ExcellentShop ⭐ 4 in 1 Multi-Currency Shop icon

ExcellentShop ⭐ 4 in 1 Multi-Currency Shop -----

Static & Rotating GUI shops, ChestShop, Auction GUI in single plugin!


Reset /modules/chest_shop/editor folder to apply new changes in editor.

[New] Chest Shop Bank system. A new system that allows you to use any plugin supported currency in chest shops. Now all the funds from chest shop operations are stored in the shop bank, where shop owners can deposit or withdraw them at any time. Before, you was unable to use item currencies due to lack of offline transaction support, now this problem is solved! Also, now players can choose how many funds they would like to have in their shops, which can be useful to limit purchases from other players, saving their real balance.
[New] Chest Shop Types. Now you can specify the shop type on creation. There also added permission nodes for each shop type. For now it has two types: Player and Admin.

[Added] Separate lang config for chest shop module (less memory usage when module is disabled).
[Added] Different chest shop display titles for each shop type (Player, Admin).
[Added] ChestShop config option for Admin Shop name instead of the player one.

[Improved] Chest Shop Search menu now displays more detailed information about the products.

[Fixed] A bug, where double chests in Chest Shop works incorrect sometimes.
[Fixed] A bug, where chest shop counts wrong items as shop products.
[Fixed] A bug, where product price has been affected by shop discounts even if it was disabled in product settings.
[Fixed] Improved NMS for chest shop display.
[Fixed] Possible console errors.
[Fixed] Code improvements.
----------, Apr 11, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,045
First Release: Dec 20, 2017
Last Update: Jan 30, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
146 ratings
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