GriefPrevention icon

GriefPrevention -----

PREVENTS all forms of grief - build/break, theft, spam, spawn camping, and more without a database.

Version: 16.18.4
działa na 1.20.4???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Version: 16.18.4
For years this was the only plugin I used for claims, it's simply my favorite which is why I am still rating 4 stars on this comment about how I will no logner be using it in 1.21.x. It may be an issue on my end but I have some custom worlds and when attempting to add them to the config under [Claims: Mode: my_example_world_name: Survival] GP rejects and resets the config. Making my extended worlds unable to have claims. I will rerate 5 stars if explained or fixed. I do not believe I am messing up the config and it does conform to yml requirements. Thank you for all of these years.

Version: 16.18.4
Amazing plugin! Been using for years. Would it be possible to add integration with the PlayerShop plugin? That would be a killer feature! Thanks!
Author's response
Idk about other shop plugins, but I built PrettySimpleShop partially as an example of how shop plugins can work without being "blocked" by protection plugins.

Otherwise, one of the foci for GP's major updates is an improved API for plugins to integrate with GP better.

Version: 16.18.4
Having GriefPrevention is almost non-optional, in my opinion. It works right after installation without setup and protects a wide range of actions griefers like to take. I think it could use some more customizability, but it's still the best plugin for players to own and protect land. Pair up with GPFlags for amazing and dynamic uses.
Author's response
Thank you! Customizability via addons is definitely the focus for the next major versions of GP!

Version: 16.18.4
Good plugin. I made addon for GP which you can find here (you can send claim blocks to other person):
Author's response
Mind adding it to the addons discussion category on GitHub?

Version: 16.18.4
Grant claim blocks automatically for votes, donations, etc (console command provided, other plugins required). I just want to know how to give claimblocks and whats the api for it other than that this is the best plugin if you want peace on the server one of the top 10 best plugins

Version: 16.18.4
Great plugin that understandable for beginners, I use it on small server with friends and work perfectly.

Version: 16.18.3
GP is a must have really, it's easy to use, does a good job, Robo is active with development and on Discord.
Author's response
Thank you c:

Version: 16.18.3
Great plugin for grief prevention but has a lot of other stuff that is not related to preventing griefing, is enabled by default and is very invasive

Version: 16.18.3
GP is a must have really, it's easy to use, does a good job, Robo is active with development and on Discord.

Version: 16.18.2
thank you very much for maintaining the plugin. It helps against bad players who just want to destroy anything they see.
Author's response
and thank you for using the plugin!

Version: 16.18.1
GriefPrevention is a lifesaver of a plugin! We've been running it for a few years and always will be. Appreciate the team behind this.

Version: 16.18.1
Wonderful resource that seems to still work on 1.20 servers even though it's not built for them. Question for the developer: does this plugin work on fabric servers or just paper?
Author's response
Thanks! Only built and tested on bukkit API and derivatives. May work on fabric, but no guarantees.

Version: 16.18.1
Rating: ★★★☆☆ (3/5)

Review from CMarco Development Team.

Positive Aspects:

Full and Customizable Protection:
Grief Prevention stands out for its ability to provide comprehensive and customizable protection for user creations. The plugin empowers server administrators with the tools needed to create a tailored defense against potential griefing, ensuring a secure and enjoyable environment for players.

Simple to Use and Configure:
The plugin's user-friendly nature makes it accessible for server administrators, facilitating a smoother setup process. Grief Prevention's simplicity in both use and configuration allows for quick implementation without an extensive learning curve.

Free and Open Source:
The fact that Grief Prevention is free and open source contributes to its appeal. This not only makes it accessible to a broad audience but also encourages community involvement and potential improvements by developers.

Negative Aspects:

Harsh and Undocumented Codebase, Lacking APIs:
The underlying codebase of Grief Prevention is noted for being harsh and lacking in documentation. This can pose challenges for developers looking to extend or modify the plugin. The absence of well-documented APIs may limit the potential for customization and integration with other server plugins.

Minimal Interface and User Interaction Experience:
Grief Prevention's reliance on text commands and the absence of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and menus may deter users seeking a more visually intuitive experience. The heavy reliance on text commands might make it less accessible for those who prefer a more interactive and modern interface.

Lacking Claims Visualization and Handling Methods:
The plugin falls short in providing users with effective visualization and handling methods for their claims. Features like particles, maps visualization, or other modern techniques could greatly enhance the user experience by providing a clearer representation of claim size and extension. The absence of these features might make it challenging for users to manage and understand their claimed areas.

Version: 16.18.1
Excellent plugin and developer! Very helpful and responsive. He added a feature I requested into his add-on for GP called ClaimsListClassifier back in ~2018 or so and it still works on MC 1.20.4 in 2024!


Version: 16.18.1
GriefPrevention is a lifesaver of a plugin! We've been running it for a few years and always will be. Appreciate the team behind this.

Version: 16.18.1
Simple and nice add-on! I have been using this add-on as the first claim add-on on the survival servers I have opened for years. However, there is a feature that has not been available for years and that is claim swapping between players, it would be great if this feature was included!

Version: 16.18.1
I've reviewed the documentation, but I can't find it. How do I display the player's claim block count on AnimatedScoreBoard?
Author's response
GP doesn't include placeholders in the base plugin, but other plugins or addons may add these.

Version: 16.18.1
this is a must have plugin, realy...
not 5 stars , but 10 stars rating :D
i would recommend this to everyone that wants to keep his server "safe" from griefers .....

Version: 16.18.1
This plugin has become a symbol in the MC server community, known as the "golden shovel" plugin. With almost a decade in production and over 300k downloads, you can't go wrong here.

Thanks for the free plugin!

Version: 16.18.1
Heya there! Amazing plugin. Loving it so far.

Only one problem: for some reason, when I try to buy or sell claimblocks, it says "Sorry, buying and selling claim blocks is disabled."

Is there a config setting somewhere? I looked through the whole config, and couldn't find anything. I'm sure the mistake is mine, but I am a little confused.

As for leaving a review for support, I'm very sorry about it, but the IRC chat wasn't working for me.

Thank you!
Author's response
you need to enable a price ratio in the config and have an economy plugin. I do want to push this feature to an addon tho, given that there are a variety of ways people wish to modify how this is done.

Version: 16.18.1
As much as I would like to use this plugin for my new 1.20.1 server, the download link is broken, and the latest file available is from March 2022.
Attempted to join the chat server for support, but, connection timed out. :(
Any chance you could help a guy out? Please?
Author's response
appears bukkitdev may have had issues, as download link appears to be working but I did hear of some reports of it not being available at one point.

Version: 16.18.1
This is a great plugin, but one of my players has been banned for spamming by the greivepervention, I cannot /pardon or /unban them. any ideas?

Version: 16.18.1
Still the leading plugin for claims in 1.20.1 after all these years. A+, no others come close!

Version: 16.18.1
I own a fairly decent sized Minecraft server easily 100+ concurrent users online at any given time. I just wanted to take the time and say Valatic, my server uses this plugin on a regular basis and it is really and I would recommend it to anyone! Everything works and I am yet to have crash issues or any bugs! Very configurable!

Version: 16.18.1
This wonderfull plugins works in 1.20? Anyone tell me please or the dev? Thinking about that
Author's response
so far it seems so

Version: 16.18.1
Genuinely excellent work and community support from the Dev. GriefPrevention always works as advertised and affords server owners an impressive amount of well-documented control over their settings for claims. This plugin can be used to give players minute control over every detail of their property- or a very simple, streamlined experience with minimal commands, depending on how you set it up. Support from various third party addons is a plus, especially if you are looking for something which can likely be configured to display claims on your world map, provides a PlaceholderAPI extension, or generally avoids conflicts with other common plugins.
Author's response
Thank you, very well written c:

Version: 16.18.1
Great plugin! a must have for survival servers.
Offers a wide varaity of flags to secure your claims.

Version: 16.18.1
Just good!
No need for hate its just good!
I have seen this on many servers + I have it on mine so yea try it out if its not for you its ok but don't leave this plugin hate.

Version: 16.18.1
wow the legendary Grief Prevention best anti grief plugin ever is finally updated ?? let's gooooooooo

10/10 plugin, config the plugin after you install it if you like to do some tweaks, if not it's good to use without any config :D

Version: 16.18
Great Plugin but players can destroy blocks inside claims by going into the nether and placing a portal and goingh through the portal will spawn inside the claim and break blocks

Version: 16.18
works perfectly thank you so much for making this avail for free! I use it on my server and all the players love it!

Version: 16.18
I was wondering why does every baby gets removed in claims? from cows pigs villagers ?
Author's response
That's weird, create an issue on the issue tracker if you can't find an issue like this already there.

Version: 16.18
No Update. No Old versions support only for old griefprevention versions. Use another plugin

Version: 16.18
Simply the best grief prevention plugin, and it does not spam your permissions like some other plugin.

Version: 16.18
I sent a suggestion at first without seeing the issue tacker option

But awesome plugin man i have used it for a couple of years now!
Author's response

Version: 16.18
Great plugin. I've been using it on a server without wipes for three years now. It's all.

Through the configuration, you can set up the pvpzone, through the admin private. I actually wrote a comment just to let the person below know that the plugin has a config file. There you can configure auto mute and auto ban. it's not the plugin's fault that your players were banned, but your laziness. You made yourself look bad. My concern is not that you have unfairly rated this plugin, but that you may have rated other plugins well. So if you see a good rating, people, know that perhaps it was formed by people who do not understand how it works.

Version: 16.18
Great Plugin. Works smooth and for me much better than payed alternatives. Have used this plugin for many years and I hope I could these for another many years.

Version: 16.18
Default configs are way too aggressive at preventing players on doing things, to the point it's hindering gameplay. It's definitely more geared toward griefer-heavy servers. You definitely to tweak the config file for your server if you don't get a lot of abusive players. However It is the most popular, if not the only free option for anti-grief plugin.

Version: 16.18
Excellent plugin, I would not change it for any other, on the subject of block protection and gold shovel is an art.

Version: 16.18
Works out of the box with no customization required. Defaults are useful, but easy to change. While there's no 1.19.x release, it works well enough.

Version: 16.18
I wouldn't recommend this plugin.

Usually, I don't give ratings, especially not negative ratings, but this time, it really deserves it. One of the most annoying things as a server owner/admin can be plugins that overextend their behavior, reaching into features that really shouldn't be activated by default. This plugin has literally banned players from the server for clicking a command button in chat one too many times. And it scares away new players by automatically kicking them and preventing them from joining for a whole minute.

Don't get this plugin if you are a server owner/admin running a server for anyone other than you and your friends. It's not worth it. (If you are actually just using it for friends, you likely don't need a land claiming plugin anyway!)

But other than that, grief prevention works fine.

Hopefully the developer will improve this.

Author's response
That's the plan, to offload extraneous features to the API for addons to implement as they wish. Commands and such have changed a lot since GP was made

Version: 16.18
I want to give this plugin a fair rating after having used it for many, many years in the past.

It's an awesome plugin for smaller servers, ideally with a whitelist but beyond that I wouldn't recommend it.

The plugin itself does a little too much beyond just claiming and often times I felt like I am not in control of everything the plugin does. Furthermore it lacks the love it deserves in my opinion, lack of updates, lack of much being done in general. Yes, the plugin works but once your server starts reaching a certain size it will soon not be enough in terms of features.

Yes, this plugin has served me well for quite some time and I still recommend it for "simpler" servers but if you want something a little more advanced and with more control over what's happening within the plugin, it might be time to search for another alternative.

The last server I used it on was one where people had creative and could build wherever they wanted and claim massive areas. The server would constantly lag due to so many checks happening in the background to so many blocks that I couldn't keep it on the server. See

And if you want to use some PvP of the plugin it's lacking in terms of features and power of what can be done in my opinion, often times not working too well with other plugins such as AngelChest. It was a pain to get it to work as I wanted it to.

I still hope this plugin will continue to receive updates as I'm sure a lot of people still love using it, I just thought I'd give an in depth opinion of mine.

Wishing the plugin only the best <3

Version: 16.18
this plugin is perfect and super light i have always used it on my server but it is a pity that it takes so long to be updated the author abandons it 100%

Version: 16.18
Love this plugin and thank you Dev for all you have done to keep our servers safe.
Here is the Bukkit Page to get 1.18.1 version

Version: 16.18
/trust command dont work for bedrock uernnames (geyser), pets can be stored in spawn, becuase no one can hit them even with protect outside claims false.

Version: 16.18
Even modifiyng the MaximumDepth it does not work with negative y !!!
Just noticed that if I modify the claimdata to a negative Y coordinate IT WORKS but the plugin doesn't know how to put the - (minus) behind the number LOOOOL

I will only give 5 star when you fix that... Because the plugin is perfect but this bug is so bad.

Version: 16.18
The one star review directly below mine is attempting to punish the author because the user is too lazy to set up an account for GitHub, a *very* popular website which is often used to track issues on various project on this platform. Keep in mind the user paid absolutely nothing for this software. I have no idea where users get the logic to leave these types of 'reviews' but it's a very ignorant thing to do.

Thank you to Robo and the contributors for maintaining GriefPrevention for such an extended period, you have serviced tens/hundreds of thousands of servers. :)

Version: 16.18
I always used this griefprevention, but at a time the updates stayed away. Somewhere on the road i decided to use griefdefender instead, but i still hope this plugin gets a new heartbeat

Version: 16.17.1
It used to work fine, after 1,17 0 update the developer doesn't care at this point and its abandoned.

Version: 16.17.1
It's do not work with piston in claim under y:0 and i self want it all over the world it's bether if you can do it everywhere

Version: 16.17.1
This plugin was probably great 5+ years ago, but to be honest it's a joke at this point. Trying to interact with the code at all is a nightmare and there are bugs that have been around for 6+ months with no update.

Really hoping a good alternative comes around because it seems like absolutely no progress is being made on this plugin at all.

Version: 16.17.1
Badly designed plugin in many regards, with some pretty decent code that makes up for it, as discussed and admitted by one of it's current devs, on a certain github discussion (can't find it now, seems to have been removed?).

For what I can tell, I'd say It's not their fault, it's the original authors's. Current devs are trying to mitigate the design shortcomings in a future version.

To be 100% brutally honest, I'm really hoping either another project shows up that can replace this, or a miracle version solves all the issues. If anyone knows of an already existing alternative, (besides precious stones that doesn't quite convince me) please let me know.

I believe current GP devs need to know this. It's meant as constructive criticism.

I still have GP on my server though, because I know of nothing better.

Version: 16.17.1
Great plugin! Works perfectly on my 1.18 server with no errors. Thanks for creating this.

Version: 16.17.1
Excellent plugin! Works with 1.18, but with errors on land claiming. Please update!

Version: 16.17.1
Probably the best land claiming plugin ever created. It's working on 1.18 but is having issues when claiming above and below the new map height. Could probably do with an update.

Version: 16.17.1
Great plugin. It seem to work on Minecraft 1.18.1 but it puts out aome errors on the server console when claiming areas.

Version: 16.17.1
GriefPrevention gets a lot of things right, and a lot of things wrong. The land claiming mechanism is the best I've seen - it's very easy for players to understand. The flexibility of what's allowed within claims, and granting other players access, is also great.

However, this plugin is written with the belief that you (the server administrator) don't know what you're doing and certainly don't know what's best for your players. There are unnecessary bloatware features that should have been add-ons (PvP rules, Anti-Spam, Anti-Floating-Trees), and "features" that cannot be easily disabled (automated messages to players with links to video guides).

This plugin struggles to be incorporated into the big-picture of a well-developed server.

Version: 16.17.1
I don't know why you generating offline mode UUIDs for remaining unresolved players

Version: 16.17.1
1.18.1 is released and this plugin doesn't even support 1.17 yet, very good plugin though

Version: 16.17.1
NOT WORKING on 1.18.1 . And because of that , plugins like GriefPreventionExpansion , GriefPreventionDynmap and GriefPreventionFlags , can't be used too .

Version: 16.17.1
I would say this plugin is absolutely perfect. I have used it in 1.17.1 and it works very nicely. However, I am soon updating to 1.18 and I am scared it won't work on it . I really hope this plugin continues to be developed in the near future either by the creator or someone else. Could someone let me know ifit is working on 1.18. Thank you.

Version: 16.17.1
i need dev builds plz. btw good plugin THANKS for maintaining this plugin for along time

Version: 16.17.1
Fantastic plugin. Works great on my 1.17.1 smp. The commands are easy for players to understand and use

Version: 16.17.1
Hello, can you make public dev builds for 1.17? 1.18 is coming soon and the 1.17 build is not even ready. Thanks for your effort in making a grief free environment for servers :)

Version: 16.17.1
Good plugin. I only have 1 problem and idk how to fix it. Is there a way I can give all players access to buttons/pressure plates and other things for an admin claim?

Version: 16.17.1
best plugin ever still work on 1.17.1, hello i would like to put bahasa indonesia translate for the plugin language. how can i put it on official translate?. thanks anyway

Version: 16.17.1
bruh it says native version 1.16 but it can on 1.17 version :v nice

good plugins work perfectly on my server 5 STARTS BOIYSSSS

Version: 16.17.1
Excelent plugin!

But is it possible to disable pushing of animals and players in claims?
Author's response
No, but a simple fence should be able to stop this. Otherwise there are other plugins that can do that (disabling AI and such, or just setting max collisions in spigot/paper yml to 0)

Version: 16.17.1
So simple and naturat to use! Great protection plugin!
... and works with 1.17 despite ppl like below that ask things in reviews!
Author's response
thank you!
some "reviewers" be like that.

Version: 16.17.1
update to 1.17 already bruh >:( ............................................................

Version: 16.17.1
just wondering how to make it so that when they place down a chest it dont auto claim
Author's response
config, automaticclaimradius to -1

Version: 16.17.1
Great job, I just wish that the documentation was more up to date and the default config was more vanilla-oriented. What does PistonMovement: CLAIMS_ONLY mean? I'm assuming it limits piston movement to claims... So how do I configure it so that pistons can work anywhere?

Version: 16.17.1
Love this plugin. I appreciate all the hard work that goes into it. I wait patiently for a 1.17.1 update, thank you for all you do!
Author's response
thank you, very much appreciated!

Version: 16.17.1
Hey, I just want to say that your plugin works perfectly fine! <3

Also if I may suggest something, can you make a /claimpvp where you can turn off and on the PVP protection to let the players have PVP in a claimed area so that they don't get griefed.
Author's response
Thanks! I actually have an addon that does this, I wonder if the flags addon can deal with this too.

Version: 16.17.1
Excellent Plugin
Supports nearly all versions!
Active Development Team
Great Support!!
Author's response
Thank you, your review is much appreciated!

Version: 16.17.1
this plugin is perfect but the owner of the plugin takes too long to update and fix problems please update to 1.17.1 it has been 2 months almost 3 months since 1.17.1 was released and this plugin is not even updated I will change to 5 stars when this is updated.

Version: 16.17.1
thx for great job!!!
i have a question: may i use this plugin for all world regeneration (and respawn villagers and guardians etc) with gp claims bypass?
Author's response
Thanks for the review!
Not sure what you mean by your question, mind if you elaborate in a discussion section?

Version: 16.17.1
good plugin if u run a server under 1.17 but would not recommend it for 1.17+ servers

Version: 16.17.1
Great plugin, works no problems. Just hopping 1.17 version will be here soon so all the 1.17 blocks can be claimed. Having some issues with that.
Author's response
Yup, lots of different 1.17 mechanics to deal with. Thanks!

Version: 16.17.1
This plugin is awesome nonetheless, but I have a bit problem with bedrock players, I know the devs are not responsible for this but Im just reporting anyways, With geyser+floodgate, the bedrock users have . in their name such as ".Ironic" and for this reason trust and untrust doesn't work, even when using the " symbol. Anyways this plugin is the best, kudos for the dev!
Author's response
there's a PR addressing this exact issue, so a fix will be coming with the next release. Thanks!

Version: 16.17.1
Good free plugin, easy to set up and does well its job. Has a lot of documentation too.
Author's response

Version: 16.17.1
I REALLYYYYYYYYY LOVE THIS PLUGIN. BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think one thing should be added........PLEASE DEVS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When making a new "Claim" I'd realllllyyyyyyyyy love...and my member too the "Option" to have an "Auto glass" "Wall" setup around the "Claim" Once you make it........My players and myself really love being able to "See" the area you've claimed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <3
Author's response
API for this is available for addons to do whatever either. Feel free to commission someone in the services forum.

Version: 16.17.1
is the items inside the claim like chest and other blocks will restore after a world regen?
Author's response
no GP doesn't protect against world resets if that's what you're asking. If this isn't what you're asking, can you clarify in the discussion thread?

Version: 16.17.1
Excellent plugin, keep up the work. Waiting for 1.17 update , Current version allows people to take stuff from glowing item frames ;/
Author's response
Yea, trying to finalize an update soon.

Version: 16.17.1
The plugin is many years old and they have not yet added the option that 2 separate claims do not appear in the dynmap, that is, with the towny claims, if you want to claim later you can do it again and all claims are joined together, in GP It doesn't work like that, the claims appear as if they were from someone else.

It also does not work that each group can be given (x) blocks to claime every hour, it does not work.

And this plugin is almost 10 years old, I can't explain it.

Well yes, it has a separate plugin to configure the blocks that are granted every hour per group but it is outdated and there is no info of any recent update. There are also no messages translated by each community, it is disastrous, much to improve.
Author's response
reviewer clearly has not bothered to read any FAQ, documentation, done any debugging, or ask for help. Plugin works fine for others; this sounds like user error, not plugin error.

Version: 16.17.1
The plugin is many years old and they have not yet added the option that 2 separate claims do not appear in the dynmap, that is, with the towny claims, if you want to claim later you can do it again and all claims are joined together, in GP It doesn't work like that, the claims appear as if they were from someone else.

It also does not work that each group can be given (x) blocks to claime every hour, it does not work.

And this plugin is almost 10 years old, I can't explain it.

Version: 16.17.1
Very nice plugin. Use less resources and have many functions, cant wait for 1.17 update.
Author's response
Thank you! Very nice review.

Version: 16.17.1
Great plugin. Support is almost non-existent on the Discord and the live chat thing.

I wanted a way to give donator ranks extra claim areas (Not blocks) and asked probably 5 separate times. Got one answer but it wasn't useful at all.

Brilliant for the features it has though.

Version: 16.17.1
Top plugin, but i can disable the automatic claim with chest?
Author's response
Yes, see documentation.

Version: 16.17.1
This is a great plugin thank you for making it free to the public. I hope 1.17 is coming out soon!
Author's response
Thank you! Currently works on 1.17 but specific 1.17 features will be accounted for in the next release.

Version: 16.17.1
This plugin has quite literally saved me a lot of grief. I highly recommend it to anyone running a server.
Author's response

Version: 16.17.1
It's an amazing plugin but can it please be updated to 1.17? Some people say the 1.16 works in 1.17 but it don't seem to work for me.

