This update may seem relatively small on the surface, however a lot was added that makes adding more features easier.
New things added:
- Added a detailed guide to pronouns.yml.
- Admin command (/gp or /gaymerspronouns).
- Ability to assign or unassign another player's pronouns as an admin.
- Ability to reload all configurations as an admin.
- More placeholders in PlaceholderAPI.
- Support for multiple languages. (Only English and Danish are available for now)
- Help guide for PlaceholderAPI. (/gp papi)
- Experimental mode (can be enabled in the config).
With experimental mode enabled:
- Ability to toggle and preview display formats using the configuration menu (/gp configure).
- See summary of the pronoun configuration using the configuration menu (/gp configure).
- Ability to change formats with in-game commands (/gp format)
- Advanced: Ability to set specific config values manually with in-game commands (/gp set)
Keep in mind that the experimental mode is very unfinished and may be buggy. Also, some experimental commands may not work. All features in experimental mode are a WIP.
Dev's Notes:
This update is mostly just here for the reload and assign/unassign features.
A lot of it may seem a little unfinished, especially when using the experimental mode.
I had been planning to finish all of it and only publishing an update then, but there have been so many delays that this seems like a better option. I also realized that the old 1.0 version didn't even have a reload function or all the other things I've been adding for the past while.
I do think this is a lot better than 1.0 though. If you're updating from 1.0 to 1.1, I recommend that you back up and delete your config.yml or just rename it so the plugin can generate a new config for you. If you want the new pronouns.yml, you have to rename or delete that file as well.