MultiArena Duels [1v1] [Open Source] [Leaderboard] [MySQL Support] icon

MultiArena Duels [1v1] [Open Source] [Leaderboard] [MySQL Support] -----

1v1 Duels! Now featuring customizable kits, a leaderboard, and more!

Added Some Placeholders (PlaceholderAPI)
New Features
Adds the following Placeholders (with PlaceholderAPI):
- %duels_top_wins_#% - Shows name and win amount of the player in #th on the wins leaderboard (e.g. Dartanman (5 wins))
- %duels_top_kills_#% - Shows name and win amount of the player in #th on the kills leaderboard (e.g. Dartanman (5 kills))

Note: It only supports the top ten players of each leaderboard.

One example usage would be to have a leaderboard made with a holograms that support PlaceholderAPI and make them look like this:

Wins Leaderboard
1. %duels_top_wins_1%
2. %duels_top_wins_2%
3. %duels_top_wins_3%
----------, Sep 13, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 26,266
First Release: Jul 31, 2017
Last Update: Oct 19, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
29 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings