IMPORTANT: If you are updating from the "Fishing Loot" version of the plugin, your rewards will be converted to the new format in rewards.yml. Please keep a backup of the old format so you can double check and make sure all of the values are correct.
- Enchantments will not be converted correctly as the system has been overhauled, so please check every reward that has enchantments.
- Rewards that were in a separate yml file will need to be added manually.
If you are using spigot 1.20-1.20.1 use the following version of the plugin.
Spigot doesn't have the GENERIC_MAX_ABSORPTION attribute defined in these version for some reason, this version of the plugin removes it so it can work properly.
Code (YAML):
: 1
# Clears drops that haven't been picked up after X amount of time. (in seconds)
# Set the time to 0 if you want this feature disabled.
: 60
# The multiplier for chance/weight from the generic.luck attribute. As a %
: 2
: 2
# Whether the Luck attribute should apply for the luck increase or not. This includes Luck potion effect
: true
# Whether items with 'Luck of the Sea' enchantment should apply for the luck increase or not. REPLACE/ADD/DISABLE
# Protects items so that they can't be picked up by other players. This also affects entity drops.
: true
# Protects entities so that they can't be attacked by other players.
: false
# Reward mode. Weight / Roll
# Weight: Every drop's weight/chance will get added to a list and a number will be randomly generated from 0-[Total Weight] which will decide the reward.
# For example, if you had 2 items in the loot table, one with 60 weight and another with 40 weight, they would have 60% & 40% drop chance respectively.
# Roll: Drops will cycle from the lowest chance to highest until the player rolls an item. (Chance should not be higher than 100)
# For example, if you had 3 items with 1%, 10%, 100% chance, and the player rolls a 9, the 10% item will drop, but if he rolls an 11, the 100% item will drop.
# Player Placeholder for commands
: '
Code (Text):
# Define reward parameters here
########################### Keywords ###########################
# chance: Determine the chance for the reward to drop. Value should be 0.##-100. Note: If the plugin is in weight mode, this will be used as the weight.
# type: Specify the type of reward. 'item' or 'entity'
# xp: Specify the amount of XP that is dropped when the reward is reeled in.
# commands: Specify a list of commands ran by the server when the reward is reeled in.
# - 'say GREAT CATCH!'
# message: Specify a message that a player receives when a reward is reeled in.
# treasure: Specify if the reward chance is increased by Luck. True or False.
# junk: Specify if the reward chance is decreased by luck. True or false
########################### Item Keywords ###########################
# material: Specify the type of item using Minecraft IDs. Example: 'LEATHER'
# amount: Set the quantity of items dropped, either as a range (Min-Max) or exact amount.
# lore: Add a tooltip to the item. Each lore line should be a separate line in the list.
# - ''
# enchantments: Add enchantments to the item. Specify each enchantment with its ID, Levels, and chance separated by a colon ":". It's recommended to order the enchantments from lowest to highest chance, as they will be applied in the listed order.
# - 'protection:1-5:50' Example: This means that protection level 1-5 has a 50% chance of being applied. Leaving the chance empty will guarantee an enchantment, any non-guaranteed enchantments will apply as a bonus enchantment.
# guaranteed-enchantment-amount: Determines the number of guaranteed enchantments an item can have. For an example, if an item has 5 guaranteed enchantments, but the amount is set to 2, it will pick 2 enchantments randomly and apply them.
# bonus-enchantment-amount: Determines the number of bonus enchants an item can have. This only applies to non-guaranteed enchantments.
# override-bonus-enchantments: Allows more guaranteed enchantments to be applied if no bonus enchantments were applied. True/False
# durability: Set the durability of the item as a percentage, either as a range (Min-Max) or an exact value.
# unbreakable: Makes the item unbreakable. True/False
# consumed: Specify if the item should be consumed upon pickup. True or False.
# flags: Specify list of item flags to the reward
# - 'HIDE_DYE'
# attributes: Specify the Minecraft attributes followed by a numerical value.
# health: generic.max_health
# value: Value of the attribute modifier
# operation: How the value is being added. ADD_NUMBER/ADD_SCALER/MULTIPLY_SCALER_1 - Check Spigot Documentation for details.
# equipment-slot: Specify the slot the attribute modifier should take effect in. HEAD/CHEST/LEGS/FEET/HAND/OFF_HAND - HAND is default.
