
Previously, Duels took two players into a HashMap, and set them against each other. There was no apparent knowledge of OOP in the plugin. Now, I have taken advantage of Object Oriented Programming to create a much more stable, less buggy, and overall better Duels plugin for you to enjoy.
Bug Fixes:
+ Fixed some issues with disconnecting players, as pointed out by
Bug Fixes:
+ Fixed a bug where if two people dueled, the winner would teleport every time they killed the loser, regardless of whether or not they were still dueling.
Fixed a bug where it creates 2 extra arenas.
Added confirmation messages when doing /duels createarena, /duels setspawn1, and /duels setspawn2