Version: 16.17.1
Good Plugin Using It For My Pixelmon Server, I have one question can we protect our other things too like as i said i am making pixelmon server and i am using pixelmon mod there r many things included in that mod but can we protect those stuff from other players i hope u understand wat i mean lol
Author's response
GP is a bukkit plugin and thus can only protect against mods if they fire a bukkit event. If you have any other questions please consider using the discussion thread.

Version: 16.17.1
This plugin is just amazing and has become the largest foundation of most Survival servers. Without this plugin, many of us would not be where we are today.
Author's response
Thanks! Same to you users and admins.

Version: 16.17.1
A+ Plugin
I have been running GriefPrevention on
for years. It's a terrific land claim plugin. I see no point in
searching elsewhere. :)

I see below that the 1.16 version works on 1.17.
I am a bit nervous about upgrading... I might wait on the official 1.17
release of GriefPrevention.

Still - very good plugin. Very good developer.
You will not be disappointed if you use it on your server.
Author's response
Thank you!

Version: 16.17.1
Great Plugin! Used it a while and my players love it! I'll continue to use this plugin until my server dies lol but may I know when we could get an 1.17 update? Thought to make a 1.17 multiplayer server but need a grief prevention.
Author's response
Aside from a few bugs mentioned in the issue tracker, it works on 1.17

Version: 16.17.1
great plugin but i have a problem using the tnt duping machine to make auto mining system is there an option in config to enable that?
Author's response
prolly wanna check pistons in config. Follow up with further questions in the discussion thread.

Version: 16.17.1
Ive been playing minecraft for 9 years and as far as i remember this has been the best plugin against grief and i love it sadly ive seen allot of people confused by the youtube tutorial so i made a simplified version which people seem to understand very well and find it very helpfull, you can check it out if you want:

Version: 16.17.1
More than great plugin!
It really works very well, has never given problems and is very easy to use and configure, but I give 4 stars for a problem encountered with trapdoors, within a claim even players without any type of trust still manage to interact with them ! if you can solve this I give 6 stars, not 5!
Author's response
Check the config.yml.

Also you will get support by others as well if you post questions in the discussion thread instead of waiting for just me to eventually check the reviews

Version: 16.17.1
Yo! I can't seem to download the plugin from bukkit since it's giving me a error called 1020
Author's response
bukkitdev/curseforge outage that appears to have been resolved.

Version: 16.17.1
SUPER EPIC PLUGIN so fun to add claim blocks to the shop
but only one problem can i add like different kinda ranks have more claim blocks

and when a oped player use a iron axe the select a block how can i disable this ?
Author's response
not sure what the iron axe is about but you can use permissions to add extra bonus blocks to certain ranks. I think the documentation specifies this, but you can ask in the discussion if it isn't there.

Version: 16.17.1
I love this plugin, but there is only one problem -- and it didn't matter to me until I tried building a large castle with rooms on the third floor: the logic that allows a player's claim to continue down through the floor seems to over-reach. Players are unwittingly claiming land in the basement and every floor below their room. Works perfect in 99/100 situations but in this particular situation it would be really nice if there was an option that only allowed the player to claim within a particular Y-value or all Y-values larger than the lowest claim Y-value.

Otherwise, this plug in is easy to use, very player friendly, and infinitely customizable. As I said earlier, in 99/100 situations, it will work as intended with minimal setup and no second thoughts from players. Easy recommend, after playing with a few other anti-grief plugins.
Author's response
There is an option to set the minimum depth a claim can go in the config. If you have further questions please ask in the discussions (github or spigot)

Version: 16.17.1
Great plugin but I want to enable tnt and the config seems complicated to people who are new to configuration, but great plugin lol
Author's response
Agreed, config is getting an overhaul in v18/v19 timeframe.

Version: 16.17.1
I have been using this plugin for a while and its perfect!
Before i have been using the residence plugin and thats just pure pain.
This plugin is simple and easy to use and just great, 11/10 would recommend.
Author's response
11/10 reviewer, thanks!

Version: 16.17.1
I love this plugin so much i refuse to play on a server that doesn't have it.
No more people griefing your builds.
I love it
Author's response
Now this is a dedicated user. Thanks!

Version: 16.17.1
This plugin is GR8 but i got a question that how do i let players build on land without claiming it
when players try to break or place blocks it says u must claim land to break/place block here.... smthin
how do i fix it
if i have to fix it using cmnd thn can u plz reply with the command or if i have to config it from config.yml thn plz reply with the line number in config.yml or if any other... plz help me :)

Version: 16.17.1
Sweet plugin, takes a bit to understand how to configure but once you got it, it's smooth sailing from there. Prompt responses from the maintainer/developer RoboMWM even on obvious questions on an inferior messaging platform ("Dumcord" Lol!) shows that the team is ready to offer support when needed. All in all, most functions are configurable to be how you want, and if there's any issues there's likely to be a workaround that can be directed to you.
Author's response
May use an inferior chat platform but clearly not an inferior user. Thanks!

Version: 16.17.1
amazing plugin. been using it for over a year and i never bothered to look for an alternative because this one is perfect. idk why people are complaining about having to disable stuff in the config. who doesn't go through a config when they install a new plugin? some people are just lazy.
Author's response
lol thanks

Version: 16.17.1
amazing plugin. been using it for over a year and i never bothered to look for an alternative because this one is perfect. idk why people are complaining about having to disable stuff in the config. who doesn't go through a config when they install a new plugin? some people are just lazy.
Author's response

I think the majority do read/don't need anything more than the defaults. And it's always good to hear from those people here in the reviews. c:

Version: 16.17.1
The plugin does what its meant to do. The only issue is that it's trying to do too much. and the fact that most of it is enabled by default causing u disable most of its features is such a hassle. The plugin is good, it just feel like bloatware at some points

Version: 16.17.1
This plugin is good, but just randomly bans people when they chat to fast. I really can't believe how the developer thought it would be a good idea to add that to the plugin.

Version: 16.17.1
very very good plugin, the default explanation book is really really cool!
it is useful for survival
Author's response

Version: 16.17.1
It is a must-have extension for a survival server. I love this plugin. It has a powerful developer. If you find any bugs in the plugin, report it and they'll fix it right away.
Author's response
Thanks for the powerful review!

Version: 16.17.1
Great plugin, but cant figure out why mobs disappear inside claim areas when they attack you instead of just staying there but no damage... ? how do i set them to NOT despawn inside claim areas when attacking a player other servers the zombie just stands near you attacking but no damage...

Version: 16.16.0
Thanks for the plugin! Been using it over the years and has always worked great.
Author's response
Thanks for the review! Glad to hear it's been working well over the long-term.

Version: 16.16.0
Works just as it should. Messages are fully configurable, and some missing features you can get via Addons. Sadly some Addons are very outdated and some minor features entirely missing. Yet still a great plugin, your "good" players will enjoy to use.

Version: 16.16.0
When i was translating it, i restarted the server to check if its working, it said error on line 40,41 so i go back to the file to check it, but plugin reloaded it and deleted all my work ;d
Author's response
1) reviews are not support
2) plugin will auto-fix yaml errors. Please backup.

Version: 16.16.0
This plugin is great, very easy to use and so effective! Thank you for this excellent work.
Author's response
Thank you for the great and effectively positive review c:

Version: 16.16.0
Absolutely lowest friction I've had with server protections and plot claiming for my players. Thanks a ton!
Author's response
That's the name of the game this plugin aims to be, thanks for the review!

Version: 16.16.0
I love this plugin, it's my favorite one. Thanks to BigScary and now RoboMWM keeping this plugin stable, updated, and reliable. Looking forward to the big update coming at some point.
Author's response
Thank you for your continued support! c:

Version: 16.16.0
i cant download it i am trying to but it doesnt let me does it have to be mac because am in mac no windows
Author's response
reviews are not support, please consider removing this review and reposting this in the discussion thread instead.

Version: 16.16.0
Nice Plugin. How can i change that players cant place or break under the sealevel? Because i can break etc. under other players claims under 62
Author's response
it's not sea level in this case - claims will automatically extend downwards as the owner builds downwards. This allows other players to mine under claims that haven't yet or bothered to mine below. You can override the default value of "5" to a larger value in the config.

Thanks for the review - if you have further questions, please use the discussion thread for them, thanks!

Version: 16.15.0
best free plugin for grief prevention i have use it since bukkit long time ago never have got problem with it and even today im using it and always have like how simple it is to understand for the player in the server i think it very nice none of the other plugin i saw was like this one and i like to be able to make it bigger too it nice

Version: 16.15.0
Absolutely the best claim plugin I've used so far. It's intuitive, powerful, customizable, and scalable. There's a couple small things I'd love to added, but they can all be done through addons, and even without them it's been an incredible experience to have this on my server.
Author's response
Thanks! Hopefully as time permits, more work can be done to make it easier for addons to be developed for GP.

Version: 16.15.0
I have used this on my semi-vanilla server for years and the updates are always so easy and the players appreciate the simplicity of the ability to use it! Thanks for such a great plugin!
Author's response

Version: 16.14.0
A good plugin but doesn't solve all grief problems with a single download like it claims. Various vanilla features are not protected against, mainly mobs and entities.
Author's response
That's not true

Version: 16.14.0
Very good claim plugin, but I'm having a very hard time with it as there's no way to toggle PVP inside claims. My server is hugely PVP survival-based and this has been annoying a lot of players, happy there's a TNT toggle but still
Author's response
There is, there are a few addons that handle this specifically... Please consider asking in the discussion thread.

Version: 16.14.0
Works as intended thus far. Always reliable and valuable to have what is essentially a server moderator working in background to keep your work safe and players detached from griefers and their work.
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 16.14.0
GP is one of my favorite plugins, especally when combined with GPFlags. I've noticed that players can still kill zombies in other players' claimed farms. Could you make it so that killing named mobs requires trust, similar to passive mobs?
Author's response
Doable in an addon ya

Version: 16.14.0
It's an amazing plugin, which has been working well for years.
I am just missing a feature where players can be nominated to be exempted from the check of unused claims. I lost plenty of good player builds this way. Generally not returning claims after they haven't been used is not an option since it would clutter the world. I know that bukkit doesn't allow for offline permission checks, but a command to maintain an exemption list of player names and the plugin to check against that list before automatically unclaiming land could do the trick.
Author's response
The unused check only applies to creative worlds and it uses some fixed algorithm by Big_Scary to determine if the claim is mostly empty space or not.

Now, if you're talking about inactive, that exemption works by a threshold set for both accrued and bonus claim blocks, and if a player has surpassed either of these thresholds, they're exempt from expiration.

Version: 16.14.0
Hello amazing plugin. I have 1 question. Is it possible to limit max claims per Group? Like vip:5 player:3 vip+:15 I can't find a way to do that. It would be a good for player ranks and stuff. thanks.
Author's response
Thanks for the review! In the base plugin no, but this is possible in an addon.

Version: 16.14.0
Its a decent antigrief plugin, but it could be improved a little bit. Restore Nature removes water from lakes, should only do that when aggressive mode is on. Doesn't seem to hook into any block loggers, you can't roll anything back with coreprotect so if you accidently delete someones house your screwed. The client side blocks that show you where claim borders are linger around too long, sometimes they dont go away for a solid 5 minutes or more until you walk up to it and right click it to update it. Overall a good antigrief plugin and should definitely be used to protect players.
Author's response
some are by design, some aren't plugin-controlled. Can discuss more in discussion thread tho.

Version: 16.14.0
Perfect, but it would be better if players added to the trust list could refresh the terrain purge time
Author's response
Thanks for the review!
I think I posted my thoughts in the GitHub issue on this, but either way this is 100% possible in an addon with ClaimExpireEvent.

