HaoNick | Advanced Nick Plugin | 1.8 - 1.20 icon

HaoNick | Advanced Nick Plugin | 1.8 - 1.20 -----

One of the best nick plugins in Minecraft

+ Updated to 1.21.x
+ Compatible with latest NickAPI
----------, Sep 24, 2024

+ updated to latest version (1.20.6 / 1.21)
- dropped support for versions between 1.16 and 1.20.4
----------, Jul 11, 2024

+ Updated to 1.20.4
- Dropped support for 1.17 - 1.20.2
----------, Jan 30, 2024

updated to 1.20
Use latest NickAPI version
----------, Jun 13, 2023

Full support for HEX codes.
----------, Apr 5, 2023

+ updated to 1.19.4
* dropped support for 1.19.3

Support: https://haoshoku.xyz/go/discord
----------, Mar 27, 2023


- updated to 1.19.3
----------, Dec 23, 2022

* 1.19 update
----------, Jun 8, 2022

Please delete ranks.yml and fake_ranks.yml if you experience problems (!)

This update uses an earlier version of HikariCP to give support for Java 8 users.

+ 1.18.2 support
+ added LuckPerms support
+ added blacklisted world support
* fixed bugs in scoreboard if you disable specific settings on ranks.yml/fakeranks.yml
* fixed some internal bugs that caused plugins to misfunction

About LuckPerms support:
The placeholders %haonick_rank_prefix% | %haonick_rank_suffix% works now dependent to the situation.
If the player is nicked, it will automatically return the prefix and suffix from fake_ranks.yml and if he is not nicked, from ranks.yml. But if you enable LuckPerms support, it will return the prefix / suffix from LuckPerms.

The idea behind it should be pretty useful to add support for another tab plugins like TAB. So, have fun.

Support and bug reports: https://haoshoku.xyz/go/discord
----------, Mar 7, 2022

Please delete ranks.yml and fake_ranks.yml if you experience problems (!)

+ 1.18.2 support
+ added LuckPerms support
+ added blacklisted world support
* fixed bugs in scoreboard if you disable specific settings on ranks.yml/fakeranks.yml
* fixed some internal bugs that caused plugins to misfunction

About LuckPerms support:
The placeholders %haonick_rank_prefix% | %haonick_rank_suffix% works now dependent to the situation.
If the player is nicked, it will automatically return the prefix and suffix from fake_ranks.yml and if he is not nicked, from ranks.yml. But if you enable LuckPerms support, it will return the prefix / suffix from LuckPerms.

The idea behind it should be pretty useful to add support for another tab plugins like TAB. So, have fun.

Support and bug reports: https://haoshoku.xyz/go/discord
----------, Mar 4, 2022

I only give support on my discord server: https://haoshoku.xyz/go/discord


~ added hex color support (1.16.5 and above)
~ optimized chat sending for people that do not use latin alphabets
~ Fixed some bugs that people caused by renaming the default rank while it was used
~ the chat is now independent to tab, means if you disable tab setting, you are able to write
----------, Jan 4, 2022

* Fixed a bug that occured because default rank was null
It is highly recommended to update.

Discord server: https://haoshoku.xyz/go/discord
----------, Dec 11, 2021

Please reset your FAKE_RANKS.YML and RANKS.YML before updating HaoNick!
These 2 config data do not have auto updater, so please reset it!

Discord support: https://haoshoku.xyz/go/discord

+ updated to 1.18
+ added a feature that allows you to disable the /fakerank command to give them a rank based on permissions (take a look at settings.yml)
+ added a feature in ranks.yml and fake_ranks.yml which you can set the name
+ added a feature in commands.yml in which you can execute a command after writing commands of the specific module
* bugfixes
----------, Dec 8, 2021

In this update, there is a tons of bugfixes, rewrite of scoreboard system and new placeholders. Furthermore some little changes has been added within config, but it will be automatically updated.

It is definitely recommended to use this version. I'll only support the latest version.

Discord support: https://haoshoku.xyz/go/discord


+ changed the scoreboard structure from bukkit api to packets because of compatibility issues
+ added new placeholders for fakerank %haonick_fakerank%, %haonick_fakerank_prefix%, %haonick_fakerank_suffix%
* some values are disabled by default to not to spam the users with unnecessary features that are given by HaoNick
* fixed a lot of bugs
----------, Jul 14, 2021


In this update we've added a lot of things to let the users have more and better experience with this plugin than before. Furthermore a lot of bugfixes and features have been included.

+ added action bar
+ added full PlaceholderAPI support (HaoNick->Plugin & Plugin->HaoNick)
+ added a blacklist contains check in the nick module
+ added a whitelist that overwrites the blacklist in the nick module
+ added an automatic config updater (nevertheless I recommend you to delete your current config)
+ added support for death messages
+ added a better error handling
* fixed a lot of possible bugs if you misconfigure fake_ranks.yml & ranks.yml
+ added better compatibility support for scoreboards
+ added min_length for nicks
+ added 1.17 support ( be sure to update NickAPI to 6.2)

Please leave a review if you are bored. :D
Support: https://haoshoku.xyz/go/discord
----------, Jun 20, 2021


In this update we've added a lot of things to let the users have more and better experience with this plugin than before. Furthermore a lot of bugfixes and features have been included.

