HypeGradients - Get and Modify every message icon

HypeGradients - Get and Modify every message -----

Put gradients or modify any message from the server easily

Using PlaceholderAPI

Available variables:
  1. text > This is used for the message that the player will see, can contain anything, you can use color formatting codes like bold for exemple (&l)
  2. colors > This will make message colorful, only accepts hex colors(#123456) and colors from config(put the color name in '<>', exemple <red>), the gradient need to have 2 or more colors.
  3. align (THIS IS OPTIONAL) > This will align the gradient to a position, available positions (LEFT, MIDDLE, RIGHT)
%hypegradients_colors:<orange>;<red>,text:My name is &l{player_name}&r and I love &l&nGradients%

%hypegradients_align:RIGHT,colors:<orange>;<red>,text:My name is &l{player_name}&r and I love &l&nGradients%

%hypegradients_colors:#123456;<red>,align:MIDDLE,text:My name is &l{player_name}&r and I love &l&nGradients%

Using ProtocolLib
<gradient:#123456;<color>>Any &ltext</gradient>

  • The gradient must start with '<gradient:hex or <color>>' and end with </gradient> or else it will not work!
  • It needs to be at least 2 colors or else it will not work and can contain hex colors(#123456) or colors from config(put the color name in '<>', exemple <red>).

<gradient:<red>;<orange>;#123456>&k&mt&lI love &nHypeGradients</gradient>
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 473
First Release: Jan 22, 2022
Last Update: Apr 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
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Downloads: ------
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