Wow, a big dangerous update (with some cool features) ! :D
To users, be careful, this update may break your configuration file, a backup is made from the first launch in a file named "", but be careful when you update the plugin!
Switching to multiple line messages on head click with support for placeholders (will break with your current configuration, save it)
Added title on head click (configurable, fadeIn, stay, fadeOut) (Only supported for MC version 1.11 and above)
Added particle on head click when already own (highly configurable) (Only supported for MC version 1.9 and above)
BETA : Added floating particle on head when not found yet (highly configurable and player range) (Only supported for MC version 1.9 and above)
Added firework explosion (height, power, color and fadeColor configurable)
Added an option to prevent commands on head click if the current number of heads for a player is equals to a level in tieredRewards ( see: preventCommandsOnTieredRewardsLevel)
If you find a bug, don't hesitate to report it at
Github, in the
discord or in the discussion!