Notice: If you have been using version 1.2 with a database before this, you must drop the "player_pronoun_options" table for this version to work.
+ You can now assign and unassign pronouns for offline players (only when database is enabled).
+ Added ability to test your sql connection with /gp sqltest.
+ Fixed a bug where the plugin wouldn't reconnect to the SQL database.
+ Probably some bug fixes I forgot about.
Took a while to get around to doing this but I've finally done it. GaymersPronouns now supports using a database for player data. Meaning you can save your pronouns across servers!
This is still dependent on the local pronouns.yml files being consistent, however. This is to make sure it still supports multilingual servers in a convenient way. I will be making local pronouns.yml files a toggle in the future but for now they are local only. So make sure they all match if you plan on using an SQL database!
+ Added support for saving player data in database. (Local pronouns.yml, read above)
+ Ability to migrate existing local player data to the database with a simple command.
+ Laid some groundwork for more database-related features in the future.
+ Optimized and removed redundant code.
+ Minor bug fixes and QoL improvements.
Briefly back from my hiatus to try to add database support and more. That is
not included in this version, however. This just includes some minor changes to how language files are read to add better support for some languages.
+ messages.yml files now use "{0}", "{1}", "{2}" and so on instead of just "%s" to allow languages to re-order words where necessarily.
+ Other minor changes.
This update may seem relatively small on the surface, however a lot was added that makes adding more features easier.
New things added:
- Added a detailed guide to pronouns.yml.
- Admin command (/gp or /gaymerspronouns).
- Ability to assign or unassign another player's pronouns as an admin.
- Ability to reload all configurations as an admin.
- More placeholders in PlaceholderAPI.
- Support for multiple languages. (Only English and Danish are available for now)
- Help guide for PlaceholderAPI. (/gp papi)
- Experimental mode (can be enabled in the config).
With experimental mode enabled:
- Ability to toggle and preview display formats using the configuration menu (/gp configure).
- See summary of the pronoun configuration using the configuration menu (/gp configure).
- Ability to change formats with in-game commands (/gp format)
- Advanced: Ability to set specific config values manually with in-game commands (/gp set)
Keep in mind that the experimental mode is very unfinished and may be buggy. Also, some experimental commands may not work. All features in experimental mode are a WIP.
Dev's Notes:
This update is mostly just here for the reload and assign/unassign features.
A lot of it may seem a little unfinished, especially when using the experimental mode.
I had been planning to finish all of it and only publishing an update then, but there have been so many delays that this seems like a better option. I also realized that the old 1.0 version didn't even have a reload function or all the other things I've been adding for the past while.
I do think this is a lot better than 1.0 though. If you're updating from 1.0 to 1.1, I recommend that you back up and delete your config.yml or just rename it so the plugin can generate a new config for you. If you want the new pronouns.yml, you have to rename or delete that file as well.