Version: 16.14.0
Developer and other moderators are fast when it comes to responding to issues, and the plugin is a masterpiece!
Author's response
User is a masterpiece

Version: 16.14.0
Nothing better than this for protecting land. Nuff said.
I've used this since it's first release and it's amazing.
Author's response
Wow, since first release? Back in 2011? Sometime you should share some stories of your history with this plugin - I heard about this much later, about 5 years ago.

Version: 16.14.0
I feel bad for these recent reviews. I guess when the plugin is so good and amazing, owners such as myself forget to leave positive comments for such an outstanding plugin. I have been using for a very very long time and am super thankful is has been updated all this while. 10/10
Author's response
Thank you!
I do appreciate and am thankful for all the nice reviews, particularly because you guys generally go out of your way to do so. 10/10

Version: 16.14.0
I install your plugin and the first thing it does to me: it kills all the entities on my server without asking me, it's shameful.
Author's response
This only happens for the creative claim mode outside of claims, and I recommend reading the docs, or better yet, asking somewhere for help first... it's shameful to leave an uninformed review.

Version: 16.14.0
Nice plugin but the lastest version doesn't work in my 1.16 server.
Although one area is grounded, the others can destroy the area, apart from the fact that the stick (the research tool) says that it is not grounded when it is.

Version: 16.14.0
Thanks for this amazing plugin!!!!.. has been using it for over 7 years!! . .
Author's response
Thanks for the amazing gratitude!!

Version: 16.13.0
Hello Nice Grief prevention Plugin, Is the Best, can you update it to 1.16? I need the Plugin for that Version, Thanks!
Author's response
Thanks, GP is already compatible with 1.16, and 1.16-specific protections (namely the nether respawn block thingy) is coming soon.

Version: 16.13.0
Hi, I very very want this plugin it's possibly to make in 1.12 ?
I really like you if it's possible
Author's response
Version history (or on bukkit - the files tab) is your friend

Version: 16.13.0
Hey really good plugin :) but is this mohist compatible? Would be nice if it is compatible :)
Author's response
Not sure what a mohist is, can you explain further in the discussion section?

Version: 16.13.0
a 100% 5 star plugin :) .
Author's response
A 100% 5 star user c:

Version: 16.13.0
Works perfectly in 1.16.1
Config & commands are easy to use, command suggestions ingame for 1.14+ would be nice.
Author's response
Command suggestion is a pretty big ask, but I foresee that being implemented as stuff is refactored on the road to v20.

Version: 16.13.0
I still don't understand how to connect to the database. What does the URL mean? What should I write there? I've tried everything. Usually in all plugins you need to write the host address, and here some URL.
Author's response
Did you try asking in the spigot discussion section or checking the documentation?

Version: 16.13.0
This is a one of the best plugins. Easy installation is an advantage, but would be great if there was advanced configuration for more experienced administrators. More options for claim modes. Eg. possibility to toggle option for "drop items" in Creative mode.
Author's response
Ya I agree. Advanced features will either be removed or configurable on the v20 roadmap.

Version: 16.13.0
The truth is very good plugin everything works correctly, but I suggest that they put a kind of "Tittle" when entering a protected area indicating the name of the player, I do not use another plugin because I really like GriefPrevention, but in my opinion I think that the "Tittle "It would be a good idea and that the title could be enabled or disabled and customize the messages of the" Tittle "
Author's response
Thanks! The feature you're asking for is available in addons such as GriefPrevention Flags.

Version: 16.13.0
Good plugin, works well - but the lack of API documentation as well as a maven dependency link makes it unpleasant at best to work with
Author's response
API is a focus in v20...

Version: 16.13.0
an "internal error" with any command on any version of the plugin
really nice plugin
Author's response
a "bug report" in a review with no info
really nice review

Version: 16.13.0
I've been using this Plugin since 1.12 version, i really love it, and this was on my mind ever since, why is there no on-screen "TITLE" where it indicates the whether you landed on a player's claim and it will show you a Title saying "Player's Land" or "Player's Claim" something like that, cause it is so much efficient for it to have that, but i do actually get it tho, no adding it, it's a bit of a hassle when a bunch of text popping up on the screen when switching to a different claim lands, on the other hand, i guess everything here is PERFECT! <3
Author's response

What you suggest is possible in GriefPrevention Flags

Version: 16.13.0
amazing, what you actually want for a server .i absolutely recommend this. i don't know what else to say.

Version: 16.13.0
Used this plugin for years now can't fault it. Always protecting my players area since day 1!
Author's response

Version: 16.13.0
Please annotate the config file. I couldn't understand what some settings did. Google translates is wrong.
Author's response
Documentation is a wonderful thing

Version: 16.13.0
I've used this plugin for somewhere around 8 years, and it's basically a necessity on any server that doesn't have factions or towny. Really nice and simple with great customization if you wish to disable certain mob mechanics without disabling mobGriefing all together. Thank you for keeping this free and still updating it since we started using it on 1.2.3.
Author's response
Seeing a lot of long-standing plugins out there going semi premium/premium has been a tad tempting but I'm not gonna cave.

Version: 16.13.0
Can you add that you can vote for claims from others? Please add this, this is a super good plugin!
Author's response
Not sure I understand the suggestion though, perhaps you can elaborate in the discussion section?

Version: 16.13.0
This is The best Plugin ever, can i tell you something, how to give player 100 claim block using command?
Author's response
Documentation includes list of commands.

Version: 16.13.0
The plugin is amazing, support is also amazing.
Use this plugin for any survival type servers!
Author's response
This review is also amazing!

Version: 16.13.0
Been using this plugin for about 2 years now...still the best plugin to me out there! For anyone wanting a grief protection plugin that is simple and easy to use for your players on your server this is the plugin to get!

Keep up the Good Work!
Author's response
Thank you! Always nice to see all of you who use this section appropriately for reviews and not for support requests!

Version: 16.13.0
Hello, I downloaded the plugin multiple times. And every time I put it in the server plugin folder it never comes up on my server (it's in 1.14.4) Please help me if possible anyone (discord : Zifs#1675)

Version: 16.13.0
This plugin works exactly as intended with no issues, my staff will now leave my plot alone.
Author's response
Thanks! Glad to hear it frees up time for your staff

Version: 16.13.0
players can break inside other players claims! it tells them they dont have permission but can still break!
Author's response
Delete powerranks.

After you've done that, delete this review please, thanks.

Version: 16.13.0
Beautiful plugin. The anti-spam in particular is essential for any server.

I am curious, will this plugin ever be made modular or will everything always be provided in one .jar?
Author's response
Some ideas are going around for v20. See the pinned issue in the github issue tracker.

Version: 16.13.0
Good job. Can I configure to always the chest protect and not only in one time? I would like that. Thank you
Author's response
It's one time because it's meant to inform users about claiming. Not all structures that players build will contain chests, and it doesn't expand for users either.

Version: 16.13.0
Players can grief using endercrystals on 1.15.2 In the new versions that's not fixed
Author's response
Where's your issue report?

Version: 16.13.0
Nuff said. 5 Star plugin. Many ideas I have had for a protection plugin are already implemented, and support is constant.
Author's response

Version: 16.13.0
Plugin works great, and has been extremely useful for me. Only question I have is console gets spammed heavily whenever someone uses a bucket of any kind, labelling it as suspicious. Is there a way to disable this?
Author's response
Afaik it's an "administrative" log and as such will always print to console. Put a feature request on GitHub so I don't forget to change or reduce this

Version: 16.13.0
this is an amazing free plugin, a top 5 all time for sure.
could not live without this one, thank you.
Author's response
Thank you!

Version: 16.13.0
Modern and excellent plugin, thanks for this free plugin

I have a issue, i need to know how to disable the book when a newbie join, i tried deleted the texts in config.yml but it persist, thanks
Author's response
DeliverManuals: false

Version: 16.13.0
By far the best and easiest to use protection plugin I've found. Anyone can use it and it saves server admins a lot of headaches.
Author's response

Version: 16.13.0
Excellent plugin! Thank you for updating to 1.15. We needed it! The system works really well!
Author's response
Thanks again!

Version: 16.12.0
Love it! Been using this plugin for quite some time now, and probably won't ever stop! And I hate to nag but... any info on when a 1.15x version is arriving? I've heard and read some issues with bees and whatnot. All in all, I love Grief Prevention. Best anti-grief plugin out there in my opinion.
Author's response
Thank you!

I'm wrapping up the update since it seems there are no other (verified at least) issues other than the aforementioned bees.

Version: 16.12.0
Currently using in 1.15.2 and it's working very well. So far no bugs to report, thanks for a quality plugin. Can't wait for an official update.
Author's response
Thank you!

Version: 16.12.0
It is a nice plugin but PvP protection doesn't have any combat fly. I mean my players can attack and still fly so i have to use some extra plugin for combat log. It would be great if you can add combatfly flag so when a player get into a fight they can stop flying and land.
Author's response
combat fly?

This plugin is not an anticheat plugin.

Version: 16.12.0
Love this plugin! I have used it for every single one of my servers. Looking forward to a 1.15 update - bees need implemented into the plugin so that they can function properly. (E.g - using /sell /buy with bees does not work).
Author's response
Thanks! That's the plan this weekend, provided everything goes as expected

Version: 16.12.0
Must have plugin for most servers.
I use it for 1.15.1 on a Towny server, which works perfectly.

Good Job <3
Author's response

Version: 16.12.0
Perfect as always! Any plans to update to 1.15?
I've heard that bees inside claims are vulnerable and can be hit by players without permissions in that claim, can you check if thats true and make them invulnerable? Amazing!
Author's response
If an update is needed, an update will arrive. There are some issues in the GitHub issue tracker but none that have been verified yet.

Version: 16.12.0
Works excellent on my 1.14.4 server, no issues and have used it in the past for years! Nice job man. Any update to 1.15?
Author's response
Haven't seen any issues regarding 1.15 reported yet, but if an update is needed, an update will arrive.

Version: 16.12.0
VEry good plugin with a tons of features! Thanks for making this up to date and free :)
Btw, can I add a certain number of area claims to a certain group (LIKE VIPS), for example, Members: 5 and VIPS: 10 ??
Author's response

Your feature may be possible in an addon

Version: 16.12.0
A highly recommend and straightforward plugin that is working flawlessly on our 1.14.4 server. It offers features that other grief prevention/land claiming plugins are missing. Thanks for the great work and continued updates!
Author's response

Version: 16.12.0
Very good plugin, very common survival server plugin, and I understand, it's very good! Good job.
Author's response
Thank you!

Version: 16.12.0
Great Plugin! I've used it for years, it has always been reliable, updated, and the config was super simple even from the beginning! Offers awesome protection and security to builds and items right down to adding commands to get out of a claim in the event you got stuck in someone else's home! I wouldn't pick any other land claim plugin for a survival based server. Usually, I never rate plugins because writing reviews takes me a while but seeing Tree make false claims on this plugin made me want to show my support! P.S There is no website to join Tree is just trolling ;)
Author's response
Thank you!

Version: 16.12.0
Leaving a positive review to counter Tree182's one-star review below. They have been going around leaving bad reviews on random plugins, including ones that I know for sure are working fine.
Author's response
Thanks. Some people are indeed, "salty."

+1 to Faith in Humanity.

Version: 16.12.0
Support is terrible. They make you join a different weird website thing and are extremely passive aggressive and rude. Plugin has many bugs and take a long time to update to the latest version.
Author's response
Just an FYI, this is a copy-paste of the same "review" back on July 2nd.

Here's the chat log of the IRC channel. Note that I didn't get a chance to interact with him:

Version: 16.12.0
I can't figure out how to make it so players can buy claim blocks I already tried the config.
Author's response
But did you also try asking for support before reviewing?
Reminder to all - reviews are not support - we can't hold a discussion in reviews.

