Added Multiple Draw Bets (where you can bet on the next 5 games in one go, for example. Allowing players to enter the same set of numbers for consecutive draws)
Improvements to Discord Interactions
Drop interaction when game state changes
Expire hooks when the plugin shutdown
Added return button after finishing bet on Discord
Added Random Entries for Multiple and Banker Types
Added option to switch item material and custom model data for the "number wool" items so that servers could create their own custom textures for them if they so choose
You can now set an account to receive the portion of lottery ticket sales taken as tax
For example, they can be received by the server owner or an admin to then be redistributed to other players to fund server-wide projects! This allows taxed ticket sales to be turned to good use, returning them to the server community.
Players seem to be confused about whether or not they've received winnings so now all winnings are received via clicking a message regardless of whether the player is online or not
Players can now only place new bets if they've already claimed their pending winnings
Players are now notified that they have pending winnings to be claimed in the main menu of /lottery play
Now the top places prize fund for a game is determined by the lowest fund set in the config or (the carry over fund + (lowest fund / 2) - 4-7th place prizes), whichever is higher
If you are upgrading from an older version and you are getting errors during startup, please delete the "data" folder in your LotterySix plugin folder, and then restart
Make Multiple & Banker Entries Fair when calculating winning bet units compare to Simple and Random