It came to my attention that some commonly used command names, like
/help, might conflict with commands from other plugins. To prevent this, all MC2048 commands now include the prefix
This means the updated command list looks like this:
/2048 : Opens the game window
/2048top : Shows the top 10, and your position in that list
/2048reload : reloads the config file without having to restart the server (required permission: mc2048.reload)
/2048help : Show the legend and general information.
This is not the prettiest of solutions. In the future I might see to optimize it, but for now it'll do.
I'm currently working on some other requested features as well, but due to a lot of developments in my personal life it might take a bit longer than expected.
A fully interactive Help GUI has been implemented to assist players in understanding the game.
Added text to the Help GUI to enhance clarity and provide detailed explanations for players.
Introduced a "High Score" item within the Help GUI to showcase the top scores.
Functional Game Interaction from Help GUI:
Players can now directly open the game from the Help menu.
Readability and Code Quality:
Improved readability by inverting conditional logic in multiple commands.
Removed "magic values" in code for cleaner and more maintainable logic.
Simplified some java classes by offloading responsibilities.
Other Changes:
Configuration Updates:
Added the Help command to the plugin.yml file, enabling its integration.
Structural Enhancements:
Enhanced the layout and materials for the Help GUI, laying the foundation for its functionality.
General Takeaway The
v1.1.5 update focuses on improving accessibility through a functional Help GUI, better formatting, and streamlined code for future updates. It marks a significant usability improvement for players and a more polished user experience.
- Fixed a bug where changing the button names in the config breaks them
- Added the game window title to the config
- Rewrote all singletons (technical change)
Added a fully functional general configuration file, that allows setting every single message in the plugin; with full MiniMessage support :
Also allows to set the number of undos your players are allowed & the material types of the game.
Caution: this plugin is now only for Spigot 1.21 and up.