FrustCheck - Utility for administrators and moderators (check) icon

FrustCheck - Utility for administrators and moderators (check) -----

A plugin for player verification. (Created for administrators/moderators).

Version: 1.9
# Сообщения из тайтлов
title-check-sms-start: '&cНе выходи с сервера!'
subtitle-check-sms-start: '&c&l▷ &fУ тебя &c10 минут, &7чтобы предоставить дискорд!'

title-check-sms-stop: '&aПроверка окончена!'
subtitle-check-sms-stop: '&7Всего доброго!'

эти строки почему то не работают
Author's response
Спасибо, что обратились, уже выпустил фикс с устранением ошибки.

Version: 1.8
We can add a function that executes a command at the beginning of the player check. For instance, players could be teleported to a designated spawn point or any specific location.

By introducing the command /fcheck setchecklocation, admins will be able to remember the check location in any world, including the server spawn. When a player is checked, they will be teleported to this saved location to undergo the verification process. This will streamline the checking procedure and ensure that players are consistently evaluated in the same environment.

This feature not only enhances the functionality of the plugin but also improves the overall user experience by providing a clear and controlled setting for player checks.
Author's response
I'll try to do it if I have some extra time.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 253
First Release: May 9, 2024
Last Update: Nov 20, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings