GParticles icon

GParticles -----

An awesome cosmetics plugin with particles, trails and gadgets ! [1.7-latest]

Added :
  • (GCore) Support for 1.21 and 1.20.6. - this is a first version

That's it! Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin.
Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work ! :D

To get support, report bugs or suggest features :
----------, Jul 10, 2024

Fixed :
  • (GCore) Quick update to 1.20.4. - feel free to send me a reminder of your ticket in Discord to help me prioritize as I am quite behind for bugs reports
  • (GCore) #3100 Potential fix for an issue with building skulls in recent paper versions.

That's it! Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin.
Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work ! :D

To get support, report bugs or suggest features :
----------, Apr 8, 2024

Added :
  • (GCore) Support for 1.20.2.

Improved :
  • (GCore) Migrated the repository to gradle. - Some dependencies might be temporarily affected by this change due to outdated jar files, please report it on Discord

That's it! Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin.
Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work ! :D

To get support, report bugs or suggest features :
----------, Oct 10, 2023

Fixed :
  • (GCore) #3066 An issue preventing GUI items to update properly in some cases.
  • (GCore) #3081 Added missing 1.20 materials.
  • (GCore) #3086 An error occurring when importing head items in the editor GUI.

That's it! Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin.
Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work ! :D

To get support, report bugs or suggest features :
----------, Aug 29, 2023

Fixed :
  • (GCore) Some users reported issues with the protocol GUIs not opening, which is most likely due to ProtocolLib not being stable for 1.20 yet. - A temporary fix is to set "allow_protocol_guis: false" in GCore/config.yml
  • (GCore) An error with item NBT tag checking in 1.20.

That's it! Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin.
Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work ! :D

To get support, report bugs or suggest features :
----------, Aug 17, 2023

Added :
  • (GCore) Updated to 1.20.1.
  • (GCore) The "{logic:<logic>,<value_if_match>,<value_if_no_match>}" placeholder, to use a different value depending on a logic string.

Fixed :
  • (GCore) #2984,#3042,#3055 NPC packets wouldn't work properly for 1.19.3+.

That's it! Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin.
Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work ! :D

To get support, report bugs or suggest features :
----------, Aug 12, 2023

Added :
  • (GCore) Support for 1.19.4.

Improved :
  • (GCore) Updated zh_TW and zh_CN translation. Thanks to Krick!

Fixed :
  • (GCore) An issue preventing the plugin to start on legacy servers.

That's it! Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin.
Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work ! :D

To get support, report bugs or suggest features :
----------, Mar 20, 2023

Added :
  • (GCore) Support for 1.19.3.
  • Commands to enable/clear particles and trails, as well as to activate gadgets.
  • Config option "trail_blocks_blacklist" to customize which blocks the plugin can't transform into trail blocks.

Fixed :
  • (GCore) #2964,#2991,#3012 Data boards loading too fast for connected users (such as when using plugins' reload commands) would sometimes cause data losses when multiple boards were connected (in this case, QuestCreator quests losses).
  • #2957 Trails were replacing ladders, making it impossible to climb them with a trail enabled.

That's it! Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin.
Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work ! :D

To get support, report bugs or suggest features :
----------, Mar 14, 2023

Added :
  • (GCore) #2769 Placeholder "{player_displayname}".
  • (GCore) #2842 Option "dont_fetch_player_profiles: false" in GCore/config.yml to disable fetching of player profiles (mainly for head items"). - see
Improved :
  • (GCore) Updated zh_TW translation (by Krick).
That's it! Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin.
Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work ! :D

To get support, report bugs or suggest features :
----------, Dec 11, 2022

Fixed :
  • (GCore) #2846 Bossbars wouldn't display hex color codes under some circumstances for newly created bossbars.

That's it! Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin.
Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work ! :D

To get support, report bugs or suggest features :
----------, Sep 26, 2022

Added :
  • (GCore) #2682 Setting "number_formatting_separate_thousands_start_at: 1000" in config.yml, to customize when the separation starts to take place.

Fixed :
  • (GCore) #2823 JSON messages wouldn't work properly in 1.19.2.

That's it! Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin.
Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work ! :D

To get support, report bugs or suggest features :
----------, Aug 15, 2022

Added :
Improved :
  • Completely recoded the plugin for improved performance and maintainability. There are now many new features, particles and trails customization, a GUI system, more configuration options, etc. - some of the new (default) particles are not exactly the same, you will probably have to adapt a few permissions and such

Fixed :
  • (GCore) #2773 Added forgotten GCore material "STRIPPED_MANGROVE_LOG".
  • (GCore) #2790 Some issues with GCore NPCs and 1.19.

That's it! Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin.
Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work ! :D

To get support, report bugs or suggest features :
----------, Aug 5, 2022

Added :
  • (GCoreLegacy) Experimental support for 1.19.

That's it! Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin.
Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work ! :D

To get support, report bugs or suggest features :
----------, Jun 21, 2022

Added :
  • (GCoreLegacy) Support for 1.18.2.

That's it! Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin.
Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work ! :D

To get support, report bugs or suggest features :
----------, Mar 15, 2022

Fixed :
  • (GCoreLegacy) #2425 Some issues with GCoreLegacy NPCs in 1.18.

That's it! Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin.
Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work ! :D

To get support, report bugs or suggest features :
----------, Jan 4, 2022

Added :
  • (GCoreLegacy) Experimental support for 1.18. - make sure to report any issue through a ticket on my Discord server!

That's it! Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin.
Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work ! :D

To get support, report bugs or suggest features :
----------, Dec 5, 2021

Please make sure to backup before updating to this version. Not every feature was re-tested using 1.17 !

Added :
  • (GCoreLegacy) Support for 1.17. - feel free to report any missing material, sound, or issues with NMS behavior

That's it! Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin.
Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work ! :D

To get support, report bugs or suggest features :
----------, Jun 29, 2021

Fixed :
  • (GCoreLegacy) #1262 Now shutting down PlaceholderAPI integration silently.
  • #1397 Some blocks in 1.13+ versions wouldn't be replaced correctly after trail expired.

That's it! Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin.
Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work ! :D

To get support, report bugs or suggest features :
----------, Mar 27, 2021

Bug report and suggestions is now exclusively on Discord !

Added :
  • (GCoreLegacy) Support for 1.16.5.

Fixed :
  • (GCoreLegacy) A PlaceholderAPI-related error occuring on disable.

That's it! Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin.
Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work ! :D

To get support, report bugs or suggest features :
----------, Jan 29, 2021

Bug report and suggestions is now exclusively on Discord !

Fixed :
  • (GCoreLegacy) #895 NBT compatibility with 1.16.3 and 1.16.4.

That's it! Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin.
Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work ! :D

To get support, report bugs or suggest features :
----------, Nov 19, 2020

Bug report and suggestions is now exclusively on Discord !

Added :
  • (GCoreLegacy) Support for 1.16.4.

