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A easy to use API for developers to take advantage of custom shaped/shapeless recipes with nbt/textures/meta/enchantments….
If you're a server owner: FancyCrafting may be required in a plugin which has directed you to this page, download the plugin and put it in your 'plugins' directory and boom, you're good to go!
FancyCrafting is simple and easy to use, first download and import the plugin into your project or use maven:
No arguments: Opens default grid. Permission: ""
"<1-8> <1-6>": Opens different grids, first width then heigth. Permission: "<1-8>x<1-6>"
"<player>": Opens default grid for a player. Permission: ""
"<player> <1-8> <1-6>": Opens different grids for a player, first width then height. Permission: "<1-8>x<1-6>"
No arguments: Reload vanilla & custom recipes and config files. Permission: "fancycrafting.admin.reload"
No arguments: Opens a GUI to create a new custom recipe. Permission: "fancycrafting.admin.create"
Edit one or multiple custom recipes with the same name where "<recipe-name>" is the name of the recipe with " " replaced with "-". If there are two or more custom recipes with the same name, you can click through them by clicking the arrow buttons. Permission: "fancycrafting.admin.edit"
No arguments:
View all custom recipes. Permission: "fancycrafting.admin.view"
"<recipe-name>": View all custom recipes with the same name where "<recipe-name>" is the name of the recipe with " " replaced with "-". Most vanilla recipes can be viewed as well. Permission: "fancycrafting.view.<recipe-name>"
All Players do not have these permissions by default, even if they are op.
All permission have to be set explicitly.
Crafting Custom Recipes with
perms-for-custom-recipes Set to true requires the player to have the permission: "fancycrafting.craft.<recipe-name>" (replace " " with "-")
Crafting vanilla Recipes with
perms-for-vanilla-recipes Set to true requires permission: "fancycrafting.craft.<recipe-name>" (replace " " with "-") where recipe-name is the Name of the result
To open the crafting GUI from inside a Deluxe Menus GUI you have to add the following commands: