Fishing Rewards is a plugin that lets server owners customize fishing loot tables with items & entities.
- Weight: Every drop's weight/chance will get added to a list and a number will be randomly generated from 0-[Total Weight] which will decide the reward. For example, if you had 2 items in the loot table, one with 60 weight and another with 40 weight, they would have 60% & 40% drop chance respectively.
- Roll: Drops will cycle from the lowest chance to highest until the player rolls an item. (Chance should not be higher than 100). For example, if you had 3 items with 1%, 10%, 100% chance, and the player rolls a 9, the 10% item will drop, but if he rolls an 11, the 100% item will drop.
Item Pickup Protection
Entity Damage Protection
Reward Conditions
- World Guard Regions
- Biomes
- Permission
- Ingame Time
- Weather
Custom EXP Amount
- Executed when a player reels in a catch.
Catch Message
- Sent when a player reels in a catch
Item Data
- Display Name
- Lore
- Durability
- Amount
- Model Data
- Attribute Modifiers
- Unbreakable
- In Depth Enchantment Support
- Deletion on Pickup
- Custom Player Heads
- Potion Support
Entity Data
- Display Name
- Drops
- Equipment
- Attributes
Catch Sound Support
Planned Features:
- New reward type: Money
- More Entity Customization
- NBT tag support
- More Drop Modes
- Ingame Reward Creator
- Potion Reward support
- Skull Item support
- Ingame sound support
- fishingrewards gui - Opens up the loot table (GUI).
- fishingrewards reload - Reloads the config & rewards files.
NOTE: All commands use the permission fishingrewards.admin
This is a project I made for fun, do not expect updates.
For reporting bugs & support, please submit a new issue on