Custom Item plugin integrations were moved to the EconomyBridge plugin. You must update it to v1.2.0 to prevent any issues.
Added %amount% placeholder for commands of command products. Using this placeholder will make command(s) to run only once with replacement of selected product quantity.
A bug, where custom item products can be detected as vanilla items using Sell All & Sell GUI.
A bug, where Cart GUI can not return to the shop if it was open ignoring restrictions, allowing to buy/sell items infinitely ignoring product restrictions.
A duplication bug related to Infinite Storage system.
A possible error in /cshop browse GUI.
Slightly reduced chest shop display flicker for display entities.
[Chest Shop] Item creation. Give shop items to players and create shops by placing them down! [Chest Shop] Infinite Storage system. Store as many items in shops as you wish!
[Chest Shop] Command /chestshop giveitem to give shop items. [Chest Shop] Hologram config options for buy and sell placeholders (shops won't display buy/sell price if displayed item is unbuyable/unsellable). [Chest Shop] Button type 'shop_storage' for 'shop_settings.yml' config to access the infinite storage system. You have to add it manually!
[Chest Shop] Default Currency (from settings.yml) is now used for shop creation/deletion prices.
[Virtual Shop] A bug, where /vshop open command permission was accidiently overridden by that command's flag permission.
[Core] Option to set different Cart UI for Virtual and Chest shops. Read more in documentation.
[Virtual Shop] Command flag -s (silent) for /sellall command when used on other players.
[Core] Updated Chinese translation.
[Chest Shop] Added explicit product lore format for buying and selling. No more displays "Buy" or "Sell" text if product is unbuyable/unsellable. Options added to the settings.yml config file.
[Core] Corrected documentation URLs in the config comments.
[Chest Shop] A bug, where price data won't refresh properly.
[Virtual Shop] A bug, where Rotation chance and Preview Item buttons in Rotating Shop editor used the same inventory slot.
[Virtual Shop] A bug, where command products don't have Preview button to change their display.
[Virtual Shop] A bug, where items from custom item plugins displayed as wrong ones in editor.
4.ALL PLUGIN DATA IS COMPATIBLE, DO NOT RESET ANYTHING. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[Core] Player Based price type. Dynamic price that changed depends on amount of online players!
[Virtual Shop] Shop Layout System. Now, instead of 'view.yml' GUI configs, there is a dedicated /layouts/ folder. This is where you create GUI layouts for your shops now. It is move convient and will prevent from duplicated configurations when use the same layout in multiple shops.
[Chest Shop] Customizable shop showcases. Now players can select a showcase item for their shops (from a list of allowed items).
[Chest Shop] Permission 'excellentshop.chestshop.display.customization' that allows to customize shop display.
[Auction] Force flag (-f) for /ah open, /ah expired, /ah history, /ah unclaimed, /ah listings commands. Used to bypass auction restrictions.
[Auction] Config option for Default and Allowed currencies. Removed weird currency settings section.
[Virtual Shop] Static Shops now can display pages in GUI titles.
[Virtual Shop] Decluttered settings.yml config from unnecessary comments and settings. You will need to do a simple copy-paste your old Buy-Sell sections to new ones.
[Virtual Shop] Float price updating is more smooth now.
[Chest Shop] Shop create command now accepts (optionally) buy and sell prices for the first product from hand.
[Virtual Shop] Holding Shift when adding (or replace) items will force use 'bukkit_item' handler. Useful to bypass auto-detection of custom items plugin.
[Virtual Shop] Improved behavior of Sell GUI.
[Virtual Shop] Minor optimizations.
[!] Command Aliases setting moved out from module's settings.yml to the config.yml under each module section.
[!] Currency configs moved out of the /currency/ directory to the single 'currencies.yml' config files.
A bug, where 'Full Inventory' check works incorrect when purchasing items.
A bug, where max. amount of items in shop cart calculated incorrectly due to wrong inventory space check.
A bug, where default cart settings for 'Set Max.' button was incorrect for stackable items.
[Virtual Shop] A minor bug, where product restock time is calculated even if no purchases/sales were made.
[Core] Button type "SET_CUSTOM" for product cart. Allows players to enter direct item amount they want to buy/sell.
[ChestShop] Placeholders for chestshops to indicate the price of an item in a certain slot: '%shop_product_price_buy_[slot]%', '%shop_product_price_sell_[slot]%'.
[ChestShop] Support for Kingdoms claims.
[Core] A few improvements for bedrock players.
[Core] A bug, where XP currency worked incorrect.
[Auction] A bug, where Round Price setting worked incorrect in some cases.
[ChestShop] Support for AdvancedRegionMarket to auto-remove shops from restored regions.
[Virtual Shop] Revisited Virtual Shop Editor. A bit compacted and uncluttered.
[Virtual Shop] Product & Sell GUI API. Now you (if you're developer) can set inventory for product transactions. This should fix the issue where you can't sell big chests properly.
[ChestShop] A bug, where offline transactions feature for chest shops works incorrect for some currencies.
[ChestShop] A minor bug with price type permissions.
[Fixed] A bug, where attaching NPCs option was unavailable for Rotating Shops. [Fixed] A bug, where SellAll & SellGUI was broken in v4.6.0 [Fixed] A bug, where some specific virtual product placeholders were forgotten to be parsed.
[New] Rotating Shops! They are included to the Virtual Shop module and acts almost the same way. You select how many products will be used in rotations, set product rotation chances and shop rotation times/interval.
[Fixed] A bug, where new products throws an error when trying to edit them.
Chest Shop: [Changed] Shop list GUI separated on two GUIs: One for a list of all players with shops, and other one for a list of specific player's shops. [Changed] Shop list command also changed to two commands: /chestshop browse and /chestshop list. [Changed] Search command was removed and moved to the Browse GUI as a button.
Virtual Shop: [Added] Sell All command. Aliases are customizable. By default it's /sellall [Added]Sell Multipliers. Allows you to configure persistent sell multipliers based on player ranks or permissions. [Added]Allowed Ranks product option. Allows you to set a list of ranks who will have access to certain product(s).
Auction: [Added] Ability to preview content of Shulker boxes, chests, etc. Toggleable in settings.yml. Uses Right-Click.
ChestShop Module: Due to changes to the Bank system, it's recommended to do a backup of your /chest_shop/ folder in case if something go wrong.
[Added] Command '/chestshop bank' to view & manage your bank.
[Improved] Shop Bank was changed from per shop to per player. Now all player's shops will share the same bank linked to their owner. Players now can easily deposit/withdraw funds for/from all their shops instead of doing this one by one.
Please update to the latest NexEngine v2.2.11 (DOWNLOAD)
WARNING: Some messages with custom options (type, prefix, sound) or JSON components may become "broken" due to using the updated Engine format / parser. Please, correct your messages using this page.
Do backup of your ExcellentShop folder (just in case something go wrong after this update)
Inside /auction/menu/ folder remove 'Special' header from all menu config files (so all items will go under 'Content' one).
Inside /chest_shop/menu/ folder remove 'Editor' and 'Special' headers from all menu config files (so all items will go under 'Content' one).
[Added] Support for CoinsEngine. Consider using it over GamePoints/PlayerPoints.
[Improved] Currency handler. Now better handles and registers currencies from other plugins. [Improved] Default Auction GUIs now has more modern style.
[Changed] Module folders are moved out of the '/modules/' sub-folder directly to the plugin folder.
[Fixed] A bug, where global product stock works incorrect for Virtual Shops.
! Remove 'shop' alias from the 'Command_Aliases' in Virtual Shop module settings.yml !
[Added] Shortcut 'shop' command (aliases are configurable) for Virtual Shop for players. This command will open Main Menu (if enabled) or specified virtual shop. To open Main Menu or certain shop to other players, there is still '/vshop open' and '/vshop menu' admin commands.
[Changed] A few changes were made to Virtual Shop permissions. Please, check wiki for actual nodes.
[Fixed] Removed color codes from transaction logs.
[Improved] More modern Virtual Shop editor GUI layout.
[Fixed] A bug in Virtual Shop, where Product Stock not correctly changes sometimes, and when players can 'restock' their limits themselves. [Fixed] A bug in Virtual Shop, where Command Products can open cart for sell (they are unsellable). [Fixed] A bug in Virtual Shop, where amount of given product items was exceed the max. item stack size.
[Improved]Product Types. Now all products are either 'item' or 'command' ones. You can't mix them anymore. This will resolve issues with selling such products and will make product editing more clear. [Improved] More accurate prices for products in premade (default) shops.
[Changed] Removed hard limit (1) for items amount in virtual and chest shops. Now you can create products with fixed amount in stack per unit.
[Fixed] A memory leak + TPS drop in Chest Shop related to shop display update in unloaded chunks. [Fixed] A memory leak in Virtual Shop when using too many products with Float price. [Fixed] A bug, where you can't place signs and item frames on your chest shops.
Chest Shop: [Improved] Added Shop Bank GUI. You don't have to write currency in chat anymore to deposit or withdraw funds. [Improved] All GUIs were updated and got better layout. [Improved] 'list' command now accepts player name argument.
Plugin: [Removed] Duplicated/unneseccary lang keys from all modules.
[Added] Support for different showcases for each shop type.
[Locale] Updated Chinese language. [Locale] Added Spanish language.
[Fixed] A bug, where Chest Shop which not a Chest can not be removed properly. [Fixed] A bug, where Chest Shop may refuse to add a product from item if there is already product with such material, but items are different. [Fixed] A bug, where some Editor texts were not in the lang config.
[Added] A few compatibilities for Bedrock players (via Geyser Floodgate API). [Added] A config file for the Chest Shop GUI settings back.
[Fixed] A bug, where Auction prompts you to select a currency even if there is only one available. [Fixed] A bug, where Item Currency may have decimal prices. [Fixed] A bug, where Chest Shop Editor text not saved to the messages config.
! DO A BACKUP OF THE PLUGIN FOLDER BEFORE UPDATE ! [New]Product Stock System. This system will replace Buy/Sell limits. Now you can set Global and/or Per Player initial product amount for Buy/Sell, as well as restock time. With the new system you can create virtual markets, where player's purchases will affect amount in the stock. [New]Product Price System. Now, for each product you set the Price Type. It can be: FLAT, FLOAT and DYNAMIC.
Flat price is just plain buy/sell values.
Float price is generated between min. and max. values at certain day(s) and time(s).
Dynamic price is adjusted on each purchase/sale. More purchases - Higher the price. More sales - Lower the price.
[Added] Support for Barrels, Shulker Boxes for Chest Shop creation. [Added] 'Default_Name' option for the Chest Shop module. [Added] An option to disable holograms for Chest Shops. [Added] 'Allowed_Containers' option for the Chest Shop module. Sets a list of containers that can be used for shop creation.
[Improved]Shop Editor. All GUIs now have better layout, including button names and lores. Config files for these GUIs were removed. All texts moved to the lang config. [Improved] Schedulers for Price Randomizer and Shop Discounts. Now they're correcly gets executed at exact time you set in configs.
[Changed] Some permissions were changed. Check plugin wiki for actual ones.
[Fixed] A lot of possible minor bugs and issues related to: product stocks, price generation, player's limits. [Fixed] Minor configuration improvements.
Main Plugin Changes: [Added] Command 'currency' to give, take or create plugin currencies. [Added] 'Number_Format' option for currency config. [Added] 'Icon' option for currency config.
[Changed] Now currencies have it's own config files located in the /currency/ sub-folder.
[Fixed] Improved Currency API and Manager.
Auction Module Changes: [New]Multi-Currency support! Now you can add items on auction with different currencies! You can enable/disable certain currencies in the auction settings file. [New]Unclaimed Items Menu. A GUI, where you can claim reward for items you sold. [New]Category Filter Menu. A GUI, where you can select categories and filter listings by them. [New]Currency Filter Menu. A GUI, where you can select currencies and filter listings by them. [New]Currency Selection Menu. A GUI, where you can select a currency for your listing on auction.
