/check (nickname) - used to call the player for checking, as well as to remove the check
/fcheck reload - used to reload the plugin
/fcheck info - use to study all channels, etc.
/fcheck setchecklocation - setting the player's test location.
/fcheck removechecklocation - removing a player's check location.
/cm - ability to send messages in check chat if the player's sound is muted
Type /check <nickname> - this will cause the player to be checked.
After the check is complete, you also write /check <nickname> - this removes the check from the player.
All messages are edited in configuration *config.yml*.
All messages used color codes (&d,&1, etc)
Ability to turn on/off microwave "Events" when the player is frozen.
To have the player penalized when they leave the server during a checkout, then in config.yml set "PlayerQuitEvent" to true (automatic setting), but if you want the player not to be penalized, set it to false.
This works with all "Events" in config.yml.
The sound at the beginning of the check and at the end (the sound of the totem exploding, for the checked player) can be disabled in config.yml in the "sound-check" line.
The plugin also contains variables:
- %executor% - nickname of the moderator that occurred during the turn
- %suspect% - nickname of the suspect detected during the look check
Data about each party is logged in the "logs.yml" config
(This can be disabled by going to config.yml, finding the text add-logs-file: true and setting it to false
Also, the suspicious person cannot put/break/open/close/put down/take anything from chests.
After the checks are done, the conditions are checked, hunger and air (if it was underwater).
I hope this plugin will be useful to you.
#Creator _Klaidi4_YT_
#Setting the translation language
#Установка языка перевода
languages: EN
# Number of seconds after which messages will appear: check-sms-move-player-line-1 / check-sms-move-player-line-2
# 20 ticks = 1 second
# Кол-во секунд, через которое будет появляться сообщения: check-sms-move-player-line-1 / check-sms-move-player-line-2
# 20 тиков = 1 секунда
delay-check-message: 100
# Enable / Disable playback of the totem explosion sound, at the beginning and end of the test
# true - on / false - off
# Включение / Выключение воспроизведения звука взрыва тотема, в начале и конце проверки
# true - включено / false - выключено
start: true
stop: true
# Customize which events will be blocked when the player is frozen
# true - off / false - off
# Настройка эвентов, которые будут блокироваться при заморозке игрока
# true - выключено / false - выключено
# An event responsible for blocking the player's ability to move during a test
# Эвент, отвечающий за блокировку возможности передвижения игрока во время проверки
PlayerMoveEvent: true
# Event responsible for blocking interactions with Sundkas, etc.
# Эвент, отвечающий за блокировку взаимодействие с сундками и т.п
PlayerInteractEvent: true
# Event responsible for blocking the ability to discard items from the inventory
# Эвент, отвечающий за блокировку возможности выбросить вещи из инветаря
PlayerDropItemEvent: true
# Event responsible for blocking players / mobs from taking damage from players / mobs
# Эвент, отвечающий за блокироку получения дамага от игроков / мобов
EntityDamageEvent: true
# Event responsible for blocking the ability to pick up items
# Эвент, отвечающий за блокировку возможности подбирать предметы
EntityPickupItemEvent: true
# Event responsible for blocking the ability to deal damage to players/mobs
# Эвент, отвечающий за блокировку возможности наносить урон игрокам/мобам
EntityDamageByEntityEvent: true
# Event responsible for blocking the ability to move items in the inventory
# Эвент, отвечающий за блокировку возможности перемещать предметы в инвентаре
InventoryClickEvent: true
# Enable/disable player exit event handling
# Включить/выключить обработку события выхода игрока
PlayerQuitEvent: true
# The command for issuing punishment
# Команда для выдачи наказания
ban-command: "ipban"
# Duration of the punishment
# Длительность наказания
ban-duration: "30d"
# Reason for the punishment
# Причина наказания
ban-reason: "Cheats"