Added support for 1.21.2 & 1.21.3
Added support for 1.20.6 & 1.21
- Added support for 1.20.4
- Fixed issue with heads causing errors in the console.
Fix for profile being null
- Added support for both 1.19.4 & 1.20
Added support for 1.18, please let me know if you find any issues.
Looks like something went wrong with the patch for 1.17 should be fixed now, this version also adds support for 1.17.1 as well.
Fixed issues with water bottles turning into uncraftable potions on newer versions.
- Fixed issues with 1.16.2
Added honey tank (also gives saturation like other food tanks)
Added Bee nest/Bee Hive draining into liquid tanks
Balanced saturation you get from food tanks
Switched to Xmaterial to support new materials
Fixed lag issues with 1.15.2 Paper spigot loading chunks when checking for other hoppers in the same chunk
fixed issue with water fountains toggle
fixed issue with the give command you can no longer give 0 or negative amounts
added option to toggle action bar and subtitles for displaying the amount of liquid inside of a tank.
Honey tanks coming soon!
Fixed issue with Armorstands visuals on 1.15 which didn't make them small or invisible.
Added 1.15 support
Honey tanks are planned

fixed nullpointer exception
- fixed bug with items being able to flow into hoppers while coming from a normal hopper
- added "enable-items" configuration for possible compability issues
Fixed issue with crafting recipe not working
Fixed bug with API changes in 1.14.
- general bug fixes for 1.14
- added support for powering blast furnaces and smokers with lava tanks (1.14)
- added 1.14 support to Liquid Tanks
Let me know if there are any issues!
- fixed title error issue on 1.8 servers
- fixed title issue with custom amounts for tanks
- fixed issue with dragonbreath tanks custom amount not working
- added minimum for custom tank amounts (eg. 3 for tanks which use buckets)
- fixed visual issue if tank amount is greater than max amount after changing the max tank amount (tanks still keep their original amount in them)
- added toggle for crafting
- added visual indicator if a tank is overflown
- buffed mushroom and cow filling speed
- added "/liquidtank give" command (liquidtanks.admin)
- added Event to the API to detect if someone clicks on a liquid tank (cancellable)
- fixed issue when shift right clicking tanks with an empty hand wouldn't show up the info
Changed priorities in events to support EpicHoppers
Added a simple API to allow other plugins to check if a location is a liquidtank or not.
Code (Text):
boolean isTank = LiquidTankAPI.isLiquidTank(location);
Fixed bug related to assync chunk loading with Paper.
- Bug Fixes:
- Crafting recipe is now fixed
- Exp tank filling should be fixed now
- fixed some small errors
Please answer this question:
Liquid tanks has been fully recoded
(just missing some small features but all the important stuff works)
However things should be a lot easier for me to add now
+ New Features:
- added fountains (up to 2 powered dispensers facing up next to water tanks)
- added tanks flowing liquids into eachother
- limit tanks per chunk
(bypass permission: liquidtanks.limit.bypass)
- added support for 1.13
- tank info has been moved to action bar
- added option to require redstone power to export from the tank
(for protecting your valuable liquids)
- Bug Fixes:
- fixed bugs related to explosions
- multiple worlds should now correctly work with liquid tanks
- visual glitches when adding liquids into tanks have been fixed
- lots of other small bugs

- fixed issue with beetroot liquid tanks not loading
- fixed issue with visuals when logging in or teleporting
Just a quick note waiting for Spigot 1.13 to do the actual rework
otherwise stuff might break quickly 
fixed minor bugs related to the upcoming 1.13 update which could cause issues.
started working on a full recode which should be out soon

fixed powering furnaces in 1.12
- fixed issue with exp tanks at very high levels of experience
- fixed issue with exp bottles when inserting them into a full tank
- fixed issue with experience tanks with extremely high levels
- fixed issue with tanks with worlds that had "_" in their names
fixed permission bug which prevented building
added 1.12 support and fixed particle display bug
fixed errors in console
and fixed bug with unloading from chunks
- update 1.5.3 didn't prevent it correctly
- made the automatic saving every minute assync so it doesn't lag as much
- stopped liquid tanks from keeping chunks loaded
added beetroot soup
fixed the bug that made rabbit stew look like dragon breath liquid
merged all the jar file versions together this should work on all versions from 1.8.8 upto 1.11.2
also fixed the login issue where you couldn't see the armorstands in the tank.
- Fixed 1.8.8 download
- Added support for most protection plugins
- added 1.8.8 support again
- fixed bug related to distance between worlds
added permission node for crafting it (not tested)
fixed dimension console error
- added 1.9.2 jar file
- fixed console errors
fixed fast tank interact issue that made all tank interactions 10 times as fast

All armorstands are now packet based, so there should no longer be any issues with armorstand dupes and glitches. If you are still having problems be sure to send me a PM
~ Arcaniax
this should fix a lot of errors in the console.
if there are any more be sure to let me know.
Fixed bug which prevented loading of plugin
Added permission node to use liquidtanks:
Added GriefPrevention support
- Added Dragon Breath tank
- Update for 1.10
- Fixed issues
if you still have issues please message me

- Banners with links to other plugins from TheAraxGroup
- Fixed visualisation in 1.9
- Fixed "ItemInHand"
- Fixed Titles for 1.9
- Fixed sounds for 1.9
- Added config which allows you to change the amounts of storage and the item name.
- Added support for stacked filled buckets
- Fix for Explosions and WE
- Basic items to craft a LQT are inside the LQT itself so if you remove the plugin your players will get their items back.
- Tanks which have higher quantity than max are set to max quantity
- source blocks above liquid tanks can be sucked in by Liquid Tanks