Another big update has been released! (V3.3.0)
- /party setpublic <True/False>
- /party joinparty <PartyID/PlayerName>
- /mpa removearea <Area>
- /mpa unpublisharea <Area>
- /mpa setspawn
- One-Second-Delay on all MoonPillars items
- Option to disable throwing plugin items
Code (YAML):
: false
- /mpa setspawn
- /party <TabCompletions>
- Players being able to die after game end
- Players able to exploit out of the cage (Shift Issue)
- Players are no longer able to join a game 2 times or more (Party Issue)
- ``mpa`` - Console Commands
- Blacklisted items not working
- Lava raise timer going speedy
- %mpa_wins% placeholder
- Some few API's
- WorldEdit #SchematicSelection
- WorldEdit #RemoveSelection
- a lot of default plugin messages
- Added 20+ new messages in ``/MoonPillars/LangFiles/en.yml``
- Updated all default config files & added some new default hotbar items to ``/MoonPillars/Items.yml``