InvUnload icon

InvUnload -----

Automatically puts your stuff into the right chests. Supports WorldGuard, etc. (+auto config update)

4.0.0 - Major Update
Because some people wondered in which chests their stuff went into, I have added this:
- Added a text summary that shows where all your items went. By default, it is shown every time you use /unload or /dump, but you can also disable it so that it is only shown when using /unloadinfo (or /dumpinfo).
- Added a "laser" beam that will point to the affected chests for a few second. You can view the laser by running /unloadinfo or /dumpinfo. You can also set the laser to be always shown when using /unload or /dump.
- You can also overwrite the default laser duration with /unloadinfo [duration] or /dumpinfo [duration]
- You can also set laser-moves-with-player to true to have the lasers move when the player moves
- Added a reload command (/unload reload) that requires the permission "invunload.reload".

Further bugfixes:
- /unload is properly executed before /dump
----------, Jun 16, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 12,055
First Release: Aug 21, 2018
Last Update: Oct 27, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
39 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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