GriefPrevention icon

GriefPrevention -----

PREVENTS all forms of grief - build/break, theft, spam, spawn camping, and more without a database.

  • This fixes an issue with buckets that occurs on Paper 1.21 servers.
  • Fixes #2308
Compatible with Spigot and derivatives (such as Purpur and Paper) 1.20.6 or later.

What's Changed
Full Changelog: 16.18.3...16.18.4
----------, Jun 28, 2024

Compatible with CraftBukkit and derivatives 1.19 or later, though we do recommend updating to at least 1.20.4 due to known crash exploits in older versions.

What's Changed
  • Allow wither explosions to activate on unclaimed land by @TreemanKing in #2141
  • Improve pet release feature by @Jikoo in #2227
  • Metrics for claim modes by @Jikoo in #2242 and more metrics about other config options.
  • Added chorusfruit teleport to EnderPearlsRequireAccessTrust config by @QarthO in #2267
  • Sanitize claim corners on creation by @Jikoo in #2285
  • Don't allow claims to be made outside of worldborder by @QarthO in #2288
Full Changelog: 16.18.2...16.18.3

Download GriefPrevention.jar version 16.18.3 from BukkitDev or Modrinth
----------, May 1, 2024

Compatible with CraftBukkit and derivatives 1.19 or later.

To handle signs, the API has been upgraded to spigot api 1.20. However, Materials from 1.19 are supported, so theoretically this should be compatible with 1.19.

What's Changed
Full Changelog: 16.18.1...16.18.2
----------, Feb 20, 2024

Should be compatible with Minecraft 1.17 and later.

What's Changed
  • Treat arrow-based Lightable ignition as a block change by @Jikoo in #1828
  • Candles require full trust, remove duplicate candle cake handling by @Jikoo in #1827
  • Improve claim creation over existing builds by @Jikoo in #1839
  • Fix blank message being sent to player on death when death messages are disabled by @Jaren8r in #1880
  • Automatically update maxDepth by @Jikoo in #1871
  • Fix potential NPE visualizing conflict zones by @Jikoo in #1854
  • Stop people creating nether portals in claimed land by @Elioby in #1842
  • Remove TheUnderground from loadbefore by @Owen1212055 in #1912
  • Prevent theft from water/lava cauldrons. by @RezzedUp in #1908
  • Fix visualization O(n2) performance by @TauCubed in #2008
  • Don't re-render duplicate boundary visualizations by @Jikoo in #1987
  • Remove TheUnderground from softdepend by @bigpresh in #2010
  • Add permission allowing pre-movement chat by @Bobcat00 in #1996
  • Allow Datastore.getClaim(long id) to return subclaims by @akdukaan in #2011
  • Reload messages on /gpreload by @budi1200 in #1266
  • Use a specific permission for /abandonallclaims by @YanisBft in #1931
  • Fix ClaimResizeEvent generating deprecated event warning by @Jikoo in #2015
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 16.18...16.18.1
----------, Mar 12, 2023

No use in waiting to release if you don't release at all.

Lots of changes, and this auto-generate release notes really is handy. I considered using a bot, or making my own changelog, but in the end, good commit messages will just go hand-in-hand with this. Given that most contributions are PRs, my own contributions will probably be PRs as well, and thus should have a cleaner commit history in the first place.

Should be compatible with Minecraft 1.17 and 1.18.

What's Changed
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 16.17.1...16.18
----------, Mar 3, 2022

Compatible with Bukkit implementations of 1.16 and later. (Bukkit implementations include CraftBukkit, Spigot, Tuinity, Purpur, Paper, etc.)

----------, Jan 19, 2021

This release is compatible only with implementations of Bukkit 1.16 or higher.
Bukkit implementations include Craftbukkit, Spigot, Paper, etc.

  • #1009 Fix /abandonallclaims. @Jikoo
  • #1045 An empty bannedwords.txt will no longer softmute players for any message. @Jikoo
  • #1043 Remove legacy material load when using /gpblockinfo. @Jikoo
  • #1050 Allow all zombie types to convert villagers to zombie villager. @lmichaelis
Features and Improvements
API Additions
  • #951 SignChangeEvent will be canceled if player is not allowed to build in the sign's location. @Deltik
And quite a few maintenance and tech debt items which can be found in the commits, lots of which were graciously provided by @Jikoo
----------, Oct 19, 2020

This release is compatible only with implementations of Bukkit 1.16 or higher.
Bukkit implementations include Craftbukkit, Spigot, Paper, etc.