That's it! Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin.
Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work ! :D

To get support, report bugs or suggest features :
----------, Nov 10, 2020

Fixed :
  • Discord#498 : Trails weren't working anymore.
  • Discord#498 : Mob dance gadget would remove item frames.
  • Discord#498 : Disco box and color gun gadgets would ignore empty blocks.
  • (GCoreLegacy) Renamed GCore.jar to GCoreLegacy.jar in the release file (it was actually GCoreLegacy but with the wrong name). - If you don't use QuestCreator, please remove that old GCore.jar file.
  • (GCoreLegacy) Disabled update notification for GCoreLegacy.

That's it! Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin.
Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work ! :D

You can get support on my Discord server :
For bug reports or feature suggestions :
----------, Sep 28, 2020

Fixed :
  • (GCore) Updated to latest PlaceholderAPI.

Misc :
  • (GCore) Now using GCoreLegacy, due to the release of QuestCreator v6. More info on the plugin thread. - Please remove the previous GCore.jar file. If you don't use QuestCreator, rename your GCore folder to GCoreLegacy. If you use QuestCreator, don't do it.

That's it! Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin.
Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work ! :D

You can get support on my Discord server :
For bug reports or feature suggestions :
----------, Sep 25, 2020

Please read this changelog, it might contain information about configuration or feature changes !

GCore v7.15.2 (y)

Fixed :
  • Updated to GCore 1.16.2 and 1.16.3.

That's it for now ! :coffee:

Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin.
Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work ! :D

I mainly provide support on my Discord server :
For bugs or feature suggestions, please create GitLab issues :
----------, Sep 16, 2020

Please read this changelog, it might contain information about configuration or feature changes !

GParticles v5.2.8 (y)

Fixed :
  • The color gun was filling air blocks too.

GCore v7.15.0 (y)

Added :
  • Option 'disable_items_override_warnings: true/false' to disable the item override warnings in console. (false by default).
Fixed :
  • A rounding problem with integers.

That's it for now ! :coffee:

Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin.
Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work ! :D

I mainly provide support on my Discord server :
For bugs or feature suggestions, please create GitLab issues :
----------, Jul 20, 2020

Please read this changelog, it might contain information about configuration or feature changes !

GParticles v5.2.7 (y)

Fixed :
  • An 1.7.10 compatibility problem with some trails.

GCore v7.14.5 (y)

Fixed :
  • A few 1.16 issues.
  • An item compatibility problem, preventing items to be recognized correctly.
  • An item comparaison problem, lore colors wouldn't be checked correctly in some cases.

That's it for now ! :coffee:

Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin.
Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work ! :D

I mainly provide support on my Discord server :
For bugs or feature suggestions, please create GitLab issues :
----------, Jul 12, 2020

Please read this changelog, it might contain information about configuration or feature changes !

GCore v7.15.0 (y)

Added :
  • Compatibility, materials, sounds and particles for 1.16.

That's it for now ! :coffee:

Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin.
Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work ! :D

I mainly provide support on my Discord server :
For bugs or feature suggestions, please create GitLab issues :
----------, Jul 5, 2020

Please read this changelog, it might contain information about configuration or feature changes !

GCore v7.14.4 (y)

Miscellaneous :
  • Minor bug fixes and changes required for other plugins.

That's it for now ! :coffee:

Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin.
Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work ! :D

I mainly provide support on my Discord server :
For bugs or feature suggestions, please create GitLab issues :
----------, Jun 24, 2020

Please read this changelog, it might contain information about configuration or feature changes !

GParticles v5.2.6 (y)

Fixed :
GCore v7.14.3 (y)

Fixed :
  • Internal changes for bugfixes in other plugins.
  • A bug with UltraBar.

That's it for now ! :coffee:

Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin.
Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work ! :D

I mainly provide support on my Discord server :
For bugs or feature suggestions, please create GitLab issues :
----------, May 14, 2020

Please read this changelog, it might contain information about configuration or feature changes !

GParticles v5.2.5 (y)

Fixed :
GCore v7.14.2 (y)

Improved :
  • The hungarian translation.
  • You can now specify "enchants" for an ENCHANTED_BOOK and they'll be stored instead of just applied like regular enchantments.
  • Updated to latest GCore version.

That's it for now ! :coffee:

Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin.
Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work ! :D

I mainly provide support on my Discord server :
For bugs or feature suggestions, please create GitLab issues :
----------, Apr 30, 2020

Please read this changelog, it might contain information about configuration or feature changes !

GParticles v5.2.4 (y)

Fixed :
GCore v7.14.1 (y)

Fixed :
  • Config wouldn't be loaded before checking some settings in some situations.
  • Miscellaneous bugs.
That's it for now ! :coffee:

Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin.
Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work ! :D

I mainly provide support on my Discord server :
For bugs or feature suggestions, please create GitLab issues :
----------, Apr 10, 2020

Please read this changelog, it might contain information about configuration or feature changes !

GParticles v5.2.3 (y)

Fixed :
GCore v7.14.0 (y)

Added :
  • A Korean translation, by 유아루.
Improved :
  • A complete Russian translation, by Arifjan !
  • Item durability checks should now be more consistent.

That's it for now ! :coffee:

Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin.
Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work ! :D

I mainly provide support on my Discord server :
For bugs or feature suggestions, please create GitLab issues :
----------, Mar 26, 2020

Please read this changelog, it might contain information about configuration or feature changes !

GCore v7.13.1 (y)

Improved :
  • 踢米米 improved the chinese translation !
Fixed :
  • A permission checking bug.
  • Bugs occuring sometimes when selecting a GUI item, made it slightly delayed for more consistency.

That's it for now ! :coffee:

Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin.
Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work ! :D

I mainly provide support on my Discord server :
For bugs or feature suggestions, please create GitLab issues :
----------, Mar 5, 2020

Please read this changelog, it might contain information about configuration or feature changes !

GParticles v5.2.2 (y)

Fixed :
  • (#4) Preventing the trail to appear on slab blocks.

GCore v7.13.0 (y)

Added :
  • (BG #39) Added an option to force economy operations (give/take) to round to a certain amount of decimals (add this in /GCore/config.yml file :
Fixed :
  • (QC #432) An error preventing MySQL data manager to initialize.
  • (SS #25) An incorrect metadata value for 1.15 versions of client-side NPCs.
  • NPC main hand/offhand items were switched in 1.14+.

That's it for now ! :coffee:

Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin.
Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work ! :D

I mainly provide support on my Discord server :
For bugs or feature suggestions, please create GitLab issues :
----------, Jan 26, 2020

Please read this changelog, it might contain information about configuration or feature changes !

GCore v7.12.0 (y)

Added :
  • Support for 1.15 client-side NPCs with ProtocolLib.
Fixed :
  • (SS #20) An exception occuring with GUIs.
That's it for now ! :coffee:

Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin.
Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work ! :D

I mainly provide support on my Discord server :
For bugs or feature suggestions, please create GitLab issues :
----------, Dec 19, 2019

Please read this changelog, it might contain information about configuration or feature changes !

Hi ! I changed the format of plugin updates :unsure:
  • Plugin downloads are now automatically packed in a .zip file, with the changelog.
  • The latest GCore version will always be included in the zip to make sure you're up to date with it. You can safely unsubscribe from GCore update notifications.
  • Version numbers were removed from the .jar files since it's already written in the zip name. It also makes updating faster because you can just drag and drop the replace previous versions.

GCore v7.11.0 (y)

Added :
  • Compatibility for spigot 1.15 (client-side NPCs are not yet available though).
Fixed :
  • (#420) Included the latest 1.15 bukkit configuration library, as some old spigot versions don't delete configuration sections properly (for instance in 1.8).
  • Added missing material LEATHER_HORSE_ARMOR.
  • (#409) Custom materials wouldn't be loaded from config even though custom mats were allowed.
  • A bug preventing GUI close to not be detected in some cases.

That's it for now ! :coffee:

Please consider leaving a constructive review to the plugin.
Make it a 5-star one if you're satisfied with the plugin and my work ! :D

I mainly provide support on my Discord server :
For bugs or feature suggestions, please create GitLab issues :
----------, Dec 11, 2019

Please read this changelog, it's important. It contains all the changes related to this plugin and also things you could have to do after updating. If there's a GCore update, you have to download it too.

I mainly provide support on my Discord server (the link is on the plugin page). Thanks for reporting bugs and suggesting features. Consider leaving a nice review to the plugin if you're satisfied with my work and dedication ! <3

For GParticles v5.2.1 :

Fixed :
  • Trails were sending block changes on stairs and signs, causing them to look weird when restored until reconnection.

For GCore v7.10.5 :

Fixed :
  • Fixed an invalid redstone material missing in legacy versions.
  • The editor reset button wasn't working in some cases.
----------, Oct 3, 2019

Please read this changelog, it's important. It contains all the changes related to this plugin and also things you could have to do after updating. If there's a GCore update, you have to download it too.

I mainly provide support on my Discord server (the link is on the plugin page). Thanks for reporting bugs and suggesting features. Consider leaving a nice review to the plugin if you're satisfied with my work and dedication ! <3

For GParticles v5.2.0 :

Added :
  • Options 'gui.hotbar_item' and 'gui.back_item' in config.yml.
  • (#2) Option '-random' for gadget/particle/trail commands, activates a random one (permissions are checked).

Fixed :
  • (#3) Some trail color variants (glass/clay/wood/podzol) weren't displayed correctly in 1.13+.
  • (#3) Some trails had incorrect blocks.
  • Color gun was spamming cooldown message.
  • (#3) Some particles color variants (spell/redstone) weren't displaying correctly in 1.13+.

For GCore v7.10.0 :

Added :
  • A PlaceholderAPI hook to access internal plugins statistics : %gcore_statistic_<statistic>%.

Fixed :
  • Added missing YELLOW_DYE material.
  • (BG #16) Now catching issues occurring when invalid item types are added in GUIs for more efficient debug.
----------, Aug 27, 2019

Please read this changelog, it's important. It contains all the changes related to this plugin and also things you could have to do after updating. If there's a GCore update, you have to download it too.

I mainly provide support on my Discord server (the link is on the plugin page). Thanks for reporting bugs and suggesting features. Consider leaving a nice review to the plugin if you're satisfied with my work and dedication ! <3

For GParticles v5.1.8 :

Improved :
  • Adapter to the newest GCore material changes.

For GCore v7.9.2 :

Improved :
  • Decreased data loading time for users.

Fixed :
  • (QC #238, QC #242) Some materials weren't recognized by GCore in legacy (< 1.13) versions, they should now all be fixed.
  • (QC #243) Quartz pillar blocks weren't recognized if placed horizontally.
  • Signs weren't recognized in legacy versions.
  • Problems in the Chinese (Taiwan) translation.
  • (QC #251) Option 'color' for mobs wasn't working properly.
----------, Aug 18, 2019

Please read this changelog, it's important. It contains all the changes related to this plugin and also things you could have to do after updating. If there's a GCore update, you have to download it too.

I mainly provide support on my Discord server (the link is on the plugin page). Thanks for reporting bugs and suggesting features. Consider leaving a nice review to the plugin if you're satisfied with my work and dedication ! <3

For GParticles v5.1.7 :

Improved :
  • Adapted to GCore GUI changes.

For GCore v7.9.0 :

Added :
  • A complete Chinese (Taiwan) translation by 踢米米 !

Improved :
  • Minor GUI changes.

Fixed :
  • Items would be taken in inventory sometimes when clicking items in GUIs.
  • (#4) A bug preventing data profiles to be saved correctly.
----------, Aug 3, 2019

Please read this changelog, it's important. It contains all the changes related to this plugin and also things you could have to do after updating. If there's a GCore update, you have to download it too.

I mainly provide support on my Discord server (the link is on the plugin page). Thanks for reporting bugs and suggesting features. Consider leaving a nice review to the plugin if you're satisfied with my work and dedication ! <3

For GParticles v5.1.6 :

Fixed :
  • Invalid sounds were used.

For GCore v7.8.1 :

Improved :
  • (#215) You'll now be able to click on the setting input message when editing a raw value in the in-game editor GUI, to fill the current value in the chat.
  • The Spanish translation.
  • Switched over to JsonMessageAPI for interactive chat messages.
  • Command '/gcore npc reset' can now act on all known players and npcs. You'll have to wait for a little while before using the command, so all users can be registered.

Fixed :
  • A bug occuring when specifying an argument with no value for a command.
----------, Jul 29, 2019

GCore v7.2.2

Fixed :
- Added missing legacy material 'GLOWING_REDSTONE_ORE'.
- (QC #101) Error thrown when checking block's age.
- GCore's NPCs wouldn't move in 1.14.
- (QC #106) Unbreakable items wouldn't have a name/lore in some cases.
- (QC #108) Mat lists would try to display unexisting materials on all versions (in-game editor).
- Version tag being incorrect.

GParticles v5.1.5

Fixed :
- A bug occuring in 1.14+ when opening the particles menu.

Please use DISCORD to get support, it's way faster! The link is on the plugin page :)

This changelog contains all the changes related to this plugin. Thanks to all the community members for reporting bugs and suggesting features! Consider leaving a nice review to the plugin if you're satisfied with my work and dedication! <3

If you own a server running one of my plugins, I might be interested in displaying it on the plugin page. Don't hesitate to contact me by PM or on discord if you're interested!
----------, May 26, 2019

GCore v7.2.1

Fixed :
- A bug with particles display for particles not requiring any dust option (colors).
- All data-related tasks will now run synchronously if the plugin is disabled.

GParticles v5.1.4

Fixed :
- Adapter GUIs to the newest GCore library.

