How to use it:
/mdec -> help of the command
/mdec reload -> reload the plugin, load and respawn the models
/mdec record -> start a new record, left click to stop the record, it's saved in the
recordlocation folder
/mdec deco -> shows all the static decorations to get them
Modelisation if you want the same result as mine with the dragon, use
segmented part
Static decorations
To use them, just add deco_ or d_ in the front of the name of your decorations bbmodels in the modelengine/blueprint folder, to get them in game do /mdec deco it shows a gui with all your decoration, right click with the decoration item in hand to place it, left click to a decoration with a deco item in hand to remove it
IMPORTANT: if you change the name of a decoration bbmodel file, all the decorations already placed in your worlds, will disappear
You can animate the static decorations
hit animation to play the animation on left click
interact animation to play the animation on right click
idle animation to play a loop animation permanently
If you find bug or need help go to my discord and message me
This plugin uses modelengine 4 as dependency
You can create sub folder inside
recordlocation and
decorations folder as much as you want to organize all your files. The names of the files is not important but can be usefull if you want to organize your decorations you can put all the decorations in one file or separate in multiple files.
MovingDecorationFile go to folder decorations and create new .yml file inside you can create decorations as much as you want example of configuration bellow
Example of moving decoration configuration:
Code (YAML):
# Name of the decoration (put anything you want doesn't really matter)
# ModelEngine model id of the decoration
# Name of the record you recorded with the command (record name file)