This was initially going to be a patch release, but considering there are a couple new features and config options along with numerous API additions and code cleanup, a minor bump would be a more accurate reflection of the changes.

  • #916 Avoid printing an error for the edge case when a player who's within the warmup of being rescued from a claim is teleported to another world. @JustEli
  • #966 Add missing parameter in help message for /AdjustBonusClaimBlocksAll. @flleeppyy
  • #927 Classify certain hostile entities in the Animal class as monsters. @Jikoo
  • #998 Avoid calling PreventPvPEvent multiple times if it is canceled early on. @FrankHeijden
  • #1003 Add missing getHandlerList() in TrustChangedEvent. @Muspah
  • #907 Warn and auto-correct conflicting piston-related config values. @Jikoo
  • #913 Config option to disable triggering raids in claims that encapsulate an entire village. @JustEli
  • #931 Improve block ignition handling. @Jikoo
    • Arrows fired by players that land in claims where they don't have /trust access will not ignite blocks.
    • Fires started by dispensers will be allowed in claims if the dispenser is in the same claim.
  • #1000 Prompt for confirmation before deleting claims when running /abandonallclaims. @Jikoo
  • #927 Neutral animals in claims are protected as long as they aren't in the aggro state. @Jikoo
API Additions
Maintenance and Tech Debt payments
  • #904 Update WorldGuard dependency: maven repository and version. @Jikoo
  • #905, #921 Use tags instead of manually-maintained material lists. @Jikoo
  • #935, #934, #999 Use Junit 5, add claim overlap test
  • Normalized line endings
----------, Sep 14, 2020

This release is compatible only with implementations of Bukkit 1.16 or higher.
Bukkit implementations include Craftbukkit, Spigot, Paper, etc.

(By the way, GriefPrevention is alive and well. The only version of GP that's "deprecated" is a completely different, forked version that has nothing to do with the Bukkit version of GriefPrevention.)

  • #720 typo for DeleteUserClaimsInWorld command fixed by @Jikoo
  • #818 Use BlockData instead of MaterialData for Dispenser, fixed by @Jikoo
  • #799 Set blockdata instead of just the material when "protecting" chorus fruit
  • #736 Randomize unused claim check, added by @Jikoo
  • #786 Ability to limit purchased bonus claim blocks, made configurable by @Izmoqwy
  • #801 API to allow checking trust levels for offline players, added by @Jikoo
  • #866 Support 1.16 materials such as the Respawn Anchors, added by @Mippy
  • #868 Redstonewire now protected by accesstrust, added by @budi1200
  • Exclude suspicious bucket placements from server log
----------, Jul 6, 2020

This release is compatible only with implementations of Bukkit 1.15 or higher.
Bukkit implementations include Craftbukkit, Spigot, Paper, etc.

  • #615 Fixed spigot users from being unable to modify lecterns with containertrust (no issues on Paper). Fixed by @ShaneBeee
  • #643 Fixed unignorable players from being ignored. Fixed by @coralpapa
  • #642 Include more 1.14 and add new 1.15 blocks to containertrust
  • #541 Do not attempt fuzzy matching on player names. Resolves issues where commands like /trust public won't match a player who has the phrase public in their name.
  • #707 Skip over plugins that don't extend JavaPlugin
  • Move BlockPlaceEvent, BlockMultiPlaceEvent, PotionSplashEvent from HIGH/HIGHEST priority to LOWEST.
  • #671 Config option to ignore piston movements. Added by @Bobcat00
  • #623 TrustChangedEvent added by @RoinujNosde
  • api-version to 1.15 to support new block types
----------, Feb 4, 2020

This release is compatible only with implementations of Bukkit 1.14 or higher.
Bukkit implementations include Craftbukkit, Spigot, Paper, etc.

  • #534 Removed config option Claims.PortalGenerationRequiresPermission (TravelAgent, a class this feature relied on, was removed by spigot in Bukkit 1.14)
  • Hanging entities now drop within claims if there are no supporting blocks. Originally reported in SpigotMC/SpigotCraft#364
  • #588 Fix item merging with locked drops. Thanks @coralpapa
  • Ensure subclaim boundaries remain within parent claim. Thanks @Jikoo
  • #507 Wolves are now protected in PvP worlds, with exception of the wolf's target. Thanks @ShaneBeee
  • #530 Config option to prevent ravagers from breaking blocks within claims.
  • #579 Reading from lecterns now requires just /accesstrust, and modification requires only /containertrust. Thanks @ShaneBeee
  • #583 Hoppers will collect unlocked drops (non-PvP world rules). Thanks @coralpapa
  • #584 Identify the causer of firework damage to determine if it should be canceled or not. (Firing fireworks at entities causes damage, even when vanilla PvP is disabled.) Thanks @coralpapa
  • #532 Block lightning caused by tridents from starting fires in claims (Apparently BlockIgniteEvent is fired before LightningStrikeEvent, so there's no way to tag the lightning that caused the block to be set on fire).
  • Protect berry bushes from being harvested within claims.
  • Using dyes in claims requires build permission (possible to change sign colors with dyes, apparently)
----------, Sep 2, 2019

Nothing major here other than using the "second version of the unreleased WorldEdit version 7" API.

  • #446 Don't perform environmental PvP checks on creative/spectator targets. Thanks @Apecengo
  • #461 Modify the existing claim instead of creating a new claim on resize (so it properly calls ClaimModifiedEvent) and #465 assign a claim ID before calling ClaimCreateEvent. Thanks @Siggi88
  • #457 Update WorldGuard hook to use the "second version of the unreleased WorldEdit v7.0.0" API. Thanks @112madgamer
  • #473 Prevent untrusted players from picking up water from waterlogged blocks. Thanks @112madgamer and @Jikoo
  • #445 New config option to toggle fire spread and damage within claims. Thanks @ShaneBeee
----------, Mar 8, 2019

Having issues or questions? Check for or create a report on GitHub.
Enjoy using GriefPrevention? Please consider rating and leaving a review!
Wondering where you can provide monetary support for this project?

Thanks 112madgamer for the many PRs for this release!

  • #386 Account for all flower pot material types.
  • #392 Correct farming material block types for /containertrust.
  • #417 Damage and fire from lightning strikes are canceled within a claim if caused by a trident with a channeling enchantment. (This one was an interesting one to solve).
  • #411 Mitigate restorenature causing the server to hang.
  • #387 Add missing required static getHandlerList for ClaimModifiedEvent.
  • #422 Fix WorldGuard being supa dum (the current developer broke the API without a version bump stating "version 7 was never released.")
  • #418 Siege cooldown can be configured.
  • #406 Donkey and llama protection can be disabled.
----------, Nov 23, 2018

Having issues or questions? Check for or create a report on GitHub.
Enjoy using GriefPrevention? Please consider rating and leaving a review!
Wondering where you can provide monetary support for this project?

Nothing much this week other than a bug that affects a tiny number of addons.


  • #380 ClaimExpireEvent now only fires if a claim is about to be expired, instead of every time a claim is checked for expiration.
Backend changes:

  • Deleted currently-unused DeniedMessageEvent
----------, Sep 29, 2018

Having issues or questions? Check for or create a report on GitHub.
Enjoy using GriefPrevention? Please consider rating and leaving a review!

  • Fixed a somewhat rare occurrence where PortalTrapCheckTask will also attempt to rescue a recently-rescued player if the player has rapidly relogged shortly after teleporting through a portal. 82f17b8
  • Fix not accounting for administrative claims in the changes to claim expiration from 16.11.1
  • #24 Claim Expiration check rate can be modified in config, default 60 seconds.
  • #238 OfflinePlayer cache "cut off" day can be modified in config. Defaults to caching all players who have logged in within the last 90 days.
  • bStats metrics, to see what features are used and assist in design decisions for version 20.
  • #24 Claim Expiration now iterates claim owners instead of claims. See f6b35d7 for more details.
----------, Sep 24, 2018

Please note that version GP version 16.8 is available and stable for 1.12.2 servers (I'm currently using this version until I feel CB 1.13 is sufficiently stable).

Having issues or questions? Check for or create a report on GitHub.
Enjoy using GriefPrevention? Please consider rating and leaving a review!

  • Synchronize access to PlayerData#getAccruedClaimBlocks() which may fix #279.
  • #255 Prevent item merging with protected drops.
  • #369 Don't "reload" the database when completing data migration (FYI, I do not recommend using SQL for GP.)
  • #250 Prevent boat drivers without /trust from destroying lilypads.
  • #371 Fire/lava placement near players can be configured for non-PvP worlds.
  • #213 #79 Pets are now also protected from cacti and drowning (in non-PvP worlds).
  • #199 Sieged claims are temporarily designated as non-PvP-safe zones.
  • Swallow any Worldguard-related stacktraces and tell the server administrator to update WorldGuard.
  • #373 Don't print the "cannot build here" message when attempting to trample turtle eggs.
----------, Sep 19, 2018

Only compatible on 1.13 Craftbukkit/Spigot/Paper/etc. servers
It's here, finally, a fully 1.13-compatible build of GP. While others have tested recent builds, there are several changes, so as a server owner, you should already have backups just in case.

Important changes:
#320 The entire "mods" section of the config is no longer used. This section will be automatically deleted, so make a copy of your config if you still wish to retain these settings for whatever reason.

  • #294 Withers can now cause explosions in claims that have temporarily allowed /claimexplosions
  • #343 Updated WorldGuard dependency to 7.0.0
  • #305 Typo in default message for messages.yml key BuySellNotConfigured
  • #300 /restrictsubclaim now functions in admin claims, also allows players with /ignoreclaims to toggle /restrictsubclaim
  • #356 Block TNT ignition from players without build access.
  • #313 /gpblockinfo now works again
  • #139, #207 Sanity check on nextClaimID (not technically a fix, but rather "recovery" logic in case of a data save failure due to external causes.)
  • #322 Only apply the abandonReturnRatio when the claim owner is the one abandoning their claim.
  • GriefPrevention#sendMessage commands are public for plugins that wish to use similar formatting schemas/send messages as if they were from GP.
  • #344 Addition of ClaimCreatedEvent and ClaimModifiedEvent
----------, Sep 5, 2018

Make sure you update spigot as this version uses a recently-added API. Also, make sure you backup the GriefPreventionData folder (you're already doing that, right?) as there is a database change in this version; you know, just in case.

edit: Fyi this is 1.13 compatible.

Happy Advent, and Merry Christmas (in 2 days)!

As mentioned before, clicking download will bring you to the downloads as well as the changelog.
----------, Dec 23, 2017

Mainly a lot of configuration additions, a couple improvements, and some (untested) 1.12 compatibility.

So, should be compatible with 1.11.2 and 1.12.
----------, May 15, 2017

And an added config option added by Billy. Also fixed an issue with incorrectly-created custom biomes. More details in download link.
----------, Feb 4, 2017

This release contains a change to make a method call involving the new DeniedMessageEvent API added thread-safe. This seems to fix the elusive bug that nobody has been able to reproduce from 16.5. (Thanks to @BillyGalbreath and @electronicboy for spotting out the elusive issue!)
----------, Jan 20, 2017

Fixed a bug that could cause the server to hang

So yea, probably a good idea that you update now.

Also added VisualizationEvent (thanks @BillyGalbreath ) and DeniedMessageEvent
----------, Jan 18, 2017

No bug fixes this time around :)

Addons can now specify per-player claim block accrual limits
----------, Nov 21, 2016

Let's not deliver 6 times the intended claim blocks one should accrue... Thanks to @BillyGalbreath for pointing that out on IRC!
----------, Nov 21, 2016

This is compatible with 1.11 (EntityDamageByEntityEvent changed slightly, otherwise 15.3 would've been fully compatible with 1.11)

Please note that the fast/faster accrual rate and more/most/whatever claim block limits have been removed. Please save these values from your config if you wish to use them in an addon that re-adds this feature (and if nobody else wants to make this addon... I'll make it when I have time and not tired).
----------, Nov 21, 2016

This release is solely intended for those who did not read the update notes for version 15.3. If you actually did read the update notes for 15.3, then do not download this version (it's not 100% tested). (I'm also assuming those who read the update notes for 15.3 are reading this one, so yea I trust that the right people won't download this one. Also, thank you very much for reading!)

If you happen to be installing GriefPrevention for the first time, please go and download 15.3 instead, and make sure your spigot/craftbukkit/paper version is updated.
----------, Oct 10, 2016

Update spigot/craftbukkit/paper before updating GriefPrevention! If you get an error that includes setPortalCooldown in the stack trace, that means you didn't update spigot/craftbukkit/paper, so go do that.