Please use DISCORD to get support, it's way faster! The link is on the plugin page :)

This changelog contains all the changes related to this plugin. Thanks to all the community members for reporting bugs and suggesting features! Consider leaving a nice review to the plugin if you're satisfied with my work and dedication! <3

If you own a server running one of my plugins, I might be interested in displaying it on the plugin page. Don't hesitate to contact me by PM or on discord if you're interested!
----------, May 20, 2019

GCore v7.1.0

Added :
- 1.14 is now supported.
- Command '/gcore npc hide -npc:ID [-p:OWNER]' to hide a NPC for a player.
- Command '/gcore npc setequipment -npc:ID [-p:OWNER]' to change the equipment of a NPC for a player.
- Command '/gcore npc setname -npc:ID [-p:OWNER]' to rename a NPC for a player.
- Command '/gcore npc setstatus -npc:ID -s:LIST_OF_STATUS [-p:OWNER]' to update the status of a NPC for a player.
- Command '/gcore npc show -npc:ID [-p:OWNER]' to show a NPC for a player.
- Command '/gcore npc teleport -npc:ID [-p:OWNER]' to teleport a NPC for a player.

Fixed :
- Missing material 'SIGN_POST' was added in the GCore material list.

GParticles v5.1.3

Fixed :
- The circular dependency exception.

Please use DISCORD to get support, it's way faster! The link is on the plugin page :)

This changelog contains all the changes related to this plugin. Thanks to all the community members for reporting bugs and suggesting features! Consider leaving a nice review to the plugin if you're satisfied with my work and dedication! <3

If you own a server running one of my plugins, I might be interested in displaying it on the plugin page. Don't hesitate to contact me by PM or on discord if you're interested!
----------, May 7, 2019

YOU CAN ALSO READ IT HERE : ( it might be easier to read)

Hello! First of all, thanks for your patience and support during the development of this update - it's been almost two months and dozens of hours of coding.
Please read carefully the installation information and changelog related to the plugins you're using (PyrCore/GCore is for everyone). This update changes some things relating to files and database tables - I will not take responsibility for broken files or lost data because you didn't read the instructions properly ! 10 minutes of your time is not much to read this, it's important. ^^


Please create a backup of your server before installing the new version, just in case. It's always something to do.

Please shut down your server completely, replace the new .jar files, then start your server.

PyrCore (GCore)

Since I changed my username, I also renamed this plugin. All files on disk will automatically be converted.

For MySQL users : please rename your database tables, or new empty ones will be created :
- Rename pyrcore_dataprofiles to gcore_dataprofiles
- Rename pyrcore_statistics to gcore_statistics


Quests that are currently in progress (the quests that are paused when players disconnect or the server is closed) will not be resumed automatically, because the structure of the file/database data was changed. A command was added (/questcreator importprev5quest) to import them, so the progression of your user's active quests is not lost. This command must be performed after the automatic file conversion is over and the plugin is successfully enabled.

Other than that, your files will automatically be converted, with all the new systems, options and renaming described in the changelog. No need to worry about that ! (I might have forgotten some minor options, but really the biggest is done)

Other plugins

No major changes were made to the files structure.


Major back-end changes and restructurations were made, about 1/3 of my total work for this update. It might look like there's "not that much" features for the time waited, however back-end improvements and code refactoring is a big part of optimizing things and simplifying my future work, so optimized plugins and faster updates. ^^

GCore v7.0.0

Added :
- A client-side NPC library for 1.9.0 to 1.13.2, currently offering a few features (manipulation, interaction and pathfinding) and more to come. Only used in QuestCreator currently.
- (QC #33) Option 'effects' for items in config.
- Option 'remove_after_action' for every 'item' setting.

Improved :
- Major code refactoring for config loading and parsing : clearier in code and more optimized.
- Major code refactorings and a few improvements for the in-game editor, added new icons materials, slots, clearier control items, etc.
- No longer raw string format for the enchantments selection in the in-game editor, there's now an actual menu with type and level of enchants.

Fixed :
- (QC #23) Couldn't select an enum or material value in the in-game editor.
- Only displaying regular mobs in the entity type selector in the in-game editor.
- (BG #12) Missing GCore material : SUGAR_CANE_BLOCK
- (BG #3) Statistic names being too long for MySQL tables.
- Sounds for IRON_GOLEM wouldn't work in 1.13.

QuestCreator v5.0.0

Added :
- Client-side NPCs :
- Using the new GCore client-side NPC library, I've added a few quest objects to manipulate them.
- With this new system, the data of a NPC will be different for every player : location, equipment, status (on fire/crouched/sprinting/interact/invisible/glowing/elytra) (can be cumulated), skin, hidden/shown, name, and target distance.
- Every player will have the same data when first seeing the NPC (all npcs and default data is registered in 'npcs.yml'), but it will evolve and differ during their path through the quests of your server.
- I also developed an advanced pathfinding system in that library, meaning that the NPCs will travel from a point A to a point B.
- It supports heigh difference, avoids obstacles, and is quite fast to calculate (less than 500ms for "close" (let's say within 30-40 blocks) targets with not huge obstacles, and maximum 5 seconds for farther ones.
- However, it has some difficulties with finding paths to targets that are really far away if it's a complex terrain (for example mountains), so it's recommended to set some steps to your MOVE objects.
- Also, it has difficulties if you're on a specific floor of a house and you want to go down two stairs for example - please make some steps to show the NPC where the stairs are... xD
- Other than that, I tested that system a lot and it works pretty fine. You can also customize your pathfinding/navigation for every MOVE object : pathfinding step (default 1 block per one block), pathfinding speed (default if 50 checks per tick), y tolerance up/down (for jumps, so the npc can jump two blocks for example) (default 1), target distance tolerance (how close to the target the pathfinding is considered as completed) (default 1), tick per step for navigation (basically defines the walking speed of the npc) (default 2).
- More features are planned, such a health and combat system, gravity for NPCs (currently it doesn't fall if you break the block below the npc), pushing them, and more features or interactions an actual player would do.
- All objects or conditions in your files with NPC in their names will automatically be renamed with CITIZENS_NPC.
- (#28) Quest pools :
- You can now create actual daily/weekly/monthly quests.
- A quest pool is a configuration file (can be edited in-game) to define when certain quests can be started, within an interval, with many options.
- Every quest pool can have multiple time frames. A time frame can be DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, or FIXED.
- If the player connects during a time frame period, the pool will attempt to manipulate quests for him. When a quest pool has successfully manipulated quests for a player during a given period, it will not make a new manipulation attempt before the next period (so, the next day, week, or month).
- When manipulating, a pool will select a certain amount of quests in its list (randomly, or in registration order).
- For every selected quest, it will eventually stop/reset it (option), then give the player tokens to start the quest. Tokens given will replace existing ones if there are any present for the quest.
- One token allows the quest to be started once for the player. If the player has no token for the current time frame period, or if he has no data yet (not calculated), the quest will not start. However, if he has at least one token, it will be consumed and the quest will start.
- (#38, #47) Parameter '-online' for '/questcreator start' : attempt to start the quest for all online players.
- (#25) Object DIVERGE_PHYSICAL : basically the current DIVERGE object, but instead of text to click in the chat, the player can do PLAYER objects (and choose which one he wants to do). This works like a GROUP object.
- (#41) Condition GAME_TIME : require a specific IG time in the player's world.
- (#41) Condition TIME_OF_DAY : require a specific IRL time.
- (#31) Condition DAY_OF_WEEK : require a specific IRL day of the week.
- Option 'bossbar' for quest models : supports UltraBar, BossBarAPI and BarAPI.
- (#21) Option 'cooldown_only_for_role' for quest models : give the cooldown only for a specific role (LEADER/PLAYER (coop)).
- (#21) Option 'complete_only_for_role' for quest models : mark the quest as completed only for a specific role (LEADER/PLAYER (coop)).
- Option 'world_blacklist' for quest models.
- (#21) Option 'only_for_role' for quest objects : restrict the progression of specific quest objects to a specific role (LEADER/PLAYER (coop)).
- Option 'required_valid' for conditions lists (also for 'start_conditions' for quest models).
- Option 'required_not_valid' for conditions lists (also for 'start_conditions' for quest models).
- (#14) Option 'time_limit' and 'time_limit_fail_goto' for quest objects.
- Some developper events.

Improved :
- Improvements to the category system :
- The biggest problem with categories was that you had to create a new category per quest, or if you wanted a quest to have a different activator (but then it wouldn't be part of a group anymore).
- Splitted 'categories.yml' to 3 parts : '/quests/registration.yml', '/quests/activators.yml' and '/quests/groups.yml'. Moved the quests models (previously '/quests/') to '/quests/models/'.
- In 'activators.yml', you can register activators with an id, so you don't need to copy/paste all the settings if you have one NPC with all your quests.
- In 'groups.yml', you can register additionnal settings, mainly about in what order or how much concurrent quests from the same group can be active at the same time.
- In 'registration.yml', you can register a quest and specify its activators (can have multiple activators now), and its group (optional).
- Your current 'categories.yml' file will be converted and split automatically to that new system.
- Improvements to the guis system :
- Splitted 'guis.yml' to a folder with every file being one GUI : '/guis/'.
- This is way clearier for users who have complex GUIs systems.
- Every 'content' item will now have a type : 'QUEST [model id]', 'QUEST_GROUP [group id]', 'GUI [gui id]', 'GUI_GROUP [group id]', 'GUI_ACTIVE_QUESTS' or 'NONE' (for display items). If it's a GUI type, then the specified GUI will be opened on click.
- Every 'content' item can have a 'commands' option that will be performed on click.
- Added parameter 'quests', to add quests in the GUI in the available slots after all the 'content' items were added.
- Added paremeters 'show_gui_available', 'show_gui_progress', 'show_gui_cooldown', 'show_gui_completed', 'show_gui_unavailable' to display only quests with a certain state.
- A GUI can be linked to a group in the new 'groups.yml' file.
- Your current 'guis.yml' file will be converted and split automatically to that new system.
- Coop quests will not be paused if a coop player disconnects, meaning the leader of the quest can still continue the quest. However, if the leader disconnects, the quest will be paused.
- Conditions will now be taken for objects 'DIVERGE' and 'DIVERGE_PHYSICAL' if option 'take_after_action' is set to 'true'.
- PlaceholderAPI : renamed %questcreator_completions_category_<category id>% to %questcreator_completions_group_<group id>%.
- Command '/questcreator progress' can now be used on offline players.
- Command '/questcreator reset' can now be used on offline players.
- Command '/questcreator setcompleted' can now be used on offline players.
- Command '/questcreator stats' can now be used on offline players.
- Command '/questcreator stop' can now be used on offline players.
- Command '/questcreator variable' can now be used on offline players.
- Command '/questcreator menu' with param '-player :pLAYER' can now be used by console.
- Command '/questcreator journal' with param '-player :pLAYER' can now be used by console.
- Some activators have new/renamed settings, check the wiki to see them.
- Renamed object containing 'NPC' to 'CITIZENS_NPC'.
- Renamed activator 'NPC' to 'CITIZENS_NPC'.
- Renamed option 'restricted_worlds' to 'world_whitelist' for quest models.
- Renamed option 'block.type' to 'block_type' for blocks.
- Renamed option 'block.amount' to 'amount' for block settings.
- Renamed option 'auto_start' to 'starts_directly' for branches.
- (#21) Renamed option 'check_leader_only' to 'only_for_role' for conditions : you can now restrict conditions to a specific role (LEADER/PLAYER (coop)).
- Renamed option 'fail_goto' to 'goto_if_not_valid' for a few things.
- Renamed option 'conditions_type' to 'conditions.type' for conditions lists.
- Renamde option 'group_type' to 'objects_required' for object GROUP.
- Option 'conditions' was renamed to 'conditions.conditions' for a few things, due to other conditions list specific settings being added or renamed.

Removed :
- The compact 'sound: [SOUND_TYPE]' raw string for sounds options. It now has to be 'sound.type'.
- Option 'server_versions' for quest models.
- Option 'leader_only: true' for a few objects, replaced it by 'only_for_role: LEADER'.
- A few locale messages for objects details, it was getting too messy for not much.

Fixed :
- Custom goto for groups being changed by a quest would affect all instances of this quest.
- World whitelist/blacklist will now be parsed by the quest leader and not the coop players.
- Some location settings will now be parsed by the quest leader and not the coop players.
- Only the y coordinate is taken into consideration for object PLAYER_FALL_DISTANCE.
- (#43) Object PLAYER_SNEAK would throw errors after completing it.
- (#40) Quest journal couldn't be built in 1.8.8 and lower.
- (#44) Fish type wasn't taken into consideration for object PLAYER_FISH.
- (#32) Couldn't start quests from console using the command.
- (#15) Could not interact with Citizens younger villagers.

BettingGames v1.6.2

Improved :
- Adapted to the newest GCore version.

Fixed :
- (#10) If you challenged another player in a versus game but you already created a bet yourself, it wasn't cancelled and refunded.

Other plugins

Improved :
- Adapted to the newest GCore version.

Please use DISCORD to get support, it's way faster ! The link is on the plugin page :)

This changelog contains all the changes related to this plugin. Thanks to all the community members for reporting bugs and suggesting features ! Consider leaving a nice review to the plugin if you're satisfied of my work and dedication ! <3

If you own a server running one of my plugins, I might be interested in displaying it on the plugin page. Don't hesitate to contact me by PM or on discord if you're interested !
----------, Apr 20, 2019

Please use DISCORD to get support, it's way faster ! The link is on the plugin page :)

Thanks to all the community members for reporting bugs and suggesting features. Keep going, so I can make this plugin better ! :D
And also consider leaving a nice review to the plugin if you're satisfied of my work and dedication ! <3

This changelog contains all the changes related to this plugin.

PyrCore v6.2.1

Improved :
- Minor code improvements.