[Added] 'Icon' option for items category in 'categories.yml' config. This icon will be displayed in category filter GUI. [Added] Command '/ah unclaimed' to open a GUI with unclaimed listings.
[Changed] Menu configs were updated & moved to '/menu/' sub-folder. [Changed] Now players have to claim their rewards for sold items in the special auction GUI. [Changed] Permissions have been changed. Check wiki for actual ones.
[Removed] Config options 'Delete_Expired' and 'Sales_History'. Now all auction expired, sold or history listings will be purged depends on the auction 'Database.Purge' settings.
[Fixed] A bug, where price bypass permission does not have effect for 'Per_Material' price limits. [Fixed] Improved notifications about expired/unclaimed listings for players. [Fixed] Improved Auction Manager code, better listings store and management.
- Improved Database stability and performance. - Improved User Data handling. - Added 'Table_Prefix' option for the 'Database' section in 'config.yml'. - Permissions are now registering internally.
HOW TO TRANSFER DATA TO NEW AUCTION DATABASE: - If you're on SQLite, just copy the plugin 'data.db' (do not delete it) to the same directory and rename it to 'auction.db'. - If you're on MySQL, run the plugin to create a new table for auction, then do Export - Import from the main plugin table.
[New] Auction module now has its own database.
[Added]French translation.
[Fixed] Improved Auction's GUI performance. [Fixed] A bug, where reload command does not work properly.
[Added] Auction config option 'Tax_After_Purchase: <true/false>' to take a tax from listing price after the purchase. [Added] Auction menu to browse your own listings.
Reset /modules/chest_shop/editor folder to apply new changes in editor. [New]Chest Shop Bank system. A new system that allows you to use any plugin supported currency in chest shops. Now all the funds from chest shop operations are stored in the shop bank, where shop owners can deposit or withdraw them at any time. Before, you was unable to use item currencies due to lack of offline transaction support, now this problem is solved! Also, now players can choose how many funds they would like to have in their shops, which can be useful to limit purchases from other players, saving their real balance. [New]Chest Shop Types. Now you can specify the shop type on creation. There also added permission nodes for each shop type. For now it has two types: Player and Admin.
[Added] Separate lang config for chest shop module (less memory usage when module is disabled). [Added] Different chest shop display titles for each shop type (Player, Admin). [Added] ChestShop config option for Admin Shop name instead of the player one.
[Improved]Chest Shop Search menu now displays more detailed information about the products.
[Fixed] A bug, where double chests in Chest Shop works incorrect sometimes. [Fixed] A bug, where chest shop counts wrong items as shop products. [Fixed] A bug, where product price has been affected by shop discounts even if it was disabled in product settings. [Fixed] Improved NMS for chest shop display. [Fixed] Possible console errors. [Fixed] Code improvements.
PLEASE RESET /editor/ FOLDERS IN EACH PLUGIN MODULE FOLDER. [Added] Russian language. [Added] ChestShop config option 'Delete_Invalid_Shop_Configs' to delete shops with invalid locations on load. [Added]WorldGuard flag 'chest-shop-create' (deny/allow) to allow/disallow chest shop creation in WorldGuard regions.
[Fixed] A bit improved performance for product display in GUIs. [Fixed] Minor fixes for Chest Shops to automatically remove shops when shop block is not a chest anymore. [Fixed] A bug, where players can change product price randomizer and currency in chest shop even if they don't have permissions. [Fixed] Reassigned middle mouse clicks in shop editors to other ones as middle click in longer available in 1.18. [Fixed] Default shop configs creation bug.
[Fixed] A bug, where player can lost items in some GUIs. [Fixed] A bug, where Chest Shop creates duplicated armor stand on display. [Fixed] Config click types and sounds loading issues. [Fixed] NPE errors.
BEFORE UPDATING: 1. In each module 'settings.yml' change 'command-aliases' to 'Command_Aliases'. 2. In each module folder reset '/editor/' folder. 3. In each virtual shop reset 'view.yml'. 4. In '/modules/chest_shop/' reset 'view.yml'.
