Added a protected accounts list, which can only be managed by the themselves and the console. Staff members cannot use the /force... commands on the protected accounts. Check it on GitHub.
Added redirection to the main servers when the last server becomes unreachable (Velocity only).
Added disabling the /confirm command when the "riskyCommandsConfirmation" option is turned off.
Added a new resolver for fetching an premium ID, first querying "" and, in case of an error, falling back to "". The old resolver can be reverted back by turning on the "useLegacyResolver" option.
Added 'riskyCommandsConfirmation' option which controls if a player needs to execute /confirm command before /premium, /cracked and /unregister commands.
Added 'accessTokenDisabled' to the JPremium configuration file on Spigot servers.
If you use BungeeCord, you don't need to take any actions.
(Not recommended) If you use Velocity and you still want to use 'legacy', you need to set 'accessTokenDisabled' to true in your JPremium configuration files on your back-end servers. JPremium won't check any passing data to your back-end servers, so your servers will work in an insecure mode!
Added support for BungeeGuard.
Added support for the modern and bungeegaurd Velocity forwarding mode.
Added support for ProtocolLib in version 5.0.0.
Added /forcepurgeuserprofile and /forcemergeuserprofile commands to the Velocity version.
Added ability to disable handshake listeners (the 'accessTokenDisabled' option).
Added ability to define quantity of failed login attempts before disconnection.
Added ability to implement your own resolver using API.
Changed way of registration via a website.
Fixed issues with the "secondLoginCracked" feature.
Fixed HEX colors on a boss bar.
Fixed small issues in the JPremium API.
Removed passing an access token to the handshake on the Velocity version.
Notice: JPremium will require Java 17+ soon. If you sill use older Java versions, please consider updating your Java version. Changes:
Added Velocity support.
Notice: The Velocity version is little different than the BungeeCord version and may not have all the same features as the BungeeCord version. Bugs may be found due to it is a big update. If you find any bugs or errors, please report them in the direct message.
Added warnings when the plugin is wrong configured.
Added validation for the captcha message on the captcha map.
Improved the simple JPremium anti-bot.
Changed the resolver cache time.
Fixed issues with sending emails.
Notice: Configurations files from older versions than 1.12.0 will not work! Please generate new ones! Please install the new version on the BungeeCord and all Spigot servers! There you can check what exactly was changed in the configuration files -> configuration.yml, messages.yml.
Restored the previous access token verification system due to technical issues with the new one.
Notice: Configurations files from older versions than 1.12.0 will not work! Please generate new ones! Please install the new version on the BungeeCord and all Spigot servers! There you can check what exactly was changed in the configuration files -> configuration.yml, messages.yml.
Notice: Configurations files from older versions than 1.12.0 will not work! Please generate new ones! Please install the new version on the BungeeCord and all Spigot servers! There you can check what exactly was changed in the configuration files -> configuration.yml, messages.yml.
Fixed several small issues on the back-end server.
Notice: Configurations files from older versions will not work! Please generate new ones! Please install the new version on the BungeeCord and all Spigot servers! There you can check what exactly was changed in the configuration files -> configuration.yml, messages.yml.
Notice: Configurations files from older version than 1.11.0 will not work! Please generate new ones! Please install the new version on the BungeeCord and all Spigot servers! There you can check what exactly was changed in the configuration files -> configuration.yml, messages.yml.
Added the restriction to open GUIs when a player is not authorized.
Fixed issues with the quitting error.
Notice: Configurations files from older version than 1.11.0 will not work! Please generate new ones! Please install the new version on the BungeeCord and all Spigot servers! There you can check what exactly was changed in the configuration files -> configuration.yml, messages.yml.
Fixed issues with the second factor authorization.
Fixed issues with the captcha map slot.
Notice: Configurations files from older version than 1.11.0 will not work! Please generate new ones! Please install the new version on the BungeeCord and all Spigot servers! There you can check what exactly was changed in the configuration files -> configuration.yml, messages.yml.
Fixed issues with the player handshake listener on back-end servers on version 1.8.x.
Notice: Configurations files from older version than 1.11.0 will not work! Please generate new ones! Please install the new version on the BungeeCord and all Spigot servers! There you can check what exactly was changed in the configuration files -> configuration.yml, messages.yml.
Fixed issues with the player handshake listener on back-end servers on version 1.8.x.
Notice: Configurations files from older version than 1.11.0 will not work! Please generate new ones! Please install the new version on the BungeeCord and all Spigot servers! There you can check what exactly was changed in the configuration files -> configuration.yml, messages.yml.
Added the second factor authorization (2FA) only for cracked players.
Added the action bar for not authorized players.
Added better protection against connecting directly with back-end servers.
Enchanted the version on a back-end server.
Moved the recovery password email from the messages file to the recovery.html file.
Changed the recovery password system - players need to rewrite a temporary code to recover a password.
Removed Sponge support.
Some other small changes.
Notice: Configurations files from older version will not work! Please generate new ones! Please install the new version on the BungeeCord and all Spigot servers! There you can check what exactly was changed in the configuration files -> configuration.yml, messages.yml.
Added support for Floodgate 2.0, Floodgate 1.0 is not longer supported.
Added allow inventory titles to use when a player is not authorized.
Increase the rate limit for the backup server.
Notice: Configurations files from older version than 1.9.0 will not work! Please generate new ones! Please install the new version on the BungeeCord and all Spigot servers!
Notice: Configurations files from older version than 1.9.0 will not work! Please generate new ones! Please install the new version on the BungeeCord and all Spigot servers!
Added ability to add custom delay for sending titles.
Increased the rate limit for the backup server.
Changed way of caching user profiles on the Bungee side.
Fixed issues with caching user profiles on the Spigot side.
Fixed issues with swapping items when a player is not authorized.
Fixed issues with generating captcha maps.
Fixed issues with Bedrock support.
Notice: Configurations files from older version than 1.9.0 will not work! Please generate new ones! Please install the new version on the BungeeCord and all Spigot servers!
Added option to delay sending titles and chat messages after join.
Improved search user profiles in the storage.
Fixed issues with disconnect and last server redirections.
Fixed issues with email message encoding.
Fixed issues with Multiverse-Core worlds.
Fixed several small bugs.
Notice: Configurations files from older version than 1.9.0 will not work! Please generate new ones! Please install the new version on the BungeeCord and all Spigot servers!
Restored the last and disconnect redirection features.
Fixed issues with the /register command.
Fixed issues with the second login attempt feature.
Notice: Configurations files from older version than 1.9.0 will not work! Please generate new ones! Please install the new version on the BungeeCord and all Spigot servers!
Restored the last and disconnect redirection features.
Fixed issues with the /register command.
Fixed issues with the second login attempt feature.
Notice: Configurations files from older version than 1.9.0 will not work! Please generate new ones! Please install the new version on the BungeeCord and all Spigot servers!
Fixed issues with removing maps from the player inventory.
Fixed issues with the /premium command.
Fixed issues with redirections.
Fixed issues with sending titles on cracked launchers.
Improved thread-safety.
Changed policy with the backup server - you need to have special access to use the backup server.
Changed the /startsession command - a session is started for the time which is set the configuration.
Removed some events from the JPremium API.
Removed an anti-bot on the pre-login stage.
Removed disconnection and last server redirections.
Notice: Configurations files from older version will not work! Please generate new ones! Please install the new version on the BungeeCord and all Spigot servers!
Added support for loading users data on login stage (it is a beta feature).
Added a new passwords and emails system - premium and bedrock players can have a password and an email.
Added a create password command for premium and bedrock players.
Added ability to use the captcha code placeholder on the boss bar.
Fixed interactions with dummy players (NPCs).
Fixed some small issues and bugs.
Removed disconnection on the second login attempt.
Improved JPremium on back-end servers.
Notice: Configurations files from older version will not work! Please generate new ones! Please install the new version on the BungeeCord and all Spigot servers!
Added support for Minecraft Bedrock Edition (please see the wiki site before using).
Added support for Sponge servers (has less features that a version for Spigot).
Added the reload command (/jreload - jpremium.command.reload).
Added ability to require entering repeat passwords in the register, the change password and the cracked commands.
Added ability to disable pinging backend servers.
Added ability to modify database connection properties.
Fixed issues with false-positives disconnection for already connected players.
Fixed issues with captcha maps.
Improved database connection (added HikariCP).
Improved and changed some other things.
Notice: Configurations files from older version will not work! Please generate new ones! Please install the new version on the BungeeCord and all Spigot servers!
Added ability to keep password for premium players.
Added ability to use the SHA512 algorithm.
Added ability to show captcha codes in messages.
Added ability to show a message when a nickname is claimed by a premium player (only on the second join attempt).
Added ability to disable the authorization timer.
Added ability to disable the automatic unregistration feature.
Added fully random captcha codes generation.
Fixed issues with email sending.
Fixed issues with captcha maps.
Fixed issues with players redirection.
Improved some code.
Notice: Configurations files from older version will not work! Please generate new ones! Please install the new version on the BungeeCord and all Spigot servers!
Added blocking tab suggestions for not authorized players.
Fixed issues with the authorization time.
Fixed issues with sending the access token to Spigot servers.
Fixed issues with changing premium nicknames.
Fixed issues with some message paths.
Notice: If you migrate from the 1.3.0 version, you do not have to generate new JPremium configuration files. If you migrate from older versions (than 1.3.0), please generate new JPremium configuration files.
Added ability to use the BCrypt algorithm to hash passwords.
Added ability to automatically unregister cracked players when they are not on the server for the specified time.
Fixed issues with captcha maps.
Fixed issues with the redirection system.
Fixed issues with length of passwords.
Changed some default option values in the configuration file.
Notice: Old configuration and messages files may not work, so it is recommended to generate new ones! Please also install the new version on BungeeCord and all Spigot servers.
Added ability to add several limbo and main servers.
Fixed issues with the redirection system.
Fixed issues with captcha maps.
Fixed issues with frozen logged players.
Fixed issues with the boss bar.
Changed some option names in the configuration and messages files.
Removed the requirement to enter a strong password by cracked players.
Removed the redirection to the last online server.
Notice: Old configuration and messages files may not work, so it is recommended to generate new ones! Please also install the new version on BungeeCord and all Spigot servers. There is a very smal typo in that update, please change 'safePasswordPattern' to '[\S]{6,25}' in your JPremium configuration file.
This is the new JPremium version at all which was written from scratch. There was fixed bugs, improved performance, added new features and remove some old features. It is currently beta version, so issues can occur. If you find any issues, please report it to the author in private message. It is not finally version, so in the next updates will be added more new features.
[âš ] If you migrate from an older than 5.3 JPremium version, please generate a new JPremium configuration file on BungeeCord server and ALL Spigot servers and configure they again!
Please do not use this version, please use a newer one instead!
[✥] Fixed:
Some player authorisation issues.
Captcha Map issue on 1.8 version.
JRegister command.
JSkin and skin commands limit.
Some permissions issues.
[âš ] Skin servers have troubles, so several players on your server may not have skins! [âš ] If you migrate from an older than 5.3 JPremium version, please generate a new JPremium configuration file on BungeeCord server and ALL Spigot servers and configure they again!
[âš ] If you migrate from an older than 5.3 JPremium version, please generate a new JPremium configuration file on BungeeCord server and ALL Spigot servers and configure they again!
A single void world (as a lobby for authorization) for unlogged players.
Regular expression validation for a password.
Confirming enabling auto login with a password.
More custom messages in a staff changing skin command.
Kicking all players with a specified message when a server is disabling.
[✥] Fixed:
The issue with authorization some premium players.
Asynchronously executing update queries to the database - the server is less lagging.
Asynchronously loading default skin - the server loads faster.
[âš ] Please generate a new JPremium configuration file on BungeeCord server and ALL Spigot servers and configure they again!
[âš ] If you have Spigot older than 1.15.X, you have to disable a creating void world (please set 'createVoidWorld' to 'false' in JPremium configuration file on ALL Spigot servers)! You have to do it because older version have different API. It will be fixed in the next update.
An exploit which can be used to avoid a premium player session checking. The exploit works only in specified environmental. At the time, it is known only one server where it works. It does not work on all server, but I recommend install this update.
[âš ] If you migrate from an older than 5.2 JPremium version, please generate a new JPremium configuration file and configure it again!
#1 - Please backup your old JPremium config file and generate a new file!
#2 - In this version player gets a new unique id (UUID)! The unique id is not premium or offline id, it is randomly! Why? The older version causes issues for the unique id, and from now the unique id is must be randomly. If you do not want a random unique id, please set 'fixed-unique-ids' to 'false' in JPremium config file.
If you have any doubts, please contact with me in private message.
Ability to use proxy during connect to Mojang server
Protection from enable server with incorrect database and servers names
Skin restorer for non-premium players
New API system
Reload command
Ability to disable login system
Ability to disable cache connections
Ability to use several servers to connect to Mojang servers