A single void world (as a lobby for authorization) for unlogged players.
Regular expression validation for a password.
Confirming enabling auto login with a password.
More custom messages in a staff changing skin command.
Kicking all players with a specified message when a server is disabling.
[✥] Fixed:
The issue with authorization some premium players.
Asynchronously executing update queries to the database - the server is less lagging.
Asynchronously loading default skin - the server loads faster.
[⚠] Please generate a new JPremium configuration file on BungeeCord server and ALL Spigot servers and configure they again!
[⚠] If you have Spigot older than 1.15.X, you have to disable a creating void world (please set 'createVoidWorld' to 'false' in JPremium configuration file on ALL Spigot servers)! You have to do it because older version have different API. It will be fixed in the next update.