[Added] Permission to remove other player listings from auction: ''.
[Changed] Shop Cart Menu config split into two files ( and Also, for 'TAKE' buttons you have to provide negative amount.
[Fixed] A bug, where players can not sell items in chest shop if chest is empty. [Fixed] A bug, where product amount menu is opened, when product can not be sold/purchased. [Fixed] A bug, where product limits works incorrect sometimes. [Fixed] A bug, where product amount menu calculates space/amount of a wrong item. [Fixed] A bug, where player placeholder not replaced in chest shop purchase messages. [Fixed] A bug, where product price randomizer not worked for chest shops. [Fixed] A bug, where full inventory check on purchase works incorrect. [Fixed] Now in shop cart menu you can't select items more than you/shop can carry/afford. [Fixed] Admin chest shops no more sends purchase notifications for its owners. [Fixed] Minor fixes and improvements.
[Added] 'Default_Currency' option for Chest Shop. [Added] 'Product_Amount' option for 'cart.gui.yml' config. You have to use this option to define product amount instead of item 'amount' option now.
[Fixed] Permission for /shop open command of Virtual Shop. [Fixed] A bug, where Chest Shop display can be buggy on chunk unload. [Fixed] A bug, where product of newly created Chest Shop is not saved at the first time.
[Fixed] A bug, where external currencies not being added to the config automatically. [Fixed] Product price display for Virtual Shops. [Fixed] A minor fix for Chest Shop display icon names.
[Fixed] Chest shop display duplication issue should be finally fixed now. At least I found the reason why it happened and after thix fix I was unable to reproduce it anymore.
[Added] Two more sections for Virtual Shop product lore for Unbuyable/Unsellable products. Open /modules/virtual_shop/settings.yml and replace 'GUI' section with the following code:
Installation: This plugin version is NOT compatible with previous versions, so you MUST do a CLEAN install! UPGRADING FROM QShop IS NOT POSSIBLE! NO CONFIGS OR DATABASE ARE COMPATIBLE! DO NOT TRY TO USE QShop CONFIGS!
[New] Shop GUI Design editor. Now you can easily build Shop GUI design in game! [New] Different currency for each shop product instead of per shop currency. Now you can have multiple products with different currencies in the same shop. [New] Chest shops now can trade multiple items in one chest. [New] Chest shops now allows you to select amount of item to buy/sell similar to Virtual Shop. [New] Chest shops now allows you to choose currency for each product similar to Virtual Shop.
[Added] Currency format setting. Now you can set different price format for each currency. [Added] All currency support for Chest Shop. [Added] Player argument for /ah expired and /ah history commands.
[Changed] GUI Shop renamed to Virtual Shop. [Changed] Amount Selection GUI: STACK button type has been removed. Now you can preview how many item stacks you will buy/sell. Max. amount to buy now limited to (product preview slots * product stack size). [Changed] Product limit now has effect for buying only. Option to set minimal amount of product to buy has been removed. [Changed] Chest shop now opens a GUI with all its products to select which item you want to buy/sell. [Changed] Chest shops now saved as YML files instead of database records.
[Fixed] Price and balance formatter finally fixed now. [Fixed] Chest shop display duplication issues should be fixed now. [Fixed] A lot of other fixes and improvements in GUIs, messages, events, handlers, and other.
[Removed] Product permissions has been removed. [Removed] Global shop discounts has been removed.
I'm a bit busy at the moment, so updates are taking a while for now. Other requested features will be added later.
New Additions: ▸ Added a placeholder for Chest Shops to display amount of items left in the chest: '%stock%'. ▸ Added a toggle message when you switch between player and your chestshops.
Bug Fixes & Improvements: ▸ Fixed a bug, where auction items being sold twice. ▸ Fixed a bug, where some product checks not worked for double chest shops. ▸ A bit more fixes for chest shop creation in protected areas. ▸ A few fixes for the auction GUI.
New Additions: ▸ Added support for item categories in Auction module. You can create unlimited amount of categories. There is a new button in the GUI to switch between them (you have to add it manually).
Bug Fixes & Improvements: ▸ Minor fixes for console log format. ▸ Code improvements and optimizations.
New Additions: ▸ [Auction] Added a list of minimal and maximal prices for specified materials. ▸ [Chest Shop] Added quantumshop.chestshop.remove.others permission. ▸ [Chest Shop] Added quantumshop.chestshop.teleport.others permission. ▸ [Chest Shop] Added quantumshop.chestshop.list.editor permission. ▸ [Chest Shop] Added a function to switch between your own and all players chest shops in GUI.
New Additions: ▸ Added GriefPrevention support for ChestShop creation. ▸ A bit changed config for chest shop creation inside player claims. Please check the changes to re-enable that option!
Bug Fixes & Improvements: ▸ Chest shop creation will be interrupted if player input invalid prices. ▸ Chest shop creation will be interrupted if player input prices too late. ▸ A bit improved code.
New Additions: ▸ Added an ability to create Chest Shops by clicking a chest with an item in hand. ▸ Added a new item type for Action GUI: ACTION_SORTING. Allows players to sort auction listings by different variants. ▸ Added an option to import auction listings from AuctionHouse plugin (config option 'import-from').
Bug Fixes & Improvements: ▸ Fixed compatibility with protection plugins. Should work for all of them now. ▸ Fixed a bug, where double chests works incorrectly for ChestShops. ▸ Fixed a bug, where amount of ChestShops per rank could be incorrect. ▸ ChestShop permissions were changed. Check changes on the plugin page. ▸ Optimized ChestShop events.
Please reset /editor/ folder in /modules/gui/ folder. Main Menu for GUI Shop was moved to 'main.gui.yml' config. Please transfer your main menu settings from 'settings.yml'.
Amount Selection Menu for GUI Shop was moved to 'amount.gui.yml' config. Please transfer your amount selection gui settings from 'settings.yml'.
Did you know? All GUIs now supports simple item frame animations! [New] Now uses new, better data handler. Fixed errors and performance improvements.
[Added] Product limit and product price randomizer settings in GUI editor.
Dropped 1.13 support. Updated to the latest FCore.
This is technical update that fixes minor bugs and uses updated version of plugin core. Promised features and settings will be added in the next update(s).
[Fixed] ChestShop display bugs. [Fixed] A bug, where shop deletion caused errors and breaks the editor.
Now there is 'currency' section in plugin.yml, where you can change currency names and add your own custom item currencies. GUI Shops does not have it's own currency settings anymore, and will use currency ID name from config.yml.
[Added] An editor tip when adding commands to the GUI shop product.
[Fixed] Added an extra method to remove chestshop holograms in case if it was not deleted on plugin unload. [Fixed] A bug, where editor for the GUI shop does not allow to set negative product price. [Fixed] A bug, where GUI shop command with no arguments prints help page instead of open main shop menu after the latest update.
[New] Product Random Pricing. Allows you to randomize the product buy and sell prices with specified update interval and values. It's not included in editor yet, so you have to edit .yml files.
[Added] An ability to change shop icon in editor by drag and drop an item on it.
[Fixed] A bug, where Selling more than 1 stack (right click) will result in only 1 stack being sold. [Fixed] A bug, where player receives incorrect amount of money for Sell All option.
CONFIGUARTION CHANGES: Backup and Delete your current settings.yml config of each module! It's incompatible with the new version!
GUI Shop
Product Quantity Rework: ▸ Now correctly displays buy and sell prices for products, which have defined minimal trade amount. ▸ Now correctly displays sell-all price for products by counting player items in his inventory. ▸ Now you can make product purchases one-timed! ▸ Now you can define the minimal amount, that player can buy/sell for this product, players won't be able to select the lower value. ▸ Now you can define the maximal amount, that player can buy/sell of this product, players won't be able to select the higher value. ▸ On top of that, you can define the duration, while these limits will be active, like: Buy/Sell only N items per a Second(s)/Hour(s)/Day(s)/Week(s)/etc. ▸ Fixed item quantity balancer, now prevents from buying more than 1 stacks of product, if total product amount is out of min. and max. product bounds. ▸ Fixed price numbers formatting.