# knockback-resistance: generic.knockback_resistance
# speed: generic.movement_speed
# flying-speed: generic.flying_speed
# damage: generic.attack_damage
# attack-speed: generic.attack_speed
# armor: generic.armor
# armor-toughness: generic.armor_toughness
# luck: generic.luck
# absorption: generic.max_absorption
########################### Entity Keywords ###########################
# entity-type: Specify the Minecraft entity type. Example: 'ZOMBIE'
# attributes: Specify the Minecraft entity attributes followed by a numerical value.
# health: generic.max_health
# follow-range: generic.follow_range
# knockback-resistance: generic.knockback_resistance
# speed: generic.movement_speed
# flying-speed: generic.flying_speed
# damage: generic.attack_damage
# attack-speed: generic.attack_speed
# armor: generic.armor
# armor-toughness: generic.armor_toughness
# luck: generic.luck
# absorption: generic.max_absorption
# horse-jump: horse.jump_strength
# zombie-rienforcement: zombie.spawn_rienforcements
# drops: Items that are dropped when the entity is killed.
# material: Specify the Minecraft ID of the item.
# amount: Specify the amount of the dropped item, either as a range(Min-Max) or as an exact value.
# chance: Specify the chance of the item dropping.
# equipment: Sets the entity's worn equipment.
# material:
# enchantments:
# - ''
# drops: Adds the worn equipment to the drops list.
# damaged: Randomizes the durability of the drop. True or False.
# chance: Specify the percentage of the item dropping as a number.
########################### Conditions ###########################
# regions: Specify the World Guard region(s) a reward can be caught in
# - ''
# biomes: Specify the Biomes a reward can be caught in.
# - ''
# permission: Specify a player permission needed for a reward to be caught. Permissions with always be prefixed with "fishingrewards."
# time: Specify the time required for a reward can be caught in. Based on minecraft ticks.
# weather: Specify the weather conditions needed to catch a reward. Clear/Rain/Thunder
########################### Item Example ###########################
# Example-Drop:
# type: 'item'
# chance: 100
# material: 'LEATHER'
# amount: '1-5'
# name: '&cExample Item'
# lore:
# - 'First line'
# - '&bSecond line'
# enchantments:
# - 'unbreaking:1-3:1'
# durability: '10-100'
# xp: '10'
# consumed: true
# message: 'WOAH! RARE DROP!'
# commands:
# - 'say %player% GOT A RARE DROP!'
# - 'warp RewardSpot %player%'
# regions:
# - 'HUB'
# - 'Area64'
# biomes:
# - 'jungle'
# - 'plains'
# permission: 'example_drop'
# weather: 'thunder'
# treasure: true
########################### Entity Example ###########################
# Speedy-Zombie:
# type: 'entity'
# entity-type: 'ZOMBIE'
# name: 'The Flash'
# attributes:
# health: 1
# speed: 10
# equipment:
# material: 'LEATHER_HELMET'
# material: 'DIAMOND_BOOTS'
# enchantments:
# - 'PROTECTION:5:100'
# drops:
# damaged: true
# chance: 100
# drops:
# amount: '1-10'
# chance: 100
# amount: '1-2'
# chance: 5.5
material: 'cod'
type: 'item'
chance: 600
material: 'salmon'
type: 'item'
chance: 250
material: 'tropical_fish'
type: 'item'
chance: 20
material: 'pufferfish'
type: 'item'
chance: 130
material: 'bow'
type: 'item'
chance: 167
treasure: true
material: 'enchanted_book'
type: 'item'
chance: 167
enchantment-amount: 1
- 'efficiency:1:10'
treasure: true
material: 'fishing_rod'
type: 'item'
chance: 167
treasure: true
material: 'nautilus_shell'
type: 'item'
chance: 167
treasure: true
material: 'saddle'
type: 'item'
chance: 167
treasure: true
material: 'lily_pad'
type: 'item'
chance: 170
material: 'bowl'
type: 'item'
chance: 100
junk: true
material: 'fishing_rod'
type: 'item'
chance: 200
durability: '10-99'
junk: true
material: 'leather'
type: 'item'
chance: 100
material: 'leather_boots'
type: 'item'
chance: 100
durability: '10-100'
junk: true
material: 'stick'
type: 'item'
chance: 50
junk: true
material: 'string'
type: 'item'
chance: 50
material: 'glass_bottle'
type: 'item'
chance: 100
junk: true
material: 'bone'
type: 'item'
chance: 100
material: 'ink_sac'
type: 'item'
chance: 10
material: 'tripwire_hook'
type: 'item'
chance: 100