Change Log: - Added better support for other plugins working with block events - Fixed handling of certain perk effects to allow for effects to only work on certain players at a time
Change Log: - Added ability to reactivate perks after servers shutdown - Fixed no permission message not applying everywhere - Fixed perk GUI not properly handling extra items
Change Log: - Fixed items with no durability disappearing on certain perk effects when attempting to remove durability - PlaceholderAPI expansion is longer required to be downloaded separately, bundled in plugin directly
Change Log: - Added new perks/effects - AutoItemPickups - pick up items as you break blocks - AutoPlant - Replant as you break crops - TreeHarvest - Harvest a tree by mining one log - Added option to clear modifiers before enabling a perk effect - Added /mcperks RemoveModifiersAllOnline - clears modifiers of all online player - IncreaseMiningArea perk now handles going straight up and down - Tools are damaged according to usuage with perk effects - KeepInv perk effect also keeps exp - Fixed an issue with perk experation/activation user data setting - Fixed spamming full inventory messages for each item when inventory is full
Change Log: - Fixed perk edit GUI not working - Fixed KeepInv perk effect not working - Fixed timeleft placeholder not working correctly if greater than 60 seconds - Fix cooldown placeholder not working correctly
Change Log: - Added new perktype called PERMISSION, gives all players an effect based on if they have a permission or not - Default storage is now SQLITE, FLAT storage will be removed in the future, please switch if possible, you can convert with /av advancedcore convertfromdata FLAT after switching to sqlite
Change Log: - Added new effects NoHunger and KeepInv, no default perks exist with these effects - Added new perk option ReActivateEffectsTimer, reactivates effect based on setting - Fixed closing mcperks GUI when disabled - Fixed sorting of mcperks GUI changing on reload everytime
Change Log: - Fixed a few spelling mistakes - Fixed issues with adding activation's quickly, which would then not add activation's - Better handling on perk deactivation's to prevent errors - Added placeholders for activation's on perk GUI (%Activations% and %Activations_(Perk) and %PerkActivations%) - Added placeholder %cooldown% for cooldown messages
Change Log: - Fixed issues with special characters in MySQL database names - Improvements to SQLITE to better match MySQL - Fixed a few commands not working as intended
Change Log: - Added DisableCommands on commands effect - Fixed status placeholder not working correctly - Added command to activate a perk silently /mcperks activateperksilent - Fixed issues where empty messages are sent - Perks are no longer generated if perk folder already exists
Change Log: - Add new perk and effect for temporary permission - Fixed an issue with MCPerks.AllPerks permission not working - Added Beetroots to farmer effect
Change Log: - Fixed farmer effect not working on carrots and potatoes - Added option to only apply perk effects once (for perks that last forever) - Disable perk effects from applying to armor stands
Change Log: - Added geyser support (Experimental, requires enabling as well) - Added placeholder %MCPerks_CurrentActivePerks% - returns number of active perks the player has - Improved reward edit system (this specifically applies for VotingPlugin) - Some other internal improvements
Change Log: - Add support for conditional items, example:
Code (Text):
# Javacript for conditional
# Uses return value to get item info (can be anything, like numbers)
ConditionalJavascript: 'VotingPluginUser.canVoteAll()'
Amount: 1
Amount: 1
- Fixed actionbar delay (if you set one within a reward) - Added some additional placeholders for javascript: MCPerks (main class), MCPerksUser, VotingPluginUser - Some other minor internal bug fixes
Change Log: - Added ability to not drop items on full inventory (in the event you give items from rewards/perks) - Added support for hex colors, format &#FF0000# - Improved json messaging support, examples here
Change Log: - Added ability to whitelist/blacklist blocks for IncreaseMiningArea - Added build permission checks on a few perks - Updated to latest VotingPlugin version - Fixed a few possible exploits - Some internal changes (Will require PlaceholderAPI expansion to be updated)
Change Log: - Some MySQL bug fixes - Added option to enable/disable loading default perks - Support for enchanted books in item API - Added PotionColor to item API
Change Log: - Tested on 1.16.1 - Added option to keep GUI open when activating perks - Added perk status placeholder - Added BoneMealAura perk (Casts a bonemeal effect around the player) - Added IncreaseMiningArea perk (Mine 3x3, or bigger on mining block) - Added an Effect DoubleJumpUp (Similar to double jump, but no forward motion) - Some minor bug fixes
Change Log: - Added option to force clear modifiers (for when effects don't go away) - Added option to deactivate on logout - Added command to see active perks per user - Added ability for increase percentages to contain decimals - Added placeholder to see ActivePerks
Change Log: - Fixed a bug which could cause some effects to not clear - Added command to remove modifiers from certain perks (Incase something went wrong) - Compiled against 1.15.2
Change Log: - Fixed Tube Coral from not working on underwaterflorist perk - Fixed a bug where some perks don't fully deactivate when deactivating perks manually - Compiled against 1.15
Change Log: - Added option to allow duplicate perks to be activate at a time - Added ability to adjust radius in Florist perk - Added UnderWaterFlorist perk (Similar to florist perk) - Some bug fixes with commands
Change Log: - Fixed cooldown times being off - Added /mcperks placeholders - all possible placeholders - Added /mcperks placeholders (player) - placeholders with current values - Added many more placeholderapi placeholders
Change Log: - Added activations per perk - Added global server cooldown (jnstead of per player) - Use new reward api (Allows injecting custom requirements/rewards) - Add ability to block mobs on headdropper - Added PlaceholderAPI Expansion (available with /papi)
Change Log: - Added more placeholders to bossbars - Minor cleanup on commands - Added option to hide bossbar after a certain amount of time - A few bug fixes
Change Log: - Implemented AdvancedCore commands - Fixed a few bugs - Converted other effects to new system, E.g:
Code (Text):
- 'Farmer:100'
You'll need to switch to this system for any of the following effects: DoubleExperience Farmer Fortune HeadDropper IncreaseMobDrops MCMMOExperienceGain
Change Log: - Updated to 1.13 (Older versions not supported anymore) - Default perk material updates: DoubleExperience - EXP_BOTTLE to EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE FireWalker - FIREBALL to FIRE_CHARGE Florist - INK_SCK to BONEMEAL (and remove Data: 15) HeadDropper - SKULL_ITEM to PLAYER_HEAD Fortune - QUARTZ_ORE to NETHER_QUARTZ_ORE MCMMOExprienceGAIN - EXP_BOTTLE to EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE - Don't disable the plugin if perk fails to load
Change Log: - Added the ability have to have a bossbar show a countdown (disable by default) - Added the ability to specify which mcmmo skills get the experience gain
Change Log: - Added Commands effect - Changed how you set perk system type, also supports Towny (In beta right now, but should work okay) - Some bug fixes
Change Log: - Added a new command: /mcperks ActivatePerk (player) (perk) (number): MCPerks.ActivatePerkLength, allows you to activate a perk for any length
Change Log: - Fixed perk lore not showing when perk is activate - Added the ability for perks to last forever (set TimeLasts to -1) - Added /mcperks edit, to edit perks - Added /mcperks clearqueue - Added /mcperks activateperks - Added /mcperks deactivateperk (player) (perk) - Added the ability to set effects on activation, countdown, and deactivation - Added DoubleJump perk - Added Nightvison perk - Added invisibility perk - Probably some other bug fixes
Change Log: - Added ability to have a countdown message at whatever times you want - Made some changes to how players are loaded in data - Added a name lookup incase server can't get name
Change Log: - Fully support 1.11 - Added an option to require perm to see perk in the GUI (Default is true) - Added the ability to make the perk never expire by setting the time to -1