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**13.4 Updates**
* Added /Claim command to create a land claim centered at the player's current location. If the player doesn't have any claims yet, this land claim will have the same size as an automatic chest-based land claim (radius modifiable in your config file). Land claims after the first require survival players to be holding the land claim modification tool (default golden shovel), keeping that "you gotta earn additional and larger land claims" concept alive. Additional land claims will appear as the smallest square which satisfies the minimum area you've set in your config file. Creative mode players always have access to the tool, so they don't have to hold one to prove it.
* Added /ExtendClaim command to change the size of a land claim or subdivision, especially handy for scenarios like claiming a mountain or extending a land claim into a solid wall as in an underground build, where getting into position to right-click a claim corner block is inconvenient. To use the command, stand in the claim you want to change, face the direction you want to change, and then specify the amount like /ExtendClaim 5 or /ExtendClaim -2. It even works with diagonals. Like the /Claim command, survival mode players will have to hold a golden shovel in hand to prove they have one before they can use this command.
* Added config options to ban players using a command line you specify, so GP can work better with any ban management plugin you have installed. By default, GP writes directly to the server ban list because that way it can record information about the ban like a reason (ex. spam) and a source (GriefPrevention) and show the banned player a message on the way out. The Vanilla /ban command only records a reason.
* To reduce invincible pets scattered about, administratively-deleted land claims (expirations or /DeleteClaim) will automatically set free any pets belonging to the owner of the land claim, allowing other players to tame or otherwise remove them without getting an administrator's help.
* Added permission **griefprevention.eavesdropimmune** to prevent a player (presumably an admin) from being eavesdropped upon by other admins. Now you can give a player permission to eavesdrop and still eavesdrop on him, whereas before everyone who could eavesdrop was immune to eavesdrop.
* Updated /RestoreNature with lots of new block types added in 1.8. Land restorations will leave less (hopefully zero) player construction behind.
* Equipping a golden shovel while you're standing inside a claim you own will automatically show you the boundaries of your claim, so you can skip the stick right-click to find your corners.