A Permissions plugin e.g. LuckPerms (Must be compatible with Vault if you want to use Permission Group Multipliers)
Supported Plugins
MythicMobs - Make Mythic mobs drop money and increase amount dropped based on their level
Citizens - Make specific NPCs drop money or disable money drops if the mob is an NPC
WorldGuard- Disable money drops in certain regions by using the flags: 'drop-money' , 'player-drop-money' or 'spawner-mob-drop-money' e.g /region flag region_name drop-money deny
PlaceHolderAPI - Use the placeholders: %moneyfrommobs_latest_picked_up% , %moneyfrommobs_current_event_multiplier% or %moneyfrommobs_current_event_time_left_seconds%
LevelledMobs- Adds a multiplier that increases money dropped based on the mob's level
InfernalMobs - Adds a multiplier that increases money dropped if the mob was an Infernal Mob
Guilds - Adds a multipler that increases money dropped based on the player's Guild's Level
/MfmHelp - Shows all commands and gives a small description
/MfmReload - Reloads the config
/AdminDropMoney <AmountToDrop> [NumberOfDrops] [World] [PosX] [PosY] [PosZ] - Drops specified amount of money on players cursor. NumberOfDrops and Location is optional (Does not take from users balance)
/DropMoney <AmountToDrop> - Drops specified amount of money in front of player and takes the money out of their balance
/MfmClear - Clears all money from the ground
/MfmMute - Allows player to individually mute incoming messages when they pick up money.
/MfmEvent <Start/Stop> [Percentage Increase] [Duration e.g. 1h10m0s] - Create global multipliers for a specified amount of time. For example: "/MfmEvent start 20% 1h10m0s " will make all mobs drop 20% more money for 1 hour 10 minutes
MoneyFromMobs.use - Allows players to kill mobs to obtain money and pick money up.
MoneyFromMobs.help - Allows player to use /MfmHelp
MoneyFromMobs.reload - Allows player to use /MfmReload
MoneyFromMobs.AdminDropMoney- Allows player to use /AdminDropMoney
MoneyFromMobs.DropMoney - Allows player to use/DropMoney
MoneyFromMobs.clear - Allows player to use /MfmClear
MoneyFromMobs.mute - Allows player to use /MfmMute
MoneyFromMobs.event - Allows players to use /MfmEvent
MoneyFromMobs.PreventMoneyDropOnDeath - Players with this permission will not drop money on death
View Commands and Permissions in an easy to read table
Code (YAML):
# Whether to notify players with OP when there is an update for MoneyFromMobs UpdateNotification: true
###################################################### Drop Options ###################################################### MoneyDropsOnGround: # Set Enabled to false if you want money to go straight into players account instead of dropping as an item. Enabled: true
# Type of Item to drop. Can be set to a custom head from websites like https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads by copying the VALUE from the website. Example: 'CustomHead:eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzUxMTM3ZTExNDQzYThmYmIwNWZjZDNjY2MxYWY5YmQyMzAzOTE4ZjM1NDQ4MTg1ZTNlZDk2ZWYxODRkYSJ9fX0=' Item: 'EMERALD'
# Name above dropped item. RGB Support for 1.16+ e.g. #62d180 instead of &a will give you a green ItemName: '&a$
%amount%' # Whether the dropped item should glow or not Enchanted: true
# CustomModelData can be set to customize textures. Only works with 1.14+ I don't know much about it, so I won't be able to help you but here is a little guide: https://www.planetminecraft.com/forums/communities/texturing/new-1-14-custom-item-models-tuto-578834/ CustomModelData: 0
# DisableDecimal means the amount will always be rounded to a whole number e.g. $3.33 will go to $3 DisableDecimal: false
# Whether certain mobs should drop money # Slimes/MagmaCubes that have split will not be classed as a natural mob or a spawner mob. MoneyDropsFromNaturalMobs: true
MoneyDropsFromSpawnerMobs: true
MoneyDropsFromSpawnEggMobs: true
MoneyDropsFromSplitSlimes: true
MoneyDropsFromBabyMobs: true
# Disable money drops in a certain world by adding the world name to this list # To disable money drops in a WorldGuard region set the flag 'drop-money' or 'player-drop-money' to deny. This only works with the latest version of WorldGuard DisabledWorlds: - world1
- world2
