New addition: - Made it so when you use a remote locator in an anvil, it will be allowed and will also de-italic the name so it's easier to read and looks nicer.
Bug fixes: - New error messages: anvil error and nbt overflow error
- Custom magic storage items cannot be used in anvils anymore
- Made new function to check length of nbt for the nbt overflow error due to too much nbt breaking variables in skript and causing magic storages to not work. default max is 3000 - this is changeable though in the config in the
- Fixed some bugs where errors weren't sending in some parts of the script
Fixed a bug where remote locators would be crafted with the same id until server restart/skript reload.
Made it so if you craft one, you will have to right click with it to register a id to it.
if you have mousetweaks, holding click and going over a bunch of items now works!
you can easily spam click a lot of items into the storage module now!
shift right clicking on the barrel now allow you to place stuff onto it
hoppers now do not reload all items in cursor, they will stay and you can do other things whilst it adds to the storage module
gui shouldnt ever close and open causing your held items in your cursor to go back into your inventory
there are new sounds when opening storage module and disk panel!
also new withdraw and deposit items for the storage module sounds, made it sound much cleaner and modern! it's a very quiet copper bulb turn on/off sound if you want to know
Whole change log:
fixed hopper making a visual dupe of an item in a gui
made many changes in the code shortening a lot of it into functions, removed hundreds of lines of code.
super optimised and never lags when switching pages/sorting options
update compatibility to newest skbee version
when items are whether manually put in or by hopper it should automatically be recent whether how recently it has changed except for when taking out stuff
hopper still do take stuff out of the storage module now
fixed lag issue when opening/switching pages in the storage module - might still have some lag bugs, do report them to me on my discord if you find and experience one
updated slightly of the design of page button
fixed a bunch of duplication methods
made sorting button from lever to brush
changed the item of disks to different armour trims trying to correspond to the tier
changed lore of all craftable items to be more vanilla looking
made loads of comments and sections in code incase anyone tries to read
commands now have tab completions
fixed some errors with inventory clicking for smithing table and made it so you can't use num keys or click the armour trims for disks
made errors show up in action bar instead of titles since it was unreadable
changed up and fixed lore of remote locator
added an error for trying to place using offhand
fixed it so you cannot push disk panels using pistons
fixed disk dupe when breaking disk panels
made different tiered storage modules:
made more crafting recipes ingame for each tier
it also contains different amount of disk slots per tier
copper = 3, iron = 5, diamond = 7, netherite = 14
made the amount of slots per page of storage module increased from 28 -> 36
merged total disk space and total used into one info item in disk panel and storage module
made total items in storage module a variable so less lag when putting items in or out of the storage
made information items as heads to make them stand out and not look like the gui background
added extra gray glass panes to make the storage modules/disk panels less boring
added/updated more information in the disk panel and made it a structure void item aswell like the storage module one.
forgot that the remote locator was still allowed in smithing table
New remote control feature! Crafting recipe and details shown in /recipes or on the magic storage spigotmc page!
2 new options: Alphabetical - A to Z and Z to A!