Fixed :
- Fixes for the plugin integration system. (QC #112)
- Players without the permission could see the update checking message. (QC #114)

If you own a server running one of my plugins (especially my premium ones), I might be interested in displaying it on the plugin page, so potential new buyers could see examples of what can be done, and it also gives you some more visibility. Don't hesitate to contact me by PM or on discord !
----------, Feb 7, 2019

If you own a server running one of my plugins (especially my premium ones), I might be interested in displaying it on the plugin page, so potential new buyers could see examples of what can be done, and it also gives you some more visibility. Don't hesitate to contact me by PM or on discord !

Please use DISCORD to get support, it's way faster ! The link is on the plugin page :)
This changelog contains all the changes related to this plugin.

Thanks to all the community members for reporting bugs and suggesting features. Keep going, so I can make this plugin better ! :D
Also consider leaving a nice review to the plugin if you're satisfied of my work and dedication ! <3

PyrCore v6.2.0

Added :
- Vehicle types 'HORSE', 'DONKEY', 'MULE', 'LLAMA' and 'PIG'. (QC #102)

PyrParticles v5.1.0

Added :
- Parameter '-player' for commands '/pp gadget', '/pp particle' and '/pp trail'. (for mrfloris)
- All commands can now be used from console. (for mrfloris)
----------, Feb 4, 2019

Please use DISCORD to get support, it's way faster ! The link is on the plugin page :)
This changelog contains all the changes related to this plugin.

Thanks to all the community members for reporting bugs and suggesting features. Keep going, so I can make this plugin better ! :D
Also consider leaving a nice review to the plugin if you're satisfied of my work and dedication ! <3

PyrCore v6.0.9-BETA :

Improved :
- Minor things in some libraries.

Fixed :
- Minor bugs.

PyrParticles v5.0.3-BETA :

Fixed :
- Gadget 'DISCO_BOX' wasn't working properly. (for Yuky)
- The main GUI was removing items after opening it once. (for Kraif, williumat)
----------, Jan 7, 2019

Please use DISCORD to get support, it's way faster ! The link is on the plugin page :)

Consider leaving a nice review to the plugin if you're satisfied of my work and dedication ! <3

Changelog for PyrCore v6.0.7-BETA :

- Improved : readability for commands help, also added a paging system. (tested)

- Improved : parameter formatting for commands is now '-parameter:value' instead of '--parameter value' (and '-parameter' instead of '--parameter'), which looks clearier and less confusing for the auto-tab complete. (tested)

- Fixed : minor bugs. (tested)

Thanks to all the community members for reporting bugs and suggesting features. Keep going, so I can make this plugin better ! :D
This changelog contains all the changes related to this plugin.
(tested) means it worked on my debug server, (snapshot) means that I didn't tested, and the person who reported/suggested the bug is also mentionned, if it wasn't me.
----------, Dec 29, 2018

Please use DISCORD to get support, it's way faster ! The link is on the plugin page :)

Consider leaving a nice review to the plugin if you're satisfied of my work and dedication ! <3

Changelog for PyrCore v6.0.4-BETA :

- Fixed : a bug preventing GUIs to load correctly when the configured title was too long. (tested)

- Fixed : some issues with permissions. (tested) (reported by LeSaleDaron, Matrikx, sklm)

Thanks to all the community members for reporting bugs and suggesting features. Keep going, so I can make this plugin better ! :D
This changelog contains all the changes related to this plugin.
(tested) means it worked on my debug server, (snapshot) means that I didn't tested, and the person who reported/suggested the bug is also mentionned, if it wasn't me.
----------, Dec 27, 2018

Please use DISCORD to get support, it's way faster ! The link is on the plugin page.
Consider leaving a nice review to the plugin if you're satisfied of my work and dedication ! :)

I will no longer be providing support for two plugins : ScrollBoard and SurvivalMysteryChests. If you're using one of those, don't update to PyrCore v6.

This is a beta release, so bugs might have slipped into it. Don't hesitate to report bugs on discord !

Changelog for PyrParticles v5.0.0-BETA :

- Added : alias '/cosmetics' for the main command. (tested)

- Improved : updated to PyrCore v6 and MySQL. (tested)

- Fixed : particle effect 'LAVA' was displaying 'WATER' particles. (tested)

- Fixed : trail 'CLAY' wasn't working properly on legacy versions. (tested)

- Fixed : the wrong display name was used for the Particles menu. (tested)

Changelog for PyrCore v6.0.0-BETA :

- Added : option 'allow_custom_materials' to allow the use of custom materials (mods for example). Use this carefully ! (snapshot) (suggested by CraftSteamG)

- Added : some missing sounds. (snapshot) (suggested by Alphexon, Yuky)

- Improved : the data management system has been greatly improved. A few key points :

- Introducing a complete support for MySQL data, for every plugin, and for every data aspect (detailed on the plugins pages). You can now choose between JSON and MYSQL storage back-end.

- You can also specify a synchronization delay if you wish your server to synchronize itself with the database (every 3 minutes for example). This also works for JSON back-end of course but really less useful I think.

- Lots of improvements were made to the disk (JSON) storage system as well.

- The right balance has been found for plugin configuration/data location. Plugin configurations can be found in its own folder, so in /plugins/[plugin], and that includes .yml configuration files and texts.yml for that plugin. It's the same thing for PyrCore (so configurations in /plugins/PyrCore/) but plugin and user data of every plugin can also be found there (/plugins/PyrCore/data/ and /plugins/PyrCore/userdata/).

- Furthermore, every plugin now has a texts.yml file containing the texts related to this plugin.

- For developpers : the user storage system takes now full consideration of the PyrCore user data profile. If you change the profile for an user, a complete different data instance will be used. Also added event UserDataProfileChangeEvent.

- No more failing storage problems, everything honestly works pretty good. "It just works !", for real

- Your data files will be automatically converted (for the most important ones), but the configuration files will just be moved to /plugins/PyrCore_OLD_pre6/. (tested)

- Improved : the reload command is now 100% effective for every plugin. (tested)

- Improved : reworked some things in the way permissions management works. (snapshot)

- Improved : reworked some things in the way configuration works. Added more default values. (snapshot)

- Improved : reworked titles and tabs loading. (snapshot)

- Improved : the behavior and storage of plugin statistics. (snapshot)

- Improved : lots of more code reworks and cleanups. (snapshot)

- Improved : increased readability for commands help. (tested)

- Fixed : another problem with material checking. (tested) (reported by _Anglis)

- Fixed : lots of small bugs. (snapshot)

Thanks to all the community members for reporting bugs and suggesting features. Keep going, so I can make this plugin better ! :D
This changelog contains all the changes related to this plugin.
(tested) means it worked on my debug server, (snapshot) means that I didn't tested, and the person who reported/suggested the bug is also mentionned, if it wasn't me.
----------, Dec 23, 2018

Please use DISCORD to get support, it's way faster ! The link is on the plugin page :)

