Added new "songItems" config option, which allows you to select a list of materials in the GUI to show songs. If the list is empty or filled with incorrect materials, random records will be shown
If players "favorites" playlist is empty, it will not be saved in data file
Added the config options "itemFormatWithoutAuthor", "itemFormatAdminWithoutAuthor", "songFormatWithoutAuthor" to match all possible song formatting. (thanks to the contribution of FluxCapacitor)
Removed ".nbs" at the end of non-named songs
Made the "options" menu usable when listening to the radio (this allows players to change the volume of the radio without having to change playlist)
Fixed song player looping when only one song is installed on the server
Added "itemFormatAdmin" config option. This new format is used over the default "itemFormat" when players have the permission "music.adminItem". Useful to hide song IDs to players which do not need it.
Added "preventVanillaMusic" config option. Disabled by default and available only for servers > 1.13, this option will "prevent" the vanilla music being played by asking clients to stop the sound every 5 seconds.
The GUI code has been reworked, now it's more optimized and bug-free.
New playlist system : you can choose between the temporary Playlist (which is removed after a reload), and your Favorites song (which is stored in your datas)
Menu system in the bottom of the GUIs :
Options : volume/join/shuffle/particles
Playlists : empty the actual playlist, next song, choose playlist
Description of songs is now splitted (now it should not exceed the screen)
In admin commands, "@all" has been changed to "@a".
You can now choose to show messages in the action bar instead of the chat (for "music while playing" and "music stopped"). Configurable in config.yml, line actionBar (disabled by default)
New command : /amusic join <player>, to toggle player's "join" option.
Particles are now synchronized on each note ! (and are now lag-free)
Sounds are now mapped on the sound category Jukebox/Note Blocks (to change his volume more precisely, press Esc to open the menu, then in Options -> Music & Sounds)
Particles effect (> 1.8) synchronized with music tempo (can be entierely deactivated for all the server, and players can enable/disable it in their menu)
New admin command for manually toggle particles : /adminmusic particles
New security for download command (if the downloaded file is not a NBS song, you will be noticed and the file will be automatically removed)
Placeholders with PlaceholderAPI : see on the overview page
Supports the new version of NoteBlockAPI ; you'll require to update it !
Spanish translation gived by @OsorioSlayer, thanks to him !
Config option enabledWorlds who permit to disable worlds where music could not be played.
New admin commands : shuffle, random and volume. Allows administrators to enable shuffle-mode, to play a random song and to change the volume to other players !
The Radio item is released : it's an item set by admin (with /amusic setitem). When vou click somewhere with it in your hand, the radio menu will be opened.
Playlist System (middle click on the songs you want to listen) ; it can occur some bugs
The Random playlist is better : now you can't listen the same music several times ; all the musics must be listened, and then the list will be reset.
Config Changelog :
Songs are now sorted alpabeticaly
Player datas are moved to another file (players.yml), if currently the datas are saved into config.yml the plugin will do the change for you.
You can force the music on login with the "forceJoinMusic" option.
/amusic reload take into account the changements into config.yml
/amusic stop <player> : to stop music for a a player
Added @all at /amusic play/stop instead of the player name if you want to apply the command to all connected players.
Added langage files. By default : english (en), french (fr), chinese (cn), swedish (se), and german (de). You can too create your own langage file, by choosing another name in the config.yml.
Addition of a "sendMessages" option in the config yaml. If you set this parameter on false (true by default) some messages will not be showed. (by example when you launch a song) BUT the messages of the admin command are always sendeds
Added too a "asyncLoading" parameter, if on true the songs and the players options will be loadeds asynchronously. (to reduce the lags)
Bug fixed when a music is finished and you have selected the Shuffle Mode. Now another random music will be played.
Others smalls bugs fixeds.
"Later page" is renamed to "Previous page", to avoid confusion with next page button.
Thanks to mibby and z123x894 who are sended me these ideas for this new version
And thank you to YOU, my plugin has now reached 1600 downloads !