New portal rescue task method, minor change to /deleteclaim for survival worlds that restore abandoned claims.
----------, Oct 2, 2016

New config option, "new" command, some background API stuff.
----------, Sep 29, 2016

Hi all, as I have been doing lately with the plugins I publish here on spigot and on other "plugin publishing" sites, I centralize the version information on Github. The download button links to the specified version's changelog and jar download - hopefully this will prevent issues where server owners simply downloaded the latest version without being aware of changes made (e.g. the "logout message delay" feature.)

Regarding issues: Yes, I do use the Github issue tracker. However, it probably is best to ask questions in the discussion section here on spigot so other community members have the opportunity to respond if they know the answer. If you do have a reproducible bug though, feel free to report it on the issue tracker:
----------, Sep 16, 2016

Support a hard-working dev! Please consider my other projects. :)

** 15.2.2 Updates **

* Fixed /AbandonAllClaims also un-taming your pets.
----------, Sep 8, 2016

Support a hard-working dev! Please consider my other projects. :)

** 15.2.1 Updates **

* Disabled the logout message delay feature by default for new installers - too much support cost repeatedly explaining that it's a valuable anti spam feature rather than a bug. :)
----------, Aug 31, 2016

Support a hard-working dev! Please consider my other projects. :)

** 15.2 Updates **

* Made nether portal trap detection more reliable (thanks RoboMWM!).
* Fixed IP address limit sometimes stopping some players from logging out and back in.
----------, Aug 28, 2016

Support a hard-working dev! Please consider my other projects. :)

** 15.1 Update **

* API Change: Added PreventBlockBreakEvent to support the new SpleefArena flag in GriefPrevention Flags. It fires when a player is prevented from breaking a block by GriefPrevention, and if cancelled by another plugin, the block break will be allowed instead.
----------, Aug 17, 2016

Support a hard-working dev! Please consider my other projects.:)

** 15.0.1 Updates **

* Placing ender crystals now requires build permission.
* Polar bears are never protected in land claims, because they can be situationally aggressive.
* Admins may now teleport into / out of besieged areas if they have the **griefprevention.siegeteleport** permission.
* Initial message which prompts an automatic soft-muting will now be shown to online admins for transparency.
----------, Aug 14, 2016

Support a hard-working dev! Please consider my other projects. :)

** 15.0 Updates **

* Fixed dogs chasing players into no-pvp areas and injuring them there.
* Fixed padded text spam.
* Fixed poetry spam.
* Players can't /siege themselves anymore.
----------, Aug 8, 2016

Support a hard-working dev! Please consider my other projects. :)

* Now silencing rapid logout/login messages from a player. If the player isn't gone a full 10 seconds, neither his log out nor log back in message will be broadcast. If you're using a plugin which silences or changes logout messages which appears to stop working after this GP update, ask that plugin's developer to reduce their logout event handling priority to "high" or lower so that GriefPrevention will see their changes and respect them. If you don't want to do that or wait for the other developer to respond, you can disable this feature in your config file by changing the time span from 10 seconds to 0 seconds.
* Fixed item duplication in siege mode.
* Fixed wither explosions damaging protected entities.* Improved death message spam blocker.
* Improved logging for /acball.
----------, Jul 6, 2016

Support a hard-working dev! Please consider my other projects. :)

** 14.8.1 Updates **

You MUST update your server to a recent 1.10 version to guarantee this and future versions of GriefPrevention will work on your server.

* Fixed fire-enchanted weapons damaging protected entities on some 1.10 server versions. (Spigot team changed the Bukkit API, breaking this type of protection in GriefPrevention.)
----------, Jun 30, 2016

Support a hard-working dev! Please consider my other projects. :)

** 14.8 Updates **

You MUST update your server to 1.10 to use this version of GriefPrevention.

* /RestoreNature will now remove the new 1.10 block types when it's appropriate.

* Polar bears are no longer protected in land claims.

* There are now several new permissions which you can use to grant players higher claim block accrual limits and faster claim block accrual, for example "griefprevention.fasteraccrual". See your config file.

* Fixed players with the "notignorable" permission not receiving any chat from players who try to ignore them.

* Other plugins may now override the /trapped destination in nether worlds (this is related to the TrappedDestination flag in GPFlags).

