I am excited to announce that MoonPillars v3.0.0 is now available for download!
With the release of v3.0.0, BetterPlugins & BetterFortune-Pillars have rebranded into MoonStar Studios & MoonPillars.
New Features in this Version: - Built-in /party system
- Added in-game Map Editor & Settings Editor
- Introduced Cosmetics
- Reworked joining game format & game run formats (80% - performance increase)
- Added numerous new placeholders (check out the SpigotMC page for the full list)
- Leaderboard placeholders added (more information available on the SpigotMC page)
- Per-function Scoreboards (Ongoing Game, Awaiting Game, Spectate, Lobby)
- Reworked Hotbar items (see ``plugins/MoonPillars/Items.yml``)
- Revamped Custom GUI functionality (see ``plugins/MoonPillars/Guis/~~.yml``)