Money From Mobs | 1.20 - 1.21 icon

Money From Mobs | 1.20 - 1.21 -----

Make money drop from mobs with a Looting Enchant multiplier and Mythic Mobs support

Version: 4.9
Seems to work alright on 1.21.4, except, I am getting a GIANT error upon every mob kill. DMd the dev 3 times and no response yet., seems this issue has existed over half a year now.

if anyone has an updated version fork or something, please DM me!

Version: 4.9
Seems to work alright on 1.21.4, except, I am getting a GIANT error upon every mob kill. DMd the dev 3 times and no response yet. Hoping to hear from them soon! :(

if anyone has an updated version fork or something, please DM me!

Version: 4.9
De los mejores plugins, añade una funcionalidad única en los servidores, totalmente configurable, y más con ConditionalEvents para algunos detalles.

Version: 4.9
Found inconsistent skull meta, this should normally not happen and is not a Bukkit / Spigot issue, but one from a plugin you are using.
Bukkit will attempt to fix it this time for you, but may not be able to do this every time.
If you see this message after typing a command from a plugin, please report this to the plugin developer, they should use the api instead of relying on reflection (and doing it the wrong way).

Version: 4.9
this plugin is very good, I have been using it, the only drawback is that it cannot limit the number of coins that players can get every day, so players can get unlimited coins every day

Version: 4.9
when i change in config drop change and any other settings and restart server after save all what i change resets to initial settings

Version: 4.9
The best plugin of dropping money from mobs! Please, add a possibility for dropping money from ores. Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Version: 4.9
Nice plugin, I love the effects and the compatibility with other plugs, active updates and nice customization.

Version: 4.84
The function where money falls from mobs does not work; if you disable it, the money goes to the player’s account

Version: 4.84
When you add the plugin it works but the problem is that money does not fall from the mobs

Version: 4.71
Good plugin but please fix this color

Version: 4.71
this plugin is very good, I have been using it, the only drawback is that it cannot limit the number of coins that players can get every day, so players can get unlimited coins every day. I think this is very bad, I hope the author can adopt my opinion and make an update, thank you.

Version: 4.71
does not work in version 1.16.5, it gives an error that it was compiled in a newer version of Java 61, and the server is supposedly 60,

Version: 4.71
The best plugin of earning money for killing mobs! I have used the plugin for at least two years. The author is also helpful!

Version: 4.6
its really nice. chain block breaking sound works wonderfully for a coin pickup sound, and sunflowers in item form look like coins. overall good features.

the toggle for splitting/stacking the total money dropped should probably be separate for players and mobs cuz it can dupe a player's money. for example, if you turn off splitting the money, and player money drop rate is 50%, players can drop 3 drops of 50% of their money, which is over 100% of their money

THE BIGGER ISSUE THAT I HAVE, is that there is no way for players to drop the money that they earned. that is the one thing i desperately wish was changed. i think there should be an option/permission for a command that lets players drop any amount of money for another player to collect. and it shouldnt require a player to get killed to drop their own money. and some option for the money to be picked up into inventory and added to your balace only when you right click with it. that would complete this plugin for me

Version: 4.6
Plugin works great, everything's customizable. How do i prevent "natural mob spawn farms (the 19 block high, 4 sided water platform one) to count as earning money? They're giving players 100$ per hour by simply mass murdering the mobs

Version: 4.6
Great plugin, the developer is always ready to help, looking forward to updates!

Version: 4.6
插件内容挺好 但为什么我就算只改了一个注释 重启服务器后插件的配置也会还原
插件内容挺好 但为什么我就算只改了一个注释 重启服务器后插件的配置也会还原

插件内容挺好 但为什么我就算只改了一个注释 重启服务器后插件的配置也会还原

Version: 4.6
The author is very enthusiastic! The plugin is very nice!
I hope you will allow me to advertise this plugin to mcbbs (,it is the biggest minecraft website in China.
I will translate the configuration file into Chinese and teach people there to use the plugin
I won't call myself a plugin author. I will provide the spigot address. I just want to let the people over there know that there is such a great plugin!
Author's response
Thanks for the review :) and sure go for it!