* Fixed a minor /RestoreNature bug that prevented some chunks from fully restoring (also log errors about an invalid data value for leaves).
----------, Jun 16, 2016

Support a hard-working dev! Please consider my other projects. :)

* Added /AdjustBonusClaimBlocksAll (/acball) command to adjust bonus claim blocks for all online players simultaneously. Think rewards for playing at a certain time of day or on a holiday, or free claim blocks for everyone when one player donates to the server fund.

* Fishing rods can no longer pull animals or armor stands without the claim owner's permission.

* Players who have /ContainerTrust or higher permission may now farm beetroot just as they can farm other crop types.

* Boosted performance around piston limitations.

* Boosted general performance for all servers without creative mode worlds.

* GPFlags and similar extension plugins: Pets are no longer protected when PvP is allowed by the extension (pvp arenas, pvp times of day, etc).

* Sticky pistons outside of land claims will retract when there's no block stuck to them.
----------, Jun 7, 2016

Support a hard-working dev! Please consider my other projects. :)

* GP's claim tools now only operate when in your main hand, so you can use the quick swap key (default f) to quickly toggle between your GP tool and something else. You can even put the stick in one hand and the golden shovel in the other for speedy administration.

* Improved rescuing of players trapped in portals. The delay before rescuing is longer to allow for slower chunk loading with players having slower connections, and if a player relogs while trapped, he'll still be rescued.

* Added a /DeleteAll UserClaimsInWorld console command, which clears all claims in a world except for administrative claims.

* When a siege defender dies, only his drops will go to his attacker, not all of his inventory (better compat with plugins which modify/limit death penalties).
----------, May 5, 2016

Support a hard-working dev! Please consider my other projects. :)

* Fixed a bug which could "expire" land claims for brand new players while they were still in their first play session. Was more likely to happen on newish servers versus servers which have seen more total players.
----------, May 5, 2016

Support a hard-working dev! Please consider my other projects. :)

* Just a quick workaround for a bug in some versions of CraftBukkit. If you've been seeing "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException" spam in your logs, then you're running one of the affected versions of CraftBukkit.
----------, Apr 28, 2016

Support a hard-working dev! Please consider my other projects. :)

** 14.5.2 Updates **

* Better point+click behavior in snowy areas.

* Dropped /AccessTrust requirement to board a boat in someone's land claim.

* Added /Trust requirement to place a boat in someone's land claim.

* Fixed new boat types being placeable anywhere without permission.

* Fixed shulkers and some other monsters being protected in land claims.

* New player "chest" claims now require claim creation permission.

* Aliases for DeleteClaimsInWorld.
----------, Apr 26, 2016

Support a hard-working dev! Please consider my other projects. :)

** 14.5.1 Updates **

* Fire protection is back on for everyone all the time. I found a way to make it less heavy on the CPU.
* Players who have build permission can now trample crops. Monsters and animals still can't.
* Stopped leaving 'freed' abandoned pets untameable (bug fix).
* Fixed land claims preventing players from building after the world they are in was set to claims mode = disabled.
* Added support for worlds loaded be Denizen during its boot phase.
* Fixed villagers being killed by creeper explosions (zombies can still kill them).
----------, Apr 15, 2016

Support a hard-working dev! Please consider my other projects. :)

** 14.5 Updates **

* Freshly spawned players are now protected from lingering potion damage in PvP rules worlds.
* Players are now protected from lingering potion damage in PvP safe zones (by default, includes all land claims in PvP rules worlds).
* Added a /DeleteAllClaimsInWorld <world> command, which can only be executed from the server console. Handy when you regenerate one world and not the rest (players get their claim blocks back).
----------, Apr 10, 2016

Support a hard-working dev! Please consider my other projects. :)

** 14.4 Updates **

* Freezing ice with the frost walker enchant now requires build trust.
* Cancelled chorus fruit teleportations won't refund your fruit anymore (because you still get the hunger boost).
----------, Apr 8, 2016

Support a hard-working dev! Please consider my other projects. :)

* Fixed expired claims not automatically cleaning-up when they included the new skeletal horses.
* Fixed /claim creating tiny claims when the new player chest claim radius is set to -1.
* Fixed /claim allowing players to create more land claims than the limit specified in the config file.
* Added a config option to disable the auto-muting of new players who use banned words during their first play session on your server.
* Added more debug logging around claim expirations.
----------, Mar 31, 2016

Support a hard-working dev! Please consider my other projects. :)

**14.2 Updates**

* Teleporting with chorus fruit now requires at least /AccessTrust at the destination.
----------, Mar 23, 2016

Support a hard-working dev! Please consider my other projects. :)

* Fixed ender crystal explosions injuring protected animals.
* Fixed protected ender crystals being destroyed without build permission.
* Fixed lingering potion of harm injuring protected animals.
----------, Mar 22, 2016

Support a hard-working dev! Please consider my other projects. :)

If you installed GriefPrevention 14.0, you MUST update to 14.0.1 as soon as possible to fix a 1.9-specific exploit. I'm withholding details about the exploit for now because I don't want any griefers to get the info and take advantage. Please update your server as soon as possible, and please do not publicly discuss any details about the exploit. Due to the nature of the exploit, I also recommend you check for updates in any other anti-grief plugins you may be running in other worlds or on other servers.

* Fixed /RestoreNature having no effect on 1.9 servers.

* Fixed golden shovel tool (when configured as the claim modification tool) creating grass paths when you use it.

* Fixed golden shovel annoyances new in 1.9, related to how Bukkit handles the new dual-wielding mechanic.

* Added compatibility with MultiWorld, yet another world-loading plugin.
----------, Mar 17, 2016

Support a hard-working dev! Please consider my other projects. :)

* Fixed /RestoreNature having no effect on 1.9 servers.

* Fixed golden shovel tool (when configured as the claim modification tool) creating grass paths when you use it.

* Fixed golden shovel annoyances new in 1.9, related to how Bukkit handles the new dual-wielding mechanic.

* Added compatibility with MultiWorld, yet another world-loading plugin.

Sorry to keep you all waiting on this! :\ I was between houses when 1.9 came out and didn't have access to my development PC for several weeks.
----------, Mar 15, 2016

Support a hard-working dev! Please consider my other projects. :)

**13.9.1 Updates**

* Updated the API to support a new "NoExpiration" flag in GriefPreventionFlags.
----------, Feb 4, 2016

Support a hard-working dev! Please consider my other projects. :)

**13.9 Updates**

* When loot dropped by players on death is protected from theft, it's now also invulnerable to damage (like dumping lava on it). Note that if an item is covered by lava even a //little //bit, the client will stop rendering it. But if you clean up the lava, you'll find your items are still there. Items will still disappear if left for too long.

* Fixed players placing hopper minecarts without permission.

* API updates to support GriefPrevention Flags.
----------, Jan 31, 2016

Support a hard-working dev! Please consider my other projects. :)

**13.8 Updates**

* Performance boosts across the plugin.

* In creative worlds, limited number of "active" (lag-generating, like hoppers and beacons) blocks per land claim based on total claim area. Players with griefprevention.adminclaims permission ignore this limit, and already-placed blocks will not be removed retroactively.

* When admins use /softmute, that now also appears in the GP logs when "administrative activity" is enabled for those logs in your config file. Previously, this only appeared in your verbose server logs.

* Stopped other plugins accidentally breaking GP's anti-death-message-spam feature by setting the death message again after GP silenced it.
----------, Jan 29, 2016

Support a hard-working dev! Please consider my other projects. :)

**13.6 Updates**

* Enabled claim expiration on all servers at 60 days of player inactivity (since last login), with the exception of claim owners who have a claim block total of at least 10,000, or a bonus claim block total of at least 5,000. All of this is configurable in config.yml.

* Performance tuned land claim expiration and then adjusted it to run checks more often, so expired land claims will be found and deleted closer to their expiration dates at less overall CPU cost.

* Fixed TNT minecarts being placeable without /containertrust.

* Reduced the threshold for muting join/leave messages, to better combat bot spam which focuses on login/logout messages.

* Banned word list now applies to chat and whisper slash commands as well as standard chat.

* Fixed land claims to extending beyond the maximum claim depth (see your config file) in some situations.

* Fixed the automatic chat help (auto-help delivered based on a player's chat asking about land claiming).
----------, Jan 16, 2016

Support a hard-working dev! Please consider my other projects. :)

* Automatic soft mutes (due to banned words.txt hits from brand new players) are now optionally included in GP's abridged logs under "admin activity". Muted messages due to /softmute can also be added to GP's abridged logs under new heading "muted messages".

* Fixed protected animals taking damage from explosive minecarts.

* Fixed killer bunnies being protected in land claims as if they were passive farm animals.

* Fixed errors in logs when using /claim in between the first and second right-clicks to create or resize a claim with the shovel.
----------, Jan 12, 2016

Support a hard-working dev! Please consider my other projects. :)

**13.5.1 Updates**

* Gave /Claim an optional radius parameter.

* Fixed some minor issues with /Claim and chest-based land claim creation which were causing errors to appear in server logs.

* Fixed an issue with backward compatibility (for flat file mode claims) which should improve error messaging when there's a problem.
----------, Dec 23, 2015

Support a hard-working dev! Please consider my other projects. :)

**13.4 Updates**

* Added /Claim command to create a land claim centered at the player's current location. If the player doesn't have any claims yet, this land claim will have the same size as an automatic chest-based land claim (radius modifiable in your config file). Land claims after the first require survival players to be holding the land claim modification tool (default golden shovel), keeping that "you gotta earn additional and larger land claims" concept alive. Additional land claims will appear as the smallest square which satisfies the minimum area you've set in your config file. Creative mode players always have access to the tool, so they don't have to hold one to prove it.

* Added /ExtendClaim command to change the size of a land claim or subdivision, especially handy for scenarios like claiming a mountain or extending a land claim into a solid wall as in an underground build, where getting into position to right-click a claim corner block is inconvenient. To use the command, stand in the claim you want to change, face the direction you want to change, and then specify the amount like /ExtendClaim 5 or /ExtendClaim -2. It even works with diagonals. Like the /Claim command, survival mode players will have to hold a golden shovel in hand to prove they have one before they can use this command.

* Added config options to ban players using a command line you specify, so GP can work better with any ban management plugin you have installed. By default, GP writes directly to the server ban list because that way it can record information about the ban like a reason (ex. spam) and a source (GriefPrevention) and show the banned player a message on the way out. The Vanilla /ban command only records a reason.

* To reduce invincible pets scattered about, administratively-deleted land claims (expirations or /DeleteClaim) will automatically set free any pets belonging to the owner of the land claim, allowing other players to tame or otherwise remove them without getting an administrator's help.

* Added permission **griefprevention.eavesdropimmune** to prevent a player (presumably an admin) from being eavesdropped upon by other admins. Now you can give a player permission to eavesdrop and still eavesdrop on him, whereas before everyone who could eavesdrop was immune to eavesdrop.

* Updated /RestoreNature with lots of new block types added in 1.8. Land restorations will leave less (hopefully zero) player construction behind.

* Equipping a golden shovel while you're standing inside a claim you own will automatically show you the boundaries of your claim, so you can skip the stick right-click to find your corners.
----------, Dec 18, 2015

Support a hard-working dev! Please consider PhantomAdmin, GriefPrevention Flags, or my other projects. :)

**13.3 Updates**

* Improved claim management where water is involved - now much easier to create claims on water and resize claims when the corner to be adjusted is on water.

* Ensured players who place minecarts on another player's track can get their carts back by only allowing cart placement when the placer has permission to remove minecarts in that same location.

* Added a config option to tweak the delay between a new player joining and his receiving the land claiming manual.

* Whispers from admins can't be ignored.

* Fixed shift-click with stick finding too many claims.

* Improved logging for claim loading problems.

* Fixed blank lines in bad words file causing too many mutes.

* Now displaying player UUID in place of name when his name isn't in your local server data (instead of "someone").
----------, Dec 16, 2015

Support a hard-working dev! Please consider PhantomAdmin, GriefPrevention Flags, or my other projects. :)

**13.2.1 Updates**

* Fixed some servers losing subdivisions during upgrade.

* Disabled claim creation in worlds where claims will fail to load on next boot (worlds which are not yet loaded at the time GP booted).

* Stopped deleting claims from worlds which do not exist at the time GP boots.
----------, Dec 10, 2015

Support a hard-working dev! Please consider PhantomAdmin, GriefPrevention Flags, or my other projects. :)

**13.2 Updates**

* Messages.yml now supports formatting codes via the dollar sign ($). Find instructions at the top of your messages.yml.

* Added a config option to protect pets outside of land claims even in PvP worlds. Note that pet wolves are NEVER protected in PvP worlds because they have the potential to attack players, who should be able to defend themselves.

* Fixed ip re-use limiter being too aggressive.

* Added permission nodes for /Siege, /UnlockDrops, and /Trapped. All players have the new nodes by default.
----------, Dec 4, 2015

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Last Update: Jun 28, 2024
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