Changelog for PyrParticles v4.0.9 :

- Fixed : command wasn't registered correctly. (tested) (reported by SlimeDog)

Changelog for PyrCore v5.0.1 :

- Fixed : an unexisting permission field (forgot to re-build ^^') preventing QuestCreator to load correctly. (tested) (reported by xXBelocXx, Foxtray )
- Fixed : a (weird) NPE preventing some commands to respond/tab complete properly. (tested)

Thanks to all the community members for reporting bugs and suggesting features. Keep going, so I can make this plugin better ! :D
This changelog contains all the changes related to this plugin.
(tested) means it worked on my debug server, (snapshot) means that I didn't tested, and the person who reported/suggested the bug is also mentionned, if it wasn't me.
----------, Nov 26, 2018

Please use DISCORD to get support, it's way faster ! The link is on the plugin page :)

Changelog for PyrCore v5.0.0 (data profiles, material implementation rework, locale and commands) :

- Added : a data profile system, useful if your server allows the player to play under multiple characters. So if you're a developer using PyrCore, you should definitely stop putting User objects in cache if you did it before, since a new User object is initialized on profile change (which can occur when the server is running). (tested) (for Lordinouille/Ethanox)

- Improved : lots of code cleanup, mainly about maintaining the plugins optimized, fast and not that much complicated code-side. (tested)

- Improved : changed some things in material implementation. Now it seems to work better, especially for materials with custom durability. I simplified things so now you have to use the exact PyrCore Mat names in your configuration. (tested)

- Improved : the locale system. The "/plugins/PyrCore/locale/" directory folder is now useless ; introducing a new locale file : "/plugins/PyrCore/locale.yml", containing all the plugins texts with multiple languages. Makes everything much easier IMO, also new messages etc will be updated/added/removed automatically. This 2000 lines configuration line with all plugins can seem scary, but you can just "CTRL+F" (search function) for the plugin name to find what you want to change easily. (tested)

- Improved : the commands system has been reworked. Many commands have changed (check "/<plugin command>" help to see which one changes). Changed to a "parameters" system (so in "/plugin test --param paramvalue", "param" is the parameter name and "paramvalue" the value). A good thing about that is that parameters can be optional, multiple parameters can be combined to do some things, and also they don't need to be in a specific order. (tested)

- Improved : every plugin now has a /<plugin command> reload command, which is simpler. (tested)

- Improved : every plugin now has tab completion for its commands. (tested)

- Fixed : minor bugs. (snapshot)

Thanks to all the community members for reporting bugs and suggesting features. Keep going, so I can make this plugin better ! :D
This changelog contains all the changes related to this plugin.
(tested) means it worked on my debug server, (snapshot) means that I didn't tested, and the person who reported/suggested the bug is also mentionned, if it wasn't me.
----------, Nov 26, 2018

Please use DISCORD to get support, it's way faster ! The link is on the plugin page :)

Changelog for PyrParticles v4.0.7 :

- Fixed : the GUI wasn't appearing when doing /pyrparticles. (tested) (reported by Yuky)

Changelog for PyrCore v4.0.9 :

- Fixed : minor bugs with QC. (tested)

- Fixed : an error with REDSTONE particle type. (tested) (reported by Paintsplatters, maartenvr98)

Thanks to all the community members for reporting bugs and suggesting features. Keep going, so I can make this plugin better ! :D
This changelog contains all the changes related to this plugin.
(tested) means it worked on my debug server, (snapshot) means that I didn't tested, and the person who reported/suggested the bug is also mentionned, if it wasn't me.
----------, Nov 1, 2018

Please use DISCORD to get support ! The link is on the plugin page :)

Changelog for PyrCore v4.0.2 :

- Improved : reworked material implementation, made it less messy. (tested)

- Fixed : a problem that caused Statistics and Main PyrCore storage to be not saved on plugin disable. (tested)

- Fixed : item amount wasn't taken into consideration in some cases. (snapshot)

- Potentially fixed : NPE with Statistics. (snapshot)

Keep reporting bugs and suggesting features so I can make this plugin better ! :D
This changelog contains all the changes related to this plugin.
(snapshot) means that I simply changed the thing in the code without testing it and (tested) means that I verified that it works in-game.
----------, Oct 3, 2018

I uploaded the wrong file, my bad ^^'
----------, Sep 29, 2018

Please use DISCORD to get support ! The link is on the plugin page :)

Changelog for PyrCore v3.3.6 :
You should definitely read this changelog !

- Improved : adapting to 1.13. ( tested)

- Improved : all locales have been cleaned up and all placeholders have been replacer from $PLACEHOLDER to {placeholder} and some of them have been changed or removed, which are easier to replace technically speaking and might also feel easier to read to some people. Also a lot of unused/invalid messages have been removed. You should either reset your locale files by deleting the locale folder located at /plugins/PyrCore/locale/. (snapshot)

- Improved : now using the official spigot API to check for updates instead of my own website. ( tested)

- Improved : better sound implementation. ( tested)

- Improved : better items implementation, with NBT and durability/unbreakable, etc. ( tested)

Keep reporting bugs and suggesting features so I can make this plugin better ! :D
This changelog contains all the changes related to this plugin.
(snapshot) means that I simply changed the thing in the code without testing it and (tested) means that I verified that it works in-game.
----------, Sep 28, 2018

Please use GITHUB to get support ! :) You can use the command /pyr support [plugin] to get a link to the github support page :[plugin]/issues/new

Changelog for PyrCore v3.3.0 :

- Improved : the back-end of commands system, which is now much better. You'll most likely not notice any change, except that some commands are mixed up together. (tested)

Changelog for unlisted plugins :

- Improved : adapted to the new PyrCore commands backend. (snapshot)

Keep reporting bugs and suggesting features so I can make this plugin better ! :D
This changelog contains all the changes related to this plugin.
snapshot means that I just added/improved/fixed the thing and tested means that I tested it.
----------, May 5, 2018

Please use GITHUB to get support ! :) You can use the command /pyr support [plugin] to get a link to the github support page :[plugin]/issues/new

Changelog for QuestCreator v1.5.7-BETA :

Note : all the IDs must now be integer numbers.
This apply for : requirements, rewards and flow elements.
You'll see warning logs when loading quests (server start).

- Added : you can now clone elements in the editor GUI.
- Added : you can now delete and clone rewards, requirements and quest flow elements from the quest in the editor GUI.
- Improved : some back-end concerning the way plugin detects the progress of quests.
- Improved : now exporting less useless/default informations with the editor GUI, resulting on smaller quest files.
- Improved : added more clear debug log when a requirement or a reward failed to load.
- Fixed : some players could not progress in the quest if there were doing the same quest as somebody else (
- Fixed : the locations were not loading correctly if they were edited from the GUI editor (
- Fixed : an issue that could appear when loading some quest details (related to items).
- Fixed : the editor GUI correctly opens if you modify elements list like requirements, rewards or flow.
- Fixed : sometimes the NPC_MOVE_WAIT task wasn't sometimes completing properly and preventing the flow to go on.
- Fixed : removed debug log.

