Uploaded 3.4.10 instead of 3.4.11, this just reflects the newest version.
Crates now support running more than 1 command as a loot item.
Hopefully things will be faster (negligible) but the jar is smaller now
works with 1.20 and added some new reveal animations
please use this one not the last release
fireworks spawned from crate would damage players
loot items now have individual weights and some things were fixed
Added a new loot item, LootNBTItem. Is different from normal loot item, in that nbt is also saved and loaded for custom nbt tags.
bug still needs attention
no link to git for things like multimc server host
1.18.1 support and all around fixes
fixed editor bug when editing itemstack
fixed item duplication bug on inventory close
Skript stuff! see the skript section
pretty titles and skript icon editable
Plugin would crash do to a bunch of issues, mainly due to depends not being found, and autoupdater issues
Edit stuff in game with the editor
/crates editor
Also, don't backport the config from a later to earlier version of Minecraft, since Bukkit will intentionally screw things up
And dont touch the config unless you are familiar with things and are particular with what you are doing
crates.open and crates.admin renamed to lootcrates.open and lootcrates.admin
error when player clicked while holding nothing
use tag "model" in crates or loot followed by an integer
Seasonal crates now work correctly (basically would be easter eggs on easter or a present around christmas...)
Crates are now identified using NBT tags
Some other changes
soul speed was mispelled and added soul speed
autoupdater implemented for github
changes to WIP editor
Crate opening and management is more straightforward in the plugin, and the config is not as ugly, plus some other changes/additions:
- Custom potions
- Technically better performance on server while opening crate
- bStats metrics is now used
- 'Crates' and 'items' loot are no longer separate in config, are all now considered 'loot' for simplicity, with inbuilt modifiers
For backwards compatibility, the old config format still works for those who have used my plugin before this update. Changes now and onward will only apply to the new config format.
Fixed an overlooked config issue
removed big bugs, and 1.16 works
working on a crate editor
fixed some stuff
Soft-depends on GraphicalAPI
works with 1.8, and maybe even earlier versions.
Added '*' flag to command '/crates' in order to act as a mark to target all players.
- "'add' is not a valid number" - will appear as an error of a command loot running, due to differences in 1.12 vs 1.14 ("xp add {player} 500"). This applies to all commands; as versions change, so will the features.
Bug fixes:
- Opening a chest error fixed
Compatible with versions 1.12, 1.13, 1.14.
Also spiced up logger colors.
Confirmed to not work on 1.8. Might work on 1.9/1.10/1.11...
Only applies to Lootcrates for 1.14.
1.13 version available now.
fixed /crates command root arguments, and "crate" and "player" autocomplete to match argument.
Code (YAML):
: fusion_cell
: 5
: lazerrifle
change value under
qa-item to the QualityArmory item.
Functional with count and range arguments. Added better error detection for config.
I've taken the burden to redo a lot about this plugin, as its old structure was very difficult to read, and generally trashy.
Due to the new format of the plugin, it is more dependent on config now. This also should decrease memory usage.
- new plugin structure
- reduced memory usage
- little secret Easter eggs during specific occasions
- misc. bug fixes
old config options were removed.
Every feature that was not purely crates was removed, and instead added into LootcratesExtended.
fixed armor stand interact
autocomplete fix
ruin fix
New option 'remove-ruins' when crate taken from ruins.
- fixed command permission
- added enchanted books
- fixed ruin spawning
- gen-ruin option in config
+ No entities get damaged by crate firework
+ made noncollectable items drop when inventory is full
+ warning in config about crate spawning
+ fixed autocomplete naming
- there is a possible threading issue when generating crate ruins, but nothing beyond the main thread is used, so I have no clue as to why this occurs. This can be avoided by disabling ruin generation (just set
enable-generation to false in config.yml).
+ listeners were not getting registered
Fixed a command player-username issue
After all, this is my first plugin, and it was initially developed with minor experience.
I've done a lot of restructuring, changing and adding new features,
- Fixed crate loot-item indexing issue
- Fixed misused code
- Completely redid listeners
- Completely redid commands
- Completely redid autocompleters
- Removed autocomplete option from config
- Removed -all argument from /crates
- World generated crates + config options
- Better secured crates
fixed /crates all (kinda fixed)
it is still not working as it should, I don't know why, probably it has to do with scheduling / a for loop is too fast.
error-checker has fixes.
New stuff added to config:
Code (Text):
# scroll speed
# if set to 0, will instantly reveal items
# 2 = 1 item / 2 ticks
# 5 = 1 item / 5 ticks
scroll-speed: 0
# selection sound
# do "none" for no sound
# Enable command autocomplete?
autocomplete: false
Also added an official error checker, and fixed some core bugs.
I found a bug where chances were not working correctly; patched now,
cool config.
Download was linked to github; that's now source code.
I've added the functionality to run commands on loot items when gathered.
Code (Text):
item: gold_nugget
name: "&640 tokens"
- "tokens add 40 {player}"
item: experience_bottle
name: "&e&l500 Experience"
- "xp add {player} 500"
Only commands recognized by console will run.
Item format heavily modified, allows for better future modifications + looks kinda alright. Again, this
should not be buggy / cause ANY issues with your server. I might give the source code in future if people want. So far, the most broken thing will be null pointers, as in something was missing in the config (missing item key in loot).
Code (YAML):
: sugar
: 3
: cooked_cod
: 1 3
: stick
: 3
: iron_sword
"&6&lSharp Dagger"
"&7&oForged down below"
: 1 3
: 1
: diamond_axe