# How many times a player can get a mob to drop money per minute. Set to 0 if you want it to be unlimited. MaxDropsPerMinute: 0
# If the random number between the set Min and Max for a mob should be a random whole number or a random number to 2 decimal places. RandomIntegerOnly: false
# Whether to automatically remove money from the ground if it has not been picked up # TimeUntilRemove = Amount of time in seconds until the money drop is automatically removed # Warning!! This causes more lag than it stops. Just like plugins like ClearLag cause more lag than they actually stop AutoRemoveMoney:
Enabled: false
TimeUntilRemove: 60
# Whether the money to be dropped is to be divided between all the drops or whether they should all have the same amount # For example, if you set a Pig to drop $10 with 2 drops, Setting this option to true would make it drop 2x$5 but setting this option to false would make it drop 2x$10 DivideMoneyBetweenDrops: true
# If a player is in creative, do mobs still drop money when they kill them? CreativeModeDropsMoney: true
###################################################### Pick Up Options ######################################################
# Sound = Sound played on pickup. Change to "NONE" if you don't want a sound to be played. Sounds list: https://www.digminecraft.com/lists/sound_list_pc.php Sound: entity.item.pickup
# ParticleEffect = Particle effect spawned on pickup. Change to "NONE" if you don't want a particle to spawn. Particles list: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Particle.html ParticleEffect: VILLAGER_HAPPY
AmountOfParticles: 5
# This option loops through all players and checks for dropped items every so many ticks to see if there is money next to a player so if you have a lot of players it could cause lag. # You only need to enable this option if you are not using PaperMC 1.13+, as PaperMC allows you to pick up money when your inventory is full without this option. https://papermc.io/downloads PickupMoneyWhenInventoryIsFull:
Enabled: true
# Interval = how often the plugin checks for items around the player. 5 = checks every 5 ticks (20 ticks = 1 second). Interval: 5
# Radius = radius around player to check for money Radius: 1
# Setting this option to true means only the person who killed the mob can pick up the money that it dropped. This can lead to money lying around because someone forgot to pick it up though, which might cause confusion for other players trying to pick it up. OnlyKillerCanPickUpMoney: false
# Where the money should go when a hopper picks up money. Options are: PLACER, KILLER or NONE # PLACER = give money to the player who placed the hopper. Hopper must be placed AFTER installing version 4.4+ of MoneyFromMobs and requires MC 1.13+ to work # KILLER = give money to the player who killed the mob. (Money stays on top of the hopper if there was no killer) # NONE = Hopper does not pick up money HopperGivesMoneyTo: KILLER
# Where the message is shown when a player picks up money. # Usable Placeholders: %amount% , %balance% and %balance_0dp% ShowMessageInChat:
Enabled: false
Message: '&aYou picked up $
%amount%!' ShowMessageInActionBar:
Enabled: true
Message: '&aYou picked up $
%amount%! You now have: $%balance%!' ShowMessageAsFloatingText:
Enabled: true
Message: '&a+$
%amount%!' # Starting height of the floating text message in blocks Height: 2.4
# Whether the message moves upwards or stays still Movement: true
# Time in seconds before the floating text message vanishes Duration: 1
# Messages sent when using /MfmMute MuteToggleOnMessage: '&cMessages will
no longer be shown when you pick up money dropped by mobs!'
MuteToggleOffMessage: '&aMessages will now be shown when you pick up money dropped by mobs!'
# Message sent when using /MfmClear ClearMoneyDropsMessage: '&9
%amount% Money Drops were successfully removed from the ground!'
# Message sent when using /MfmReload ReloadMessage: '&9Money From Mobs was reloaded!'
# Message sent to player when they kill a mob, and they have already reached the max drops per minute. Set to '' to stop the message from being sent. MaxDropsReachedMessage: '&9You have reached the maximum number of money drops per minute. Please wait before trying to get more money!'
# Messages sent when using /MfmEvent EventStart: '&aA Money Multiplier Event has started! Mobs will drop &f
}% &amore money for {hours} hours, {minutes} minutes and {seconds} seconds!' EventFinish: '&cThe Money Multiplier Event has ended!
All mobs will now drop their normal amount!'
EventAlreadyRunningMessage: '&cThere is already a Money Multiplier Event running.'
NoEventRunningMessage: '&cThere is
no Money Multiplier Event to stop.'
