Before updating your plugin, make a backup of the HeadBlocks folder! Many things have changed, it could be that old configurations are not compatible anymore.
- Added 1.19 support and dropped support for the 1.8 to 1.16.5 Minecraft version
- Reworked database storage (a migration script should transfert automatically your data when using this version)
- Fixed world teleportation issue in chat
- Fixed UnknownPlayer in top command
- Improved performances (chunk loading, particles, holograms)
- Added bStats (can be disabled)
- Move command to move HeadBlocks without loosing player data
- Improved head configuration loading
- Added holograms (ProtocolLib needed)
- Added auto migration from HeadBlocks 1.x, export command and data related to databases
- Simplified and cleaner error messages
This is a major release, please if you find any bug or have suggestion, don't hesitate to report it at
Github, in the
discord or in the plugin discussion before reviewing!
Thanks to use my plugin!