Version: 4.6
Hello, can you please tell me if it is possible to switch the plugin to another currency?

Version: 4.6
Really great plugin! I love using this on my servers.

I was wondering if it was possible to give different money amounts based on a mobs Vanilla Minecraft team, for those of us who are creating command-block mobs. If this isn't possible yet, could you possibly add support for this in the future?


Version: 4.6
Very customizable plugin, easily one of the best options for getting mobs to drop money.

I was wondering if it's possible to make players lose money when dying in general, no money drop and not exclusively when killed by another player. I'm not quite sure if this is something I'd need another plugin for, but I'm using Vault and EssentialsX for economy stuff.
Author's response
Thanks for the review :)

To do what you want, find the PLAYER section in config.yml and change OnlyOnKill to false. This will make players drop money whenever they die. You can also set MoneyDrops in the PLAYER section to false to stop money from dropping on the ground so they can't pick it back up

Version: 4.42
I have a problem, hopper collects money dropped from mobs. The server is on 1.12.2, but everything is working well on 1.17.1 , what could be the problem?
Author's response
Should be fixed in the attached file. thanks for letting me know. This jar contains a work in progress feature which is why i'm not uploading it for everyone but it won't affect your server at all

Version: 4.42
Great plugin, the developer is always ready to help, looking forward to updates!

Version: 4.42
good day the plugin works but how to make money fall from the nps from the plugin citezenc?
Author's response
Added in the latest update! just add whatever your npc is called to the MfmMythicMobs.yml file

Version: 4.42
Could not pass event EntityDeathEvent to MoneyFromMobs v4.42
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: io/lumine/mythic/bukkit/MythicBukkit
at me.chocolf.moneyfrommobs.manager.DropsManager.getEntityName( ~[MoneyFromMobs.jar:?]
at me.chocolf.moneyfrommobs.listener.DeathListeners.onEntityDeath( ~[MoneyFromMobs.jar:?]
at com.destroystokyo.paper.event.executor.asm.generated.GeneratedEventExecutor1130.execute(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.plugin.EventExecutor.lambda$create$1( ~[paper-api-1.18.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at co.aikar.timings.TimedEventExecutor.execute( ~[paper-api-1.18.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:git-Paper-82]
at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( ~[paper-api-1.18.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( ~[paper-api-1.18.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_18_R1.event.CraftEventFactory.callEntityDeathEvent( ~[paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-82]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-82]
at ~[paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-82]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-82]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel.tickNonPassenger( ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel.lambda$tick$5( ~[?:?]
at ~[paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-82]
at net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel.tick( ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickChildren( ~[paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-82]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.tickChildren( ~[paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-82]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickServer( ~[paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-82]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer( ~[paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-82]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0( ~[paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-82]
at ~[?:?]
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: io.lumine.mythic.bukkit.MythicBukkit
... 35 more
what do i do
Author's response
Use latest version of MythicMobs :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Version: 4.41
I've been using this plugin for a long time. However, there has been a problem for a long time that the plugin gives money to the player absolutely inadequately. With a maximum of $3, the plugin gives out 20,000 or another huge number when killing zombies. This problem is not permanent, sometimes it is, and sometimes it is not. But as long as it exists, I will not remove 1 star.
Author's response
Hi. This happens when you do not have vault installed or have a compatible Economy plugin like EssentialsX. If this still occurs when you have both of these please send me the error message

Version: 4.41
I like this plugin. However, MythicMobs has been upgraded and I get an error.I need your support.
Author's response
Fixed in latest update!

Version: 4.41
Do you support elitemobs? if not can you add support <3..................................

Version: 4.41
Cool plugin. Only issue is you can't remove messages. Config states you can set it to '' to remove a message, but instead it sends a blank line in chat.
Author's response
To remove messages in certain places set enabled to false for whichever one you want to disable. Should be near line 84 in the config

Version: 4.4
I love this plugin. It's great for an RPG server. I have one problem. I want to make players lose 10% of their money on death, but not drop it on the ground. Can you add this feature? I can only make them drop their money

Version: 4.3
Perfect plugin. "DisableDecimal" does not work though. Can I get support somewhere?
Author's response
Hey, thanks for the review. At the moment that option only disables decimal places if the number ends in .00 but a lot of people have asked for it to disable decimals completely so I will change it in the next update

Version: 4.3
Super cool plugin!
Support 1.17.1!
Author's response
Glad you like it :)

Version: 4.3
Straight Up Awesome!