# DropChance = Percentage chance for the player to be given money e.g. 25 = 25% chance for mob to drop money # NumberOfDrops = number of money items to be dropped. Set whether money is divided between drops above. Can also be set to 1-3 which means the number of drops will be random between 1 and 3 # OnlyOnKill = Whether mobs should drop money if they weren't killed by a player. False means mobs can drop money if they fell to their death for example
# All multipliers do not affect players because it could lead to players killing each other to generate infinite money. # Amount: 10% = Player drops 10% of their balance. Doesn't have to be a percentage PLAYER:
Enabled: true
Amount: 10
% DropChance: 100
NumberOfDrops: 5
OnlyOnKill: true
# TakeMoneyFromKilledPlayer: setting to false means killed player doesn't lose money but killer can still earn money (e.g. kitpvp servers) TakeMoneyFromKilledPlayer: true
# MoneyDrops: setting to false killer doesn't earn money and the money doesn't drop on the ground, so it cannot be re-picked up MoneyDrops: true
Message: '&cYou dropped $
%amount% on death. You now have: $%balance%.'
# Extra money based on a percentage per level of Looting. For example, LootingMultiplier: 10% means a player with Looting 1 will get 10% more money and Looting 3 will get 30% more money LootingMultiplier: 10
# Players in these Permission Groups will gain extra money based on the percentages next to the Permission Group name. Set the first Permission Group to "NONE" if you want to disable this Multiplier, or if you don't use a vault based permissions plugin. PermissionGroupMultipliers: - PermissionGroup1 5
% - PermissionGroup2 10
# Players in these Worlds will gain extra money based on the percentage next to the World name. Set the first World to "NONE" if you want to disable World Multipliers WorldMultipliers: - world1 5
% - world2 10
# Players in these Permission Groups will drop LESS money on death based on the percentage next to the Permission Group name. Set the first Permission Group to "NONE" if you want to disable this Multiplier, or if you don't use a vault based permissions plugin. PlayerDeathMultipliers: - PermissionGroup1 5
% - PermissionGroup2 10
# Extra money based on the level of the mob when using the plugin LorinthsRpgMobs. For example, LorinthsRpgMobsMultiplier: 1% means level 2 mobs will drop 1% more money and level 3 mobs will drop 2% more money and so on LorinthsRpgMobsMultiplier: 1
# Extra money based on the level of the mob when using MythicMobs. For example, MythicMobsLevelsMultiplier: 1% means level 2 mobs will drop 1% more money and level 3 mobs will drop 2% more money and so on MythicMobsLevelsMultiplier: 0
# Extra money based on the level of the mob when using LevelledMobs. For example, LevelledMobsMultiplier: 1% means level 2 mobs will drop 1% more money and level 3 mobs will drop 2% more money and so on LevelledMobsMultiplier: 1
# Extra money given if the mob that was killed was an Infernal Mob from the plugin InfernalMobs InfernalMobsMultiplier: 10
# Server Restart is required to disable/edit Repeating Multiplier Events RepeatingMultiplierEvent:
Enabled: false
# Percentage increase of money dropped whilst event is active Multiplier: 100
% # Duration of the multiplier Event in minutes Duration: 5
# How often the multiplier event repeats in minutes. Starting from the beginning of the last multiplier event RepeatDelay: 60
# The initial delay for the multiplier event to start when starting your server or using /mfmreload in minutes InitialDelay: 0
# Messages sent when the multiplier event starts/stops EventStartMessage: "&aA Money Multiplier Event has started! Mobs will drop &f100% &amore money for 5 minutes" EventEndMessage: "&cThe Money Multiplier Event has ended! All mobs will now drop their normal amount!"
Code (YAML):
# Add your MythicMobs here using the template below. # You can also add Citizens NPCs by using whatever their name is above their head. Skeleton_King:
Enabled: true
Min: 150
Max: 150
DropChance: 100
NumberOfDrops: 1-3
OnlyOnKill: true
Enabled: true
Min: 150
Max: 150
DropChance: 100
NumberOfDrops: 1-3
OnlyOnKill: true
Custom Events for Plugin Developers Find more information about the events and view examples
There are 3 events developers can listen to:
AttemptToDropMoneyEvent - Called when a mob dies that is enabled in the config.
DropMoneyEvent - Called when a mob dies and drops money or someone uses /MfmDrop
GiveMoneyEvent - Called when a player picks up money from the ground or when they kill a mob and money is put straight into their balance
Found a bug or need help? PM me on Spigot or post it in the Discussion section of the plugin instead of in reviews!