To users pre1.5, be careful, headTexture section will no longer work with the previous configuration. Your configuration will be saved, you can use the old to made the new configuration. You won't lose any data.
- Added {center} placeholder to center message in the chat
- Fixed an issue with /hb give command in 1.8
- Fixed particles not displayed client side
- Added broadcast type for tieredRewards
In config.yml, the section "headTexture" has been deleted. See the new configuration :
Note: If you are updating, please follow these steps
- Shutdown your server
- Open HeadBlocks/config.yml and copy the headTexture
- Update the plugin
- Restart the server
- Open HeadBlocks/config.yml
- In heads section, remove all line and add a line like: - "default:yourHeadTexture"
- Restart your server
If you find a bug, don't hesitate to report it at
Github, in the
Discord or in the discussion!
Thanks to use my plugin!