The configs are easy to understand, it works flawlessly with MythicMobs and it is way more configurable than first expected.

Awesome job. Thanks for making this
Author's response
Thanks for the review, it means a lot :)

Version: 4.3
This is an awesome fully customizable plugin! Thank you developer for your hard work on this project. Is there a discord server related to this resource for support/suggestions?
Author's response
Hey, thanks for the kind words :) There is no discord unfortunately, but feel free to DM me on Spigot with any suggestions and I will try my best to add them!

Version: 4.3
really nice plugin,but PLS add the support for worldguard!I really need it!
Here's the log:
[20:10:17 WARN]: java.lang.IllegalStateException: New flags cannot be registered
at this time
[20:10:17 WARN]: at worldguard-bukkit-7.0.6-beta1-dist.jar//com.sk89q.wor
[20:10:17 WARN]: at MoneyFromMobs.jar//me.chocolf.moneyfrommobs.integrati
[20:10:17 WARN]: at MoneyFromMobs.jar//me.chocolf.moneyfrommobs.MoneyFrom
[20:10:17 WARN]: at PlugWoman.jar//redempt.plugwoman.PlugWoman.loadPlugin
[20:10:17 WARN]: at PlugWoman.jar//redempt.plugwoman.CommandListener.load
[20:10:17 WARN]: at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorIm
pl.invoke0(Native Method)
[20:10:17 WARN]: at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorIm
[20:10:17 WARN]: at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccess
[20:10:17 WARN]: at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
[20:10:17 WARN]: at PlugWoman.jar//libs.redempt.redlib.commandmanager.Com
[20:10:17 WARN]: at PlugWoman.jar//libs.redempt.redlib.commandmanager.Com
[20:10:17 WARN]: at PlugWoman.jar//libs.redempt.redlib.commandmanager.Com
[20:10:17 WARN]: at PlugWoman.jar//libs.redempt.redlib.commandmanager.Com
[20:10:17 WARN]: at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(SimpleCo
[20:10:17 WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_17_R1.CraftServer.dispatchC
[20:10:17 WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_17_R1.CraftServer.dispatchS
[20:10:17 WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.handle
[20:10:17 WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.b(Dedi
[20:10:17 WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServe
[20:10:17 WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.x(MinecraftServe
[20:10:17 WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0(Mi
[20:10:17 WARN]: at java.base/
Author's response
Hi, glad you like the plugin. It looks like you are using CraftBukkit instead of Spigot/Paper. Download Paper from here and the worldguard support will work correctly It also looks like you used plugwoman to reload the plugin. Instead you can use /mfmreload and nothing will break

Version: 4.2
A good plugin that is well coded and has compatibility with several other plugins including my favorite; LevelledMobs.
Author's response
Thank you :) glad someone thinks it is well coded haha

Version: 4.2
Awesome plugin, awesome developer. This plugin works hand in hand with other RPG plugins to create an overall amazing addition to Minecraft survival. The money drops give players an incentive to explore the world which is just brilliant. Better yet, it even supports down to Minecraft 1.12!

Please ignore the 'entitled' user, rating 3 stars shortly below my review. The many other 5 stars speak for themselves.
Author's response
Thanks for the kind words, it means a lot :)

Version: 4.2
Interesting concept and very light size for all that it achieves. Plus it's compatibility with LevelledMobs which I use regularly allows for a beautiful visual loot system that is also gentle on the resources :)
Author's response
Thanks for the review :)

Version: 4.2
Bad reviews about author not responding is false.
Just got my suggestion about adding something to InfernalMobs & LevelledMobs. That is insane!
Great plugin, not so confusing. I did go from "Mobhunting" to this and this is just great! No bugs and it's just working. :D
Author's response
Thanks for the review :)

Version: 4.1
The plugin is fine initially, what I'm more disturbed is about the author's activity and user-attention.

