ExcellentShop ⭐ 4 in 1 Multi-Currency Shop icon

ExcellentShop ⭐ 4 in 1 Multi-Currency Shop -----

Static & Rotating GUI shops, ChestShop, Auction GUI in single plugin!

Backup and Delete your current settings.yml config of each module! It's incompatible with the new version!

GUI Shop
Product Quantity Rework:
▸ Now correctly displays buy and sell prices for products, which have defined minimal trade amount.
▸ Now correctly displays sell-all price for products by counting player items in his inventory.
▸ Now you can make product purchases one-timed!
▸ Now you can define the minimal amount, that player can buy/sell for this product, players won't be able to select the lower value.
▸ Now you can define the maximal amount, that player can buy/sell of this product, players won't be able to select the higher value.
▸ On top of that, you can define the duration, while these limits will be active, like: Buy/Sell only N items per a Second(s)/Hour(s)/Day(s)/Week(s)/etc.
▸ Fixed item quantity balancer, now prevents from buying more than 1 stacks of product, if total product amount is out of min. and max. product bounds.
▸ Fixed price numbers formatting.

Happy Hours Rework:
▸ Added per product option which defines if product price will be affected by Happy Hours or not (true by default).
▸ Added an ability to define happy hours per shop.
▸ Added an shop option to use global happy hours instead of internal.
▸ Added an ability to define multiple happy hours.
▸ Added an ability to provide multiple days and times.
▸ Now you can display Happy Hours state for each shop in the main menu.
▸ Prevents from selling items if sell price is higher than buy price.

- Improved product manager, managing products is more easier now!

[Fixed] Sell All price value in product lore.
[Fixed] Now command of GUI module will open shop main menu (if it's enabled) instead of printing help page.

Chest Shop
[Added] Search command that allows to search shops for specified item.
[Added] An option to define different format for positive and negative prices.
[Added] Internal shop display instead of HolographicDisplays/CMI.

[Fixed] A bug, where admin shops affects owner's balance.
[Fixed] Possible issue, where player shops don't shows up in shops list GUI.
[Fixed] A little price issue in editor.
[Fixed] Performance improvements.
----------, Nov 14, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,045
First Release: Dec 20, 2017
Last Update: Jan 30, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
146 ratings
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