Version: 16.12.0
Crashes the server with huge claims when /abandonallclaims
Except that, really good plugin
Author's response
Did you try to get help regarding this issue?
Another reminder to reviewers who ask for support in reviews: You can delete your review

Version: 16.12.0
Best of it's kind, but still needs a lot refining. The config file is a big mess, turning features on/off takes time and the config as a whole is bit confusing. We only really need the claim system from GP so either having that as a standalone or an easy way to turn every other feature(including sieges) off. Personally I don't think spam filtering and the join/left cooldowns etc. does not go under griefing, but you name it.
Author's response
I think I've mentioned v20 quite a bit in the discussion thread...

Version: 16.12.0
Fantastic plugin! Only plugin I've ever needed for Preventing Grief ;)

Only request I have is, there is a plugin called RealEstate, and it requires a modified GriefPrevention.jar to work properly. But I worry that, with GriefPrevention updating, the modified Jar is behind..

is there anyway to integrate the custom code with RealEstate, with this plugin?

Thanks in advance, and I recommend everyone use GriefPrevention!

(plugin in question:
Author's response
Idk, I maintain a fork (on request) of GPRealEstate tho that doesn't require a modified GP.

Version: 16.12.0
Top notch plugin that I consider an essential. Every server I've played on or run has used this plugin. It's simple, effective, free, and amazing.
Author's response
Thank you!

Version: 16.11.6
Amazing plugin, just wondering how to enable chorus fruit use in any claim even if you're not trusted?
Author's response
Probably would be an easy (addon) feature request to implement.

Version: 16.11.6
When will the 1.14 releases be released? and 1.13 compatible with 1.14? ‪
Author's response
see the discussion tab for a beta release for 1.14.

Version: 16.11.6
Works great. Just one question though. How can I set different ranked players to receive more or less blocks per hour? I tried setting the meta with LuckPerms using /lp group mod meta set griefprevention.blocks-accrued-per-hour 100. Doesn't seem to change anything though.
Author's response
See the addons in the Wiki. GPAccruals is maintained by BillyGalbreath.

Version: 16.11.6
Great grief plugin but if a player is banned for spam, you can't unban them. .
Author's response
You can, it's a vanilla ban though unless otherwise configured. Try /minecraft:pardon

Version: 16.11.6
I really enjoy this plugin a lot, I just made a new survival server and of course working everything out, but what are the permissions for the plugin?
Author's response

Version: 16.11.6
This plugins is the best of category, honestly I think the creator must continue creating plugins, addons, new features, it wll be amazing, thank you!
Author's response

Version: 16.11.6
1.14 working well!
But how to use this with another plugin (claim fly)?
cause it seems I couldn't fly by CF?
Author's response
Thanks for the review.

Unsure what you mean by claim fly. GP doesn't deal with flying. Perhaps ask the fly plugin/addon?

Version: 16.11.6
Nice but can you update plugin 1.14.4

Author's response
Working on it, if you want to help, you can help answer some of the questions in these issues

Version: 16.11.6
Hey, i saw that this plugin was really good.. nut when i try to install it to my server i get a message in the control pannel sayinmg : An unsupported version of GriefPrevention was found! Hook disabled!
If you are using the lates version of GriefPrevention pleace report it
as I (the developer) might not be aware of the update

[ u use the neweest version
Author's response
This message is not from GriefPrevention, but another plugin. Please paste the server log in a GitHub issue or in the spigot discussion thread so you can get some help on your issue.

Now can you please delete and update your review to 5 stars please? c:

Version: 16.11.6
This plugin is amazing! I like it very much. Great work. And its compatible with the MC version 1.14.
Author's response
Thank you!

Version: 16.11.6
This plugin is amazing i have some ideas that can improve the plugin
/blacklist - will not allow players in this list to walk on your region

Version: 16.11.6
Seems like a good plugin but I can't figure out why I can't drop any items in my world because of it. When I take the plugin out im able to but when I put it back in I can't drop any items.
Author's response
Ask your question in the discussion thread, then re-rate with 5 stars please after discovering it's because your world was in creative claims mode c:

It's also in the documentation too

Version: 16.11.6
Appears to support 1.14 as far as I can tell.

Great plugin. Great developer. I recommend.

Version: 16.11.6
The review below me (if not deleted at the time you are reading this - but the 1 star review by Tree182) really made me chuckle.

I have used this plugin for years. Its always worked really great. Support has been great. Anytime I had a question, I would ask in the discussion tab (crazy right, using the discussion tab to ask for support), and someone always responded very promptly, usually is was Robo with a quick reply.

When I have had issues, I posted them on GitHub and again, got a very quick reply, and usually a quick fix. IF the fix wasn't quick, not really a worry, since I know Robo does all of this for free, in his spare time, so Im grateful for whenever he gets something done.

I was recently invited to join the Discord (by Robo) which is also linked into the IRC, the website that "Tree182" apparently had a really hard time joining to ask his question. I read thru the chat between him and another member (which was not Robo). He started by asking when the 1.14 version would come, then started getting rude, bitching about this website, and how support should be much better, and how people shouldn't have to "jump thru hoops" to get support. Like I said, and Robo said, its not like there's a discussion tab at the top of this page where you could click and ask questions, or god forbid read thru the history and maybe the question has already been asked. This user even began to insult the other user, because he wasnt getting his question answered within the 30 or so minutes he was online?!?!

Geeze Louise! What is with people these days.

Moral of the story, this plugin is awesome, the dev is very helpful, support is great. When the odd person bitches about it, I recommend looking into what they are bitching about, because usually its some stupid, user side error, or just some complaint that the FREE DEV isn't responding to them within 5 minutes, 24/7
Spoiler Alert: Most devs do this work for free, and they do not offer 24/7 support.

Im always grateful for what Robo has provided. All of his 100 red warning on this page couldn't make it more clear how to properly get help, so theres no reason, nor any excuse to bitch about not getting your questions answered.

Version: 16.11.6
Support is terrible. They make you join a different weird website thing and are extremely passive aggressive and rude. Plugin has many bugs and take a long time to update to the latest version.
Author's response
Person left 1 star review asking why they couldn't connect to some website. He mentioned he just wanted to know (no rush) if a 1.14 update would be out soon. He promptly deleted and now put this one which is even more aggressive in tone and still has nothing to do with the plugin...?

I haven't even talked to the guy so not sure how support is rude, much less "force" support to be sought from a specific place.

It's not like there's a discussion thread or something...

Version: 16.11.6
Love this plugin! I've been using it for years. Any idea when you will update to 1.14.3? :)
Author's response
Thanks! 1.14 update has an alpha build, you can check the github milestone for progress on it.

Version: 16.11.6
Grief prevension prevent any form of grief
this include to even try to lure animals outside, which my previous useless plugin let players as it only blocked people going in. IT also let people blow up tnt if someone had placed it inside claim

join my server and use griefprevension for free claimblocks
note: it may be laggy, and its in beta at the moment

Version: 16.11.6
Amazing plugin! If you search a plot plugin for your server it is ideal :D 5 stars!
Author's response

Version: 16.11.6
Nice plugin for (but certainly not limited to) a PVE server.

I would only suggest that you add the ability to send claim blocks or withdraw them as an item that can be traded.
Author's response
Thanks! Would imagine it wouldn't be difficult for an addon to implement that.

Version: 16.11.6
Is it possible to set the protection so that your land is only protected if you are offline? (Like that it activated 15 minutes after you go offline) And to make it so that the maximum protection last like about 14 days and you need to come online to refresh the timer?
Author's response
Reviews aren't for questions since you can't reply to me here, try the discussion thread instead.

Version: 16.11.6
So other than not being able to drop any items in creative worlds, and getting an error over nether portals I really like this plugin. I saw how you said this plugin seems to be working fine on 1.14 which it is working "fine", but I believe it still contributes to some lag since I've had this error multiple times.
Author's response
Try SurvivalRequiringClaims for creative worlds. The nether portal thing is due to 1.14 spigot abruptly removing the PortalTravelAgent (a deprecation notice would've been nice...), so there will be an update for that.

Version: 16.11.6
Very good plugin, it makes up a very important core component of my server. Please continue to support and improve this plugin wherever possible!
Author's response
Thank you! v20 is coming sometime soon

Version: 16.11.6
Really hope this gets updated for 1.14
Absolutely the best plugin for preventing grief. Easy to use and very well behaved.
Author's response
From what I've heard so far it's working just fine on 1.14 c:

Version: 16.11.6
Amazing claim plugin, some cool features to make it a bit more user-friendly might be a quick claim to instantly claim a 16x16, and add an interchangeable link for the book, The video is outdated. Otherwise amazing plugin! Thanks for this resource!
Author's response
Thanks! You can edit the book message (including the link) as I have on my server, and you can set the automatic claim radius in the config.

Version: 16.11.6
Plugin muito bom.
Gostaria que as subclaims tivessem mais utilidade, para tanto tenho uma ideia para isso acontecer
Author's response
Suggestions go in issues, not in reviews

Version: 16.11.6
I gave just 3 starts because it doesn't work on 1.12.2. I know the plugin is awsome, but i will give 5 when it will work 1.12.2 :D
Author's response
Please use the discussion thread and other areas for help instead of making a review for support. There are versions of this plugin that _do work_ on 1.12.2.

Version: 16.11.6
Stoked about the ability to control fire spread in a claim! Thanks for the update!

Version: 16.11.5
hey i recibe this error messagealways I use /buyclaimblocks, in the config.yml is not the option to active the buying/selling buyclaimblocks, what can i do?

Text: Sorry, buying and selling claim blocks is disabled.

Version: 16.11.5
Quality and mature plugin; Responsive and knowledgeable Dev

Don't hesitate to use this for your anti-griefing needs.

Version: 16.11.5
I will rate this review 5 stars because I like stars. Robo seems like a pretty nice guy and has deserved this review.
Author's response

Version: 16.11.5
"Reading all the reviews gave me a good chuckle. Thanks to all the silly kids with 4 or less stars
1) 1.12.2 Support? The plugin works on 1.12.2 just fine. If the dev so chooses to not update for a previous version of MC, why should the dev lose stars? How is that fair. Im sure if you find a major bug Robo will gladly fix it.
2) Somethings not working for you? Maybe talk to the dev first before rating. He has a discussion tab as well as a GitHub issue page that he responds to quite quickly (I've posted several issues on a couple of his plugins, and he always responds quickly... VOUCH!)

Time for my review:
I have been using this plugin for a couple of years now. When I first started using it I found a few things a little tricky. I have to admit the documentation on it seems a bit scattered. That may be the fault of passed devs, Im really not sure. But i do know that Robo is very busy. I myself feel like I know basically everything I need to know about this plugin. But for future users and newbies, in my opinion I feel the documentation/wiki needs to be updated a bit to reflect how the plugin currently works.

That aside. I freaking love this plugin. I honestly cant imagine a survival server without it.
Ive seen many servers rules "You are not allowed to grief"... I have a firm belief that why put a rule for something that you can just prevent? Well GP takes care of that.

From a player perspective its STUPID easy to use. The first time I played on a GP server (before I ever used it) I watched the video (as was instructed for me to do) and in that 3 minutes and 10 seconds, I learned everything I needed to know to keep my builds/inventories safe. it literally cant get any easier than this plugin.

When players complain its too hard to use or they cant figure it out, watch the damn video, its 3 minutes that will give you all the details.