+ added action bar
+ added full PlaceholderAPI support (HaoNick->Plugin & Plugin->HaoNick)
+ added a blacklist contains check in the nick module
+ added a whitelist that overwrites the blacklist in the nick module
+ added an automatic config updater (nevertheless I recommend you to delete your current config)
+ added support for death messages
+ added a better error handling
* fixed a lot of possible bugs if you misconfigure fake_ranks.yml & ranks.yml
+ added better compatibility support for scoreboards
+ added min_length for nicks
+ added 1.17 support ( be sure to update NickAPI to 6.2)

Please leave a review if you are bored. :D
Support: https://haoshoku.xyz/go/discord
----------, Jun 20, 2021


In this update we've added a lot of things to let the users have more and better experience with this plugin than before. Furthermore a lot of bugfixes and features have been included.

+ added action bar
+ added full PlaceholderAPI support (HaoNick->Plugin & Plugin->HaoNick)
+ added a blacklist contains check in the nick module
+ added a whitelist that overwrites the blacklist in the nick module
+ added an automatic config updater (nevertheless I recommend you to delete your current config)
+ added support for death messages
+ added a better error handling
* fixed a lot of possible bugs if you misconfigure fake_ranks.yml & ranks.yml
+ added better compatibility support for scoreboards
+ added min_length for nicks
+ added 1.17 support ( be sure to update NickAPI to 6.2)

Please leave a review if you are bored. :D
Support: https://haoshoku.xyz/go/discord
----------, Jun 20, 2021

In this update we've added a lot of things to let the users have more and better experience with this plugin than before. Furthermore a lot of bugfixes and features have been included.

+ added action bar
+ added full PlaceholderAPI support (HaoNick->Plugin & Plugin->HaoNick)
+ added a blacklist contains check in the nick module
+ added a whitelist that overwrites the blacklist in the nick module
+ added an automatic config updater (nevertheless I recommend you to delete your current config)
+ added support for death messages
+ added a better error handling
* fixed a lot of possible bugs if you misconfigure fake_ranks.yml & ranks.yml
+ added better compatibility support for scoreboards
+ added min_length for nicks
+ added 1.17 support ( be sure to update NickAPI to 6.2)

Please leave a review if you are bored. :D
Support: https://haoshoku.xyz/go/discord
----------, Jun 20, 2021

Please delete your HaoNick folder before using this update!

+ added "more" PlaceholderAPI support
+ added the possibility to keep specific things after rejoin
+ added a protection if you destroy fake_ranks.yml somehow
+ added a scoreboard update interval
+ added possibility to set your own header & footer
* fixed a bug that threw a NullPointerException by using /nick command

Support on https://haoshoku.xyz/go/discord
----------, Apr 13, 2021

Please delete your settings.yml (!) if you want to use this update.

+ added a message for OP players if NickAPI is not installed on the server
+ added a config entry in settings.yml where you can change the chat format to add more compatibilities with other chat plugins
+ added a config entry to activate/deactivate keeping nick

Fixed an ยง error within fake_ranks.yml

Support: https://haoshoku.xyz/go/discord
----------, Mar 19, 2021

Please delete your settings.yml (!) if you want to use this update.

+ added a message for OP players if NickAPI is not installed on the server
+ added a config entry in settings.yml where you can change the chat format to add more compatibilities with other chat plugins
+ added a config entry to activate/deactivate keeping nick

Support: https://haoshoku.xyz/go/discord
----------, Mar 19, 2021

Please delete your settings.yml (!) if you want to use this update.

+ added a message for OP players if NickAPI is not installed on the server
+ added a config entry in settings.yml where you can change the chat format to add more compatibilities with other chat plugins
+ added a config entry to activate/deactivate keeping nick

Support: https://haoshoku.xyz/go/discord
----------, Mar 19, 2021

Please delete your settings.yml (!) if you want to use this update.

+ added a message for OP players if NickAPI is not installed on the server
+ added a config entry in settings.yml where you can change the chat format to add more compatibilities with other chat plugins
+ added a config entry to activate/deactivate keeping nick

Support: https://haoshoku.xyz/go/discord
----------, Mar 19, 2021

Please delete your HaoNick folder. There are too many changes to list up! Reset all of your config that belongs to HaoNick!

One of the largest HaoNick update is finally done!

This update contains a few bugfixes, a lot of new features for a better experience.

+ ALL commands can be executed by CONSOLE now
+ FAKE RANKS has been added (/fakeranks)
+ You NO LONGER need a tab / chat plugin - HaoNick includes his OWN for better compatibility with nicked names
+ added a possibility to shuffle the random names at join
+ ranks are allowed to use chatcolor which can be edited in the config
+ HaoNick does NOT require MySQL ANYMORE to save the nick for the next rejoin, everything will be saved in players.yml
* few bugfixes
* HaoNick no longer uses Bukkit#broadcastMessage for chatevent, it uses event#setFormat now for a better compatibility for other plugins like DiscordSRV

Configs that have been added:
- players.yml - For saving the player data
- ranks.yml - For prefix/suffix chat & tab system
- fake_ranks.yml - For fake_ranks that belongs to nicked players

As always 99,9% of the things can be edited in the configs.

Feel free to join our discord server: https://haoshoku.xyz/go/discord
----------, Mar 15, 2021

Please delete the HaoNick folder if you want to use the 4.0 release.

HaoNick 4.0 has been released with a lot of features!

Join our discord: https://haoshoku.xyz/go/discord

+ almost everything is editable
+ added commands.yml, settings.yml, messages.yml
+ mysql connection does save specific data now
+ PlaceholderAPI support

----------, Jan 2, 2021



- MySQL Fix
- Added Join & Quitmessages
----------, Oct 20, 2020

+ Updated to NickAPI 6.0

DELETE YOUR CONFIG.YML. The plugin creates 4 configs instead of 1now.
----------, Oct 17, 2020

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 45,666
First Release: Jul 5, 2020
Last Update: Sep 24, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
34 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings