Liquid Tanks [1.8 - 1.21.4] icon

Liquid Tanks [1.8 - 1.21.4] -----

Store any Minecraft liquids inside of tanks, unique functions for each liquid tank type.


  • Store liquids inside of liquid tanks
  • Visualisation done with armorstands
  • Unique functions for each type of liquid
  • Right click on it to see the amount of liquid inside
  • Craftable and replaceable block
  • Specific mobs can fill up tanks
  • inventories above the liquid tank will be emptied out by the tank below (for example: water bucket -> bucket)
  • Particle Effects
  • Configurable amounts of liquid in each tank
  • togglable permission-node: liquidtanks.use
  • Tanks can move liquids to each other
    requires: (in spigot.yml)
    Code (Text):
    disable-move-event: false

This tank stores 30 levels of experience, sneaking on top of it will fill it up with your current experience on you, standing under it will give you experience from inside the tank.
This tank stores 10 water buckets, if you are on fire and standing under the tank it will put out the fire and consume a third of a bucket. Water tanks also suck up source blocks above the tank.
This tank stores 10 lava buckets, lava tanks can be used for powering furnaces next to them and also below them for each furnace it powers it will take a third of a bucket and smelt 33 items in the furnace. Lava tanks can also be filled up with magma cubes, the largest magma cube can fill up 2x2 liquid tanks under it and the middle size is able to fill up 1 tank. Lava tanks also suck up source blocks above the tank.
[​IMG] [​IMG]
This tank stores 10 milk buckets, if you have a potion effect and standing under the tank it will remove the effects and consume a third of a bucket.
Cows and Mushroom cows can fill up milk tanks when standing on top of them.
[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
This tank stores 16 mushroom stew bowls, if you are hungry and you are standing under the tank it will give you saturation and it will consume 1 bowl of mushroom stew.
Mushroom cows can fill up mushroom stewtanks when standing on top of them.
[​IMG] [​IMG]
This tank stores 16 rabbit stew bowls, if you are hungry and you are standing under the tank it will give you saturation and it will consume 1 bowl of Rabbit stew.
This tank stores 16 beetroot soup bowls, if you are hungry and you are standing under the tank it will give you saturation and it will consume 1 bowl of beetroot soup.
This tank stores 30 dragonbreath bottles.

Crafting Recipe:


Credits for this idea goes to Sparks.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 397
First Release: Feb 27, 2016
Last Update: Feb 12, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
36 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings