HaoNick has reached its version 4.0 with a ton of features! Please download this plugin and post your feedback here: https://discord.gg/uFhUc2W HaoNick needs NickAPI to work with it! Please download it onhttps://haoshoku.xyz/go/nickapi
Video tutorial:
(sorry for bad english)
What is HaoNick?
HaoNick is one of the best nick plugin that is currently available. With HaoNick you are able to change your uuid (clientside), tag, skin. You are basically a completely new player without changing server related data.
What are the commands of HaoNick?
The command explantation from this page is valid as long as you do not change anything in commands.yml.
/nick - Allows the player to change his tag /skin - Allows the player to change his skin /randomnick - Picks up a random name and changes your tag & skin into this specific randomname /fakerank - Allows you to have a "fake rank" with prefix/suffixes in a nicked name /nicklist - Allows you to list up who are currently nicked or not /nickreload - Allows you to reload the configuration
And every setting can be changed!
Why should I use HaoNick instead of other nick plugins?
You can't compare HaoNick with other nick plugins. It is completely another level. What HaoNick makes one of the bests is that HaoNick provides a lot of possibility to setup. You can configure almost everything. Everything that the plugin is accessing, you are able to change it. The config is huge. Furthermore HaoNick trys to fix compatibility issues with other nametag plugins. You can be happy with HaoNick. Furthermore, you are able to keep your nick after a rejoin.
Awesome! May I have a look at the config before I download it?
Of course! Let me convince you that HaoNick has an awesome configuration.
Code (Text):
# HaoNick configuration by Haoshoku
# Support: https://haoshoku.xyz/go/discord
# HaoNick do register its commands dynamically. If you want to rename the commands, feel free to do that!
# Settings for /nick
command: nick
command_permission: 'haonick.nick'
cooldown_bypass_permission: 'haonick.nick.bypass'
change_another_player_permission: 'haonick.nick.others'
chatcolor_permission: 'haonick.chatcolor'
min_length: 3
cooldown: 5
uuid: true
tag: true
skin: false
game_profile_change: false
description: 'Change your player tag and uuid'
usage: '/nick <Name>'
- changenick
- reset
- 'off'
- clear
- unnick
- Minecraft
- Notch
- Haoshoku
blacklist_contains_check: false
# Settings for /nicklist
command: nicklist
command_permission: 'haonick.nicklist'
description: 'List up all names'
usage: '/nicklist'
- nlist
# Settings for /nickreload
command: nickreload
command_permission: 'haonick.nickreload'
description: 'Reload the config'
usage: '/nickreload'
- nreload
# Settings for /skin
command: skin
command_permission: 'haonick.skin'
cooldown_bypass_permission: 'haonick.skin.bypass'
change_another_player_permission: 'haonick.skin.others'
cooldown: 5
uuid: false
tag: false
skin: true
game_profile_change: false
nick_exists_check: false
description: 'Change your skin'
usage: '/skin <Name>'
- changeskin
- reset
- 'off'
- clear
- unskin
- Notch
- Haoshoku
# Settings for /unnick
command: unnick
command_permission: 'haonick.unnick'
cooldown_bypass_permission: 'haonick.unnick.bypass'
change_another_player_permission: 'haonick.unnick.others'
cooldown: 5
description: 'Change your player tag and uuid'
usage: '/unnick <Name>'
- unnickplayer
# Settings /randomnick
command: randomnick
command_permission: 'haonick.randomnick'
cooldown_bypass_permission: 'haonick.randomnick.bypass'
change_another_player_permission: 'haonick.randomnick.others'
cooldown: 5
uuid: true
tag: true
skin: true
game_profile_change: false
description: 'Gives yourself a random nick'
usage: '/randomnick <Name>'
# If you set always_new_name to true, you won't be unnicked if you write /randomnick while being nicked
always_new_name: false
- random
- reset
- 'off'
- clear
- unnick
- RandomNick1
- RandomNick2
- RandomNick3
- RandomNick4
- RandomNick5
- RandomNick6
- RandomNick7
- RandomNick8
- RandomNick9
- RandomNick10
- RandomNick11
- RandomNick12
- RandomNick13
- RandomNick14
- RandomNick15
- RandomNick16
- RandomNick17
- RandomNick18
- RandomNick19
- RandomNick20
command: fakerank
command_permission: 'haonick.fakerank'
cooldown_bypass_permission: 'haonick.fakerank.bypass'
change_another_player_permission: 'haonick.fakerank.others'
cooldown: 5
description: 'Set a fake rank'
usage: '/fakerank <rank>'
- setrank
- setfakerank
Code (Text):
# HaoNick configuration by Haoshoku
# Support: https://haoshoku.xyz/go/discord
# If you want to use the integrated prefix/suffix system of HaoNick, do not forget to activate it here.
# FAKE-RANK: A rank that is being used if you nick yourself
# Set it to true if you want to use the fake_rank {prefix+suffix} from HaoNick!
chat: true
tab: true
# Explantation of fake_rank system of HaoNick:
# You can just copy a rank block and paste it again with a different name.
# If you want to have a sorted scoreboard, be sure to make an order in the "name" of tab entry of each rank.
# Example: 003mvp is above 004mvp
# Important: You need to set a COLOR if you are using 1.13 or HIGHER.
# Take a look here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/ChatColor.html
# You see there colors like RED, GRAY. Write these colors in the uppercase in the color entry if you want to use it.
# Only one color can be used!
# Each fake_rank has its own permission. Just give the specific fake_rank the permission!
# If you have a permission plugins that allows you to give '*' permission, just set the permissions of OTHER
# ranks to false (- permission).
# HaoNick configuration by Haoshoku
# Support: https://haoshoku.xyz/go/discord
# %line% for new line
prefix: '&5HaoNick &8|&7'
no_player: 'You must be a player to execute this command!'
join_reset: '%prefix% &cYour fake uuid and your tag have been reset because a player with the same uuid joined the server'
nick_data_kept: '%prefix% &aYour name is &e%name%'
join_message: '%prefix% &c%player% &ajoined the game'
quit_message: '%prefix% &c%player% &aleft the game'
no_permission_player: '%prefix% &cYou do not have the permission to use the nick module'
usage: '%prefix% &e/nick <Name> %line% %prefix% &e/nick <Player> <Name> %line% %prefix% &e/nick reset'
cooldown: '%prefix% &cPlease wait 5 seconds until you are using this command again'
nick_exists: '%prefix% &cThe nick %name% is already being used'
blacklist: '%prefix% &cThis name is blacklisted'
min_length: '%prefix% &cThis name is too short'
# For the player himself messages
player_reset: '%prefix% &aYou successfully reset your name'
player_nicks: '%prefix% &aYour new name is now &e%name%'
# Player nicks another player messages
no_permission_target: '%prefix% &cYou do not have the permissions to rename other players'
target_not_online: '%prefix% &cThis player is not online'
player_resets_target: '%prefix% &aYou successfully reset &e%target% &aname'
target_gets_reset: '%prefix% &cYour nickname has been reset by &e%sender%'
player_nicks_target: '%prefix% &aYou successfully changed the name of &e%target% &ato &e%name%'
target_gets_nicked: '%prefix% &aYour name has been changed by &e%sender% &ato &e%name%'
no_permission_player: '%prefix% &cYou do not have the permission having a look at the nick list'
nobody_is_nicked: '%prefix% &cNobody is nicked!'
head_line: '%prefix% &eNick-List:'
message: '&c%original_name% &8-> &a%nicked_name%'
no_permission_player: '%prefix% &cYou do not have the permission to reload the config'
reload_done: '%prefix% &aThe configuration has been reloaded successfully'
no_permission_player: '%prefix% &cYou do not have the permission to use the random module'
usage: '%prefix% &e/random <Name> %line% %prefix% &e/random <Player> <Name> %line% %prefix% &e/random reset'
cooldown: '%prefix% &cPlease wait 5 seconds until you are using this command again'
no_names_available: '%prefix% &cNo randomnames available'
# For the player himself messages
player_reset: '%prefix% &aYou successfully reset your name'
player_nicks: '%prefix% &aYour new name is now &e%name%'
# Player nicks another player messages
no_permission_target: '%prefix% &cYou do not have the permissions to rename other players'
target_not_online: '%prefix% &cThis player is not online'
player_resets_target: '%prefix% &aYou successfully reset &e%target% &aname'
target_gets_reset: '%prefix% &cYour nickname has been reset by &e%sender%'
player_nicks_target: '%prefix% &aYou successfully changed the name of &e%target% &ato &e%name%'
target_gets_nicked: '%prefix% &aYour name has been changed by &e%sender% &ato &e%name%'
no_permission_player: '%prefix% &cYou do not have the permission to use the skin module'
usage: '%prefix% &e/skin <Name> %line% %prefix% &e/skin <Player> <Name> %line% %prefix% &e/skin reset'
cooldown: '%prefix% &cPlease wait 5 seconds until you are using this command again'
blacklist: '%prefix% &cThis name is blacklisted'
# For the player himself messages
player_reset: '%prefix% &aYou successfully reset your skin'
player_changes_skin: '%prefix% &aYour new skin is now &e%name%'
# Player nicks another player messages
no_permission_target: '%prefix% &cYou do not have the permissions to rename other players'
target_not_online: '%prefix% &cThis player is not online'
player_resets_target: '%prefix% &aYou successfully reset &e%target% &askin'
target_gets_reset: '%prefix% &cYour skin has been reset by &e%sender%'
player_changes_skin_target: '%prefix% &aYou successfully changed the skin of &e%target% &ato &e%name%'
target_gets_skin_changed: '%prefix% &aYour skin has been changed by &e%sender% &ato &e%name%'
no_permission_player: '%prefix% &cYou do not have the permission to use the unnick module'
usage: '%prefix% &e/unnick {Player}'
cooldown: '%prefix% &cPlease wait 5 seconds until you are using this command again'
# For the player himself messages
player_reset: '%prefix% &aYou successfully reset your name'
# Player nicks another player messages
no_permission_target: '%prefix% &cYou do not have the permissions to rename other players'
target_not_online: '%prefix% &cThis player is not online'
player_resets_target: '%prefix% &aYou successfully reset &e%target% &aname'
target_gets_reset: '%prefix% &cYour nickname has been reset by &e%sender%'
no_permission_player: '%prefix% &cYou do not have the permission to use the fake rank module'
usage: '%prefix% &aThese fake ranks are available after being nicked: %line% &7- &e%fake_ranks% %line% &aWrite &e/fakerank <rank> &ato set your fake rank!'
cooldown: '%prefix% &cPlease wait 5 seconds until you are using this command again'
rank_not_exist: '%prefix% &cThis fake rank does not exist'
rank_updated: '%prefix% &aYour fake rank has been updated'
rank_no_permission: '%prefix% &cYou do not have the permissions to give yourself this rank'
no_permission_target: '%prefix% &cYou do not have the permissions to change fake rank of other players'
target_not_online: '%prefix% &cThis player is not online'
player_changes_target: '%prefix% &aSuccessfully changed fake rank of &e%target%'
target_gets_changed: '%prefix% &cYour fake rank has been updated'
Code (Text):
# HaoNick configuration by Haoshoku
# Support: https://haoshoku.xyz/go/discord
# If you want to use the integrated prefix/suffix system of HaoNick, do not forget to activate it here.
# RANK: A rank that is being used by default players (not nicked players!)
# Set it to true if you want to use the rank {prefix+suffix} from HaoNick!
chat: true
tab: true
# Explantation of rank system of HaoNick:
# You can just copy a rank block and paste it again with a different name.
# If you want to have a sorted scoreboard, be sure to make an order in the "name" of tab entry of each rank.
# Example: 001owner is above 002owner
# Important: You need to set a COLOR if you are using 1.13 or HIGHER.
# Take a look here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/ChatColor.html
# You see there colors like RED, GRAY. Write these colors in the uppercase in the color entry if you want to use it.
# Only one color can be used!
# Each rank has its own permission. Just give the specific rank the permission!
# If you have a permission plugins that allows you to give '*' permission, just set the permissions of OTHER
# ranks to false (- permission).
permission: 'haonick.owner'
message: '&4&lOWNER &c%name%&f: %message%'
chatcolor: true
name: '001owner'
prefix: '&4&lOWNER &9'
suffix: ''
color: 'RED'
permission: 'haonick.admin'
message: '&4&lADMIN &9%name%&f: %message%'
chatcolor: true
name: '002admin'
prefix: '&4&lADMIN &9'
suffix: ''
color: 'YELLOW'
# If you add default: true, the player will bypass the permission check and will receive this prefix & suffix
default: true
permission: 'haonick.player'
message: '&9&lPLAYER &9%name%&f: %message%'
chatcolor: false
name: '003player'
prefix: '&9&lPLAYER &9'
suffix: ''
color: 'GRAY'
Code (Text):
# HaoNick configuration by Haoshoku
# Support: https://haoshoku.xyz/go/discord
# Can be edited in messages.yml.
join_message: true
quit_message: true
# Settings for keeping nick.
active: true
# Permission to keep the nick data
permission: 'haonick.keep'
# Data which should be kept.
uuid: true
tag: true
skin: true
game_profile_name: false
# Want a random name on join?
random_name_on_join: false
# If you do not activate mysql connection, HaoNick will automatically keeps the nick of player within a file.
active: false
host: 'localhost'
port: 3306
database: 'database'
username: 'root'
password: 'password'
table_name: 'nick'
# Bukkit has its own handling for chats. If you let it true, HaoNick cancels the event and use a broadcastMessage for chat instead.
# It is good for plugins which is incompatible with the format of NickAPI.
# If you want to use the original format of bukkit, you can disable this option.
broadcast_message_instead_of_format: true
# HaoNick has an integrated scoreboard update timer. Could help for possible fixes. Restart is required.
active: false
# Default: 60 Every minute all of the players scoreboard are gonna be refreshed. Decreasing this value may cause performance problems.
update_interval: 60
# If HaoNick has problems with scoreboard handling, you can increase the value.
# Perhaps after increasing this value, it may work with another scoreboard plugins
# In ticks!
# 1 second = 20 Ticks
scoreboard_creation_time: 10
# Should scoreboard packets be sent async?
async: true
# You can use the tab header and footer created by HaoNick. Of course you can disable it.
# Credits for 1.8.8 method belongs to Zay.
# Compatible with PlaceholderAPI.
# Supported: %online% for online players, %maxPlayers% for max players and %name% for players name.
active: false
header: "&aYour header can be edited within settings.yml of HaoNick folder"
footer: "&cYour footer can be edited within settings.yml of HaoNick folder"
# Header and footer will be updated every 10 minutes (default).
# You can decrease this value if you want to add compatibility with other plugins.
update_interval: 600
active: false
dead: 'Player %player% died'
killed_by_player: 'Player %player% was killed by %killer%'
active: false
permanent: true
permanent: '&cName: &c%name%'
while_nicked: '&cYou are currently nicked as &e%name%'
update_interval: 20
- world
# Set this to false if you have problems with PlaceHolderAPI & HaoNick.
placeholder_support: true
Placeholders available: %haonick_original_name% - returns the original name
%haonick_name% - Returns the current nickname
%haonick_isNicked% - Returns whether a player is nicked or not
%haonick_uuid% - Returns the current uuid as a string
%haonick_rank% - Returns the current fake rank
%haonick_rank_prefix% - Returns the prefix of current fake rank
%haonick_rank_suffix% - Returns the suffix of current fake rank
As I said, a lot of configuration.
I want to use HaoNick. Do I need to do further things to use this plugin?