I contacted the author several months ago with a few suggestions that were fairly useful in the long run, but I was told that there were other priorities, I said alright, but after 4 months of waiting on my suggestions that were going to get ''added'' I saw that things far more insignificant were being implemented, which gave me false hope for waiting on the plugin's updates, making me waste time in not finding another plugin of this sort.


Version: 4.1
Why I can't set max mob drop per minutes? I want to prevent player use enderman getting money? Please reply. I need this faster.

Version: 4.1
Very good plugin and developer. The two plugins created by the author run well on my server and are worth downloading and giving five-star praise. However, does this plugin support setting the time when the dropped money disappears automatically? For example, the dropped gold coins will automatically disappear within one minute. This may reduce server latency.
Author's response
Hey, thanks for the review. This has been added in the latest update!

Version: 4.01
I love this plugin :) I would really appriciate a feature that would always round the money value to a whole number.
Author's response
Thanks for the review :) Gonna be honest, I don't think many people will use this feature so I won't add it to the main plugin but I can send you a little addon via discord if you are still interested.

Version: 4.01
I hope you can add permission multiplier instead of permission group as I use temporary multiplier from time to time. Anyway, this is a really great resource!
Author's response
Thanks for the review. Permission multipliers take up too much resources, as every time a player kills a mob it has to loop through all of the players permissions to try to find a permission multiplier. You can use "/MfmEvent" for temporary global multipliers and I also plan to add another command for temporary multipliers for just 1 specific player. Hope you understand

Version: 3.8
can you add mining? and farming plssss If you want, make it premium. good plugin
Author's response
I might make a seperate plugin for mining blocks in the future, but don't really have a time frame at the minute

Version: 3.8
Why my friend won't get money when killing mobs,only i have
This problem has bothered me for a long time
Author's response
You need a permissions plugin like LuckPerms and you need to give them the permission "MoneyFromMobs.use"

Version: 3.72
From the first day to now, I have used this plugin on the public server.
I love this plugin so much.
All my players like this plugin too much.
The author keeps adding new useful features.
Author's response
Thanks for the kind words :)

Version: 3.64
Great simple plugin, does what it says and works as intended, love it
i like tomatoes
Author's response
Thanks for the review :)

Version: 3.5
I have this Error Server Verison 1.12.2 Paper
Worldguard 6.2.2

I have the newest update from MfM
Author's response
Hey, thanks for reporting the bug. This just means you won't be able to use the WorldGuard flag "drop-money" since you are using an older version of WorldGuard. Everything else should still work or does this stop Mfm from loading completely?

Version: 3.5
The plugin does everything what I expected when I downloaded it. I had a little trouble but the author was nice to help in my problem. Can only recommend.

Version: 3.5
Latest PaperSpigot 1.16.5:
[22:17:02] [Server thread/ERROR]: Error occurred while enabling MoneyFromMobs v3.5 (Is it up to date?)
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
at me.Chocolf.MoneyFromMobs.Commands.ClearDropsCommand.<init>( ~[?:?]
at me.Chocolf.MoneyFromMobs.Main.onEnable( ~[?:?]
at ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-505]
at ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-505]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-505]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R3.CraftServer.enablePlugin( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-505]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R3.CraftServer.enablePlugins( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-505]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.loadWorld( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-505]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.DedicatedServer.init( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-505]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.w( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-505]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.lambda$a$0( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-505]
at Source) [?:1.8.0_281]
[22:17:02] [Server thread/INFO]: [TernMobs] Disabling MoneyFromMobs v3.5
Author's response
Hey, can you try to redownload the plugin and see if that fixes it, if not can you reply in the discussion section of this plugin

Version: 3.5
it feel smooth but the permission command does not work at all and i have luck perm essintals and vault what do i do?
Author's response
I suggest watching a guide on how to use luck perms on youtube. To get started you can type "/lp editor" and then add MoneyFromMobs.use to the default group

Version: 3.34
Plugin not working on PaperSpigot 1.16.5:
[11:04:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [MoneyFromMobs] Enabling MoneyFromMobs v3.34
[11:04:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: Error occurred while enabling MoneyFromMobs v3.34 (Is it up to date?)
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: io/lumine/xikage/mythicmobs/utils/logging/Log
at me.Chocolf.MoneyFromMobs.Main.onEnable( ~[?:?]
at ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-467]
at ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-467]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-467]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R3.CraftServer.enablePlugin( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-467]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R3.CraftServer.enablePlugins( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-467]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.loadWorld( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-467]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.DedicatedServer.init( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-467]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.w( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-467]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.lambda$a$0( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-467]
at Source) [?:1.8.0_281]
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: io.lumine.xikage.mythicmobs.utils.logging.Log
at Source) ~[?:1.8.0_281]
at ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-467]
at ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-467]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_281]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_281]
... 11 more
[11:04:45] [Server thread/INFO]: [MoneyFromMobs] Disabling MoneyFromMobs v3.34
Author's response
Hi, this if fixed in the latest update sorry

Version: 3.34
Its pretty good and it does what it is suppose to do. But I have a question how do I allow others to receive money I know u said MoneyFromMobs.use but do I do that in the config? Or is it a command? also they can't do /bal
Author's response
You need the following:
An Economy plugin (EssentialsX has a built in economy if you are looking for an economy plugin)
A Permissions plugin e.g. LuckPerms

Version: 3.33

org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Cannot execute command 'mfmreload' in plugin MoneyFromMobs v3.33 - plugin is disabled.
at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute( ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416]
at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch( ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R3.CraftServer.dispatchCommand( ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.PlayerConnection.handleCommand( ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.PlayerConnection.c( ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.PlayerConnection.a( ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.PacketPlayInChat.a( ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.PacketPlayInChat.a( ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.PlayerConnectionUtils.lambda$ensureMainThread$1( ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416]
at ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.IAsyncTaskHandler.executeTask( ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.IAsyncTaskHandlerReentrant.executeTask(SourceFile:23) ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.IAsyncTaskHandler.executeNext( ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416]
at ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.executeNext( ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.IAsyncTaskHandler.executeAll( ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.a( ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.w( ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.lambda$a$0( ~[patched_1.16.4.jar:git-Paper-416]
at Source) [?:1.8.0_281]
Author's response
Hey, this is fixed in the latest update

Version: 3.33
Can multiplier only calculate the same range?
A has multiplier. 5 = 21
B has multiplier. 6 = 21.2
multiplier.x * 20

Version: 3.32
I am currently setting up a cool Minecraft server for me and my friends. Therefore I searched for different plugins and found this one very suitable for my server. Unfortunately I get this error message when starting the server:

[09:50:44 INFO]: [MoneyFromMobs] Enabling MoneyFromMobs v3.32
[09:50:44 ERROR]: Error occurred while enabling MoneyFromMobs v3.32 (Is it up to date?)
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
at sun.misc.FloatingDecimal.readJavaFormatString( ~[?:1.8.0_212]
at sun.misc.FloatingDecimal.parseDouble( ~[?:1.8.0_212]
at java.lang.Double.parseDouble( ~[?:1.8.0_212]
at java.lang.Double.valueOf( ~[?:1.8.0_212]
at me.Chocolf.MoneyFromMobs.Utilities.UpdateChecker.checkForUpdate( ~[?:?]
at me.Chocolf.MoneyFromMobs.Main.onEnable( ~[?:?]
at ~[server.jar:git-Paper-455]
at ~[server.jar:git-Paper-455]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( ~[server.jar:git-Paper-455]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R3.CraftServer.enablePlugin( ~[server.jar:git-Paper-455]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R3.CraftServer.enablePlugins( ~[server.jar:git-Paper-455]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.loadWorld( ~[server.jar:git-Paper-455]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.DedicatedServer.init( ~[server.jar:git-Paper-455]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.w( ~[server.jar:git-Paper-455]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.lambda$a$0( ~[server.jar:git-Paper-455]
at [?:1.8.0_212]
[09:50:44 INFO]: [MoneyFromMobs] Disabling MoneyFromMobs v3.32

I have no idea what this error means (except that the plugin cannot be started and is therefore disabled) and whether I myself caused the error. I hope someone can help me with my problem.
Author's response
Hey, sorry for the late reply. I couldn't figure out exactly why you were getting that error because I can't replicate it at all but it should be fixed now in the latest update

Version: 3.32
Perfect plugin!!