Happy Hours Rework: ▸ Added per product option which defines if product price will be affected by Happy Hours or not (true by default). ▸ Added an ability to define happy hours per shop. ▸ Added an shop option to use global happy hours instead of internal. ▸ Added an ability to define multiple happy hours. ▸ Added an ability to provide multiple days and times. ▸ Now you can display Happy Hours state for each shop in the main menu. ▸ Prevents from selling items if sell price is higher than buy price.
Editor: - Improved product manager, managing products is more easier now!
[Fixed] Sell All price value in product lore. [Fixed] Now command of GUI module will open shop main menu (if it's enabled) instead of printing help page.
Chest Shop
[Added] Search command that allows to search shops for specified item. [Added] An option to define different format for positive and negative prices. [Added] Internal shop display instead of HolographicDisplays/CMI.
[Fixed] A bug, where admin shops affects owner's balance. [Fixed] Possible issue, where player shops don't shows up in shops list GUI. [Fixed] A little price issue in editor. [Fixed] Performance improvements.
[Added] Support for PlotSquared and WorldGuard for Chest Shop as well as options to enable/disable creating shops inside player own areas only. [Added] Permission 'quantumshop.chestshop.teleport' that allows to teleport to your shops. [Added] Support for using command (/) to type values for editor. It may be useful if you have issues with chat plugin.
[New] Modules. Now plugin contains two shop modules: Admin GUI shop and Chest Shop. Each module can be disabled if you don't want to use it. [New]Chest Shop module. Allows your players (and admins) to create their own shops at chests. HolographicDisplays is required for shop display.
The following changes are valid only for 1.13+ version:
[Added] Placeholders '%item-amount%' and '%item-full-amount%' for amount selection GUI. [Added] A config option 'stack-button-set-amount-to-max'. When true, stack buttons will set amount of the item to its max stack size.
!!! IMPORTANT !!! Soon plugin will going to support 1.13+ only. Make sure to update your servers. The following changes are valid only for 1.13+ version. No changes in 1.12 version.
[Important] Added hard dependency 'JCore' (included in .zip)
[Added]Support for 1.14. [Added] /shop open sub-command. Now used to open shop(s) instead of main command. [Added] Multi-lang support. New message configs you can see in /lang/ folder. [Added] 'command-aliases' config option. [Added] Support for MySQL-Tokens plugin.
[Fixed] Improved GUI editor. [Fixed] Code refactor and optimization.
[Added]'STACK' button in amount selection, which allows you to select how many stacks of item you want to sell/buy. Use %stacks% placeholder in 'ACCEPT' button to display stacks amount.
[Added] Config file with default item names. [Fixed] Support for 1.13 [Fixed] A bug where price displayed only for 1 amount of item stack in category. [Fixed] Console errors.
[Fixed] A bug where items 'Next page' and 'Previous page' can be overriden by 'Filler' items. [Fixed] A bug where 'Next page' and 'Previous page' were not displayed in the shop GUI. [Fixed] A bug where items in the shop editor on all pages except first, were a bit buggy and not able to edit them. [Fixed] A bug where item 'Next page' was displayed in the shop editor even if this page does not exist so causing console errors.
[Added] Item options: minQuantity and maxQuantity . Which defines the min and max amount for buying/selling.
[Changed] Category item now supports any custom item stack. [Changed] A shop option 'NPC Id' now supports multiple numbers.
[Fixed] A bug with click sounds. [Fixed] Rounded balance value in the buy/sell selection GUI. [Fixed] Some possible issues with shop items. [Fixed] A bug with shop editor on creating a new shop/category.
[Added] An category option 'AllowBuy: <true/false>'
[Fixed] Some bugs on item clicks. [Fixed] Errors where the shop content was out of bounds. [Fixed] Now if the sell or buy price is less than 0 or not allowed it won't be displayed. [Fixed] A small bug with shop saving to config.