Changelog for PyrCore v3.2.13 :

- Fixed and improved minor things.

Changelog for PyrParticles v4.0.3 :

- Adapting to Pyr
Core 3.2.13.

Keep reporting bugs and suggesting features so I can make this plugin better ! :D
This changelog contains the changes for all my updated plugins so it's faster for me to post.
----------, Apr 28, 2018

Please use GITHUB to get support ! :) You can use the command /pyr support [plugin] to get a link to the github support page :[plugin]/issues/new

Keep reporting bugs and suggesting features so I can make this plugin better ! :D
This changelog contains the changes for all my updated plugins so it's faster for me to post.

Changelog for PyrParticles v4.0.2 :

- Fixed : compatibility for 1.7 now works correctly (so fixed #2

Changelog for QuestCreator v1.5.5-BETA :

- Fixed : the 'only_in_worlds' setting wasn't saving correctly if you edited it from the GUI editor.
- Fixed : color codes being incorrect in the list edition of the GUI editor.
- Fixed : the validation item not showing in the GUI editor.
- Fixed : the quest not being updated in real-time after exporting changed from the GUI editor.
----------, Apr 7, 2018

Please use GITHUB to get support ! :) You can use the command /pyr support [plugin] to get a link to the github support page :[plugin]/issues/new

Keep reporting bugs and suggesting features so I can make this plugin better ! :D
This changelog contains the changes for all my updated plugins so it's faster for me to post.

Changelog for PyrCore v3.2.11 :

- Improved : minor changes and fixes.

Changelog for PyrParticles v4.0.1 :

- Fixed : #1 Plugin doesn't work
----------, Apr 4, 2018

Please use GITHUB to get support ! :) You can use the command /pyr support [plugin] to get a link to the github support page :[plugin]/issues/new

Keep reporting bugs and suggesting features so I can make this plugin better ! :D
This changelog contains the changes for all my updated plugins so it's faster for me to post.

Changelog for PyrParticles v4.0.0 :

This version feels the same than the previous one in general. Some things have been improved and have a better feeling (some gadgets optimisation, or the trails smoothness for example). But there is no brand new feature that was not there in the previous version, except that the plugin now supports versions from 1.7 to 1.12.
  • The plugin now needs PyrCore to work correctly.
  • The old configurations files are located at /plugins/pParticles/
  • The new configuration files are located at /plugins/PyrCore/
If you experience any issue, use the github page :

Changelog for PyrCore v3.2.9 :

- Fixed :
some rare cases where two commands could be executed simultaneously.
- Fixed : the auto-update error message now correctly only shows once instead of sometimes twice.
- Improved : optimized particles compat.
- Improved : some GUI library optimisations and changed.
----------, Mar 28, 2018

  • AutoUpdate fix
----------, Mar 20, 2016

  • Fixed some bugs
  • Updated to 1.9
This is a simple 1.9 update, I am working for a major release (4.0) of the plugin with lots of new features. I also added a donation button on the plugin page, you can support me if you want.

Ceci est une simple mise à jour vers la 1.9, je suis en train de préparer une grosse version (4.0) du plugin avec des tas de nouvelles fonctionnalités. J'ai également ajouté un bouton de donation sur la page du plugin, vous pouvez ainsi me supporter si vous le souhaitez.
----------, Mar 20, 2016

  • Removed some things (/* */ in the code)
This is the final version of pParticles. No other version will be released, EVEN for optimisation/bugs.

Source code :
License : Apache 2.0
----------, Nov 3, 2015

  • The particles COLOR, MUSIC and REDSTONE will be colorful. Enjoy ! ;D
----------, Sep 16, 2015

  • Fixed minor bugs.
----------, Sep 15, 2015

  • Fixed minor bugs
----------, Sep 15, 2015

  • UP TO 1.8.8 : You need the latest version of spigot to run it !
----------, Sep 11, 2015

  • Improved the "color gun" gadget
  • Fixed : hoppers could take the gadgets items
  • Fixed minor bugs
----------, Aug 23, 2015

  • Added an option to enable pParticles only in some worlds
  • Added an option to take gadgets directly in the hotbar
  • Added trails ! :D
  • Added commands for the trails ! :D
  • Added the "color gun" gadget (alpha)
  • Improved the "cocoa bomb" gadget
  • Improved the "random" gadget
  • Improved the update system
  • Fixed a permissions problem (in-game / console)
  • Fixed minor bugs
  • Removed the "firework" gadget
  • Removed the "rocket" gadget
  • Removed the "space road" gadget
  • Removed the "tnt bow" gadget
  • Removed the "trampoline" gadget
  • Removed the "disco armor" gadget
  • Optimization : massive code cleanup
----------, Aug 23, 2015

  • Fixed : so many bugs with the permissions. ^^
  • Fixed : minor bug with /pp update.
You can't do /pp update this time and you have to remove the configuration file, this is the last time. ^^
----------, Aug 12, 2015

pParticles v2.7.12 - FIX

- Fixed : the players could drop the pParticles menu item
- Fixed : a bug with the /pp animation [animation]
- Fixed : a bug with the permissions
- Fixé : un problème de traduction (price)
- Changed : the configuration system (for the messages)

Delete the config.yml is necessary.
----------, Aug 12, 2015

  • Fixed : a bug with /pp update.
You can't do /pp update this time... download the plugin here.
(you do not have to remove the config.yml file)
----------, Aug 9, 2015

  • Fixed : minor bugs
Do /pp update. :D
----------, Aug 9, 2015

  • Fixed : minor bugs
/pp update. ;D
This is the last quickfix. :p
----------, Aug 2, 2015

  • Fixed : minor bugs
PRO-TIP : Do /pp update. ;D
----------, Aug 2, 2015

  • Fixed : minor bugs
Do /pp update. ;D
----------, Aug 2, 2015

  • Fixed : minor bugs
Do /pp update. ;D
----------, Aug 2, 2015

  • Added : commands for take animation without the GUI : /pp animation
  • Added : commands for take gadgets without the GUI : /pp gadget
  • Added : permissions for commands : /pp gadget, /pp particle, /pp animation
  • Fixed : the gadget message ("%particle")
  • Fixed : the logout bug (particles does not disappear)
  • Fixed : the "space road" gadget was hurting the player
  • Fixed : sooooooo many huge bugs
  • Fixed : minor bugs
Note : with the commands /pp particle and /pp gadget, there is no economy system.

Update is HIGHLY recommended. (just do /pp update ;D)
----------, Aug 2, 2015

  • Improved a new particle loop system with configurable options, for better TPS.
Do /pp update. ;)
----------, Jul 30, 2015

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 46,364
First Release: Jul 30, 2015
Last Update: Jul 10, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
53 ratings
Find more info at
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