Developer responses very quickly to issues and updates with new features very frequently

Version: 3.32
Very good plugin and developper! I've one little problem and the dev solved it fastly

Version: 3.21
no, player get Money item drop on
ground is normal, but when player get item have cusom name (rename) > plugin show that error bruh. how about XItemsRemove, ?

Version: 3.2
Good plugin and developer! Developer responses very quickly to issues and updates with new features very frequently.
Author's response
Thank you :)

Version: 3.11
Simple, works and a perfect way to make a working economy system! The best part is the fact that it's completely configurable!
Author's response
Thanks for the review :)

Version: 3.11
Work good but too basic, and i recommend you to make a discord for support --------------

Version: 3.01
Very good plugin, but I have a question. I have EssentialsX, and I'm OP, so this might have had an effect, but when I was killed earlier, I didn't lose any of my money. is there a permission that disabled me dropping money when killed by another player? If so, what is it?
Author's response
Thanks for the review :) The player who killed you must have MoneyFromMobs.use

Version: 3.01
Excellent plugin and developer. Quick responses to issues and frequent updates with new features. Would highly recommend :)
Author's response
Thanks for the review :)

Version: 3.01
It works fine as intended in 1.15.2.
However, I wish I could set custom model data in item settings.
Author's response
Hey, this has been added in the latest update. sorry for the wait

Version: 3.01
[01:53:25] [Server thread/ERROR]: Could not pass event EntityDeathEvent to MoneyFromMobs v3.01
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.bukkit.entity.Entity.getPersistentDataContainer()Lorg/bukkit/persistence/PersistentDataContainer;
at me.Chocolf.MoneyFromMobs.Listeners.onMobDeath( ~[?:?]
at com.destroystokyo.paper.event.executor.asm.generated.GeneratedEventExecutor430.execute(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.plugin.EventExecutor$2.execute( ~[patched_1.12.2.jar:git-Paper-1618]
at co.aikar.timings.TimedEventExecutor.execute( ~[patched_1.12.2.jar:git-Paper-1618]
at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( ~[patched_1.12.2.jar:git-Paper-1618]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( ~[patched_1.12.2.jar:git-Paper-1618]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_12_R1.event.CraftEventFactory.callEntityDeathEvent( ~[patched_1.12.2.jar:git-Paper-1618]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.EntityLiving.die( ~[patched_1.12.2.jar:git-Paper-1618]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.EntityZombie.die( ~[patched_1.12.2.jar:git-Paper-1618]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.EntityLiving.damageEntity( ~[patched_1.12.2.jar:git-Paper-1618]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.EntityMonster.damageEntity( ~[patched_1.12.2.jar:git-Paper-1618]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.EntityZombie.damageEntity( ~[patched_1.12.2.jar:git-Paper-1618]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.EntityHuman.attack( ~[patched_1.12.2.jar:git-Paper-1618]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.EntityPlayer.attack( ~[patched_1.12.2.jar:git-Paper-1618]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PlayerConnection.a( ~[?:git-Paper-1618]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PacketPlayInUseEntity.a( ~[patched_1.12.2.jar:git-Paper-1618]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PacketPlayInUseEntity.a( ~[patched_1.12.2.jar:git-Paper-1618]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PlayerConnectionUtils.lambda$ensureMainThread$0( ~[patched_1.12.2.jar:git-Paper-1618]
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ Source) ~[?:1.8.0_271]
at Source) ~[?:1.8.0_271]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.SystemUtils.a(SourceFile:46) ~[patched_1.12.2.jar:git-Paper-1618]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.MinecraftServer.D( ~[patched_1.12.2.jar:git-Paper-1618]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.DedicatedServer.D( ~[patched_1.12.2.jar:git-Paper-1618]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.MinecraftServer.C( ~[patched_1.12.2.jar:git-Paper-1618]
at ~[patched_1.12.2.jar:git-Paper-1618]
at Source) [?:1.8.0_271]
Author's response
Latest version is compatible with 1.12 again

Version: 2.93
Love this plugin, just please add Placeholder---> scoreboard^^.............................

Version: 2.92
Can we turn off the tamed wolf to kill monsters and drop money to the player? good plugin!

Version: 2.7
really love the plugin, really simple and straight forward & well made, i have a suggestion in mind would be really great if you may add it to the plugin:

- drop each money occurding to the amount other than having the whole amount on a single drop, would be really cool if each money drop 1$ (would be really good for rpg server)
- player who got killed, losed a little percentage amount of money
- player drop money when getting killed occurding to the amount of lose

just a little suggestion :)
much love UwU
Author's response
Thanks for the review, love the suggestions. I'm focusing on adding MythicMobs support rn but will defo look into adding these features after

Version: 2.51
Love this plugin, just please add region support to disable per region ^^ But i love it!
Author's response
Hey, thanks for the review and sorry for the late reply, You can now disable drops in specific regions in the latest update

Version: 2.5
The plugin is very great. But why not take the money when there is no space in the inventory. Please correct this shortcoming!
(I will be very glad if you correct)

Rating 5 of 5 :)
Author's response
Thanks for the review :) this has been added in the latest update

Version: 2.41
Works great on PaperSpigot 1.16.1.
No problems and crashes.
I recommend it for use.

Version: 2.41

Version: 2.41
Good .

Version: 2.41
plugin is so perfect , is good for my server , new way to get money when playing in server

Version: 2.3
nice plugin !!!
can add Placeholder %amount% , i want use to Scoreboard!!!

Version: 2.3
Nice Plugin, works excellent on a Spigot 1.16.2. Is very usefull and it's PRETTY NICE I LOVE IT.
Author's response
Thanks for the review :)

Version: 2.1
The Plugin Works Very well everyone in my server loves it also thanks for fixing the hopper glitch

Version: 2.0
when it go's into a hopper you cant use and im running a skyblock server so is there any chance you could fix that?
Author's response
Hoppers no longer pick up the money in the latest update

Version: 1.9
Cool plugin would be good add more and less money probability i mean, not an exact ammount always. Or also get the money direct to the player instead a drop option
Author's response
Thanks for the review. I get what you mean, i'll add it to the to do list. And there is already an option for the money to go direct into players balance

Version: 1.9
Good little plugin! Would be nice to be able to change the currency variable in the config (instead of a $ sign by default, we can enter a short string that displays instead) - It's also very loud in the console with errors on 1.15.2 spigot but doesn't seem to actually affect server performance. This has been really handy at getting new players on my survival server to take interest in the economy and big thanks to you for making it.
Author's response
Thanks for the review. Good idea, I'll add it to the to-do list. Not sure about the 1.15 errors I'll have a look into it

Version: 1.9
thx for sharing !:)
Author's response
Thanks for the review :)

Version: 1.8
Terrible code. Also why do you deny all pickups if they dont have the "MoneyFromMobs.use" perm. Also what type of developer writes the classes with lower case letters ??!? Not gonna talk this looks like some tutorial from 2014 how to make minecraft plugin, also you why tf you keep the .classpath and .project in the compile!? There is so much more to say, but not gonna get into details.

Just don't post resources. I have a hosting company and had a client that was using this poor monkey creation.
Author's response
I'm just doing this for a bit of fun. its a minecraft plugin you need to calm it down lol. It works how I want it to work so i dont really see the problem with the code and why are you acting as if its the end of the world for having lower case letters lol

Version: 1.7
Great job! Good plugin for basic drops. Would be good if you can enable/disable the console message after picking up the loot. Maybe the amount could appear above your inventory? Is there a way to pick up the cash with a full inventory? Adding all the mob types would save a bit of time for users too.
Author's response
Thanks for the review :) I like your idea so I'll add it to the to do list. I don't think there is a way to pick up money if the players inventory is full because I am using the EntityPickupEvent to add money to the players account.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 64,630
First Release: May 22, 2020
Last Update: Jun 19, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
77 ratings
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