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GParticles -----

An awesome cosmetics plugin with particles, trails and gadgets ! [1.7-latest]

PyrParticles v5.0.0-BETA
Please use DISCORD to get support, it's way faster ! The link is on the plugin page.
Consider leaving a nice review to the plugin if you're satisfied of my work and dedication ! :)

I will no longer be providing support for two plugins : ScrollBoard and SurvivalMysteryChests. If you're using one of those, don't update to PyrCore v6.

This is a beta release, so bugs might have slipped into it. Don't hesitate to report bugs on discord !

Changelog for PyrParticles v5.0.0-BETA :

- Added : alias '/cosmetics' for the main command. (tested)

- Improved : updated to PyrCore v6 and MySQL. (tested)

- Fixed : particle effect 'LAVA' was displaying 'WATER' particles. (tested)

- Fixed : trail 'CLAY' wasn't working properly on legacy versions. (tested)

- Fixed : the wrong display name was used for the Particles menu. (tested)

Changelog for PyrCore v6.0.0-BETA :

- Added : option 'allow_custom_materials' to allow the use of custom materials (mods for example). Use this carefully ! (snapshot) (suggested by CraftSteamG)

- Added : some missing sounds. (snapshot) (suggested by Alphexon, Yuky)

- Improved : the data management system has been greatly improved. A few key points :

- Introducing a complete support for MySQL data, for every plugin, and for every data aspect (detailed on the plugins pages). You can now choose between JSON and MYSQL storage back-end.

- You can also specify a synchronization delay if you wish your server to synchronize itself with the database (every 3 minutes for example). This also works for JSON back-end of course but really less useful I think.

- Lots of improvements were made to the disk (JSON) storage system as well.

- The right balance has been found for plugin configuration/data location. Plugin configurations can be found in its own folder, so in /plugins/[plugin], and that includes .yml configuration files and texts.yml for that plugin. It's the same thing for PyrCore (so configurations in /plugins/PyrCore/) but plugin and user data of every plugin can also be found there (/plugins/PyrCore/data/ and /plugins/PyrCore/userdata/).

- Furthermore, every plugin now has a texts.yml file containing the texts related to this plugin.

- For developpers : the user storage system takes now full consideration of the PyrCore user data profile. If you change the profile for an user, a complete different data instance will be used. Also added event UserDataProfileChangeEvent.

- No more failing storage problems, everything honestly works pretty good. "It just works !", for real

- Your data files will be automatically converted (for the most important ones), but the configuration files will just be moved to /plugins/PyrCore_OLD_pre6/. (tested)

- Improved : the reload command is now 100% effective for every plugin. (tested)

- Improved : reworked some things in the way permissions management works. (snapshot)

- Improved : reworked some things in the way configuration works. Added more default values. (snapshot)

- Improved : reworked titles and tabs loading. (snapshot)

- Improved : the behavior and storage of plugin statistics. (snapshot)

- Improved : lots of more code reworks and cleanups. (snapshot)

- Improved : increased readability for commands help. (tested)

- Fixed : another problem with material checking. (tested) (reported by _Anglis)

- Fixed : lots of small bugs. (snapshot)

Thanks to all the community members for reporting bugs and suggesting features. Keep going, so I can make this plugin better ! :D
This changelog contains all the changes related to this plugin.
(tested) means it worked on my debug server, (snapshot) means that I didn't tested, and the person who reported/suggested the bug is also mentionned, if it wasn't me.
----------, Dec 23, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 46,365
First Release: Jul 30, 2015
Last Update: Jul 10, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
53 ratings
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