/amusic stop <player> : to stop music for a a player
Added @all at /amusic play/stop instead of the player name if you want to apply the command to all connected players.
Added langage files. By default : english (en), french (fr), chinese (cn), swedish (se), and german (de). You can too create your own langage file, by choosing another name in the config.yml.
Addition of a "sendMessages" option in the config yaml. If you set this parameter on false (true by default) some messages will not be showed. (by example when you launch a song) BUT the messages of the admin command are always sendeds
Added too a "asyncLoading" parameter, if on true the songs and the players options will be loadeds asynchronously. (to reduce the lags)
Bug fixed when a music is finished and you have selected the Shuffle Mode. Now another random music will be played.
Others smalls bugs fixeds.
"Later page" is renamed to "Previous page", to avoid confusion with next page button.
Thanks to mibby and z123x894 who are sended me these ideas for this new version
And thank you to YOU, my plugin has now reached 1600 downloads !