I dunno what else to say, I love this plugin."

its a version review.... you're making yourself look like a tit.. if the version doesnt get better or match up to the previous version its got worse has it not? if you're unable to use the one plugin among your hundreds of others that work, its got worse?

now dont get me wrong i absolutely LOVE this plugin with a passion an have been using it for many years, this kid triggered me out of all the stupid comments...

that being said, i could not get it to work on my 1.12.2 spigot server BUT there are alot of other versions that i havnt tried that might work...

Thanks for the update!
Author's response
Reviews are not for support, please see the red text for support.

Older versions of the plugin exist for older versions of Minecraft.

If you have beef with a reviewer, please don't use the reviews to "respond" to them; instead, take it to their profile or discussion thread. Docking a star because of other reviewers doesn't sound like a fair evaluation of the plugin itself.

Version: 16.11.5
Flawless, feature-complete and must-have plugin! Many thanks for making and sharing!!

Version: 16.11.5
One of my favorite plugins as always. :)

Few plugins accomplish this convergence of functionality and ease of use. 10/10
Author's response

Version: 16.11.5
All I can say is that its better than everything else, way better. And its free.
Author's response
Thank you!

Version: 16.11.5
Totally forgot to rate this excellent plugin. An excellent plugin for any server and open source to boot.
Author's response
Thanks! c:

Version: 16.11.4
Ho can I forgot to rate this wonderful plugin??? It's one of my must-have!

As a player, one of my first attempts on a server before to join. Mainly for its efficient, easy to use and powerful claim system.

As an admin, this is very easy to configure for lots of server it just works "out of the box", has lots of possibilities and is extremely stable.

This plugin is just perfect. Please continue to keep it working across the future MC version. Thanks for sharing it with the community!
Author's response
Glad to hear people want plugin updates for updated servers.

Version: 16.11.4
Reading all the reviews gave me a good chuckle. Thanks to all the silly kids with 4 or less stars
1) 1.12.2 Support? The plugin works on 1.12.2 just fine. If the dev so chooses to not update for a previous version of MC, why should the dev lose stars? How is that fair. Im sure if you find a major bug Robo will gladly fix it.
2) Somethings not working for you? Maybe talk to the dev first before rating. He has a discussion tab as well as a GitHub issue page that he responds to quite quickly (I've posted several issues on a couple of his plugins, and he always responds quickly... VOUCH!)

Time for my review:
I have been using this plugin for a couple of years now. When I first started using it I found a few things a little tricky. I have to admit the documentation on it seems a bit scattered. That may be the fault of passed devs, Im really not sure. But i do know that Robo is very busy. I myself feel like I know basically everything I need to know about this plugin. But for future users and newbies, in my opinion I feel the documentation/wiki needs to be updated a bit to reflect how the plugin currently works.

That aside. I freaking love this plugin. I honestly cant imagine a survival server without it.
Ive seen many servers rules "You are not allowed to grief"... I have a firm belief that why put a rule for something that you can just prevent? Well GP takes care of that.

From a player perspective its STUPID easy to use. The first time I played on a GP server (before I ever used it) I watched the video (as was instructed for me to do) and in that 3 minutes and 10 seconds, I learned everything I needed to know to keep my builds/inventories safe. it literally cant get any easier than this plugin.

When players complain its too hard to use or they cant figure it out, watch the damn video, its 3 minutes that will give you all the details.

I dunno what else to say, I love this plugin.
Author's response
Thanks for taking the time to writeup this review!

Version: 16.11.4
Have used this plugin for years and it has never let me down.
The plugin is updated in a timely with new mc versions.
Can't say much else except its a must have to any server that needs some land protection.
Author's response
Thanks for the positive review!

Version: 16.11.4
Very good plugin, works great. But, you can add some section or maybe permission/command for the accrued blocks per group. Like default: 1000 / VIP: 2000. The Addon dont work.
Author's response
Thanks! The addon GPAccruals should work; if there are issues, mention BillyGalbreath in the discussion thread

Version: 16.11.4
Please add "You are no longer in Pvp" message for players. This is an important missing.

Version: 16.11.4
Works really well for basic protections for players, however, when getting into player builds where players share villagers, the only way for players to do so requires them to make sub-claims around the villagers and make sure there are no chests above or below those villagers. This really limits builds for player shops on SMP style servers. The only way to prevent this is to completely unprotect villager trades, which creates its own separate problems.
Points for how good it protects, but lack of flexibility in what's protected with what permissions lowers my opinion of it.
Author's response
"Flexibility" can be augmented via the API with addons. There's already a ton of people complaining about the already-existing feature creep in GP.

If you want to know more about the design philosophy of GP please ask instead of assuming with a review...

Version: 16.11.2
Works, but RestoreNature, RestoreNatureAggressive and RestoreNatureFill is still not working and is causing server to lagg and crash. Why does it even exist, get rid of it!

For everyone who is upgrading from 16.9, just replace the .jar file with new one.
Author's response
Yea I hear you, restorenature needs constant maintenance as mojang adds new biomes and blocks, which is why this will be an addon's responsibility in version 20. If you can report any stacktraces to the github issue tracker so we can track down some of the hang issues that'd be appreciated!

Version: 16.9
Love the plugin as always and am VERY happy to see that it is still being maintained for the latest builds of spigot as well as moving forward to 1.13 in a shockingly timely fashion. Sadly forced to give it only 3 stars due to it having a bug that duplicates items via minecrafts give command and the give command in command block which results in a serious issue for me.
If fixed I would be happy to next version higher star rating assuming no other issues are found. :D
Author's response
Nobody's forced to limit the stars they give, but anyways, your issue that you reported 5 minutes before you made this review cannot be reproduced. So much for proper issue reports that involve communication...

Version: 16.9
Good plugin!

I don;t get it why aren't flags in this plugin included. but k.

I want to warn others test nature restoration feature on local first.
Glad I tested, it because causes server to lagg and it is not even doing anything

Version: 16.9
The code may be awful, it may lack events, it may not use packages ... at all??? but it works!
Author's response
The only way to make a successful bukkit plugin!!1! Secret plugin success course coming soon

Version: 16.9
sadly some devs are dropping the support to fast for 1.12.x just cuz 1.13 in on the edge.. If people like me want to stay on 1.12 we need to use outdated versions.. 2 stats due 1.12 drop support
Author's response
Hmm, maybe you could've asked about 1.12 support in the discussion thread instead? 16.8 is 100% compatible with 1.12.

Version: 16.8
Sadly, i dont like this plugin :(
Why? Because of the following reasons:

First: Its not plug and play --> Players can't just type ./claim and claim a chunk for a certain amount of points

Second: Its pretty damn hard to configure.. And why the **** do players need to place a chest? Maybe u can add a special block (White Concrete with a special name?) If players place that special block they have one chunk claimed.. AND /claim borders that shows the borders of a claim with particles..

Third: One nice thing though is that 1.13.1 and 1.13 support is there. Much plugins are broken in 1.13.(1) and this one is'nt

Now if u can fix all this things i'll give 5 stars! ;-)
Author's response
Wish your review wasn't a threat to add features... and knowing how most of these "I'll rate 5 stars after 'fixing' whatever," it probably won't (and hasn't) happened...

1) they can type /claim, maybe you should've asked in discussion thread? Also it automatically informs players anyways.
2) When players have enough resources for a chest, they likely have stuff worthy of being protected. Concrete doesn't make a lot of sense..? (And is a relatively new block, this plugin is nearly 7 years old.)
3) Particles are planned, check or suggest on issue tracker...

Again, feature requests and questions belong in the thread, since you obviously can't reply to my review response

Version: 16.8
best version ever, works fine on 1.13.1.

is it possible to make an gui for grievprevention with a major update or generelly put gui functions on it? would be great :) If not, it will also be an awesome plugin. thank you for bringing me this to prevent grief :3
Author's response
Sounds like a great idea for an addon, since most MC "GUI"s require a bit of work to maintain without issues.

Version: 16.8
No "how-to" at all, players don't know and I don't know how tu use this plugin (how to create a protection?!) - no tutorial at all...
Author's response
Reviews are not for support.
There are definitely builtin howto's that appear when you join and as you build outside a claim.

Version: 16.8
Also works Beautiful on 1.13. Thx for you and your Team for this cool and great work. :) You should add this Version to your Discription. :D
Author's response

It does work on 1.13 yes, but not without some issues. Will add that to the "tested versions" as soon as it's tested, which will probably be sometime after spigot has an official "release" build of 1.13 as well c:

Version: 16.8
please add color codes & in mensages.yml, every time I edit the file it returns to the original.

please release so you can add other variables in other messages. Ex. You've purchased {1} x Protection Blocks For {0} $ variables: 0: total cost; 1: adjustment
Author's response
Color codes do work, but if you haven't enforced utf-8 mode via a java arg, you'll have to use the escape code for the section symbol instead. Ask in discussion, can't recall what it is offhand.

Version: 16.8
Great Plugin, The is an Issue with claiming land in 1.13 however I'm not disabling the plugin for world guard, if you can make it so that they can both work then that would be awesome thanks

Version: 16.8
Great plugin! But one thing that happens with my 1.13 survival server is that when there is redstone in the claim, the first corner works, but when the second corner is clicked and chosen, nothing appears in chat and also there is an error in console. I would still choose this over ANY grief plugin out there.
Author's response
Turn off worldguard integration in config (something like worldguardrequiresbuild or something)

Version: 16.8
Such a good plugin!

I don't even know if this is possible, but if you could make it so only you can push your pets that would be awesome. Right now it seems it you can push pets off cliffs or in to traps.
Author's response
Not sure if possible since the server does this as part of its collision checks, and I don't think there's an event for this. What situations would people leave their pets in open areas so easy to steal from?

Version: 16.8
Great plugin but still I wish to see an update for 1.13. And yes, you say it is 1.13 competable. I'm also already using it on my server which is 1.13 but I do recieve errors in the console when a player creates a claim. Also, I created my custom permissions plugin and I don't seem to be able to add the permissions for GriefPrevention. But other than that, good plugin.
Author's response
Errors are not game-breaking but do require a 1.13 build (and WorldGuard update since they hard-broke the class we're using in their v7 update). Update is on the way and bugs are being tracked in the issue tracker. Thanks for the review!

Version: 16.8
Hi, is there anyway for this plugin to work on modpacks? I have a gun modpack but the plugin doesn't protect players or mobs within the claim from bullets.
Author's response
Unfortunately if the mod does not talk to Bukkit (i.e. doesn't fire Bukkit events), there is nothing GP can do to stop mods from doing whatever they want.

Version: 16.8
the plugin is great, I recommend it a lot. but I would like to know when it will update for 1.13
Author's response
It's already 1.13-ready

Version: 16.8
I really like this plugin, it is simple and user friendly both for admins and players.

Version: 16.8
Awesome plugin! Just one question, is there a placeholder so that i can display the amount of claimblocks in the scoreboard?
Author's response
Placeholders are done in another plugin. Idk if it's in the placeholders plugin itself or some other addon. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Version: 16.8
good plugin, the best and most complete. If you could add that there was an option to be able to save schematics from the claimed regions it would be fine, so with the reboots of the worlds, the players would lose nothing. A command for once the world is restarted, those claims are regenerated. / adminregenschems for example
Author's response
That sounds like a neat feature, perfect for an addon!

Version: 16.8
i've looked a number of anti-grief plugins, this is by far the best especially with the ingame help. Thank you RoboMWM for continuing to maintain and improve.

I agree with Grandof below, on the "separated players list (just a list of all players who are separated) and a softmuted players list (list of softmuted players)"

also, i would like to see some more resolution on the "repeat messages" being muted, it seems to happen a lot. or at least to notify the poster that their messages are being muted.

Thanks again!

