HypeGradients - Get and Modify every message icon

HypeGradients - Get and Modify every message -----

Put gradients or modify any message from the server easily

[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
How to use it?
  • You can use it with PlaceholderAPI, if you are not familiar with the plugin, Check the documentation on how it works (click here)
  • You can use it with ProtocolLib packets. This feature make it to work on your chat without the help of placeholders and can work on almost any server message. Check the documentation on how it works (click here)
ProtocolLib support
For now works on
  1. Server Messages - Messages sent from plugins.
  2. Title - Titles sent from the server.
  3. Subtitles - Subtitles sent from the server.
  4. Entities - Can modify mobs names.
  5. Holograms - Can modify every hologram. (not working good in 1.16, will add it later)
  6. Scoreboard - Every line and title of the sb.
  7. Tab - Footer and Header.
  8. PlayerList - Every players name.
  9. Actionbar - Actionbars sent from the server.
  10. Bossbars - Created bossbars from the server.
  11. MOTD - When the player pings the server.
  12. Sign - Can modify content from signs (not working good in 1.16, will add it later)
We will add more features and it will support many more in the future​


Thanks to PerryPlaysMC
Developed by〔Zippo™ - Store | 2024〕
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 473
First Release: Jan 22, 2022
Last Update: Apr 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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