restored compatibility with ILibrary
fixed not registering custom crafting recipes
fixed custom crafting recipes not loading on first input
support for CustomCrafting recipes ("imported" automatically)
fixed "/fc view" category sorting
fixed shapeless recipes sometimes not recognized if amount of ingredient>1
fixed permission for blacklist editing
auto crafter to automatically craft recipes
support for complex repair recipe
fixed "vanilla-recipes-accept-plain-items-only" set to "true" ignoring recipes such as book copying
added categories
fixed prev item in /fc view
1.20 support
dropped support for <1.14
update ilibrary & download nbtnexus
quick fix for
vanilla-recipes-accept-plain-items-only only working in vanilla, not gui
added option
checking whether player is in essentials /recipe
permsForQuickCraftin in config.yml (perm: "fancycrafting.qc")
vanilla recipes now can only be crafted with plain items (meaning no meta such as lore, name, etc)
fixed quick crafting on full inventory
updated to latest ILibrary
fixed cloning item on IShapedRecipe#getIngredients (caused setting ingredient amount to one)
added option to set permission default for crafting and viewing recipes
ignoring cancelled workbench/crafting table clicks
fixed cloning item on IShapedRecipe#getIngredients (caused setting ingredient amount to one)
added option to set permission default for crafting and viewing recipes
option to disable support for vanilla 3x3 & 2x2
fixed on no result after crafting in vanilla
moved some options in config.yml to a seperate section
handling complex recipes correctly (armor/shulker dye, book/banner dupe, firework)
vanilla crafting table supports custom recipes
blacklist (exclude certain recipes, match by ingredients)
adapted to changes in ILibrary and 1.19.3
adapted to ILibrary changes
fixed shift item clicking in bottom inv disappearing if same is in quick crafting
fixed shapeless recipe collecting
fixed recipe matching
(fixed & updated on the 7th of September (FancyCraftingPlus))
easier recipe editing in file (e.g. nbt, custom model data,...)
requires ILibrary v3.6.4
fixed items not showing in vanilla crafting in lower versions
complex recipes (e.g. Leather Armor Dyeing, Firework, Duplicate Banner/Book)
note that this plugin is not handling complex recipes the same as vanilla, although the results match with duplicating a book beeing an exception
removed vanilla crafting table support (back soon)
option to use vanilla crafting table instead of custom
fixed crafting cooldown message
fixed ignoring ingredients amount on quick craft
fixed delete message on recipe delete in recipe create gui
crafting gui now opens on inventory open event, not player interact event
fixed not handling mirrored vanilla recipes
added cooldown between crafts
changed recipe create gui size to 36 (prev 27)
on item click in own inv (during recipe viewing), view recipes that have that item as result
added recipe caching to improve calculation speed (async option unnecessary)
some structural changes
update to ILibrary v3.6.1
fixed probabilities (example: 2 possible results, prob for each = 1 -> only one possible result)
disabled shift collect for random recipes due to strange behaviour on spam(quick crafting sometimes triggered)
fixed recipe creation using player id
random recipes:
recipes with more than one possible result, each result has set probability of appearing
recipe viewing and editing gui rework
recommended to delete all craftingxxx.yml files due to many unnecessary values
code rework & divided into smaller modules
"/fc reload" reload plugin
"/fc open <player>"
"/fc open <player> <1-8> <1-6>"
to open fc crafting gui for other players via console
-option to disable/enable debug messages
-use of input guis of ILibrary 3.6.0
Requires ILibrary 3.6.0+
quick crafting recipes "paged" (right/left click besides inventories to go through recipes)
properly checking permissions (op has to have perms too)
option to sort recipes by recipe name or result name
shorter error messages
Downgrade due to many undiscovered bugs after Code Clean up
code clean up
fixed permissions for normal & quick crafting
quick crafting (see github for details)
code formatted
custom messages
properly stopping update checker
use of IItemStack#hashCode for comparing -> 3-5 times faster
IItemStack instead of ItemStack for comparison
recipe checking now possible in same tick as event (most of the time)
fixed shift collecting result wrong amount if result amount > 1
recipes sorted by name in "/fc view"
fixed ingame recipe duplication in "/fc view" after deleting recipe
fixed dupe: view recipe -> click item in inv to view recipe for item -> all items movable
updated to ILibrary 3.4.0 package changes
all versions compatible again
All titles now customizable
Implemented FileUtils#setMissingConfigurationSections
Recipe matching now async
Fixed recipe creation saving wrong matrix
Fixed recipe viewing
Fixed recipe creation using wrong matrix
New grids: 1x1, 1x2,..., 8x6
Recipe viewing selects different grids (f.e. 1x2 grid for sticks)
Fixed result slot item collectable although no recipe
/fc open <1-8> <1-6> (to open different grids)
Option to delete custom recipes
Multiple recipes in "/fc view <name>" are shown in one gui per recipe
Having recipe edit perms allows you to edit a recipe through /fc view <name>
Multiple recipes in "/fc edit" are shown in a paged gui with up to 36 recipes per page
Command "/fc view" to view all custom recipes in paged gui -Fixed back button
Code clean up
Permission changes
UpdateChecker impl
Custom Recipes can be edited with /fc edit <name>
Dropped support for <1.16
Command to open crafting gui
Fixed recipe editing and creating
1.17 Compatible
Fixed Error on Closing with Button
Updated to ILibrary changes
Option to disable perms for crafting recipe
added back and close button for recipe view
if viewing recipe and clicking item will open recipe for that item (only custom recipes)
Fixed shitft dupe
Fixed item sometimes null during check
If nbt check throws exception the specific key is skipped
Reloading recipes async
Fixed custom recipe name check
Custom recipe names
Permission to craft custom recipes
View recipes (w perms)
ingredients/result now can have textures
Custom Crafting GUI
Vanilla Recipes
Custom Recipes