Version: 16.8
Easily the best anti-grief plugin. Only thing I wish is that there was a separated players list (just a list of all players who are separated) and a softmuted players list (list of softmuted players) that's all. Again such a great plugin very happy using it!
Author's response
Yea, the softmute feature was hacked on by Big_Scary so he wouldn't have to worry about altering the database it seems. That, or so he didn't have to load PlayerData for ignored players. Not really sure which, but yea. Definitely looking into how to do this properly for version 20, though it'll likely be in an addon.

Version: 16.8
Based on the current version of this plugin I say 5 out of 5 stars for sure. I love the plugin and enjoy using it quite a bit. There are a few things I would love to see added to it to allow for players like me to have the protection but the ability to use it as a town creation plugin as well since towny is to difficult to use for basics.

See the discussion page for my recomendations for what I think should be added to make the plugin even that much better.
Author's response
Yea, GP, like other region protections, is designed to standalone/work as if it were the only region protection plugin. Addons are possible though to provide the desired compatibility you wish to achieve with other region protection plugins.

Version: 16.8
Best plugin ever! A must for servers! Takes all the hard work out of trying to figure out who did what..simply make sure players know to claim their property and it's done! I love it 5 stars
Author's response
thanks c:

Big_Scary is the one to thank though especially for the "educating players how to claim" part. Definitely IMO one of the key features that many other plugins don't do.

Version: 16.8
Ottimo, semplice , basta fare /claim per avere una piccola parte di area protetta da click degli altri giocatori lo uso sul mio server survival

Version: 16.8
Works great, haven't had any problems with it. Good work man

My favorite feature is that you cannot spread-grief.
Author's response
Thank you!

Version: 16.8
Forget towny this is the way to go, extremely configurable, but works straight out of the box, the dev is active and helpful. 100% SuperAwesome
Author's response

Version: 16.8
Excellent plugin. Easy to use for players and admins, But.. It mis a few(2) little things.(My opinion) See the [Suggestion]. And as side note. That thing where i was talking about to you. Is fixed. It was a small mistake for me. Sorry for wasting you'r time ._.

Version: 16.8
This is a great antigrief plugin! Our server is a grief free survival server and this plugin works so well and prevents players from being griefed. Thank you RoboMWM!

Come try this plugin out at

Version: 16.8
Greatest protection plugin ever! .
Author's response
Wow thank u, kind popular dinosaur, pls continue ur work of freeing simple plugins from the wrath of paywalls!

Reviews are not for questions or feature requests - especially since you can't respond to my review response! Please consider using the discussion thread instead:

- The first chest claim can be disabled.
- There is a creative claim mode for creative worlds, which is automatically enabled.
- Siege mode is disabled by default in all worlds. You're actively enabling it.
- There are in fact limitations in creative mode for mobs (and other entities as well!)

Version: 16.8
thanks for another update of this awesome plugin! im using it without problems on 1.12.2 <3
Author's response
Good to hear!

Version: 16.7.1
Love this Plugin! It works really well! One thing that would make it even better is the ability to claim and Subclaim in 3 Dimensions, like if you have a base or apartment and want to give people trust but not all the way from y:0-256 blocks just maybe y:100-110 and another from y:111-121. It would also be useful if an admin makes a road, and wants to allow players to build under it and above it. Please add this to 1.7.10 and to the latest version of Minecraft, and other versions as well so the Modded Community and Vanilla Community can benefit from this extra feature!
Author's response
Thanks for the review!
Addons can make this possible, and will be the recommended way to do so going forward

Version: 16.7.1
Excellent! I want to use this on my zombies base-building claim server but want to give players the ability to steal from chests. Is this possible? I just want bases to be protected and have anti-grief but allow raiding.
Author's response
Yes, disable the anti theft protection in the config.

Version: 16.7.1
Very good plugin! dont listen to the person below me, he doesnt know how to look in a config and disable smart ban, since that is something you can do xD. keep up the great work :D
Author's response
Thank you!

Yea, I wish people would use the discussion or issue tracker for suggestions, as well as monitoring upcoming changes instead of just venting here so something can be done but yea, life.

Version: 16.7.1
This plugin is great, it really is, but it got tons of unnecessary features as well that has caused problems on my server. The most dumb ass shit feature is SmartBan, and i didn't figure out it was actually GriefPrevention banning innocent players randomly, until today. I usually try to look for a setting for a feature i'm trying to disable, but I seriously can't find it, because there's too much.

Version: 16.7.1
I love this plugin but like MaxIstderBoss asked, is there a player based command to turn pvp on/off on your claim?
Author's response
Via addons, yes. GP flags can do this, as well as my (unreleased) addon, DisablePvP

Version: 16.7.1
Hey can you add a command where you can turn PvP on or off on your claim?

The plugin is really good.
sorry for my bad English
Author's response
Possible in addons; GP Flags has this. I also have my own addon that does this, though I haven't released on spigot (it's in the same github org as this plugin if you're looking for mine.)

Version: 16.7.1
Awesome plugin, I wish I could turn gold blocks into claim blocks, though. a command to turn a gold block into 100 claimblocks or something would be neat. Currently, I use custom recipes, and you can craft a gold block into an item that gives 200 claimblocks when you click it, and players love it, wish it was a regular feature though.
Author's response
Possible in an addon. Wish the lack of an extraneous feature (especially since another review mentions that GP has "too much") wasn't worth an entire star :c

Version: 16.7.1
Excellent plugin. But i have a problem, when i use a colored sign, console says: GRief prevention, colored sign at @etc.. And color not working. how can i fix that? Nice plugin -w-
Author's response
See the red text on overview page. Also, GP doesn't modify signs, just logs them.

Version: 16.7.1
awesome pugin!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Author's response
Re: your message in IRC: Btw, I don't maintain any of Big_Scary's premium plugins. He left a message as well as made them open source, so they're still available but are maintained by other people.

Version: 16.7.1
I love this plugin but I do have a question
I downloaded loads of version but it won't work
Can you please tell me what version to download?
I am using ViaVersion and my server version is 1.8.8
Author's response
You should consider updating spigot and using ProtocolSupport instead of ViaVersion. But if you insist on 1.8.8, I think this was the last version for it:

Version: 16.7.1
This is a great plugin. I have been using this plugin for over a year on my current server, and used it for about 2 years before my current server on a few misc. servers that I ran. Occasionally bugs do appear, but they are quickly fixed. Can't wait to see what new features are added in future versions.

Version: 16.7.1
Great plugin, for any server really! I have been using this for a long time! Any survival server that isn't using this.... I'm not sure why you wouldn't!
The dev can be a little saucy in his responses, but he is also VERY helpful at fixing things when they are broken!
Have a suggestion/problem? Pop it on their GitHub page and he will get back to you fairly promptly!
Very configurable!
My only problem is the config does not include notes along with the settings.... MOST of the settings info is on their outdated bukkit page, which does not include notes for some of the newer things added to the config in the recent updates!
For some things you may have to do a little googling to figure out what it means... Ie "unused claim days" ... I literally had a different understanding of this until I read another websites breakdown on unused claims. Really clarified it for me since I can NOT seem to find it anywhere on GP's documentation!
Author's response
Yea, Bukkit's API will delete any comments made in the config. Documentation will be much better when version 20 comes around - otherwise feel free to edit the wiki on github with new stuff you find.

Version: 16.7.1
All players claims just deleted for no reason ! .

Version: 16.7.1
I am not rating this plugin badly because it is bad, the reason is because the other doesn't care until you give him 1 stars, I posted my problem in the disccussion! please help!

Version: 16.7.1
i have a problem in which players can worldedit stuff into claims. otherwise, great plugin!
Author's response
GriefPrevention plays by the rules of the API. WorldEdit alone does not use the bukkit API when editing the world. Consider using an addon that prevents worldediting in unowned claims, or an addon to WorldEdit like FastAsyncWorldEdit which has compatibility with many region claim protection plugins.

Version: 16.7.1
Great plugin, rather annoying to hook into. I created an API took hook into the plugin
Author's response
Well yes, it's not very well documented, but the source code is available and does contain comments.

Idk where the source for your "hook" is but I'm assuming it's just calling methods buried in GP's monstrous main class. Also, not too sure if people want to install another addon to use an addon, if that makes sense lol.

Also, keep in mind that version 20 will contain quite a bit of refactoring, and will come with documentation as well.

Version: 16.7.1
Awesome but you should add the ability to fly in claimed land. as a true, false and a permission node in the config.And can't place blocks outside of claims without /ic. But your plugin is still awesome

Version: 16.7.1
Really great! RoboMWM promptly was able to assist me! Thank you! Love the plugin & I do highly recommend it for any server! :)
Author's response
Thanks for the review! Glad this isn't another request for support.

For those of you who do have questions or want help - I can't provide support in reviews because you cannot reply to review responses. Consider asking in the discussion section instead!

And in case you did make a review already, note that you can delete your review :)

Version: 16.7.1
I need your help!
This is the error

[19:19:47 ERROR]: Could not pass event PlayerInteractEvent to GriefPrevention v16.7.1
at$1.execute( ~[Hauswelt-Gruen.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( ~[Hauswelt-Gruen.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.fireEvent( [Hauswelt-Gruen.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( [Hauswelt-Gruen.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.event.CraftEventFactory.callPlayerInteractEvent( [Hauswelt-Gruen.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerInteractManager.interact( [Hauswelt-Gruen.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnection.a( [Hauswelt-Gruen.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PacketPlayInBlockPlace.a( [Hauswelt-Gruen.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PacketPlayInBlockPlace.a( [Hauswelt-Gruen.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnectionUtils$ [Hauswelt-Gruen.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ Source) [?:1.8.0_131]
at Source) [?:1.8.0_131]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.SystemUtils.a(SourceFile:44) [Hauswelt-Gruen.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.B( [Hauswelt-Gruen.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.DedicatedServer.B( [Hauswelt-Gruen.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.A( [Hauswelt-Gruen.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at [Hauswelt-Gruen.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at Source) [?:1.8.0_131]
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent.getHand()Lorg/bukkit/inventory/EquipmentSlot;
at me.ryanhamshire.GriefPrevention.PlayerEventHandler.onPlayerInteract( ~[?:?]
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_131]
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_131]
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_131]
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_131]
at$1.execute( ~[Hauswelt-Gruen.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
... 17 more
[19:19:47 ERROR]: Could not pass event BlockPlaceEvent to GriefPrevention v16.7.1
at$1.execute( ~[Hauswelt-Gruen.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( ~[Hauswelt-Gruen.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.fireEvent( [Hauswelt-Gruen.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( [Hauswelt-Gruen.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.event.CraftEventFactory.callBlockPlaceEvent( [Hauswelt-Gruen.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.ItemStack.placeItem( [Hauswelt-Gruen.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerInteractManager.interact( [Hauswelt-Gruen.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnection.a( [Hauswelt-Gruen.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PacketPlayInBlockPlace.a( [Hauswelt-Gruen.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PacketPlayInBlockPlace.a( [Hauswelt-Gruen.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnectionUtils$ [Hauswelt-Gruen.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ Source) [?:1.8.0_131]
at Source) [?:1.8.0_131]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.SystemUtils.a(SourceFile:44) [Hauswelt-Gruen.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.B( [Hauswelt-Gruen.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.DedicatedServer.B( [Hauswelt-Gruen.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.A( [Hauswelt-Gruen.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at [Hauswelt-Gruen.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at Source) [?:1.8.0_131]
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: BEETROOT_BLOCK
at me.ryanhamshire.GriefPrevention.Claim.<init>( ~[?:?]
at me.ryanhamshire.GriefPrevention.DataStore.createClaim( ~[?:?]
at me.ryanhamshire.GriefPrevention.BlockEventHandler.onBlockPlace( ~[?:?]
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_131]
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_131]
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_131]
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_131]
at$1.execute( ~[Hauswelt-Gruen.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
... 18 more

Version: 16.7.1
This plugin is a fantastic solution to griefing on a server, much easier to use out of the box than many other well-known plugins, I appreciate all the work put into this plugin and plan to continue using it for a long time.
Author's response
Thank you, it may not seem like much but it is relieving to see a simple 5-star review amongst the simple 1-star support requests. c:

Version: 16.7.1
Worked great with 1.11, however, when I updated to 1.12..
You could not create claims. Not even with /claim! Please fix this major bugs.
Author's response
Because you didn't read your server log and discover that you need to update worldguard.

Version: 16.7.1
The only thing I'm missing is non-square auto claims, and the ability to turn a worldedit selection into a claim. Because rectangles and "circular sets of squares" are a thing in minecraft :D

Works amazingly well otherwise! But, if you didn't know that already, Welcome to the world of Minecraft and Spigot plugins! :O

Version: 16.7.1
really great plugin, however i am not sure if its something i have done but i cant stop creepers from griefing below the surface. Is there a way to stop creeper explosions bellow ground?
Author's response
Yes - idea was to avoid creepers from cluttering the surface terrain (but caves, pretty sure most don't care for holes in there). There should be an option to deny regardless - or you could set the sea level to 0.

Version: 16.7.1
I did a lot of research including worldguard, towny, residence, plotme, plotsquared, and griefprevention. All of them require too much work for the administrators or doesn't offer the freedom of claiming land outside of a 'town'. A lot of my members like to play in secluded areas. They immediately took to using the claiming tools and love that it doesn't require a ton of commands. Works on 1.12 for us.

Version: 16.7.1
This Plugin is Great. . Good job. Nice.Can you help me?. Can you help me? Please. Does it work properly in 1.10?

Version: 16.7.1
This plugin is great. I am running a server where people can buy houses and build on them. BUT I HAVE A PROBLEM - I installed WorldGuard to protect things people haven't claimed (spawn etc), but now people cannot build on their houses that they HAVE claimed! How do I fix?

Version: 16.7.1
1.12 tested works just fine love this plugin btw 100-------------------------------------------------

Version: 16.6
It's a good plugin to let player claim their land. Good use expreience. But I feel big scary after viewing the source code for some api. I hope the refactor will make codes look better :D

Version: 16.6
This plugin is by far the easiest plugin to use and understand for the players and staff. With this plugin I was able to take out Prism since our new rule is if you don't claim it, don't blame it. The commands are extremely easy to use, and buying/selling claim blocks is simple. The only thing I wish it had (it's not a land management plugin) is an add on land management plugin to /auction or /sell a claim. This author does fantastic work though.
Author's response
Perhaps you could post a request in the recruiting section for someone to make such an addon. Thanks for the review!

Version: 16.6
Great Plugin, please add a command to ban a player from the owned claim c:
Author's response
Should be possible in GP flags addon, as well as any other addon that wishes to implement this.

Version: 16.6
very good plugin! :)
keep up the good work dude!
btw is there a link of the latest api?
I need to for my custom plugin :D

Version: 16.6
I got a problem. I used 4 hours translating the messages file, but whenever i try to switch it to the translatet one, it switches back to english. How do i fix this without feeling i wasted my time?

Version: 16.6
Good plugins. But i have idea, set as entering players area so they know it's just claimed or not. .
Author's response
Already possible in the GP flags plugin and any other addon that wishes to hook into GP.

Version: 16.6
Great plugin !
But how i can enable buying and selling claim blocks ?
I looking in config.yml but i can't find that please help <3
Author's response
It's in the config. See the documentation for more information.

You can also get more help if you ask in discussion.

Version: 16.6
Hey guy, actually there a bug with the 1.11.2 in that poision potions can make damage on claims D: i hope that you fix this soon. :)
Author's response
Yea, potions are tricky to deal with. This is smack dab on the radar for the next major version release.

Version: 16.5.1
AMAZING plugin.
Some other reviewers below (one that rhymes with "bad" specifically) are just plain wrong.

Version: 16.5.1
Really nice plugin! I love this plugin! Is really helpful plugin for survival servers and other different kind servers.

Version: 16.5.1
Overall a great plugin, has been working great as long as I remember, few bugs here and there but the dev has always tried to help resolve said issues, hope to see more come along soon but even if theres nothing added and its just kept up to date with spigot releases, it's still a great plugin. Thank you for being awesome Robo and (if you ever check this) thank you as well Big_Scarry.

Version: 16.5.1
gr8 plugin m8 i r8 8/8 .

Version: 16.5.1
a+ remake, just requires some config.yml tweaks and you're set c: works on latest spigot and paper!!

Version: 16.5.1
Developer used to be a nice guy. Until he see's your resource and makes a bad review. When the plugin does exactly what it states and nothing else. This plugin is since 1.10 has been extremely buggy and spams console with errors. I highly suggest finding another block protection plugin.

Version: 16.5
I don't generally review stuff, but I thought I'd throw a 5 star here because this plugin is simply outstanding. It does exactly what it advertises. And to add on to the previous reviewer... I don't really care if updates are once every 12 months, if that's all that's required... There was no need to update, because it worked before...and it still works.

Thanks for the great plugin!

Version: 16.5
Finally nearly 2 months later and an update. So much has change but really inconstant updates. Seriously... Disappointing.
Author's response
Why would a relatively stable plugin need to be updated so much?

Also, no, not a lot has changed.

Version: 16.4 for 1.11 servers
Great plugin for my survival server, i use it with coreprotect just in case someone doesn't protect his stuff. Saves a lot of time i'd have to waste with core protect to rollback players i would've banned. With this plugin there's nowhere near as much bans for grief. More importantly, no need to waste time to rollback, it just rarely happens.

This plugin has many options and i like that players can set up towns, as i wanted something like towny but not as complicated. This is better then towny as it is simple and any player can protect his claim.

Configuration is great, so many options and you can configure everything to your liking.

I guess i'll stop here, i can write much more about how great this plugin is and why you should use it, just wanted to give a simple review.

Version: 16.4 for 1.11 servers
Wow gg Grief Prevention I have now had around 3 people grief my spawn because of this is there anyway to admin claim properly because none of mine stop grief? Please tell me/explain how to claim because I watched all the videos and I still get griefed please help if you can. I just giving this a 1 because I have to use core protect instead its a lot simpler and better.
Author's response
It is impossible to use reviews for support, as you cannot respond to my response. Please use the support options above as indicated in the plugin overview.

Version: 16.4 for 1.11 servers
Great plugin. I couldn't run my server as easily without this plugin. Great for stopping issues. Also works as a good land management plugin (even though that is not the intention)

Version: 16.4 for 1.11 servers
I like this plugin a lot. Use on all servers, thank you for keeping this up to date all the time keeps my server functioning

Version: 16.4 for 1.11 servers
Could not pass event PlayerInteractEvent to GriefPrevention v16.4
at$1.execute( ~[spigot-latest.jar:git-Spigot-1
at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( ~[spigot-latest.jar:git-Spigot-16c
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.fireEvent( [spigot-latest.jar:git-Spigot-1
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( [spigot-latest.jar:git-Spigot-1
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_11_R1.event.CraftEventFactory.callPlayerInteractEvent( [
at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.PlayerInteractManager.a( [spigot-latest.jar:git-
at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.PlayerConnection.a( [spigot-latest.jar:git-Spigot-16c
at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.PacketPlayInUseItem.a( [spigot-latest.jar:git-Spigo
at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.PacketPlayInUseItem.a( [spigot-latest.jar:git-Spigot
at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.PlayerConnectionUtils$ [spigot-latest.jar:git-Spigot-16c940
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ Source) [?:1.8.0_112]
at Source) [?:1.8.0_112]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.SystemUtils.a(SourceFile:46) [spigot-latest.jar:git-Spigot-16c940b-0805f60]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.MinecraftServer.D( [spigot-latest.jar:git-Spigot-16c94
at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.DedicatedServer.D( [spigot-latest.jar:git-Spigot-16c94
at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.MinecraftServer.C( [spigot-latest.jar:git-Spigot-16c94
at [spigot-latest.jar:git-Spigot-16c
at Source) [?:1.8.0_112]
Author's response
Please, do not ask for support in reviews, there is no way to facilitate discussion in the reviews section as you cannot respond to my response. Put this in the discussion thread or on the issue tracker.

And when you do that, you'll need to paste the full stacktrace (include the "caused by")

Version: 16.2
My server just can't function without this plugin. So much friendlier than WorldGuard for the typical user, less of a learning curve than WG and Towny.

Version: 15.3.1
I have a few things I don't know how to do,
First, [18:55:35 ERROR]: [GriefPrevention] Please update your server mod (Craftbukkit/Spigot/Paper/etc.), as mentioned in the update notes.
[18:55:35 ERROR]: [GriefPrevention] Nether portal trap rescues will not function and you will receive a nice stack trace every time a player uses a nether portal.
[18:55:35 ERROR]: [GriefPrevention] So yea, read the bold update notes and update Craftbukkit/Spigot/Paper, thanks.
It also wont give players claim block per hour, I haven't touched it in config.
Then lastly, it there a way to give a player claim blocks?
Author's response
As mentioned on the plugin page, please use the discussions tab for help, as it is not possible for you to respond to my response of a review...

Version: 15.3.1
Awesome protection plugin. Much easier and better than Towny and constantly updated! New Dev RoboMWM is doing a great service to the MC community!

Version: 15.3.1
This Plugin Is Awesome !

But Pls Add a option wen players abandon thir claims the terrain will Reset.

Thats All :) Thank you for your Awesome Plugin.
Author's response
Already in config.

Version: 15.2.3
I love this plugin, and it works perfectly on Minecraft 1.10!
But I have a problem: I can´t edit the messages.yml file! I wanted to translate the most important messages into german, but after editing and restarting my server, the file turns back into his first configuration.
Yes, I made a backup and yes, I used Notepad++. Am I doing anything wrong?
Author's response
1) not a GP problem (sounds like your YAML is invalid, Notepad++ is not a YAML validator)
2) don't use reviews for support...
3) Works great, but warrants 4 stars for an issue that has been reported and resolved by others in discussion before?

Please use the discussions tab or issue tracker for help. Not reviews, as you'll see that you cannot respond to my reply here.

Version: 15.2.3
What is there to say about this plugin? It's brilliant! Switched from WorldGuard to GriefPrevention to allow my players a chance to manage their own claims without risk of using incorrect commands or making mistakes and everyone has taken to it immediately! Intuitive system both in-game and in the config files! Good work!

Version: 15.2.3
Wowowo, Just WOW, Good Plugin. Its Works Well and has many different options of configure the plugin!

Version: 15.2.3
Good plugin I just started useing it on my server and it works grate yet it seems players on my 1.9.4 server get stuck on slabs pleas fix it P:
Author's response
1) not a GP problem (sounds like NCP)
2) don't use reviews for support...
3) Works great, but warrants 4 stars for an issue that hasn't been reported before?

Version: 15.2.1 for 1.10+ Servers
Sure there are plenty of Grief Prevention plugins out there, but none match the reliability of Big_Scary's Grief Prevention plugin. So even if Grief Prevention is missing a feature you need at least you know it will never break on you! :)
Author's response
Which feature is missing?

Version: 15.2.1 for 1.10+ Servers
Really good plugin. It works very well and has many different options to configure the plugin to your liking.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 416,271
First Release: Nov 17, 2014
Last Update: Jun 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
621 ratings
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